The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, July 15, 1943, Page 3, Image 3

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¡Excess Income Tax
Comes to Coos Co.
Floyd Marney, son of Mrs. Bessie
Marney of this city, who was a C. H.
S. student and at the time he en­
tered the Army nine months ago was
employed at the plant here, writes his
mother something about England,
where he landed in May, and says
that the U. S. boys there receive on
an average fourteen letters a week
each from the U. S. Extracts from
his letter read::
“I'm getting along O. K. and feel
good. Oregon's weather in the win­
ter ’time has nothing on England's
summer weather. It rains quite a bit.
I’ve been in the service nine months.
It seems like a life time. If I could
only have had a furldugh I would be
a lot happier
We got our radio working and we
get programs from the States just
, about any . time, by short wave. It
is Just about all the contact we have
with American life. I go into town
every once in a while. England Hi
just thick with small towns and vil­
lages and we can go any direction and
hit a town within five miles.
have ten bicycles in the company and
we ride them to town.
anything to do when we get there
though. I am still working as a sort
■ of clerk and doing messenger service. Armored Force School in Ky.
Private First Clsss Oscar p
There are a few WAACS here but
Homenyk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
all I have seen are officers.
“The chief topic of conversation Homenyk of this city, has been
here is when the invasion is going to graduated from the Airnored Force
start and how soon we’ll be able ,School at Fort Knox, Ky.
to go home.
The soldier
“The fellow» are really hot about thorough instructions in the theory of
the coal strike.
I heard a second automotive mechanics and fundamen­
lieutenant talking about dodging tal shop practice in th« school’s
bullets on a raid over Germany and Wheeled Vehicle Department. They
came back to find that the coal min­ studied actual engines, skeleton ve­
ers at home had gone out on a strike! hicles and visual aids of many types.
I wouldn’t have wanted to be Lewis
if the lieutenant could have got hold Carl Johnson A Sergeant—
of him right then.
Brother Leaves For Texas
"We work seven days a week, get­
Carl Johnson, son of Mr. and Mro.
ting up at six o’clock. We can go to
chureh Sunday morning if we want R. C. Johnson who has been at Geiger
to. I went a couple of times in the Field near Spokane* since last year,
camp back in the States, but it just the first of this month was promoted
had no life in It like your church and to the non-com post of sergeant in
I found it an ordeal instead of an en­ the 102 Engineers Aviation Bgtallion.
His brother, Burton, left last night
joyment I think I would enjoy go­
ing to Sunday school and to church for Wichita Falls, Texas, where he
will take training In the Air Corps.
once in a while with you.
Two other Coquille boys who are
“I figure we will be lucky to be
/back in the States a year from this leaving this evening for a training
field in Texas are Wilford, son of
coming Christmas.
“I’m getting to Enow the English Mr. and Mrs. George Wasson, and
people a little better. They are slow Boyd, son of Mr. and Mrs. John
in everything they do and I’ve found Stone, of Johnsons Mill.
out we are way ahead of them in
machinery and in about every way
you can think of. They arg friendly
and hospitable though, and that helps
us a lot.”
i districts will not need the full offset.
I tiie unbsued amount will go toward
C. G. Caughell received a V-mail
The sum ‘ of $142,293.28 is the an increased offset on the budgets
letter from his son, Ralph, on Tuesday amount allotted to Coos county of other districts. .
this week, which was mailed from through the State School Support
somewhere in England, July 1.' Fund. This amount will act as an
Ralph said the weather was beauti­ offset on school district tax levy.
ful there and was all the way across
These quotations were received
—and that no one on board his vsssei yesterday by County School Super­
was seasick. The convoy had landed intendent Martha E. Mulkey,(from
Miss Louise Harrison became the
there late in June.
State Superintendent Rex Putnam. bride of Jack O. McCue at a ceremony
I The amount per days’ attendance
held Saturday, July 3; at .the home of
George Wasley Laird, son of Mr. is slightly below lBc, being 17.- Mrs. J. T. Monahan. Rev. Lloyd T.
and Mrs. Geo. P. Laird, was commis- 98209213 cents.
The total number Anderson read the service at 8:00
sioned a second lieutenant in the of pupils days’ attendance for Coos o’clock in the presence of a group of
Army on June 30 and is now stationed county during the school year 1942- relatives and intimate friends. Mr.
at Quantico, Va.. for ten weeks more, 43. upon which this distribution is and Mrs. Bryce Kennedy attended the
I bride and groom.
placed, is 791,305.5.
The total amount which is being
Mrs. Monahan was hostess at one
used as tax offset in Oregon is five o’clock for members of the bridal
Corp. Leaman Lane Here
million dollars.
