T FAoaSrt THE COQUILLE VÄLKY SENTINEL. COQUILLE. OStOO*. THURSDAY, JULY IL IM». i ' ■■ I CLASSIFIED I ______ WANTED — Assistant Housekeeper at Coquille Hotel. üae Csat a Werd Each Insertion For Refrigeration Service Phone Ne Adv. lesa than 15 cents 168J—Write Box »07.—O. H. Garnier. Splendid Attendance Falling Tree Kills Rebekah Convention Kermit J. Wicklund I Cornerstone Club of the Church Of Christ Met Thursday 1 'T Pioneer Methodist Church Charles Goodwin Brown, pastor 8:45—Sunday school houi*. You are urged to attend. 11:00—Sunday morning worship hour. An hour of uplift and helpful­ | ness. I 7:00 Youth Fellowship hour. Snap­ py words from Fir Point for thQ week. 8:80 — Sunday evening worship hour. Enjoy the music and song ser­ vices. 7:30 Wednesday, choir rehearsal hour, Mrs. M. O. Hawkins, director. 7:30—Thursday evening mid-week services. “God's Great Promises.” Give of yourself in the cause of Christ and there will be less reason to wonder yhy the churches aren't accomplishing more. The Cornerstone Club of the Church of Christ met Thursday at the Funeral services for Kermit John home of Mrs. Donald Farr. The de- (Continued on page three) WANTED—2 or 3 Sewings Machines; Wicklund, 32 years of age, who died ■ votionals were led by Mrs. Clarence suits. WANTED — Water wells to drill. I also Ironing Board and Irons, for Ida Mathews of Powers, presented as a result of injuries received at the Fiser. A box of gifts is being col­ 'Have new and up-to-date equip­ Red Cross sewing room, Phone , a nicely prepared paper on “The Fairview qamp of C. D. Ray last Sat­ lected by the club memebrs to send ment and heavy pipe where needed. 163M- urday, were held in Marshfield at 2:00 to the Children's Farm Home at Cor­ ' Ideal of Rebekah Odd fell jwship." Fred C. Lee, Route 1, Marshfield. Combs for the girls and ^"he Quiz .Contest, involving ques­ I p. m., on Tuesday and interment was vallis. 30t4*tf FOR SALE — Box Springs, Inner j Spring Mattress, Kitchen Table, tions on Rebakah law and practice. in Sunset cemetery. He pasesd away boys were brought to the July meet­ FREE! If Excess acid causes you at the Mast Hospital in Myrtle Point ing. Next month members are asked metal Kitchen Stool, Vanity Bench, v' Store, Coquille. Ore. 22t3s Christian Church Loyal 11:00 a. m. Morning Prayer with W, E Foote at 408 East Fifth, Co­ Noble Grands, Bernice dark, of Co-, Women ’ » Class Met Thursday Sermon. quille. ' 21tfs □E LAVAL SEPARATORS and Milk­ quille; Bernice Smith, of Mjrtle The home owned by Mr. and Mrs. 1 The Loyal Women’s Class of the ers, Parts and Dairy Supplier Ge! Point; Gussie Anderson, of Marsh­ Lloyd Wood, at 461 E. 1st street, was r> NON-RATIONED Ladies SHOES on tribm at Pacific Feed * Seed Co. tfs field; Winifred Fish, of Bandon; and sold by George E. Oerdini, Coquille Church of Christ met last Thursday Church of Christ sale at Lorenz Department Store, _ ____________________________ 0 Mabel Finney, of Poweri. It was realtor, to Mr. and' Mrs. Rodney G. for the July meeting, with Mrs. Har­ « East 4th, A Coulter July 19 to 31. DRIVE IN and tan us inspect your | won by Noble Grand, Finn». Creager. ' Mr. Creager ik the new old McCue on Coulter street. Busi­ Liston Parrish, Pastor ~tires for hidden defects before you ness meeting was conducted by Mrs. FOR PLUMBING Repairs and Ser . A count of the attendance for the manager of the Coquille branch of take that trio This service is free Thursday, 7:30 Bible Study and , Hoot on, vice president, in the ab- •' vice—call 2-L. J< A. Lamb Com­ and may save you trouble and ex­ j afternoon showed North Bend 6, the Thornton Tire Service and he and Prayer meeting. We invite you to I sence of the president. Devotionals I Powers 10, Bandon 12, Myrtle Point his family will move into their new pany < pense away from home Thornton • were from the 15th chapter of Mark this inspirational hour of study and j 14, Marshfield 15, Coquille. 