The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, July 15, 1943, Image 1

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The Coquille Valley Sentinel
After-War Highway $394,728 Set As Wm. Peart, Native "Every Coquille
Plans Talked With Coos Tax Levy By Coquillian, Stirai
Woman A Red
Ore. Commissioners Budget Committee In Jap Prison Camp Cross Worker
■ I
Rebekahs Have Fine Nel Profit For
District Convention
Here On Tuesday
The member* of the Oregon state
Wm. Peart, son of Mrs. Wm. Peart,
The Coos county budget committee
On Tuesday Mamie R&ekah Lodge.
Mrs. J. A. Berg,, general chairman
Secretary "Hod*” Caughell made a
highway commission and other high­ finished its work Tuesday and set Sr., a boy born and raised in Coquille, of the Coquille Red Cross, and Mrs. No. 20, of Coquille was hostess lodge financial report on the 4th of July
way officials and newspaper men, th* amount to be raised by county passed away at a Japanese concen­ D. B. Keener, production chairman, to the thirty-third annual conven­ celebration at the Chamber of Com­
who are on a tour of the Oregon Coast taxes for the July 1, 1943,- June 30, tration camp on Bataan, date un­ announce a meeting to be held on tion of District 13 of the Rebekah merce meeting held in the hotel Tues­
Highway this week, stopped for half 1944, fiscal year at $394,728.05. This known, according to a telegram re­ Tuesday, July 20, at 2:00 p. m. at Assembly of Oregon. The afternoon day noon. The report was not com­
an hour in the Coquille Community amount is $23.69 larger than last ceived by his mother yesterday, from the American Legion Hall. Every session opened in the I. O. O. F. Hall plete a* all the donations to the cele­
Building yesterday morning.
All year's budget. The levy for the past Washington, D. C., which read:
woman in Coquille and vicinity, in­ at one o'clock as a special session of bration fund had not yet been turned
‘“Report received from the Jap­ terested in Red Cross work, is in­ the hostess lodge with Noble Grand
fourteen of the visiter* expressed the year was 19 mills but due to the
in nor had the concession reports of
utmost amazement at the size and increased valuation of property in anese government, through Interna­ vited to attend, and Mrs. Kesner Bernice Clark presiding. The ses­ the B. P. W. and the Carpenters Union "
beauty of Coquille's public building the county thia year It is anticipated
stresses the fact that nothing is now sion was turned over to Chaparral yet been made.
’ .
and were most enthusiastic in prais­ that the 1943-44 levy will be 14.7 or vate Bill Peart, who was previously more important than doing some Lodge,
_ . __
___ _______
____ a
No. ___
231, which
The total receipts, with th* ex­
ing it. The plywood-on-edge flooring, 14.8 mills.
reported a prisoner of war, died in particular type of Red Cross work drill, seating convention officer*,
ceptions noted above, stand as fol­
the mahogany woodwork, the beau­
The bonded debt of the county is the Philippine Islands. The Secre­ and it is her especial aim to make
< Officers
r present
___ were
________ low*:
tiful library and the full depth base­ now $464,000, of which it is hoped tary of War shares your grief and the slogan, “Every Coquille Woman 'Myrtle Benham, Mamie No, 20; Sec- Victory Girls................
$3,039.00 «
ment were all feature* which ex­ that $372,000 can be paid the coming extends his deep sympathy. Letter a Red Cross Worker," come true as retary Ruth Beyers, Mamie No. 20; Donations -........ _.........
. 1,063.00
cited the admiration and comment of year. The remaining $92,000 is not follows."
quickly a* possible.
Harriet Schaer, Mamie No. 20; War­ Dance ........ 1..... ............
these men who are familiar with the yet callable but can be paid in in­
Bill was born March 31, 1914, at­
Mr*. Phil Alborn, in charge of the den Ethel McCulloch, Chaparral No. Basement Floor Show
outstanding buildings of the larger stallments on Aug. 19 each year— tended the Coquille schools and knitting, will have on hand yarn for 231; Conductor Mabel Barklow, Una Bunting sold .......... ..
cities of Oregon.
$90,000 in 1945, $18,000 in 1946; $12,- graduated from high school in 1932. distribution and will display samples No. 120; R. S. C. Bertha McCollum, Cash, over at dance.....