Coos county's al­ party, and a reception was held 'im­
From Florida Last Week
lotment ranks ninth from the top as mediately after the ceremony. '
Corporal Leaman Lane, formerly
to amount in the 36 counties.
Attractive arrangements of blue
an employee at the Smith Wopd- i The money for the S. S. S. F. comes
delphiniums and regal lilies were
Products plant, who joined the Air
from the surplus in the income tax used in decoration of the rooma and
Corps last October and was in Den­
as provided by a law which was of the table where the two tiered and
ver for a time before being sent to
passed in November, 1942, election, decorated wedding cake was served.
Florida, where he is stationed in the
'having been proposed by an initia­ Mrs. Lester Neal of (rales Creek, sis­
mechanical department of the Air
tive measure. This law was further ter of the groom, cut the cake and
Corps and help« train air crews, came
amended to its present form during Mrs. Mabel Smith served the ices.
in on a two weeks' furlough last
the last legislature. All money in
Wednesday evening and left Friday the ineonw Ux js eKcess
|7>750 000
for Portland to visit a sister.
. ... ...
.. .----- 7." — 7“ 777'7. ’
. lg Placed in this fund.
He doesnt seem to think much of, After the clo8e of the
. ' . _
. i
. i Aiier me ciose oi me perioa Tor
the weather in Florida, as compared
____ _
.__ . ..
...... . —.......... L.____ .
f*ling budgets, the county school su­
to Oregon’s, and says that most of the
perintendent shall proceed to work
Florida bases and camps were built
out the amount which should be can-
in the swamps.
, celled from eadh sdhool district’s
> x.
budget and submit same to the county ‘
Oscar Homenyk Graduates From :isse8gori Charles Forrest
What Soldiers In
England Think Of
The Coal Strike
th« days’ attendance of those districts
I need not be applied. Since some school
Jack McCue Married
Early In July
The amount to be deducted : from
individual audits cannot be ascer-
this time since a few dis-
j tricts have no levy and a few others
have made such a small levy that all
Word from Camp Beall, near
Marysville In California, hi that Tal-
lant Greenough, city attomay here
Two Coquille Boys At San
who is on leave for the duration, has
Antonio Aviation Cadet Center been made a corporal in his infantry
Mrs. Greenough -writes»,,
The latest class of cadets entering company,
preflight pilot training at the San that it is terrifically hot there, above i
Antonio Aviation Cadet Center in­
cluded 44 from Oregon, of whom two evening.
are from Coquille. They are Avia­
Keys made tor all locks. Stevens
tion Cadets Virgil H. Arrell and
Cash Hardware. Coquille, Ore
William L. Ray.
Phone 46
It is a pleasure to announce that I have become associated
with the Great Northern Life Insurance Company, as Dis­
trict Agent. This Company is an old line legal reserve com-
. pany with a long record of service to policyholders. It
writes both Life Insurance and Accident and Health In­
surance (income protection). I shall be glad to consult with
any one on his insurance needs, and recommend a Great
ance as well as the law,.
if already insured, ws’ll check to see i: you Save
the two kinds of insurance Lai i
The Title Company, Phone 21J
Bldg. 355 S. Taylor St.
“Be point-wise . . . spend them at Safeway for top-quality
fo^ds at lowest prices.”
(1R) Cherub Milk
Warm weather
thirst quenchers
SUS AR SYRUPS — One of the first req ­
uisites of cool beverages is the
sweetening that,can be added in­
stantly. It stretches the sugar supply,
too. because it blends with the drink
completely. Have some on hand.
Combine 1 cup sugar with 2 cups
water, stir until dissolved, then bdtl
rapidly for 10 minutes. Cool and
store covered in the refrigerator
until needed.
♦ :
(14) Applesauce, Libby No. 2 can 15c
(SR) Pabstctt Cheese, Pirn. Std pg 18c
(I) Baby Food, Clapp Strained
(15R) Shortening, Royal Satin 3 1b 64
(8) Red Beans, Idaho,
2 lb bag 19c
lj> ctn 27c
(«) Split Peas. Gr. or Yellow 2 lb. 19c
(4) Veg. Cocktail, V-8 46 oz. can 29c
(18) Peau, Sugar Belle fey No. 2 cn 14c
(4) Tom. Jce., Sunny Dawn 46 oz. 22c
(24) Tomatoes, with puree 2'4 can 14c
(2) Grpfrt Juice, Adams No. 2 can 13c
(14) Cream Corn, D Monte 303 2/25c
(14) Apricots, Red Tag 12 oz. can 12c
(14) Asparagus Hwy Natural No. 2 31c
(9) Fruit Cocktail, D. Monte buf cn 9c
(II) Gm Beans, White Tag No. 2 13c
(15) Standard Pears, No. 2*4 can 21c
(23) Peaches, Castle Crest 2M can 23c
(3) Hot Sauce, Gardenside Buf can 5c
(5R) Shortening, Crisco
When that old. red mercury starts
climbing toward the top of the ther- x
mometsr. be ready with thirst
quenchers that will buoy up your
spirits! Simple to plan, simpler to
make. Casual coolers . , , special
occasion beverages . . , nourishing
milk drinks that serve as part of a
meal —any one of them will prove
to be a welcome pickup when energy
seems to be at low ebb. Don’t let
Mr. Mercury catch you unprepared!