22, and home at once. Tire Service tfs STILL HAVE about 60 Hanson strain . from other jurisdictions 7, making a | Mr. and Mrs. Wood, now living in , and prayer was by two ladies. Sev­ fellowship. large type Leghorn Cockerels, suit- 1 Bible Scvhool 8:45, T- Ralph Harry, FOR SALE—One long 2-year old [ total attendance of M for the after­ Seattle, were former residents here eral committees were appointed to able for friers, at 75c to »1.25 each. superintendent. We are beating the Guernsey Bull, good and gentle. noon. and Mr. Wood is employed In the I take care of class affairs. Bring your own crates. Rovang, summer slump bug; won't you help Call at ranch and take a look at | The annual banquet was served at shipyards there. Mrs. Wood has been i The hostess served refreshments to 500 N. Beach. 26t2*s us by being present. 1 the following ladies, Mesdames Belle visiting-her mother, Mrs. Edna Hart- him. At a fair priee. J. C. Me- «¡30 in the I. O. O. F. dining rooih _ - -i----- •— Morning worship 11 o’clock. Lord's Rothol in.' Cn/V. 1 Hooton, Archie Hatcher, P. Cardwell, , HEADQUARTERS for Crown’ Dairy ■ Adams," on Bethel Creek in Coos by the ladies of the Coquille Canteen son, fol* the last two weeks and left ' Jane ....................................... Sanders, A. Wilson, r W. a . I Supper. Special music and message 36t3* Corps and was well attended. Every­ fpr her home in Seattle yesterday. and Poultry Feeds at Pacific Feed ' County. Sloan, A. N. Foley, A. Erickson, S. S. ' by Pantopon “The Price of a Throne." A Seed Co j »* FOR SALE—Abopt 60 tons No. 1 j one commented on the fine appear­ Jr. C. E., 6:30. . Hardenbrook, Miss Jennie Lafferty. ance of the Corps ladies and the won­ quality oats and vetch hay in the Young People's C. E. 7:00, Mrs. WASHING MACHINE REPAIR—We j Mrs. E. A. ,Lee, of Salem, sister-in- derful dingier they served. The tables shock. Now ready to haul. In­ Fiser will lead an Interesting discus­ service all makes of washers law of Mrs. McCue, was a guest. were decorated in red, white and blue, quire of J. D. Carl, Arago. Phone sion. Washer Service Co. 365 West | with colored tapers and sweet peas, —.................... \ Evening service 8:00. An informal 10R22, Coquille. it’s Front St. Phone 17. tfs __ -W___ ______ . » i and place favors of tiny red and blue Godfrey W. Howard paid $0 last Firat Church of Christ, Scientist evangelistic fellowship message by | wheelbarrows holding while popcorn.* Coquille, Oregon PROTECT your crop of TOMATOES PAINTING? Use our paint, do a bet­ Thursday as fine and costs on an the pastor. ter job for fess.—FARR A EL­ i Table decorations were in charge of 1 axle overload charge preferred by the AND POTATOES FROM BLIGHT. Sunday School at 930 a. m. ' Young People's Fireside at the par­ : the Past Noble Grands Club, of I ____ ______ _______ ____________ ___ Ask us what to use. FARR A EL- t WOOD.________________________ s state police. Stanley Emil Shrag, on Sunday Service at 11 a. m. sonage following evening service. which Florabel Boober is president. Friday, paid $5 for having an im- 1 Subject tur next Sunday, “Life.“ WOOD. . I Any young person is invited. JUST ARRIVED—New all-over Hy­ After the dinner the convention proper muffler, and Chas. H. Cum- Wednesday, 7:30, choir practice. ing room wallpaper patterns. Also again assembled in the lodge hail to mings p-id 39 Friday for his trailer - Wednesday 4' ening meeting at 8:00 DAIRY SUPPLIES—For McCormick o'clock. Don Farr, director. bedroom patterns in a variety of Deering Milker Parts and Dairy i rest a moment and admire the bbauti- overload, Free public Reading Room at 255 colors; at Gregg Hardware Com­ I ful decorations which had been placed , On Saturday Hoyt Morris Rice paid Supplies—See us. J. A. Lamb W. Second, Roxy Bldg., open every pany. Company. • Church of God there before the convention by the 35 fdr having a void foreign state j day except SUhday and holidays from Corner of Henry & Seventh Sts.' . 