PAGE «EVEN Fairview News Mrs. Martha Pauli and Ralph of Garidnfr, and Mrs. Robert Pish,' Donald, Ralph, Lloyd and Gene, visited at the Nite Milter home Mon­ day. „ A. E.-Borel, who ta in charge of the Mrs. Ward Evans, Pamela and metal stockpile here, although he Maureen, were Sunday evening .visi­ spends the greater part of his time tors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. at the stockpile at Arcata, has se­ Werner Plaep. I cured the services of Wayne Watson Mrs. Marveen Brown and Sharon, as deputy weigher to weigh loaded left Thursday for their home in Port­ ore trucks, and the empty trucks. land. after visiting for the past two Mr. Wataon will be found at the weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sunset Dairy, about 100 feet west of Frank Lane. the State Highway scales, which are Junior Gutatrom and James Bun- ! one mite east of Coquille, on the Co­ Wayne Watson Will Weigh Ore ¡Telephone Co. Mgr. Joe Sayre's Sister Makes Statement A Jap Prisoner > Non-Rationed 1 sale at Lorenz July 19 to 31. Ladies Shoes on Department Store, Durene Frye has returned home from Powers, wtiere she spent two weeks visjting relatives. Her grand­ Miss Geneva Sayre, sister of Joe mother, Mrs. Leo Frye, and cousin. Sayre of Coquille and Attorney Paul Rose Marie Noah, of Sweet Home, Syre of Portland and who has been returned here with her for a visit. a missionary for many years of the > Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gibbons, of Free Methodist church and stationed Seattle, have been visiting Mrs. in the Honan province in China, has Gibbons’ parents and family, Mr. been sent to a Jap concentration camp and Mrs. Chas. Holverstott. They at Wehseib, Shantung province, ac­ came Saturday and leave for home cording to Word received by her par­ Friday morning of this week. He ta ents, County School Superintendent on an inspection tour of canneries. and Mrs. E. A. Sayre, of La Grande. H. E. C. met Wednesday last week I quilte-Myrtte Point Highway. The word came through authorities on the Ward Evans ranch several days ! and painted the kitchen at the Grange Mr. Borel is here on Sunday ■ of the church. hall. Those present were Myrtle last week. and Monday each week to assay the Miss Sayre had beert held as a Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Little, of Eu- | Holverstott, Genevieve Ellis, Iris Hol- metals, and he has posted the fol-. Jap prisoner, with certain liberties gene, visited at the home of Mr. and lowing notice for the convenience of i verstott and Bethel Norris for a good many months, in her home Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Holverstott Mrs J L- Curtis Sunday. those bringing in ore: province. She had been doing mis­ . .. . __ _____ __ • m s_a 1 s_- sea Virgil Todd ha* been ill for several and Kenneth and Mr. and Mrs. Ctar- "Do not drive onto the scales; they 1 sionary work in China for more than ence Gibbons made a trip to Two days “nd confined to his bed. must be.balanced. Go to the Sunset 20 years and at the time she was Mrs. Gus Schroeder underwent an Dairy and ask for Mr. Wataon. Mr. Mile Sunday to visit the Harry Hol- taken by the Japs, was doing hospital verstotta. They also picnicked and operation at the Knife hospital last Watson is performing this service as and evangelistic work. _ fished. ___ Wednesday. She ’ is reported a little ' ' an aid to the Government. There- Miss Sayre visited her brother and Grange met for ita regular meeting b*,t*r now. In a delayed press release from the family here in 1938. fore, the most suitable hours for Saturday night. Visitors were pres- ! Harr’r Collier returned home Sat- bringing in ore will be between 1:00 West Coast Telephone Co., the fol- ent from Coquille, Sumner and Me- i urday ,rom Portland, where he went p. m. and 4:00 p. m. HU services ,owin« concerns Harry O. Chapman, L__________ Bring your , used band instruments Kinley Granges. Doughnuts and cof- !