Included in th* party were:
000 in 1947; $9,000 in 1948 and $3,006 ' He enlisted in the service April 1, of work that is now being done. She President of the Rebekah Assembly Concessions
T. H. Banfield, Portland, Chairman in 1949.
(1941, before Pearl Harbor and was will also arrange to instruct new be­ of Oregon; R. S. V. C. May Harris,
Ambulance Corps ....
Highway Commission;
The county has a sinking fund of sent to the Philippines in September ginner*.
American Legion ....
• OJA ■A'T IO 4-
_ _________
*__ ________________
i__ 1- in a Tank
A. W. Schaupp, Klamath Falls, $240,597.12
to apply on
the coming
of that year as a ____
Mr*. L. A. Lundquist, in charge of Wilson, Ocean No. 126; O. O. Clara
Police Reserves ........
| year’s bond payments of $372,000. In Corps. He was taken a prisoner when cutting, will have ready for machine Lapp, Chaparral No. 231, and Chap­
Local, 2691 ...............
M. R. Chessman, Astoria, Commia- that sinking fund ar* $97,000 worth the
Japs took the Philippines in I sewing various articles, all of »which lain Helen Kimble,
. , Ocean
No. ____
Woman’s Club ........
of its own bonds, $132,000 worth of April and May last year.
can be simply and quickly made. ' Absentees were replaced by substi-
, Lions .........................
R. H. Baldock, Salem, State High- defense bonds and $11,597.12 in cash,
Besides his mother her* he is sur­ Completed sample article* will be ' tute* a* follow*. Gertrude Nile* of - Eagle* .........................
way Endinear;
In this year's budget, the commit- vived by three sister*—Mr*. Rosalie provided.
Western Star as Vice Cchairman to
Rotary ............. .........
J. M. Devers, Salem. Chief Counsel; tee included an iteni of $160,000 for Church, of Coquille; Mrs. Catherine
Arrangements are now under way substitute for Emma Ely; Lois Stevens
Local, 2770 ...............
H. B. Glaisyer, Salem, Secretary; bond payments which will ‘make, Stonecypher, of Malin, Ore.; Mr*. to secure two or three sewing ma- ' of Mamie, for Bertha Holbrook as
Eagle* Auxiliary .....
H. G. Smith, Salem, Construction when the taxes are collected, the Patricia Peterson, of Long Beach, chine* to be used at regular meetings. L. S. C.; Gertie Hillstrom of Western
amount of $400,597.12 including the Calif.—and one brother, Nell Peart, Women who are now kitting are in­ Star, for Flora Walker as L. S. V. C.,
Total ..............
87 Ml 69
F. D. Eason, Salem, Division En­ sinking fund, to meet the $372,000. who is receiving Naval Seabee** vited to bring their work along with and Birdie Skeels of Mamie, as Mu­
Included in the $3,373.92 expenses
which it is hoped to pay off during training in Virginia.
sician for Evelyn Oerding of North Is the Item of $803 for tickets sold by
K. D. Lytle, Roseburg, Division En­ the coming year and leave $28,997.12
No word has been received from
Smail donations of needle and safe­ Bend.
the Victory Girls which were turned
to apply on the $90,000 worth of him since the fall of Bataan and Cor­ ty pins ar* asked as it is necessary
The visiting Assembly officers in for dance tickets, which means that
S. H. Boardman, Salem, Park Su­ bonds which can be called in 1949. regidor in the spring of 1943, but a that two fairly large pins and one were introduced by North Bend 2234 of their $1.00 ticket sales were
Careful management by this and letter, written in February that year medium and one large-eyed needle Lodge No. 143. These included Ber­ not turned in.
— T. M. Davis, Portland, Engineer, previous county courts has been and received here last August, which be provided for each service sewing tha McCollum, of Portland, president
The main items of expense were
Publie Roads Administration;
gradually cutting down Coos coun­ had been picked up at sea, said he kit at completion.
of the Rebekah Assembly of Ore­ the federal dance tax, $204.06; Vic­
John W. Kelly, Salem, Exec. Di­ ty's deft from the high point of in­ was well at that time.
