FACI vota ' • è y wmi The Sentinel S M9U SAKS IS « *••• TSW» H. A. YOUNG and M. D. GRIMES Publishers H. A. YOUNG, Editor Subscription Witni TWENTY YEARS AGO (Taken from The Sentinel of Friday, July 13, 1923) The Coquille school directors have Jne Year ..................-............. - -f 82 00 decided to build a play shed at the six Months________ *------ ;......... 1.00 grade building and to provide better No subscription taken unless paid-Play equipment than the cpildr^n tor in advance. This rule is impera I have had the use of before, live. _ _______ j • —o— 1 Coquille’s need of a community Entered at the Coquille Postoffice as r. . -- bunding was never more forcibly em­ Second Class Mail Matter. phasized than it was the last two Office Corner W. First and Willard Bi nights of the Chautauqua when hun­ dreds could not be accommodated in the tent full of seats and had to stand throughout the programs. ' " ' — ■ > — If you hear the siren sounded at seven o'clock Thursday evenings it will not be necessary to rush out madly and look for the fire. It will be a summons to the fire department for drill. Dr. G. Earl Low reports the birth of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Harold K. Hodge, at Fishtrap. Tuesday night who return when peace but it is not unreason­ able to expect that the general con­ gressional attitude will be more lib­ eral towurd veterans than' it was I during the days of agitation of a bonus for the boys who fought Ger­ many in 1917-1918. Already con­ gress has shown a disposition to ex­ tend the generous provisions which. have been made for dependents of men in the armed forces and when married men with children are in­ ducted a still further expansion is probable. r farms, while Oregon with I t . i pre- ponderance ofi private ownership gained 158%, according to REA Sta­ tistics reported in Congressional Rec <.rd of June 23, page 843« Washing­ ton’s agricultural areas beinj more densely settled, with more farms and smaller area per farm, was ahead of Oregon in 1934 in having ^7JA% of fasms electrized as "^ared with Oregon’s 27tt%. By June 30, 1942, Oregon had 46,010 farms electrified, or 74.4%, while Washington had 82,140. or 78.1%. Average for all states is 38.3%, with Rhode Island leading at 91.9%, fol­ lowed by Connecticut, New Jersey and California. ■ Rural Washington, D. C. July 15—Flocks of congressmen breathed a long sigh ■ with its numerous publl of relief when the senate dropped its enterprise in the field Keys made tor ail locks. locks Stevens demand, via the McKellar bill, for power, gained tf Cash Hardware. Coquille, senate nomination and confirmation to 1942 in number ER * of all employees of war agencies During the past week more boards «TIRI drawing 84,500 per year or more. have been torn off the boys’ bath The house had repeatedly refused to ' house across the river from the city bow to this bill. For years congress- ‘ wharf, the windows of the girls’ build- men have seen their patronage go1 haev been broken. . ■. . These bath from bad to worse. Most all of the houses are an accommodation to the i By R. T. Moore ■ ¡uicy jobs, such as United States at- i Of the several spectacular events swimmers but unless they are taken torney, big town postmasters. United care of they will soon become utterly One of hte best attractions of the i occurring recently in Washington, States marshal, collectors of cus­ public attention is. directed chiefly worthless. The buildings were ori­ Chautauqua was the contortion extii- | toms and internal revenue, have al- i ginally provided by funds raised by bition given by Miss Dena Ellingson, | to the food price situation and the ways been the patronage of senators, who was assisted in part by Porit OPA. ' . the Woman's Club.. I 'specially so . if the senator was of Kay. Miss Ellingson, who has ap ­ There is wide-spread dissatisfac­ , the same political faith as the incum- , John E. Perrott returned yeserday peared before a Coquille audience on tion with the bureaucratic control of bent president. The poor congress­ previous occasions, is self taught morning from a, business trip to Port ­ food production and several so- man had to be content with handing ' called “strikes" of producers have land, where he bought new stock for along that line, and shows great abil­ out a few small postoffice jobs and . ity . « ' occurred in different parts o( the the Variety Shop, other low bracket positions to the i '! •u" “ ........ . .11«i -1 ux--sMJW»«ujWB«r nation: The trouble seems to -be the faithful who did the campaigning for difficulty in adjusting the OPA ma­ to dispense as they see fit. They generated within the Administration him and all the other political chores, chinery to fit the varying conditions point back to the time when business till by the force of their internal I come election time. And the con­ and circumstances of production in was in distress and welcomed the combustion they blew up.. Even Mr. gressman has to go through this same i the many food producing centers. I large sums dished out by the Fed- Elmer Davis is now forced to admit song and dance every two years, sen­ This Administration has an under- erai Reserve Bank and RFC as being that the recent sound and fury con­ ators only every six years, which lying economical philo*>phy which proof thaj business was incaoable of stitutes legitimate news. The news­ makes quite a difference politically substitutes bureaucratic control for handling the situation and that the paper press would be untrue 'to Its speaking. the profit incentive to encourage pro­ entry ef ogvernment into business is trust if it failed to record it. Only i For years past, civil __ _ I , service has graduall^'blanketing ‘ all' such i duction. It attempts to displace the essential to the welfare of the nation. by having the news will the Ameri- unruly law of supply and demanci The large sums extracted from the can people be able to insist upon jobs u a where tbe congreg8. with the rigid yard stick of a planned taxpayers are assumed to be the ex­ *,T!SIOVe,,nen!.\r . man has few jobs to hand out, except economy. It is now painfully evi­ clusive property of the present ad­ The time Ms come to ask what is bis office staff, which is generally dent that this philosophy of buretfU- ministration and there is little heed back of the President’s onslaught. Is loaded wilh cloge relatives or ln. - cratic control is not workable in a given to the sources from which they the ----- (One of the Essentials af • Democracy) President seeking to undermine lflwg The t The top top handi hands of of the congreM congress- . country as large and as wealthy as came. The fact is, of Aurse, that the confidence of the American peo- man who keep the home fires burn. ours. The Administration varies these sums so lavishly expended arej pie in their free press? It looks like „ . ■ 'ing while he is at the national capi- widely .frdm that of President Wil­ the property of the American tax­ it. The President is not content with , expect w rewarded for montha Of the principles for which America la son in the method of handling food payers and not of the administration. criticism^of the way newspapers are camp igf,ing wol.k lf man fighting, none is more important than supplies and distribution. Wilson There is no legal or moral right to ex­ conducted or of them news senae ofl^ no one Uke, to work our freedom of enterprise. chose to direct rather than set aside pend those sums in any other man­ C““.ng i* These reward, have al- the laws of supply and demand. One ner than for the benefit of the entire slurs at the integrity of the news Cttys been political appointments or of his devices was the loosely organ- public and not merely tor that of a men. They are accused of toeing ar­ What is that? It ia the right of every i other favors the congressman is in ized but remarkably effective Con­ certain favored group of people. tists lb color, not for the fun of it, American to be his own boss, t if he so position to dish out. So,* when the sumers League composed mostly of The tendency to centralize ail au­ but because or orders from their chooses. It is the right of a man to buy house turned thumbs down on the housewives. The League's function thority in Washington leads Jo u "bosses." Such charges are ques­ his own stock of goods, or develop his j senate McKellar bill it helped to save was to control prices by the simple dangerous abrogation of the political tionable in taste, but, more impor­ some of their little remaining patron­ own service, and offer to fill the needs device of a buyers* strike whenever franchise of the individual •citizen. tantly, they are serious from the age in the higher bracketa. of his neighbors. It is every American’s prices exceeded a reasonable level. It is a step straight toward state so­ »standpoint of public policy. Jf the precious right to exchange fair dealing The cost of operating was practical­ cialist». or fascism, or communism. President were to succeed in under­ Train, and even bus travel from ly nothing and the device worked They all have the same basic phil- mining public confidence in the free for a fair and honest profit Free enter­ now on will be tightened up on John quite well. Contrast thia with the psephy, the ascendancy of the state press, serious consequences might prise is the principle upon which Amer­ Q. Public. Railroads and bus lines present system of rigid bureaucratic over the individual. It is good to follow. After all, the press is the ican business is built—be it the corner Will demand advance reservations control of prices and rationing that know that the strung stand taken by cornerstone of our free institutions, (tome have already done so), in- grocery or the great factory. costs the taxpayers hundqgds of the governors Is having its effect on and we should be well on the way to 1 eluding coach passengei« traveling milliortt of dollars, costs the store­ Washington and seems to have baited *•, freedomg *f V* P*T buTaThort "distance*^ Amy »“nd’navy Today our free America ia threatened, keepers enormous clerical work, and this dangerous trend. pie's faith in the press were lost. It< i personnel, plus long hauls of war ma­ but the spirit that developed America’s sets up a huge staff of employees is only when the people have lost terials, have taxed all railroad fa­ that will be hard to. get Fid of after WASHINGTON. D. C- MAN 8AY8 faith in their institutions that the free enterprise—the initiative, the tdil, cilities to the limit Railroad officials the war because of political expedi­ man on horseback has a smooth ride. l the will to do — will again spell final PRESENT ADMINISTRATION predict that in the very near future ency. We prefer to think that the criti­ Victory! all passenger raservations will also , 8TINK8 Older folks can judge the relative cism is merely the spleen of a man have to be accompanied by a state- merits of these two systems by the A friend in Washington, who wus who ia harassed by -the deliquencies IN WAR ANY WASTE IS A CRIME. DO NOT WASTE 1 ment showing the trip to be necessary. light of their won experience. Young- somewhat of a New Dealer before of his Administration. It is human ELECTRICITY JUST BECAUSE NO RATION ¿The mad scramble for railroad tick­ er folks will have to _ judge he went __ to Washington, from to find whipping boys. However, nreU _ by . the _______ _____ D. C., ____ TICKETS ARE REQUIRED. ets after congress recessed taxed ac- light of common sinse because they Coquille, writes to the S e nt!net en- may be dangerous for the President commid ions to such an extent that did not go through the experience of closing a copy of the Washington in this case to make the newspaper, ■many of the Jawmakers had to wait World War No. 1. There is no bet- Post and calls attention to editorials press a v whipping ‘ ' boy. That will re- I several days before they could board dead of furthering ..both the ter teacher than experience, although therein. He says those Post items tard instead the “choo-choo" for home. it charges like a specialist. ' substantiate the statement he made war effort and the maintenance of a A Self-Supporting, Tax-Paying, Private Enterprise —o— '* I once before that this country needs free America. If the Administration’s During the two months’ recess ad­ The theme of the Government's a hard-headed business man in the house is not in order, as it isn’t, then ministration top hands and advisers Hb adds, “I the honest thing to do is to try to convention in Ohio seems to have presidential office. to the president will try their best been a question of restoration of don’t think you people out west re­ put it right, not to put up caqiou- to smooth out the numerous wrinkles States’ rights. Every state repre­ alize what is going on here in Wash­ flage. In the entire OPA set-up. This gov- ! sented seems to have had the same ington. We sec and hear how the ernment agency has caused Mr. complaint, namely, that the tremen- government spends money shipping Oregon War Chest Drive Roosevelt more continual grief than dous Federal bureaucracy has usurp- things back and forth, or in sending anything else. Several major ad- To Be Held In October ed many vital public functions of the them 200 or 300 miles in the wrong Thirty-four counties of Oregon | J u’tm«nts for OPA are known to be Thirty-four counties of states and has deprived the taxpay­ direction. The department in which have selected chairmen and are now | tlle offing which, it is hoped, I work is no exception. I have not ers and voters of a direct voice in the forming their committees to TOn. Iwil1 rhJ the agency of much trouble., functions of many' departments of put in a hard day's work since I duct the Oregon War Chest drive in'™? c°“ege P™ie“ors and the long. their State Government. There was have been here- Government work according to Charles' a ' haired boy* .who have been running October, demand that the Federal government is a position, not a job. “Our government is the best in Sprague, state chairman, and the the whole ,how' and aUo runnln« *< withdraw to its proper place under . into the ground, are definitely on. the the constitution and relinquish tWe the world and I would not say any- other two counties will be organized ' way out. Close advisers of the presi­ strangle-hold it has on State econo­ thing that would hurt it, but—this soon. The Oregon War Chest is the lo­ dent have convinced him that therein my. administration just stinks/ •• — •ays your Now is the reason for much of OPA’s Qpe of the Post editorials is headed cal representative of the National Thia sort of thing has been creep­ grief. Other strenuous efforts will ing slowly over the states during the “Scolding the Press,” and is reprinted War Fund and will conduct the cam­ "A” Gas Ration Book paign to raise funds this fall for six­ be made to iron out the difficulties past decade. Little by little, through below: existing between top hands in some teen agencies and their allied organ­ the device of