° receive medical treatment. may, however, be obtained at other the new district manager of the com- in to Norton's. We will pay you served by the — H. — E. C. Lin- | Mrv . Harry Collier was able to fce ) tiiuco. possible, please notify him ^ny’ who «*<*•** Fred A- M“c‘ - fee —— were ’— — — * • — uvmj sssiss times. ga 1 If pvaoiuic, , s oleum was laid In the Htehen that1 moved home from the Knife hospital behorehand wheh you intend io bring, Gou n --------------------------- - promoted — to the j™....... position of cash for them. --------- < , “ r W""'» g l'L !■?'■>J.. i I Everett district manager for the same evening also. , Saturday. ! in ore.” i company. ft Mrs. Chas. Holverstott and Mr.' Ev^ett Doyle left Saturday for Mr. Chapman was born in Stan­ and Mrs. Clarence Gibbons viaited at to?ry,vllle- wnriv where iie he xs ta sutiioiieu stationed mi at i ! this time. Mrs. Doyle accompanied PlaygrOUnd NeWS 225.09 wood, Michigan, and educated in De­ the BroXvnson home at Bridge Wed­ I troit, Michlgap. He entered the em­ 4 nesday. __________ __ | Rev. M. M. Steam, of Myrtle Point, Boys and girls, have you been at- ploy of the West Coast Telephone 812.50 to 3115.00 Mr. Kermit _________ Wicklund __________ wgs fatally inji.reri nt th. r/i Way lngg’ng r»mp cunducted the regular Sunday morn- ¡tending the Playground the past Company in 1927 and served In its Saturday and passed away Sunday in< church service. Sunday 'school week? Come! Have a good time Plant Department in several capaci­ $2.00 and up morning at there o’clock. The fun- flowed with an attendance of 34. j with your playmates and friends. Play ties. During the past year he has held the position of assistant district man ­ eral was held Tuesday at 2:00 p. m. The Sund"? school and church col- together, read together, and visit, $4.50 to J7J0 from Campbell's Funeral Home in lection ot $2.00 will be sent to the A group of children have made a ager of the Everett district. He served in the Boer War and Marshfield. Mrs. Harry Lindsay and i Children’s Farm Home. Don’t forget' playhouse near the trunks of a group Mrs. Jerry Wheeler attended here. the 1301 >uck dinner given in honor of of trees. Children have been having 'has since been active in fraternal and civic affairs. Mr. and Mrs. George Stevenson the ex-superintendents of the Arago fun, imitating family life. In a statement to the press, Mr. and family, of Coquille, visited at Sut“b*y school next Sunday, July 18.I The winners of the tecent recent touma- the Geitner home Sunday Evervune is cnrHIallv InvitaH to at- 'manta nrA* Last I .»at WiwinMfiav Everyone cordially invited ' ments are; Wednesday — — .Usd- Bad- Chapman said “I have looked for­ mlnton, Loren Steward; Thursday— ward to enjoying the beauties of the Visiting at the Melvin Kenyon 1 tend. 1 Horseshoe, Loren Steward; Monday— Southwestern Oregon cdlintry ever home are Mr. and Mrs. Brett and Croquet, Loren Steward, and Tues­ since I was advised of my transfer son, of San Diego, Calif. They may While it is not required by law that auto drivers have day—Table Tennis, Lorraine Stew­ to this district. From what I have locate here. ard. Come ami participate! You will observed from my conversations with Mrs. Clarence Deadmond took Mr. Dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and : Fred MacGougan and other company and Mrs. O. B. Dow to North Bend »Mrs. Emil Peterson were Mr. and | enjoy it. Win a prize! Monday. Mr. Dow is ill and under a Mrs. Z. C. Strang, Mr. and Mrs. J. J Are you interested in Softball? employees who are acquainted in ¡Come! A Softball team will be or­ this area, I am sure that this is a North Bend's physician’s care. . Under the provisions of .the new state law, which becomes IH. McCloskey, Mrs. Elizabeth Lett' Betty Heddon returned to her home I and son, Leslie, and Mrs. Emma Her­ ganized. At present, not enough old- progressive territory populated with effective on June 10, it is highly desirable, from the ante- friendly people. I will be glad to , ‘ er boys and girls are attending, who in Marshfield last week and is now mann. ist’s point of view that his car be fully covered by Liability are interested. Those attending now co-operate to the best of my ability visiting in Portland. She had been Insurance to make sure