1 12:30 to 5:00 p. m. FOR RENT — A one-room Cabin, NEW FARM MACHINES—We have members of the Sewing club and their license on his car. Pastor, A. L. Perry Summoned to appear last Thurs­ Two Farmall Cultivators and one president, Louise Clark. close to Smith Wood-Products; »5 The evening session was opened day was - Edward James Weaver, All are invited to attend. It your per month. Call at 284 East First- 1 grain drill. See us for details rel­ Non-Rationed Ladies Shoes on Coquille, the E. L. Hand residence; ■ ative to Rationing Regulations.-*- with a tribute to the past chairman axle overload; and on Monday the sale at Lorenz Department Store, child does not go to Sunday School and other past officers of the con ­ elsewhere, we urge you to send them, following received notices to appear s ' phone 248M. lt*S ' J. A. Lamb Company. . vention. Thi* was a drill beautifully in Justice Bull's court for trailer over­ July 18 to 31. Sunday School, 10 a. m. WANTED TO BUY.- Old horses, FOR SALE—Cocker Spaniel Pups, done by ten young daughters and loads—Lionel C. Baker, Ches. Welch, Preaching service 11 a. m. cows and Calves for mink feed. B. I Eligible for Registration. Roy Ellis, granddaughters of Rebekahs, includ- jack Kegg, Vernon Ellsworth PIMPLES DISAPPEARED Young People's meeting, 6:45 p. m. T. Hepler, Lerieve. Phone 8R5, I Box 8L Coquille. Dean Minard ing Leota Neely, Laura Emily Ruble. Peachey, Walter, E. Tripp ahd Ray OVER NIGHT or better still bring them. IPs Mary Ann Walker, Joyce Benham, gimer Foster. Coquille. H» Road. Preaching service 7:30 p. m. Yes, it is true, there is a safe harm­ _ -_______________ ._____ ____ —— -1--------- - ■ — Ernest Wilson Evans was sum- less medicated liquid called Kfeerex PAINT UP—CLEAN UP—We carry FOR SALE — Gas engine, water Alene Hunt, La Donna Neely, Bar Church of God pump, and 100 gal. pressure talk, bara Davidson, Arlene Kellenberger, moned Monday for a combined over­ that dries up pimples over night. a full Line or High Quality Paint all In good condition. If interested, Betty Clark and Sharon Larson. ioad> fln£| Oliver O. Jenkins paid »9.00 Many report that they had a red sore The Holy Name Catholic Church for every purpose, including Mir­ pimply face one night and surprised Mass at 8:30 a- m. every Sunday. see or write Flody E. Smith, Arago, These girls, lovely in their floor on Tuesday for trailer overload, acle Wall. Be sure and get a copy Yesterday Donald Wm. Gilkison, their friends the next .day with a Oregon, Myrtle Point Star Route. length dresses, carried arm bouquets vi our New Paint Styling Booklet a of pastel hued flowers which during for a trailer overload, and Dean Vin- clear complexion. There is no risk. lt*s —Free. J. A. Lamb Company. s the course of their drill they presen- cent Weekly for a combined overload, The first application must convince DON’T LET THE BUGS EAT YOUR FOR SALE- 9x14 Mohawk Rug and ted to the past officers were given notices. you or you get your money back. Join Pad; almost new. »70 cash. Guy GARDEN—Ask us what to use on Mamie Rebekah Lodge of Coquille Robert Allen Smith, brought be­ the hap^y Kleerex users who are no Mintonye, 175 South Beach, Co­ again opened the session, as it was fore Justice Bull here last Thursday, longer embarrassed with unsightly them. FARR & ELWOOD. s ........ ■■■■■ 1 .. ........ I quille. Phone 107J It* their regular meeting night. Assem­ charged wiJt contributing to the de­ pimples. For sale by Barrow Drug. FOR RENT—2-room furnished apt.;^— bly officers and visitors from other linquent y of a minor, the offense Co. 10t8s Bÿ checking with bath. Close in; Adult* no SAVE Costly Delays jurisdictions were Introduced by the preportedly happening at a Marsh- your Farm Machinery In advance animals. Inquire Flora E. Dunne, committee from the home lodoa. 