tall can 10c
(15) C H B Catsup 14 oz. bottle 2/29c
In traffic, the Green Light means Go! And in a Safeway Store,
Green also means Go-Go Ahead and buy what you need of the
many non-rstioncd foods, easily identified by the Green Markers!
Spaghetti or Macaroni mib pkg.. 21c
Jumbo Olives, Lindsay pint glass 28c
Peanut Butter, Real Roast lb. jar 28c
Miracle Whip, Kraft 16 oz. bottle 26c
Flour, Kitchen Craft, 10 lb. sack 52c
Flour, Crown or Drif. Snow 10 lb 53c
Baking Powder, Calumet 25 oz. 25c
2) C
no points
Spiced Herring 13 os. jar ea. J5C
Spited Anchovies 3*4 1b kit
Pen Jel Pectin 3-3 oz. pkgs, for 25c
Vanilla Extract, Schillings 1 oz. bot 18
Coffee Stretcher, Bulkee 1 lb. pkg. 19c
Ry-Krisp, Ralston 13 oz. Pkg.
Crackers, Krispys
2 lb. pkg.
Oats, Morning Glory 48 oz. pkg.
Raisins, Sun Maid Nectars 15 oz.
"IW _
LETTUCE, Local, Crisp
lb. Qc
lb. £c
* lb.
SQUASH, Crook Nock
GRAPES Thomp. Seedless lb.
Homtntaltn' Burtt*
eers 7we po/yr
436 W. Front
Shop Early in the Week.
Safeway prices are effec­
tive Tuesday through
Saturday each week.
Get the Most X
obligation, <>r course, and I am at your
F—rewifrlna THZ TRAVELERS, Hartto-W
* * HamemakeM’ Guide
cure to get your copy of Family
Circle Magaiiine at your Safeway
this week, and read Julia Lee
Wright's article entitled “Cool
Drinks for Warm Days.” You'll
find hot weather ideas galore.
As Automobile Liability hwurmee is the beet
way to meet the requiremetm of the New Oregon Law,
you should discuss this matter with us as we know insur­
Dinners $1.00 and $1.25
Open Every Day till 8:00 p.m.
At Your Service
light snack is in order, serve it in
the form of a nourishing milk drink.
Mix chilled milk with sugar syrup
snd flavoring, or with molasses,
honey or corn syrup. A dash of plain
carbonated water will give it that
“ice cream soda ftzx,’’ and a bit of
nutmeg dashed on*top will add just
enough spice.
Repairing Aids Victory
?*] ~Tko
Sea Foods
IRIMT AMS— Oranges, lemons and
grapefruit are tope among thirst
quencher ingredients. But don't for­
get other fresh fruit, too. Press the
juice from ripe plums, peaches, apri­
cots. nectarines or berries by forcing
the fruits through a food press or
coarse sieve. Mix the juice with
water ... or for that added sparkle,
mix it with plain carbonated water.
Add sugar syrup to taste, and serve
frosty cold.
of Coquille
The couple left for a short wed­ WANTED - Waitress, preferably
ding trip to Portland, after which the
someone with experience, at Co­
groom returned to his duties at Fort
quille Hotel.
Lewis' aud thé bride to her work as
chief clerk of the selective service NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT
Notice is hereby given that the
board at The Dalles, Oregon.
undersigned,-on the 9th day of July,
Mrs. John McCue who sent the Sen­ 1943, filed in the County Court for
tinel the above item from Gale« Creek, Coos County, Oregon, her final ac­
Oregon, did not say whether the wed­ count in the matter of the adminis­
tration of.lhe Estate of Florence Ger­
ding took place at Gales Creek or trude Levy, deceased; and that said
! Court has made an order fixing Tues-
l day, August 17, 1943, at 10:00 o’clock
Will care for children in my home. A. M-, at the County Court room in
I Coquille, Oregon, as the time and
Mae'Sibold, 789, No. Taylor, first place for hearing objections thereto,
house on Bullards route beyond high and for the final settlement and
school Coquille.
25t2 *t distribution of said estate.
Dated and published first time
15, 1943.
Callins cara», fifa tor s 1.0(1
Anne Mansell, Administratrix
Fried Chicken ’
Tailant Greenough
Made A Corporal |
The Industrial Repair Co
lb. |4JC