Those who prefer" making surgical gon; Marian Wilson, of Bandon, As­ tory Girls* commissions and prizes,
rector, Post War Readjustment and debtedness many years ago.
dressings instead of sewing or knit­ sembly Warden, and four District $411.76;
Music, $382,90;
Development Committee;
ting are asked to contact Mr*. J. R. Deputy President*. Visitors from $396.29; Entertainment, $290; Adver­
Ralph Watson, Portland, Portland
Bunch, South Hoover street, phone other jurisldctlon* were introduced tising $226.96; Special Police, $60;
by u team of three members from Prises, $821.87; Bunting, $141.60 and
Wayne Pettit, Salem, Morning Ore­
Women who are unable to attend Mamie No. 20, who presented Sisters miscellaneous items.
This leaves a net, so tar as the
Following is the liat of those men the meetings are urged to g*t--ln Helen Parent of Ferndale, Califor­
The above are the m«n who are
Mr*. D. B. Kesner, 139 nia, and Christina DeSpain, of Long­ reports are tn, of $4,467.77, which it
Mrs. Iran* Boyle, buyer for th* sent by th* Coquill* Selective Service *ouch
making th* tour of Us* «east road Lorenz store hare, and her daughter, Board to Portland last Wednesday 1
183M, where they view, Washington.
is expected wiU be increeeed to over
this week. They were met at Astoria-
•«’h’Mt«’b* ^>9*
J ssms , returned Sunday ■nwiMg and who were Inducted tntn th*
en'Mondey by Arch B. Saunders, sec­
home, or Mrs. Phil Alborn, 312 So. graciously given by Florabel Boober,
President Oerdlng expressed to
from their six weeks* trip to th* east­ vic* on Thursday:'*
retary-manegar of the Coast High­
Heath, phone 94-J, if yam for knit­ .of Coquille, and responded to by May Chairman Wood and all those who
ern coast on which they expected to
way Association, and Clarence H.
ting is wanted. "
Harris, of Marshfield.
assisted in making the celebration the
be gone only tour or possibly five
Glenn I. Woodward
Coe, treasurer, both of Marshfield,
The minute* of the last regular success that it was, the sincere ap­
Kenneth Rolfe
who attended the first session in As­
meeting of the convention were read preciation of the Chamber of Com­
The ran into the same flying diffi­
lister W. Barber
toria, staid with the party at Dor­
and approved. Then at the request merce.
culties coming west as they did going
Cyrus L. Moon
chester House Monday night and the
<6 the Chairman, the secretary read
The only other business transacted
east, and ware grounded at Chicago,
Jerry Paul
whole group arrived in Marshfield
the minutes of the first convention by the C. of C directors was the al­
comipg °n from there by train. Mrs.
Richard Inger
Tuesday afternoon.
held by this district in 19Q7. That lowing of three bills. ‘
Boyle say* that approximately 98
Clarence Hull
Cecil Finley, Pharmacist Mate in I
A dinner meeting
meeting, too, was held in Coquille.
per cent of the travel is in the pri­
George A. Hannon
ranged for them at
orities ~claM—service men and . offi­
Earl E. Adam*
months of sea duty during which 1 Annual reports of the various
Hotel that evening when a score
lodges followed, all of them showing
. - -
Donald L. Duey
he has been In three engagements,
of Coos county citizens met with th*
many interesting activities and re-
. They had no trouble securing food
John L. Kusba, Jr.
arrived in Coquille yesterday after­
visitor* to talk over highway matter*.
"(Continued from page six)
in New York but west of Chicago,
James L. FitzHanfy, Jr.
noon for a sflbrt stay, Mr*. Gladys
At the conclusion of the sea food
returning, there was some difficulty
Willard L. Berry
On behalf of* the Coquille Cham-
dinner, which Commission Schaupp
and one cop of coffee a day was all
Lawrence L. Sinnott
wife, the former Evelyn Gano who is
of Klamath Falls said he naturally
of Commerce I wish to express
that could be secured on the diner,
Lloyd J. Crump
employed in an air base office at
expected on the coast, Mr. Saunders
thanks to Chairman O. L. Wood and
At Mr*. Boyle’s old home in Phil­
Frederick V. Reimann
San Diego, met him in San Francisco
did a fine job of introducing the 33
of his aassociate committee mem­
adelphia the thermometer stood at
Phillip D. Crew
but there wan only room for one
in attendance and then acted as toast­
bers for the efficient and capable
98 degree* the day they left but that
Forest J. LaFlamme
on the plane to Medford. He came
master. He said Oregon ha* a real
W. H. Schroeder announced this manner in which our Fourth of July
was the official reading at the top
Harold L, Walton
on It and Mrs. Fnlley arrived here week that the annual Schroeder pic­ celebration was conducted, and to all
highway commission, with all the hu­
of a tall building. On the street it
John F. DeNoma
by bus at 7:10 last evening.
man attributes necessary to do a
nic, embracing descendants of the the organizations and individuals who
was 110 or higher.
