Highway Commission'( At Coquille And Bay i (Continued from Page One) X. ^secure a little fishiRg. And no A-rm-rt- - meet-wtTTi the “Marty appi ovai of the ♦ Weekly Letter From Washington, D. C. BY CONGRESSMAN HARRIS ELLSWORTH Out* nf Dnnrc CfruM VSUI UI-WUUIJ JIUII by LANS LENEVE ¡c“n ci,i2en «*Urt»es being gazed up- isporting fraternity. 1^ with ,uspicion by ¿ur armed:- ------------ foices when he persues his favorite ‘ Calling carda, au ter ai 00. pastime. If just half the measures Wanted! Men And of precaution had been employed by the war department many years be- Women Who Are the attack on Pearl' Harbor, as are Bard Of Hearing employed now, our enemies would not To make this simple, no risk hear­ today have the valuable knowledge ing test If you are temporarily deaf­ in their possession that they possess ened, bothered by ringing buzzing regarding our coastal defenses, our head noises due to hardened or coagu­ harbors and island possessions. A lated wax (cerumen), try the Ourtne Home Method test that so many say little less red tape and a little more has enabled them to hear well again. freedom to American citizens regard­ You must hear better after making ing their rights to angle when and this simple test or you get your money back at once. Ask about Ourine Ear where they please, I am sure would 1 Drops todiv at Barrow Drag Co. ♦■■■■'..................... . -—♦ field said they were spending some Washington, D. C.. July 10—Hav­ President might object to the.bill is The government is taking no money for new surveys but that the ing been in continuous session since the fact that it carries the provision commission had no commitments to IMO, the Congress Thursday evening that none of the money appropriated chances regarding spies operating as make at this time. He said the gas­ passed a concurrent resolution de­ may be used to pay the salaries of anglers on lakes and near the mouths oline revenue, matched by federal claring a recess. Unless called into three federal employees who aYe al­ of costal streams, for it is necessary money, might mean the commission session before that time. Congress I leged to be Communist—or at least for any angler to possess both a Birth would have 18 or 18 million a year will resume its work at 12 noon Tues­ have had some affiliation with Com­ certificate and an identification card in order to angle near the mouths of to spend after the war when recon­ day, September 14th. muniât front organizations. coastal rivers and upon lakes border­ struction can be started. It should be noted that this recess Probably by the time this is printed, Mr. Banfield expressed the com­ is not the end of a Congressional the President will have signed the ing the shore line of any armed, or mission's hope to hear from all com­ session—it is not an adjournment. bill with or’ without a message­ military zone. However, we all real­ munities, as they travel over the When the Congress reconvenes in questioning the constitutionality of ize the fact that it is a case of closing state, as to what is felt to be the September, (unlees it Dr. called be- the method taken by Congress to the bam door after the horse has es­ caped. For years and years the Jan- particular needs of each section. fore), it will continue in the first ses­ discharge three government em­ aneae were allowed to frequent water­ Engineer Baldock outlined briefly sion of the 78th Congress. The sec­ ployees. We can now handle all body work, painting, fronts, coastal harbors and cruise what the state highway department ond session will begin after the first This bill is of great concern here about dur island out-posts, clicking and mechanical work on your car hopes to do after the war in providing of 1844. The concurrent resolution, in Washington because the appropri- their cameras to their „,v„ heart's con- work for returned service men and which formally authorized the recess, ation is principally for the payment and upping our coaat from those let out by defense manufactur­ was passed by both houses. Being of District of Columbia employees every angle. ing plants, but feared that with a de­ a concurrent resolution and not an and Capital help — Including Con­ But now thai ‘a war is on, every I valued dollar of around 75 cents, the act of law, the signature of the Presi­ gressional secretaries. These people citizen is gazed upon with suspicion. need ot the state for road work dent is not required. will get no. pay checks until the bill Take for instance, the case of a per- would be five or six times as much Congress may be called back into is signed—their pay is now past dpe. ' son wishing to angle in Garrison money a year as the commission session at any time prior to Septem- A» we have »ecured additional room and If the President should veto the bill, i Lake, His angling license in the first would have for spending. ber 14th by order pf the President of these employees will be without any more mechanic» ; place shows shows him to be an Mr. Baldock said possibly ten i the Senate and the Speaker of the pay ufitil the Congress either K _^.. passes thousand men cbuld be used on-high­ I House; by joint action of the M b - 1 tbe bill over the veto or enacts a new American citizen. And if this is not I way work and John W. Kelly said it jority Leader of the Senate (Senator _ appropriation ...... bill— and’ that would i sufficient evidence of the fact, it’s a 1 uador of t.