FAO* TWO TBl COQUILLE VALLIT SENTINEL, COQUILLE. ORIGON, THURSDAY, JULY 15, IMS. .... Probote Court Items S sa t *s WsMiag Brtovs Charming ■ride To Ceqaille r.! 'SOCIAL M ia Kmy e, ■■■ '. 111 !. .... - 6ls etr t of- F oods by------------------- chairman: Mrs. Bernice Clausen, Mrs Winifred Johnson. Dorothy Bishop ’ . ♦ Mr. and Mrs Mui ion Hale returned Mri. Compton Ifosless Mrs. Bishop will demonstrate the i recently front their honeymoon trip . art qt drying and* canning foods the At Tea For Daughters I to make their home in Coquille. Mr. ' easiest way, at a meeting to be held Miss Dorris Compton and Mrs. j Hale is an inspector lor the Weyer­ at Riverton school July 21. Meeting Cecil Laws, attractive daughters of haeuser Lumber Company of Ta­ ’ will start at 10:36 a. m. Potluck Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Compton, received coma with large interest in this sec­ j at noon, coffee and cream furnished. with their mother on Tuesday after­ 1 Bring your own sugar. For further tion. The wedding of the young noon at a tea giyen in their honor couple was solemnized in mid-June in the Compton Apartment of the Co­ ! information get in touch with t >e at the University Lutheran Church of the committee, Mrs, Lillie Hepler, quille Hotel. The sisters arrived here of Seattlê and was the scene of a last Sunday, having come down from beautiful candlelight wedding ser­ Portland together. Old friends of vice. » « Mrs. Coippton's had been invited to Enjoyable Picnic Sunday * The bride was- Miss Olga Maria call during the afternoon, from 2:30 “ A beautiful day, lots of food and . Mazuer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. For Ivory OooaaiM until 5:00 o'clock, for tea and cake, ¡ Stanley Mazur. Mr. Hale, the and a pleasant chat with her and lots of visiting," was the way the | picnic held last Sunday ât R. H. > I groom, is the son of Mrs. Titus Hale. her charming daughters. Lawhorn’s picnic grounds at Mc­ The wedding was formal with one Miss Dorris was striking in. the Kinley, was described by a partici­ ¡hundred and seventy-five invited smart white dress uniform of the ' guests. Solos preceding the cere- I Wave^, which with contrasting em­ pant. Plans for this gathering have ' mony were “Ave Maria" and “Gqd blem and buttons in navy blue is been talked of for a.very long time, Gave Me You," with organ accom­ Just as natty as ope can possibly ever since 1936 when a date had been set by the same group for a pic­ paniment. imagine. Dorris is on a weeks -To the strains of Lohengrin’s wed­ leave and will be here until next nic that fall. But when the day came, I ding march, the bride entered the | Saturday. Mrs. Laws, whose hus­ the Bandon fire also came and so ' church on the arm of her-father who , band had tq be away from home for there, was no picnic. Member/ of the following families made up the , gave her in marriage. Her gown I I two weeks, will remain that length party: E. E. Leslies, Judge Mast and : was white slipper satin, made on ! Ipf time for her visit here. Mrs ( princess lines with long train and I ' Laws wore a becoming afternoon Dorma, Lyle Beyers, J. E. Perrotta, | 'ner lace-edged finger-tip veil was dress of medium blue with corsagt of E. L. Perrotta, Nancy and Caroline, f Instead of shutting up shop H. H. Pierces, Roy Neals and Gretch­ I caught up to a tiara of rhinestones gardenias. Assisting with serving en, Fred McNellys, T. B. Curries of when the manufacture of j and pearls. She carried a whit* were the following: Marianne Rack- : sätin prayer book with an orchid and leff, Gwendolyn Elrod, Doris Ann Eugene, Jas. Bradys, .Bert Folsoms automobiles was stopped, and C. L.' Tuttles, R. H. Lawhorns ' shower of stephanotig. For her go- Wood and Patricia Berg. we decided to "carry on" and Leonard .Lawhorns. ing-away gown the bride chose a In the evening memebrs of the powder