The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, July 08, 1943, Page 9, Image 9

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Norway News Items
Arago News
4 Contests Ooen To C^adwick Lodge, a . f . a a . m . purpose ot conferring the M. M. de-
4 . .
A special communication of Chad- *ree 00 a candldat* for Powers Lodge,
wlck Lod«*- Nu- «. A * * a m
.. corne.
N u 1M Vb“,‘n K. « C. «»others
are w«i-
• ss Club
wiwu Members
Johnson. W M
Norton’s need used Band Instru­
ments. Let us make you an offer on
any instrument you wish to dispose
Miss Anita Tedsen returned last
Alice May Miller returned to her
week from San Francisco, where she
home in Myrtle Point last Friday af­
I will be held in the local lodge room
had spent the past month viaKing her
ter visiting at the home of her grand­
Four national 4-H club contests are | tomorrow (Fn^y) Evening /or the
On her way home she
caros, t*0 tor >1.00.
parente, Mr. and Mrs, Nile Miller for now available to any active club
. -
stopped off at Ferndale, Calif., to at­
several days.
member who can qualify. The con­
tend the wedding of her cousin, Leslie
Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller and Mrs. tests, however, are arranged to make
Harold Fish visited at the home of awards possible to county and state
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robison and their
>(r. and Mrs. Orvus Miller in Myrtle winners as well as national, accord­
grandson, Billie Pribble. and their
Point last Saturday,
ing to James F. Bishop, assistant
daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Fairchild, Rich­ county agent.
Carl Holland, spent the Fourth of
ard and Billy, of Scottsburg, visited
“Feed a Fighter in ’43” is the slo­
July at Bandon beach.
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. gan for the victory garden contest.
Mrs. Phoebe Harry, of Coquille,
Knabe from Friday until Monday last Members growing good gardens will
spent Monday and Tuesday of last week.
be interested in entering this contest.
week at the A. R. Bennetts. She came
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Myers, of Myr­
Increasing meat production is the
up to visit Mrs. Julia Leep, who came
tle Point, visited at the home of Mrs. object of the meat animal contest as
in from Roseburg June 27 to spend
well as to study methods of decreas­
Ida Myers several days last week.
two or three weeks with her da ugh-!
losses and wastes caused, for the
from the service on account of illness most part, by disease, parasites, and
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Schroeder, Mr.
and returned home from Kentucky improper handling.
and Mrs. A. O. Hughs, of Marshfield,
where he was stationed.
A national rural electrification
and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Freeman
Harry Collier left Monday for Port- contest is available to those enrolled I
and family, of Sweet Home, all had
land where he went to receive medical in regular 4-H work. It is not nec-
a picnic lurich together at Sunset |
essary to be enrolled in an electrifi-
Bay July 4th.
The County W. C. T. U. Institute cation project.
Saturday morning at the Mast Hos- '
will be held at Bandon, July 18.
The object of the safety activity
pital a son named Enno Larry Dor­
Rev. and Mrs. T. J. Pryor, Mr. and contest is to find every possible dan-
na th, weighing 8 V« pounds, was born I
Mra. E. F. Schroeder and Mrs. A. H. ker point about the house or farm
to Mr. and Mrs. Enno Domath. Mr.
Bender, all of Myrtle Point, visited and remove it.
Dornath works at the Johnson mill ’
at the home of M t . and Mrs. J. -I). ' Participants for county awards
’ _ near Bradford Station on the Rose-'
Carl Monday.
must be bona-fide 4-H club members
burg highway. Mr. and Mrs. Mike
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carl visited at working under the supervision of the
Daniel* »re rejoicing over this, their
the Edwin Schroeder home in Myrtle Extension Service and enrolled dur-
first grandson, as there are three
Point. Sunday afternoon.
ing the current year. *
granddaughters in the family.
•Mr. and Mrs. S. C. McAllister re- • For state and national honors,
Mrs. W. J. Jacobson, nee Priscilla
cevied a telegram from Miss Jean members must have passed their 14th
Deyoe, and two children came over
McAllister Saturday morning, saying birthday on January 1, 1M3, and
from North Bend to vist her sister
she was leaving Salt Lake City Sun­ ’must have completed at least three
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Haw­
day evening for Madras, Oregon, years of 4-H dub work, including the
kins, of Myrtle Point, over the 4th.
where she has been called on another current year.
Mrs. E. F. Brodie, who has been job.
According to Mr. Bishop all those
quite ill, being confined to her bed
Mrs. Toots Muth and Charles wishing to enter any one or more of
for a week or ten days with a severe
Pope of Azalea, Oregon, visited at
contests should send their names
case of the flu, is able to be about
I the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ithe County Agent's Office imme-
again. Her sister-in-law, Mrs. Birt
I Myers several days last week. They dlately as contests must be completed
Soaper, came down from Portland,
I returned td Azelea Saturday. Mrs. by October 1, IMS. Additional con­
where she has been visiting while
i’test information and material will be
Muth is Mrs. Myers’ sister.