^e considerable , . , . was probable there would be six Barkley) and th« the Msainritv Majority Leader time. _ _ I cinch that his birth certificate shows It is as- times that many men idle in Oregon.; the House (John W. McCormack of sunwd, however that the bill will be him to be a full fledged citizen. ‘ But these two .proofs are not enough. It Commissioner Schaupp began bis i Massachusetts); or by joint action of 8iKnM|. I r *- is necessary that a person must be remarks by saying that he and Com­ the Minority Leader of the Senate \ Coquille M Phone S3 finger printed, a photograph fur­ missioner Merle Chessman are not (Senator McNary) and the Miniority | I am planning to spend at least six nished and an identification card is­ as inarticulate as they appeared to Leader of the House (Joe Martin of i of the eight weeks of recess in Ore­ sued him before he is allowed to be. Being new highway commission­ Massachusetts). gon. I want to make a trip over the wet a fly or cast a biat in Garrison ers they were out to learn all they There was a rumor floating around district and spend several days in Lake. In fact, the owners of the pro­ could about the job, and at present ’ Washington last night that the Pres­ each of the seven countirf, talking perty bordering the lake and who can say nothing about future plans. ident is preparing a “surprise” for to people and getting data on prob­ live near its shores, must shpw an r “Transportion is the basis of our Congress. There is no hint what sort lems which ipay need attention here identification card in order to go up­ economy,” Mr. Schaupp declared, of thing this “surprise” may be. I when I get back. My office here on the lake or cross their own land “and it is going to be more so. Poet {suppose it is like.most other rumors war planning is the most important' —pure guesswork. However, there I will be open all summer. My very to the beach. Their children may efficient office staff Hayden Garber, play upon the beach but no other matter before Oregon right now; we is one thing not yet definitely set- my secretary, and his assistant, children are allowed to play with the must have better roads.” | tied—the President has not placed from Miss Marcella Langdon, will be on owner's children. He expressed the hope that when t his signature upon the Emergency the job. All mail addressed here It looks sort of foolish to us — looks their preset)} job as commissioners is Deficiency “ bill. If he decides to veto will be promptly handled and prob­ more like New Deal stuff than war finished that this highway commis­ that bill, it might be necessary for lems requiring direct contact here in regulations. While there is nothing sion will be recognized as a State Congress to return forthwith. Washington will be taken care of. I like taking precautions to prevent any Tbe Emergency Deficiency Bill Commission, not a county commission shall, of course, be in constant touch spies from contacting or signaling interested only in local road matters. carries two paragraphs that are with the office here—no matter where any enemy craft, there is such a Mr. Chessman said he was travel­ known to be objectionable to the but I may be in the district. thing as becoming too drastic con­ His special emergency ing under wraps; that being a state I President. DON ’ T WAIT TILL AFTER THE ACCIDENT! cerning the curbing qf the one hun­ representative that he could not fund is set up in this bill and certain citizens dred per cent American rather definite restrictions have been This will be the last “ Letter from ♦ boost Highway 101 all the time as Office Open till 8:00 P. M. he would like to do, but that he has placed upon his use of the fund pfb- | Washington" until Congress recon- who love to angle in such spots as Garrison Lake. Policies written on not lost interest in the Oregon coast. vided. The second reason why the venes. s~ Don't get us wrong—we are be­ He said the commission is making a ALL LINES OF INSURANCE hind the government one li un dred sincere effort to learn the needs of all done by truck. _____ see should not miss. AND BIRTH CERTIFICATE SERVICE sections of the state. I Two arterial needs on 101 in Coos ' Representing Coquille at the meet- per cent in every effort set'forth to 3 Notary Publics in Office John W: Kelly, who formerly was county, Mr. Moore pointed out, were Ing were County Commissioner P. W. win the war, but it appears to us that editor of the Sentinel column from ' the elimination of the bottleneck in Culver, Lafe Compton, J. A. Lamb American citizens, are put to a heap of unnecessary trouble in order to Washington and is now chairman of. the section between North Bend and and H. A. Young. Oregon’s Post War Planning and Re- Marshfield and the straightening of habilitation Commission, under ap- most of the Coquille-Marshfield 18 pointment by Gov. Snell, said one of miles of highway. Secondary roads the biggest jobs of his organization „ceding attention are the Loon Lake will be getting ready to put men back rOad, the Coos Bay Wagon Roud, the to work after the war, and ‘just as ( Seven Devils road and the Powers important the help needed in develop­ to Agness road. ing the state’s natural resources. Clarence H. Coe, of Marshfield, County Judge L. D. Felsheim was made the moat startling suggestion of the next speaker called upon. He the evening, declaring that Mr. Bal­ said the improvement of 101 in Coos dock and others might declaje him to county is the main need from the be crazy for uttering such a thought commission's point of view but called .at this time but he wquld present it, attention to roads that could be desig­ nevertheless, for the commission’s nated as secondary