blue suit with white acces­ Bachelor Girls Club were invited so that our customers and BABY’S PICTURE sories and orchid corsage. . A recep­ for after-dinner coffee and a social Canteen Unit Served Rebekahs friends would have a place tion was held in the church parlor. evening for old times sake. Mar­ The Rebekahs banquet on Tuesday FAMILY GROUPS to get good service! A real ' Mrs. Hale was a high1 school and garet Stewart assisted Mrs. Compton. evening was prepared and served by business college graduate of Seattle interest in their welfare ... --------- K I the Coquille Canteen Unit, Mrs. schools and was employed by the Mabel Kunz, city chairman. * Ac­ competent mechanics and Port of Seattle Embarkation Secret Soroptimists Meet cording to reports it was a delicious genuine parts . . . honest Service Signal Corps. The Soroptimist Club met for their dinner and with efficient service. regular luncheon meetihg last Tues­ Plans were made to serve one hun­ work at honest prices. Non-Rationed Ladies Shoes on day. Florence Barton presided. The dred, though actually those served We’re still on the job— sale at Lorenz Department Store, constitution and by-laws of the new were 85 or 90. Canteen members act­ and we look on it as a real organization were discussed and ing Tuesday were the following: July 19 to >1. adopted Zettie Hawkins was ap­ Mesdames Bertha Selbig, Viola Nor­ pointed general program chairman for ton, Harriet Greenough, Nell Stew­ the year. Mtynbers who attended art, Virginia Lamb, Ida Owen, Ruth New Shipments received and placed on our dieplay were Floivnce Barton, Georgianna Candiin, Pauline Pettit, Mary Ar­ floor are: Vaughan, Bess Maury, Leta Leslie, nold, Blanche Smith Mabel Kunz, CRIBS in Maple and Ivory $11 QC to >O1 CA Edith McNelly, Susie Folsom, Zettie Ofal Gilman, Vera Pook, Ruth Sher­ Hawkins, Flora Compton, Marion wood, Chrissie Thrift, Gladys Wheel­ Wood, Wilda Sehr’oeder, Beulah Nor­ er and Minnie Laws. ton. Ethel Littler and Hattie May OCCASIONAL CHAIRS Holimon. NOTICE TO WOOD USERS A petition lor administration of the »1000 estate left by Agnes H. Howard*, who died in San Francisco May 28, was filed on Monday. Willis C. Bryant was Tuesday ap­ pointed administrator of the MOO estate left by the late Henry C. Bohn, Appraisers named were Fred Scofield, Leslie Groat and John O. Paulson., Fuhrman's Pharmacy FLOWERS I To comply with O. P. A. regulations | as to fuel. rationing, all those who C. S. C. with Mrs. Wilcox 1 Mrs. Grant Wilcox was hostess last use wood for Heating, Cooking or for Tuesday afternoon to members of the Commercial Purposes, must call at C. S.C. club. The group spent the our office and sign a blank indicating afternoon sewing and visiting. Re­ for wKat purpose it is needed and freshments were served by the hostess the kind needed. This applies also during the afternoon. Members who ! to all unfilled orders on hand. Coquille Wood Co., attended were Msdames Marie Mc- By Frank Cox, Jr„ Mgr. Gilvery. W. E. Crass, Sam Arnold, Sr,. Calling caros. J>e tor 11.00. Maggie Simmons, Jack Arnold and SWING ROCKERS I HAMPERS Church Pontiac COQUILLE, ORIGON 5M FRONT ST. Camp and Institution Blankets Size 00x84. Wt. 4 Poupds. 70% Reprocessed — 30% Re-used Wool. Single This Blanket is carefully woven from Strong, Sturdy Yarns and is highly recommended for Home, Institution and General Use. Navy Blue Only Priced Cotton Sheet Blanket 1.29 White Cotton Sheet Blanket —SINGLE BLANKET Fancy Doable Cotton Blankets, Assorted Colors Jacquard Pattern Sixe 66x80 A Sise 04x70 Green, Red % OO JFO MONARCH NONPAREIL d) /IO a IMPERIAL BRAND OVA 70x80 Blue, Rose, Pearl. Price JF *** 66x76 Cedar, Rose. Peach. Price dKe I JF These single Blankets are ideal for Car Robes and Seat Covers ’ Since 1SS7 NOTE—No Refunds on Lay Aways Oldest Home-owned Store in Southern Oregon NOTE—No Refunds on Lay Aways J i