Mr. Soaper was here helping Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. McAllister * ' «tunnliikri
supplied lirwtrt
upon ronnuaf
Brodie in the shingle mill, and has visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
been helping Mrs. Brodie with the
Frank Lane Sunday evening.
C *
household duties.
Everett Doyle came in from Marys- 1 rOirVICW NCWS
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. McNair, of Ban­
ville, Calif., and he and his wife1
don, and son, ftaymond McNair, and spent several days visiting at the' VialUn« relatives and on business
wife were dinner guests of Mr. and home of Mrs. Daisy Doyle.
here ,rom thelr home at Hebo- Ore -
Mrs. R. R. Rackleff Tuesday evening
Rev. G. A. Gray, of Coquille, con- are Mr and Mr* A,Pha Sa^or. They
of last week and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie ducted the regular Sunday morning ^«▼‘ved at the home of Mrs. Baylor’s
Bosk and her mother, Mrs. Martha church service. Sunday school fol- mother’ > Mrr
Mra' Amanda
A’n«ln<la Johnson, Sat-
— .
McNair, of Bandon, and Mrs. Boak's lowed with an attendance
of _ 34.
There i ' lirdav
urday of laot
laat utonb
week and rslannnrl
P>«»ned 4z to
sister, Mrs. Winnefred Hopkins, of, will be services again next Sunday I leave tor thelr hom* the middl# of
Spokane, Wash., were Saturday eve­ preaching at 10 a. m. and Sunday “
u. Their daughter, Lou, is
ning dinner guests of Mrs Boak’s school at 11 a. m. < On July
_ „
18 __
^Ployed * al Nehalem and their son,
other sister, Mrs. R. R. Rackleff.
will be pot luck dinner given in honor ’John, is in the U. S. Army, stationed
Raymond McNair has just graduated
of the ex-superintendent of the Arago 1 in Kentucky.
from a dental college in Chicago and
The County Extension Unit met on
Sunday school to which everyone is
has been inducted into the army but cordially invited.
Tuesday of last week at the Grange
before leaving he came home to see
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fredenberg hall. The meeting was on canning
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. McNair of
and Marie, of North Bend, were and dehydration. A dehydrator such
Bandon and other relatives in Coos
Arago visitors Monday. Mrs. Freden­ as can be made at home, with ply­
berg and Marie visited at the homes wood, electric fan and electric bulbs
Aunt Katie Appleton and her
of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. McAllister, was demonstrated by Dorothy Bishop.
daughter-in-law, Mrs. Jim Appleton,
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carl, and also at Beet tups were dried, peps pro­
and Mrs. F. J. Fish were afternoon
the L. M. Aason home on Hall's cessed ' and. strawberries canned.
visitors one day last week, with Mrs.
Creek, while Mr. Fredenberg went There was a potluck dinner with
Julia Leep at the A. R. Bennetts. Mrs.
cakes and pies predominating and a
Fish and Aunt Katie Appleton were
Mrs. Althea Harrah and Mrs. Mar- grand time was had by all. Those
old friends and neighbors of Mrs.
veen Brown and Sharon, drove to present were Mesdames Dorothy
Leep’s some thirty years ago when
Bishop, Myrtle Holverstott, Lora Hol-
Fairview Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Leep lived at Bancroft.
Mr. and Mrs. Melden Carl and verstott, Amy Richardson, Kathleen
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McLeod
Douglas, enjoyed a picnic at Broad­ Lindsay, Hazel Benham, Vivian La-
and little son. Roddie, came up from
bent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Branch, Emma Hall and Miss Gene­
Port Orford and spent three days
vieve Berry and Mrs. Alma Halter,
Cross of Coquille, and others.
with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. Grover McQulgg and of Coquille.
___ Mrs, E, F. Brodie,__________________ Ceeil, of Central Point, visited at the
Mrs. W. J. Wheeler arrived home j
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Bunch and
home of Mr. and Mrs. Orvus Miller Saturday evening from Eugene and
little daughter, Linda Dianne, and
Camp Lucky Boy, where she at-i
last Thursday.
Mrs. Bunch’s mother, Mrs. Claude
Stephen Aaaen came in from Pull­ tended the young peoples' camp and ;
Wasson, were Tuesday till Thursday
man, Washington, where he is at­ she reported all as having a wonder­
visitors at A. R. Bennetts.
tending Veterinary school and visited ful time.
Miss Clara Mast, of Myrtle Point,
Mrs. Mabel McKinley and daugh­
at the home of his parents, Mr. and
spent the past week with her grand­
Mrs. L. M. Aasen a couple of days ter, Sandra, of North Bend, spent the
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Haugh­ last week.
three-day holiday at the T. H. Ben- [
Nile Miller had the misfortune to ham home, returning to North Bend !
Mrs. Otto Ziebarth and son, Basil,
hurt his back while moving hay and Monday evening.
of Portland, who have been visiting is confined to his bed.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hatcher and
her mother, Mrs. Martha Mullins of
Mrs. Gus Schroeder re-entered the Betty celebrated July Sth in Coquille
Norway, the past two or three weeks,
N. W. Boles has accepted the book- I
Knife hospital again last week and
returned home Thursday of last week,
keeping and timekeeper’s job for the |
is receiving treatment there.