expense sharing and p i of the othet war agencies, which it, is not a dignified spectacle to izations. There will be one, big, co­ huge public works, the proper func­ likewise have embarrassed and an­ tions of State government have been see the President, use his press con- ordinated drive in place of numerous noyed the president. small ones, thus affording a great set aside by the alphabetical Federal ference time after time as a vehicle . I -o- agencies. Like u creeping paralysis, for the flaying of the free press of saving in manpower and in expense. £ | From al) indications. Oregon's Sen­ E vb ' n shorter , slower war­ to use) is to have your nearby Eevry effort will be put forth to the process lias been painless and America. On Tuesday he attained a ator Rufus Holman intends to make time trips expose motor oil Shellman or Shellady put in Tiot noticeable to • Voters and tax­ new peak in scolding. There was give every resident of Oregon an op­ immigration one bf his leading argu­ to dust and impurities. And fresh Golden Shell Oil every payers. But heavy income tax levies nothing particularistic about it. It portunity to contribute to this work ments for re-election. The senator partially burned fuel particles time you go to a new number reaching down to the lowest wage was all-inclusive: columnist« and of the war-related àgeneies aqd to the also promote oil deterioration. in your “A” gasoline ration The Oregon War will be joined in this campaign by earner have drawn the matter into commentators, news reporters and local agencies. several northwest congressmen, who book (every two months). Too, at slower speeds, the Chest is developing rapidly and peo ­ the broad daylight of publicity and radio analysts. He just stopped short, also are to be re-elected or defeated Chances are you won’t have engine often doesn’t get hot the people are gravely concerned as one of the scoldees put it, "of ple are responding. Indications point next year. Senator Holman who is to add a drop between times. to the fact that Oregon will be lead ­ enough to vaporize the water over the predicament they find them­ holding them collectively responsi­ a member of the senate committee on formed by combustion and con­ selves in and are demanding that the ble for the wave of feuds, resigna-- ing in this movement as it has in so immigration, has made quite a study densation. This water further trend be reversed. tions, recriminations and wide-spread many war-related movements in the contaminates your oil. We have an illustration of this in turmoil that have attended domestic migration laws should not be re­ the administration of the large west- phases of the war program in recent So your safe bet (regardless laxed, as advocated by some of his ern power projects built with tax- weeks." of how few coupons you’ve had colleagues, but tighened. While va­ payers' ’ money. Although local men, payers Such a comprehensive excoriation cationing in Oregon during the re­ presumed familiar with local condi- is simply not justified. The news- cess Holman intends to contact every­ tions, are employed to administer papers have not invented or even one possible to obtain their views on these power projects they are pow- fomented any of the wranglings : 4ft» dtattgurert .the been passed on by some department Washington scene, They did not ram L. Collins. Suit for divorce. Among the members of the present in Washington. There is no definite cause the rumpus which terminated July 13 Elmer Myers vs. Emily congress there are 61 senators and, fixing of authority and no individual when Mr. Davis quit' his office as Myers. Suit for divorce. 162 representatives who are veterans is responsible. Buck passing is ram­ Food Administrator. They did not July 14—Blanche Ray vs. Lloyd G. of the war with Spain or world war pant and maddening delays in de­ set Mr. lieges and the War Labor Ray. Suit for divorce. No. and several of the latter who cision on vital matters are ftte rule. cisión Board at loggerheads. They did not July 14 Kate S. Sanford vs. have also seen brief service in world ’ The attitude of the government inspire either Mr. Jones' sabotage of George W Sanford. Sult for divorce. war No. 2. This may or may not be SHILL OIL COMPANY, agencies is that the money and the the BEW of Mr. Wallace’s blistering significant of the type of legislation Incorporated goods which they control is theirs counterattack. These troubles were Calling caras, ùu tor s;j). , which will be enacted for the benefit j i Timely Topics Mrs. R. A. Wernich is enjoying a visit from her mother, Mrs. A. M. Gray, who arrived here from Minne­ apolis, Minn., yesterday. It is her intention' to remain her until Mrs. Wernich disposes of their home on the highway and is ready to start east. Mr. Wernich has been in the east for six weeks and Mrs.-Wernich expects to join him some time next month. Free ¡torn of Enterprise! Mountain States Power Co To Help Your Car Outlast the War, Get Fresh Oil Each Time “A ” Coupon Numbers Change