that, in case of an accident or col- Mrs. Charles Smith and little with all activities that are for the are anxious to play on a real team. staying at the Ray Deadmond home. darter Joy, who have been Thu tision, for which he may not be responsible, that the license for purpose of promoting the wqlfare of There now and helping Mrs. Dead­ ng her husband’, mother and family c.a, otjiis car is not suspended, pending court action to deter­ Come! A^U have fun- Southwestern Oregon." mond is Patricia Rogera. fhn noet llv u/anlra mine where the fault lay. the past six weeks, expects to leave Friday, the Doll Club will sponsor on Wednesday afternoon bus for Sa­ a Doll Show. Bring your dolls. They FOR THE BEST IN LIABILITY INSURANCE SEE Again next Tuesday, July 20, be­ linas, California, to meet her hus­ will be well taken care of. Diana tween 0 and 4, Ward McReynolds band, who is coming from Tucson, i Schroeder has a collection of dolls will be at the Coquille city hall to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lane, Mrs. Ariz. Her sister-in-law, Mrs. Dur­ from other countries. No doubt, Ida Myers, Mie. Althea Harrah and ward Strong, plans to accompany her, others have, too. Bring them. They receive applications of those desir­ Office Phone 5 Phono ML ing drivers’ licenses and to conduct taking her niece, little Frances Kol- Mrs. Marveen Brown and Sharon of ‘will certainly be enjoyed. examinations. J Portland, were Wednesday dinner stad, to her mother at Loe Angeles, Try to attend our Playground dally. j France, th. pot d < t Fr(day u Frances nas has spent the past year wtih with Frittav t. , B ■■■ guests of Mrs. Stanley Halter. Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Evans and her grandma, Mrs. Martin Schmidt, ‘ tournament t« ®ne of as her mother, Mrs. Harvey Rotated. Dav yYidav Marlene, of Myrtle Point, were h.. .U„ r UK__ I Thursday ta also Race Day. Friday h has been working in the Lockheed Thursday guests of Mr. and Mrs." is surprise day—a program, songs, air factory in Loe Angeles. or a show. You will have a good Larry Thompson, son of Mr. and Mr. and Mia. Jake Moomaw, David time. Comet and Donna, were weekend guests of Mrs. Raymond Thompson of Norway, spent Friday and Saturday of last J , Ben Moomaw and Miss Nettie Halter. week visiting his cousin, Gary Claver, TOWnSeild ClUD NO. I Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bennett, of of Coquille. Norway, and Mrs. Julia Leep of Rose­ Mr. and Mrs. W. J. DeBoer, of I Meeting of Townsend Club No. 1 burg, spent Sunday viaiefaig at the Gravel Ford, were visitors one eve-' opened Tuesday evening with prayer home of Mr. and Mrs. 6. C. Me Al Us ning last week at the A. R. Bennett’s, and with President Tllghman ip the* ter. * Anna Belle Yarbrough and Mr. | chair. The bulletin was read by Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones, Mr. and and Mrs. Ray Campbell and son, Jim­ be able to somewhere meet the great Mrs. Marlin Evans and Marlene, Mr. mie, and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace War­ Hatcher. Four new members were i and Mirs. Harold Bargeldt of Myrtle, ner and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hubbard members; we hope for their early re­ and Mr. and Mrs. Malden Carl en- and son, Jerry Wane, were last Sun­ covery. B and C Book Holden) Have you had joyod a pnt, luck supper at the home day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. BOOK HOLDERS WHO 9** fas st « though you at Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Long Sunday F. Schroeder.. Coquille Sunday, July 18, in W. O. W, .. ........ - _ have a certificate? Your worries are evening, after which they spent the Wednesday of last week Mrs. Paul hall. DRIVE OVER 240 MILES W< haTe j evening playing bingo. Breuer, of West Myrftle Point, en­ Door prise was won by Mr. Chap- Mrs. Ida Myers spent Sunday at PER MONTH ARE NOW Even in the popular 8J0-16 size. And tertained the Presbyterian Aid at her man. Mr, Quick and Mr. Snyder the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Robert Harrison home, so brought her mother, Mrs. .spoke briefly. ELIGIBLE FOR GRADE 1 °^Y'r* b*” Pr, war ^*a“‘Y J‘ire“ Halter. M. B. Bennett, down to spend the day ' played several selections on his vio- ever built . . . famous B. F. Goodrich Kenneth Carl and son, Kenneth, Jr., vtaiting with Mrs. Julia Leep at A.'lin. Generous helpings ot ice cream TIRES. OUR SUPPLY IS Silvertowns. If you haven't a certificate, of McMinnville, came in Saturday B. Bennett'sf was served to SI memebrs and one AMPLE — EVEN IN THE let us inspect your tires. Well teU you evening with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mr. and Mrs. Don Druliner and two visitor. At next meeting the chair- Schroeder, of Myrtle Point, and are POPULAR 6:00-16 MZE. whether your present tires can be re- little daughters, Patricia Ann and man says assorted foods will be visiting at the J. D. Carl home for a Virginia Rae, of Klamath Falta, spent served, so bring what you want to few days. from Saturday till Munday visiting eat —Press Correspondent. James Bunnage, of Portland, came [ ¡J£'" parin'ta, , , Mr. and Mrs. Harry • ■ .. .. ................ . ... in. Friday and plans to spend the sum­ 'Druliner. —, mer at the home of his aunt and Mr and Mrs. A. R. Bennett spent NVe UlVOrCOS uncle, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Burtis. Saturday of last week with Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Orvus Miller, Phyllis, Mrs. J. _ E. Wannamaugher, who are J i Judge Del M. King granted divorces th« plaintiffs in Circuit court on Alice and Orvus Bruce, of Myrtle now living in Bandon. ~Mrc. Wanna- Point, were Saturday dinner guests maugher is not nearly so well. Her Tu«aday._in the following crner Edith E. Abbott vs. Everett C. Ab­ of Mr and Mrs. Nile Miller. Miss sister, Mrs. Leo Cox, has had to re­ Dacey May Hahsmack of Redmond, turn to the Portland Sanitarium for bott. ' Mary M. Yates vs. Earl J. Yates. Oregon, who ta visiting at the Orvus more treatments as she is not well Thos. G. Sell vs. Frances A. Bell. Miller home accompanied them. either' Edna D. Fredrickson vs. F. J< Frank Fish of Coquille and Harold Ed Brodie is running his shingle Fish have been helping Nile MUler mill quite steadily now and hopes to Fredrickson, Bessie K. Chandler vs. Alton I. with hta haying the pest week. be able to somewhere mete the great demand. He is also bulldozing out Chandler. The trial of the contested divorce a log pond so as to be able to have suit of Mary N. Tucker, of Bandon, room for more raw material. f THiKty Douglas Druliner, who had been vs, Raymond Tucker, was started ' TO A 9009 visiting in Klamath Falla, returned Tuesday morning and concluded yes­ Wednesday of thia week and a friend, terday noon at which time Judge Bobby Mahoney, and his sister, Betty, King took it under advisement. CIDER MILL RANGES BED SPRINGS Kitchen Cabinet» — Wanted — HEATERS RANGES BEDS MATTRESSES COIL SPRINGS DDfllfiU’CL DÄ WAS ^se<^ Finiture Phn«n 11 QI Norway News Items Auto Liability Insurance Arago News WE HAVE THE TIRES Book Holders! Select from our ample supply of B. F. Goodrich Silvertowns ssw.iiwy»“ I also came beck with him for a few days’ visit , A. R. Bennett did some work for Mrs. Orace Rackleft Sunday so h|a July 13—Karl E. Adams, of Myrtle wife and her mother, Mrs. Julia Loop, Point, and Margery Ryan, of Coquille. accompanied him and spent the day July 14—Billy Leland Bemett and visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Cleave Perry Wynana Weaver, both of Ban­ IfcAlMster. don. They were married here yes- Marriage Licenses We carry a complete une of v- Belta tor alf makes of Refrigerators, Washing Machines and other equip­ ment. Washer Service Co.. 385 W. Front, Coquille. Phone. lfltfs Farr & Elwood Norton's have just received a large ! supply of Games of all klnda. from i Bingo to Monopoly. Now ta your ¡chance to get your games for fall, s Chadwick lodge No. tô A. F. i A. M. SPECIAL COMMUNICATIONS Tuesday, July 29, 8>99 P. M. Werk ta F. C. Visitors Welcome Thornton Tire Service Southern Oregon’s largest and most Complete Tire Service 340 W. Front, Coquille, Tel. 270 Broadway at Curtis, Marshfield, Tel. 6S2