Elmer E. Whobrey
They both intend leaving Sunday original Schroeder, Volkmer and Her. so ably and willingly assisted therein.
completely satisfactory job.
She says her trip was most satis­
Richard O. Haga
for San Francisco, where he will be I mann families, who came in the Bal­
Chairman Banfield was the first
I also wish to extend thanks to
factory and enjoyable, notwithstand­
Robert McCarthy
stationed for a time and she will re­ timore Colony in 1899 and the Bend­ each and every group and person who
speaker called upon.
He said the
ing the inconvenience*, and that she
Fred Finley
main with him while he is ashore. | ers
__ _______
tour was for the purpose of getting
participated In the different programs
came a ______
little later,
will com-
was able to secure much needed mer­
Billy L. Bernett
Cecil s mother, Mrs. E. C. Finley, i t>jne their picnic with the Coo«-Curry and events, to those who helped in
acquainted with this section of the
chandise for shipment now as well a*
Jean W. Snyder
is here now from Vancouver, and pjoneer Association picnic to be held caring for our guests and to the pub­
state and its highway need*
for the Christmas trade.
Bruce A. Bishop
his father and sister, Mrs. Edward j in jgyrtie Grove here on Sunday, lic, as a whole, for its extensive and
construction is not possible now, but
Manufacturer* will not consider
Billy R. Armstrong
Haunschllt, came in this morning. Ijuly 25
there is need for considerable main­
orderly patronage, all of which blend­
new accounts but because she has
Cortland M. Smith
The commission is trying
Mr. Schroeder says the first Schroe­ ed in making our pageant a very
been familiar with the New York
Wilton L. Willey
to build up a back log of funds with
der picnic was held 48 years ago at successful event.
market in the past, she was able to
Leslie P. Linn
which to match federal fund* anti­
I assure you that each and every
'Arago and that h* still has pictures
buy considerable. She says she had
Kenneth W. Ice
cipated after the war and Mr. Ban-
effort was appreciated and the Co­
an optimistic feeling after seeing
Harold R. Bernet*
i The reception committee for the quille Chamber of Commerce thanks
< Continued on page flv*)
how the manufacturers ar* meeting
George T. Folsom
«»«ciation will be present to greet you for your kind co-operation.
'the situation. They are working on
Orland Russell
Warning Service in Coquille, attended arrival* in the grove at 10:00 a. m. on
’ an allotment basis and will apparent­
th* meeting in North Bend Tuesday (the 2ath-
ly basis and will apaprently be able i Harold J, Lawrence
So that there may be more time
evening at which time Major Wm. K.
to furnish retailers with sufficient, Clifford -Payton. Jr.
1 Morgan, regional ground observer in for greeting old friends and remin­
merchandise to meet consumer neces­
William K. Strong
iscing, the afternoon program is to
Portland, was present.
Fred Colvard, of the Coquille sities.
John L. Bushnell
Th* meeting was to honor the air­ be shorter this year, both in musical
Studio, presented an interesting talk
"They are concentrating on classic
Jim G. Riley
Following the June turnover to
craft observers who attended the re­ numbers and in the length of the
Elmer W. Ooodwin, Jr.
on the geological formation and min­ styling and are making good use of
County Treasurer Stauff last Friday
cent aircraft recognition school in
eral resources of Coo* and Curry new fabrics," say* Mr*. poyl*. Moat
Gerald Fraser
of $62,430.36, the treasurer this week
i Eugene, and to outline the program
counties at the meeting of the Rotary manufacturer* are taking order* on , John H. Barnes
remitted to cities in the county the
I for Aircraft Warning Service week
Club at th* hotel on Wednesday.
a three months basis du* to fabric*
Bruce SulUvan
sum of $18,191.43 and to port districts
which has been set for the first week
Mr. Colvard is. a mineralogist and being allotted to them. There may be i Jimmie A. King
$4,807.06. Remittance to school dis­
In August -1 to 7. This week is to
prospector of many years' experience time* when retailer*' stock* will not
Coast Guard:
tricts is delayed until the district
more thoroughly acquaint th* people
and thoroughly enjoy* talking on his be a* extensive a* In the past, but
Vernon Brockmann
clerks, chosen at last month’s sctlbol
of th* Pacific coast with aircraft
pet hobby..
