nolds aluminum plant at Longview, although when the engineers recom­ mended Tacoma for a tin smelter Jones sent that new industry to his home town in Texas. Jones also had much to say about a couple of the war industries going to Spokane when Oregon was struggling for them. Coos “Keep Oregon Gram” Committee Named By Governor Naming of Mrs. Stella A. Cutlip as county chairman for Coos county for the Keep Oregon Green campaign this summer was announced today by Governor Earl Snell. Intensive or­ ganization of every county in Oregon inothe public drive to keep fires from forest and farm lands is being rapid­ ly completed. “Our moat important home front job this war year is to stop all fires caused by careless action of the gen­ eral public,” Governor Snell cau­ tioned the county chairman. “We must npt give aid to our enemies by starting forest fires which could hin­ der our coastal air command, or PIMPLES DISAPPEARED OVER NIGHT Estimates for current Fiscal Year Yes. it is true, there is a safe harm­ less‘'medicated liquid called Kleerex that dries up pimples over night. Those who followed simple directions and applied Kleerex upon retiring were amazingly surprised when they found their pimples has disappeared. These users enthusiastically prgise Kleerex and claim they are no longer embarrassed and are now happy with their clear oomplexions. Don’t take our word for it, use Kleerex tonight. If Expenditure 1941-42 GENERAL CONTROL .......-- --------------------- INSTRUCTION — Supervision'............... INSTRUCTION — Teaching ........... -....;..... OPERATION OF PLANT ............................. MAINTENANCE A REPAIR .,---------------- AUXILIARY AGENCIES ...... .......... ............ FIXED CHARGES ...„....... ....... ............... ..... CAPITAL OUTLAY .............................. SPECIAL RESERVE FUNDS — Transfer DEBT SERVICE ...... .. .......................... ......... EMERGENCY ...... ............... ......... .....-.......... At Your Service It. is a pleasure to announce that I haye become associated with the Great Northern Life Insurance Company, as Dis­ trict Agent. This Company is an old line legal reserve com­ pany with a long record of service to policyholders. It writes both Life Insurance and Accident and Health In­ surance (income protection). I shall be glad to consult with any one on his insurance needs, and recommend a Great Northern Life policy to fit the situation. There will be no obligation, of course, and I am—at your service. TOTAL GENERAL FUND „._i....... BOND INTEREST A SINKING FUND GRAND TOTAL EXPENSB .......... I 54,140.20 DISTRICT AGENT GREAT NORTHERN LIFE INSURANCE CO. 43« W. Front COQUILLE Phone «2-M »53,295.00 Amount inside 0% limitation ..... Amount outside t% limitation .. INDEBTEDNESS Bonded Indebtedness Warrant Indebtedness Total Indebtedness THt T own P ump Signed: Louise Leslie, Clerk of School District No. 8 by SPEAKING FOR YOUR STANDARD SERVICI MEN AND WOMEN MMf MMO7 Henry Agar Wallace, vice president of the United States, has read himself out of the fourth term ticket with Franklin Delano Roosevelt. His public statement, calling Jesse H. Jones, secretary of commerce, names disposed of his future as presiding of­ ficer of the senate. Mr. Wallace charged Jones with interfering with the board of emergency warfare in purchasing materials in Latin Ameri- 1 ca for stcokpiles. As a matter of fact there are three agencies concerned ; in the procurement of raw materials In lands south of the border; the de­ partment of state, the RFC (Jones) through subsidiaries, and BEW (Wal­ lace). There has been some under­ cutting and stabbing among these agencies and they have not worked in unison. The Wallace-Jones affair came on the heels of Elmer Davis charging that the Washington (Arrespondents are prone to play up small contra­ stes instead of taking OWI handouts Mr. Wallace released the story him­ self. The frictions between cabinet members (Ickes and Wallace when the latter was secretary of agricul­ ture) and bureaus is an old story. War food administration is charging the theorists of office of price ad­ ministration with incompetence and with the result of confusion and shortages. Donald Nelson, WPB chieftain, announces that there is an excellent prospect of gasoline re­ lief; Petroleum Administrator Har­ old Ickes warns that there will, be stricter controls. What to do with your gum! Here’s a word of advice to motorists who go buclAting merrily along thinking their oil filter is straining out the gum and goo that collects in all motor oil. Tain’t so! After about 8,000 miles your filter ordinarily gets so clogged up that oil can't pass. It sidesteps through a by-pass valve and carries dust, gum and metal particles from the crankcase into your motor. That’s an open invitation to repair bills—so ask us to replace your oil filter element every 8,000 miles. It only takes a minute. Three Great Gasolines Jesse Jone* is a very big man in the Rooseyelt administration, much STANDARD COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL Coquille, Oregon • JAKES BETTER CARE OF YOUR CAR