highways for consideration. Highway 101, the recreational and industrial needs. He Coast Highway, is primarily a tour­ told of the pounding the highways ist road, Mr. Coe declared. Develop 7v UWWI a as■■•■■■■ i • • » i ■ •••• • • and roads are receiving from logging that highway so that more and more trucks and said that in the upper Co­ people on recreation bent will want quille valley, due to the war needs to view the beauties of its entire for lumber, 75 per cent of the traffic length. In those myriads of tourists is composed of logging trucks. which Mr. Coe envisaged will be Judge Felsheim declared that debt capitalists, men with money to in­ For a Fair of reduction had been the first consid­ vest and help in the development of eration of the county budget commit- ' Oregon's unsurpassed natural re- Penney's Shoos! Cotton coolies that fulfill tee which had concluded its labors ■ sources. your every need! Charming that day but that a small fund had | In the coming post-war days Ore- High In quality. styles including two-piece been set up as a highway reserve for gon will have more men than ever Low in price— after-the-war road building. suiters, one-piece button before capable Of handling heavy Bay Penney shoes. The judge continued - that the equipment and machinery. Put the fronts or classic tailored . No need to look twlcel county court had not yet had an op­ men who have been driving tanks in types. All trimmed in excel­ portunity to outline a Penney's has what Africa, Europe, the Solomons and lent taste. All colon, of the county’s highway needs but you’re looking for — here, on the job of driving cat­ courss! Sizes 12 to 20, that court would do so, for submis­ erpillars and bulldozers; they will be now! Conte see! sion to the state highway commis­ able to do a better, job than have sion after -he and the county com­ been some of the jobs of road bulld- Shirting »tripe», check», See Our Line of missioners had consulted with cham­ I ing in the past. Thai i-L——. * Bl «rihlan Uamo? plain color» in teeriuckeri 1 nil jonnny uOfics mircriing nomcf bers of commerce, city officials and Mr. Coe quoted Engineer Baldock and chambray». others as to the particular needs of as saying that 8123,000,000 spent on each section. state highways, will bring them all Mayor J. Albert Matson of Marsh­ to standard construction, and Mr. hesrt, a husband or a nephew field expressed confidence •that the Coe's suggestion was that the work or a grandchild or a friend? highway convnlslson will take care be done all over the state as soon as Is your heart with a sailor of all needs as those needs appear and the war is over. Contract it all at on the broad, high seas — a as rapidly as they have funds to do once. At a 80 cent post-war dollar, soldier stationed somewhere it with. * the cost of such a mammoth under­ abroad—a pilot, a tail gun­ Mrs. Stella Cutlip, of North Bend, taking would be around $200,000,000. ner, a bombardier? state legislative member from Coos Over a three-year period, with federal Then surely you want to and Curry, voiced an urgent appeal and state match money, the Commis­ do all you can to shorten the that the commission do all it could sion would have 1100,000,000 to war, to help bring your boy’ for Curry county and referred to the spend. familiar footsteps back t beauties of the -road from Powers And here comes what Mr, Coe your front stoop again! south to the Rogue, which rival the called his not-ao-crazy suggestion to And the best way — the scenery of any country on earth, She the commission, that they borrow simplest, surest way you can also expressed confidence that after $100,000,000 on a bond issue and do help is to buy U. S. War traveling over Ute state's highways, Bonds1 Buy them at Penney’s Haneboma Summer the commissioners will see the high­ the state job In a hurry. With all the (pcome taxes to pay, today ! , way needs and supply those needs as the bonds to purchase and-the defla­ All through July at Pen­ Stytes To Tefce Foo From Sammer Into Fell! rapidly as funds are available. Slack and drass ney’s, we are featuring War Lafe Comtpon extended the visiting tion period after the war, the thought types in stripes. Bonds ahead of everything officials an invitation to stop in Co­ of the state highway commission checks or figures Coiffure flatteren in smgrt fabrics or dashing borrowing $100,000,000 may be else. , quille, which they did the next All colon for all in-between season styles ......................... there 1» always the kinds ©f .RW.1- ••• Sigiji i".' xtfi Lu Atbterti menr-etr be Wd -ft» aM the Lovely soft veiling and other trimming«. world — no better way you representative ,ln the legislature, ex­ amount each year and Mr. Coe’s can help win the war! pressed the lumberman’s idea that idea is not one to be dismissed lightly. At the conclusion of the two-hour the commission, In its rules and regu­ lations Should show tolerance and 1 meeting, Mr. Saunders showed mo- 1 tion picttfiwwef the Oregon coast and not apply the same penalty for over­ the highway, wonderful scenes of loading on the green timber truckers — _ . __ as apply to those trucks carrying dry beauty and *hl h " lumber Due to the war-elimination enjoyed anywhere along Oregons Promptly Southwestern Motor Co. You can still buy your Liability Insurance GEO. E. OERDING J COTTON FOR FROCKS WOMIN STAMP 18 GOOD NOW WON’T YOU HELP TO MOVE UP THE DATE Cotton Prints New MILLINIRY WHAT YOU all of the log transportation is now anyone who ever has the chance to MEN'S FOR SOCKS WOMEN WITH UNCLE SAM!