I am of the opinion we will have
Melvin Steward
Fred Von Pegert dropped in at the elections, have filed their bonds.
warning work of 150,000 observers Sentinel office Monday to remark
Master Staff Sergeant James Wat­ enough to cover necessary needs."
The county treasurer also reports
, who voluntarily give their time to that 50 year* ago thia summer he
son was also present a* a guest and
J, E. Norton Undergoes
the receipts of $8,839.42 from the
told a few details of his job in train­ U«ut, Graydon Crew* On Activa Operation In Portland Tuesday thia important obeervation program, was working on the steam shovel state
__ _ __________
irreducible ___
i These observer* stand by a‘t all time*
ing new recruits.
which war part of the equipment states that he will this month receive
_ .
______ -_____ possiL._
Walter Laird gave a brief talk on
used in building the Coos Bay, Rose- i the county's semi-annual portion of
Norton went to Portland . p _____
roach of
Lieutenant and Mrs. Graydon
----- *****
— unfriendly
________ _ —
r____ ____
pioneer days and the efforts made to
burg & Eastern Railroad It Navlga- the motor vehicle license fee*,
get passable roads in this country.
tion Co. railroad line through Co-
..... ,
___ ___ of the came in last Thursday evening from i Coffey
” Hospital there ‘ thia week and y probably a greater need for this
: . . WM.. .^lu. itet^MD.
Edgar McDaniel, editor^
Mrs. Boyle Tells
Of Eastern Trip
Those Inducted
Last Week
Cecil Finley Has
Seen Active Service
Appreciation For
Successful Fourth
Pinoeer Picnic A
Week From Sunday
Aircraft Warning
Week, Aug. 1-7
Several Talk At
Rotary Yesterday
June Tax Turn-
Over $62,430.36
Railroad Line Built
Fifty Years Ago
___ .
Mrs. George Chaney and son, Alan.
left Tuesday morning for southern
California to see her sons, Patterson
and Davis.
¡He has been ordered on actic* sea
' duty and Mr*. Crew* has rented
an ¿partment and will remain here.
Lieut. Crews was principal of Junior
High at the Lincoln building before
he entered the Navy.
Mrs. Marc Shelley will leave Thurs­
Mrs. Chas. H. Oerdlng returned
day for a few weeks' visit with her
husband, who is stationed at Treasure home last Thursday after visiting Mr.
Oerding in Seattle for three weeks.
Island, Calif.
■A -nr..-«A T>Atn«
8 «TWjrlrt!«
PdthfanH Is
now a part of the Southern Pacific
A note from Mr», Norton thia
Phil Alborn went up to Myrtle system.
morning says that ho is getting along
Point Tuesday noon and entered the
The depot for that plbneer line
very nicely and that they are pleased
hospital there for an appendectomy, was on the lot where the Gregg Hard­
with the treatment they are receiv- ;
performed by Dr. J. D. Rankin.
ware store now stands, a small frame
Ing. She ia permitted to stay at the
hospital wtlh him.
| Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Laird en-
Mayor O. L. Wood and L. W. Claver
Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Currie were joyed a visit from their son, Philip,
down from Eugene last week-end who is stationed at Fort Stevens in returned yesterday from Portland,
and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred j Washington. He came in Saturday where they went Monday on theatre
Me Nelly.
and left again Monday evening.
■■■■■■■•-------- 1 •
----------- •
The Community Building commit­
tee—George A. Ulett, Lafe Compton
and L. W. Claver—and a committee
from the council to be named by
Mayor Wood, are planning to use the
fund* from the 4th of July celebra­
tion at once in securing and installing
a heating plant -for the building,
something vitally needed before an­
other winter.
The Next Improvement