1 «-» mi .. i. T mw w». r and order necessary Repairs NOW 351 So. Henry St. Its Genuine IHC Repairs. J. A. Lamb Edith Gruenewald, Ida Oerding and bound over to the grand jury. When Florence Hallock, who presented the taken before Judge King Tuesday he PERMANENT WAVE, 59c. Do your Company. • officers with old fashioned bouquets. waived grand jury Investigation and own Permanent with Charm-Kurl Phone 140 Coquille Kit. Complete equipment, includ­ RENT OUR FLOOR SANDER—It’s President MdCollum claimed the hon­ pleaded guilty. The judge post­ 186 So. Coniter St easy to use, it ’ s economical. FARR of presenting Brother Parent of or poned passing of sentence for 90 days ing 40 curlers and shampoo. Easy A ELWOOD. s Ferndale, California, who is on leave and if he cqnducts himself properly to do, absolutely harmless. Praised from service in our country’s forces. the court will consider dismissing the by thousands including June Lang, r GLASSWARE—Rock Sharpe Crys­ The Coquille degree staff, impressive charge at the end of that period. glamorous movie star. Money re­ tal Glassware. Priced 35 cents to in their green ftce formala, exempli­ Smith is an ex-service man with funded if not satisfied. Barrow »2.00. You must see it to appre­ Oregonian Subscribers: Please fied the Rebekah degree in an un­ ' more than two years in the army, and Drug Company. 24tl0* ciate its Beauty. J. A. Lamb Com­ » help your earriar by having your _________ a —— — usually fine manner. They initiated was at Pear) Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941. pany. s one candidate, Hobart Schaer. FOR SALE—One 5 year old Jersey paper money ready at hie first call. ......... l( cow. Freshened last March. Gets- Remember he must pay hia paper In her address which followed, As­ IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE l tie on picket rope or in herd. See obligation before the 10th of the I STATE OF OREGON FOR sembly President McCollum com­ Bill Buell at Coquille Hctel Bar­ COOS COUNTY month. Thank you. mented on the high lights of the con­ Carlotte Donaca, last Friday, and THE MATTER OF THE ADOP­ ber Shop. lt*s vention and gave some very helpful Jottie Watson on Sunday, underwent TION OF WILFRED SHELDON suggestions. COUTURE, A MINOR. • appendectomies. BABY CHICKS FOR SALE—Par­ Phone 201 no matter how large and elaborate I P. 0. Box No. 245 Citation Conclusion of the regular business Mrs. Eva Cummins, who has been menter, New Hampshire and Rhode Coquilk, Oregon COUTURE: of the convention followed. Roll cal) TO: JOSEPH WILFRED _____ ______ the scale upon which the funeral Island Reds, Hatches ready for de­ in charge of the Knife Apartments, y V. ■ ■ » IN THE NAME OF THE STATE for the evening showed Marshfield arrangements are to be made. That OF OREGON: You are hereby re ­ was brought to the hospital on Sun­ livery every Monday. Also Tur­ key Poults, Bronze strain. Inquire quired and cited to appear before the 18, Bandon 14, Powers II, North Bend day for treatment. is our policy—that is our proud county court of the county of Cooe, Eugene E. Nosier, of this city, un­ «01 North Taylor, or phone 75L. s State of Oregon, at the office of the 10, Myrtle Point 15, Coquille 43, claim after many years of experi­ County Judge of said county, at the which with 9 from other jurisdictions derwent a major operation on Tues- Ih*. De La Rhus* ence. A <-onference with us will NON-RATIONED Ladies SHOES on court house in the City of Coquille in made a total of 120 for the evening. I day and the sama day Calvin Conn, sale at Lorenz Department Store, said county and state, on the 24th The Attendance Contest each year is I of Roseburg, was brought in for hr to your advantage. Eyesight day of July, 1943, at the hour of figured on a percentage based on the July 19 to 31. treatment