Kline Logging Co. He makes his'
stopping over in Eugene a few days
to visit her daughter, Mrs. Ralph
home in Bend, Ore., but hopes to
locate “and bring his family here
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Haughton and
this fall.
July 1—Edward Wham, of Bandon,
Mr. and Mrs. Alden Mast and family
Mrs. R. M. Noah returned to her
celebrated the 4th of July in Co­ and Meridel Shanafelt, of Coquille. home at L. L. Buoy’s last week, She
quille with a picnic lunch in the com- They
were married on Saturday by had been visiting in Roseburg for
Rev. L. W. Flenner, of the Congrega- several weeks.
munity grove.
The Pleasant Point club met last tlonal church.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lindsay and
July 1—Chester D. Cook, of Myrtle family made a business trip to Rose­
Wednesday at the home of Mrs. A. R
Bennett in honor of Mrs. Julia Leep’s Point, and Luanna E. Fry, of Broad- burg Sunday. While there they vis­
83rd birthday, with the following bent. They were married in the M. E. ited with the Owen Bartons, who
number present: Mrs. Frank South­ parsonage at Myrtle Point on Satur­ formerly lived here.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Buoy and fam- ‘
mayd, Mrs. Harry Druliner, ■ Mrs. day by Rev. T. J. Pryor.
July 2—George A. Rice and Helen ily spent the 4th in Coquille with i
Belle Lewellen, Mrs. Ella Bryant,
Mrs. Harold Simmons and her two M. Pancoast, both of Bridge. Justice relatives.
YOU WILL GET ALL SIX publications for ONE FULL YEAR, and If you are already
children, Alice Kay and Dwain, Mrs. Fred R. Bull performed the marriage
At the square dance contest dur- '
a subscriber to ANY of these SIX publications, your present subscription will be extended
Raymond- Thompson and daughter, ceremony for them at his office here ing the 4th of July celebration in (
one full year. Mail or bring the coupon below to our office AT ONCE, and you will receive
Mrs. R. W. Haughton and grand­ last Friday.
Coquille, Fairview Grange again won '
July 6—Emiel A. Simoens and first place. Those making up the set
daughter, Clara Mast, Mias Mary
week—that’s 60 magazines and 52 newspapers—112 issues in all for only 23.50. ORDER
Harris, Mrs. Lina Kellenberger, Mrs. Dorothy J. Hokeman, both of East were Gladys Bales, Glenn Richard- I
AT ONCE because we may soon have to withdraw this offer, or advance the price. Sign
Ellis Southmayd, Mrs. Mike Daniels, Moline, Ills.
son, Clarence and Mary Deadmond,
the coupon NOW and SAVE $3.00.
Mrs. Geo. Hoffman, Mrs. J. Lewellen
Nelda Norris, Ray Deadmond and
Southmayd; Mrs. Claud Wasson, Mr.
Charles and Violette Geitner. The ,
and Mrs. M. E. Bunch, visitors and
ladies were dressed in old-fashioned
the hostess, Mrs. Arthur Bennett. Mrs
gowns. The caller, Paul Bales, of
July 1—Evelyn Springer vs. Earl
Leep received many lovely cards and
Fairview Grange, won second place
Dean Springer. Suit for divorce.
handkerchiefs, some pretty potted
in-the contest of callers. The dance
July 8—Myrtle Hoover vs. Adam K.
plants and other' gifts. After a de­
contestants also won a marching
Hoover. Suit for divorce.
Coquille, Oregon
licious potluck dinner, a short busi­
prize in the parade.
July 7—Robert T. McCollum vs.
ness meeting was held, >9.95 worth
Glessie McCollum.
6 Big Publications
All for Ono Year
112 issues in all
Woman's Home Companion
Better Homes and Gardens
True Story
Farm Journal Cr Farmer's Wife I yr.
American Poultry Journal - - lyr.
Coquille Valley Sentinel - - 1 yr.
Marriage Licenses
For One Year
Regular Value $6.5O-YOU SAVE $3.00
Circuit Court Cases
Probate CourtJ terns
,If you want a leather brief caseI
or a fine billfold, shop at Norton's. J The widow, Helen M. G. Sonneland,
We have just received a large sup- | was last Thursday appointed admin­
ply and by fall they will be practi-, istratrix of the >3500 estate left by
jW Louis A. Sonneland, who died June 3.
cally off the market.
Appraisers appointed were Ned C.
Kelley, L. H. Hazard and Nell Mc­
Calling cards. SO fur 81.00.
Carthy Teters.
Meetings For The Summer
The Coquille American Legion
Auxiliary will not meet during the
summer because the Legion room is
being used by the Red Cross Unit,
which is making bendages there. Date
for the first fall meeting of the Aux­
iliary, in September, will be
nounced later.
paper and the fololwing FI1
Coquille Valley Sentinel . ....
Better Homes and Gardens ..
Woman’s Home Compansion
Ny name is
1 year
...1 year
...1 year
True Story
Farm Journal and Farmer’s Wife . ..1
American Poultry Journal