of back, face and arm in­ Specialist 10:00 o’clock in the forenoon of that FOR SALE — "Farmers Bargains”— day, to show cause, if any you have, number of members reported when juries he had received in an auto­ Eyes Examined - Glasers Fitted the petition of Robert L^wis the per capita tax is paid, and in-* mobile accident. * Wood Ranges — Elec. Washer — why Linder and Alta Mae Linder, hia wife, eludes both sessipns. This year Johnny, .son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Reception room jointly with Shepherd Pups — Bred Sow — of Eastside, Oregon, to adopt your Dr. J. R. Bunch Weaner Pigs — Hansen Leghorn son Wilfred Sheldon Couture, should Powers again won the attendance Wasson, underwent an operation for Coquille award Bandon ’’ -■ <'• ~ t appendicitis on Tuesday. Pullets — Free pups —Used Sep­ not be granted. Mlr4 Beildlim This citation is published in the Disinmissals have been A. E. Ken­ IMR President McCollum was presented 1083 arators See FARR A ELWOOD’S Coquille Valley Sentinel, a newspaper "Swap Board." • of general circulation in the City of with a gift from Mamie Rebakah dall last Friday; Mrs. Harry Collier, V» y Coquille, Coos Courfty, Oregon, pur­ Lodge, a Fostoria fruit dish on a of Arago, on Saturday; W. H. For­ AUTO PAINTING and Body Work. suant to the order directing publica­ standard, again made a short talk. tier, who entered last Friday, for Bring your car in—we can start tion thereof, which order wis made Marian Wilson of Bandon, commented treatment of an infection resulting work at once. Southwestern Motor on the 21st day of June. 1943, by the from a viewpoint of the Assembly from a cut arm, on Monday; Russell Honorable L. D. Felsheim, County lg . • Judge. Warden in her usual Interesting man­ Yost on Sunday; Kenneth Hall, Mrs. High School Given under my hand and seal of Clarence McNair and Robert C. Bush­ Credits BABY CHICKS-We can take orders the County Court of the State of Ore­ ner. nell yesterday. Given A team of ladies from Marshfield, gon, for the county of Coos, this 21st for Baby Chicks for delivery in carrying sprays of flame red glad,- about two weeks. FARR A EL­ day of June, 1943. Calling carda. 5o for $1.00. *">t5 L. W. Oddy, WOOD. Clerk of the above-entitled Court olaa, performed a drill seating the NOTICE TO CREDITORS new convention officers for next year, I _ _ __ __ presenting them each with a nosegay 1 Notice is hereby given that the - * ■ "-L'T j LS w -T jl undersigned was on the 1st day of mape from a lovely lace edged hand- jujy_ 1943, duly appointed by the kerchief. .County Court of Coos County, Ore- Rod Creager Buys Lloyd Wood Home Mahy Traffic Cases In J. P. Court Gano Service Filled with dignity and trained to care for the slightest details GANO FUNERAL HOME Attention Min Details NOTICE Belle Knife Hospital 'The Oregonian Agency SCHROEDER BROS. MORTUARIES, Inc. MISS INEZ ROVER to Trucks, Pickups and Cars. See Archie Bushnell at Southwestern Motors Coquille • Phone 83 Night Phone 272X Southwestern Motors Chevrolet — Buick to Mamie Lodge No. 20, and was closed in due form. Refreshments of coffee and .sandwiches were served in the dining room by members of the hostess lodge and even though the hour was late, most convention visitors stayed to enjoy them and to talk over the events of this very in­ F teresting convention. ) all persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present them to me, with proper vouchers attached and duly verified, at the office of O. C. Sanford, attor- „ey, InCoquiUe'oregon.within ... . Z_____ ' six ' s months notice. “ from the date of '* * this U1------ ““ Dated and published first time July 8, 1843. Helen M. G. Sonneland. 2515 Administratrix of said Estate. Anywhere Instructor of Piano For H ire SAND AND GRAVEL COAL - FUEL OIL - STORAGE Agents for Oregon-Nevada-Califomia Fast Freight Office Phone Farr & Elwoo