PAOS HVB mi -BSFBS-—-SB—-S—-ÜSS Story Of Origin Of Coquille Told -T/ Out-of-Doors Stuff kV i Weekly Letter From Washington, D. C. K* BY CONGRESSMAN HARRIS ELLSWORTH | °n Needed ,r 15 p ’eeG LANS LENIVI At the request of a subscriber the v ■ —— -......... i ' g J ....... .................... ....... I The State of4 Oregon’s new basic ■ . 4 following item which appeared in the Washington, D. C., July 3—As this have made a good record. It would ' Plan for evacuation, in the event of Last season there was a very is written, the smoke of the jangle not be quite accurate to say that the 'Japanese attack, has been submitted Sentinel some year» ago as to the i first settlement of the city is im­ noticeable decrease in the flight of between the House and Senate over Administration is cracking up with lo the Army for final approval and I canvas back ducks into the Coquille printed. This subscriber had a letter the appropriation bills has not cleared internal strife—but it is a fact that '«ill be placed in forceps rapidly as from Portland Which told of the dif­ , valley. And while there was an open away. Quite largely as a result of a there is considerable dissention in possible, according to Jerrold Owen, ficulty the early dgy Indians had in season,on wood ducks, the first time lot of hard and effective work by what might be termed the inner cir- ' State Administrator of Civilian De­ spelling, words in their language with in many years, these birds too were Senators McNary and Holman, and de. fense. It has been widely acclaimed ___ _____ English letters. “Coquilth ” was ___ the noted to be far less numerous than in the Representatives from the States ' by regional officials. closest the red men could come to previous seasons. The big red head of Oregon and Washington, the ap- The problem of evacuation, once Openinc For Cadet In 1M4 spelling the word according to the WM al*° scarcer. Th» mallard, too, i propriation item for forest fire pro­ thought of as the process of moving At Annapolis Naval Academy name of the river from which Co-:wu not *° >huch in evidence, but tection was approved on the basis large groups of people from threat­ quille takes its name, but as to the h«ld hi> own f*r better than the other of the larger amount written into Announcing a single vacancy for ened areas, is now defined as pri­ aboriginal meaning of the word noth- ducks mentioned. However, there the bill in the Senate. the 4th District of Oregon at the U. marily a re-settling of the homeless, ing is known. was a noticeable Increase in the num­ , Money for Coos county coal ex­ S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, and transportation and care of the The following reproduction- of the bers of spoon-bills. Never In the ploration, and the operating appro­ Maryland, Congressman Harris Ells­ injured. historical item which S. M. Nosier memory of the writer has he seen as priation for the new Bureau of Mines worth today stated that the prelimi­ The four phases of the evacuation wrote at the request of the Coos and f many of these ducks as during the Laboratory at Albany, finally cleared nary qualifying examinations for the plan include (a) local facilities for Curry Pioneer Association is especial­ past season. Ruddies were also both Houses. I cannot give the ex­ appointment of a principal and three the shelter and feeding of the vic­ ly timely in view of the Pioneer scarcer by far than the previous sea- act amounts, but am assured _ they alternates would be held on July 31, tims of enemy attack (b) speedy , ' ' are about what we hoped for. 1943. The U. S. Civil Service Com­ transportation and resettling of vic­ picnic which is to be held here two •son. A late flight of wild geese to their weeks from next Sunday, on July 52. Capitol employees and numerous mission will conduct the examina-! tims of enemy attack in instances northern nesting grounds was wit­ other government people will be late tions at the following city post of-J i where damage is so widespread that My father and mother, the late Mr. nessed in the Prosper district this in receiving their pay checks this f fices buildings: Eugene, Marshfield, local handling is not sufficient, (c) and Mrs. W. H. Nosier, arrived at spring. The geese went over by the month because the Congress spent Medford and Roseburg. | movement of large groups of people f Candidates for the Naval Academy from any given locality that has been Iowa Slough with their three small j thousands for several days and many many days arguing over the dismissal, children from Iowa in June 1871. In of them stopped to rest in the fields by Congressional action, of three bu­ must not have been married and must damaged to the degree that it is the fall of 1872 when there was but in the vicinity of Bear Creek and reau employees* who are alleged to not be less than 17 years of age nor desirable to vacate the locality and one house here and that built of logs. | Parkersburg, have communist connections. Agree­ more than 21 on April i, 1944, (d) the handling of individuals and Provision will be made for young families who voluntarily leave their my father built a store building out1 The wild band tailed pigeons were ment was finally reached—but not of lumber for one of his nephews, less numerous than usual this season. until after the regular payrolls were men in the armed services to com­ homes for inland destinations, after Till Vowell, who being a young man,, Time was when their flight used to held up several days. This appropri­ pete if they desire. Appointees who enemy attacks. was not adapted to running a store darken the sun in these parte and the ation bill was known as the emer­ are in the service will be sent to The new evacuation plans will in­ Naval Training School to study for sure clear highways for. army use, He soon sold out to another nephew, grain fields contained thousands up­ gency deficiency bill. Elcans Nosier, who likewise soon sold on thousands of the feeding birds. Before leaving the subject of ap­ the final qualifying mental examina­ in the event of invasion, and will to the late John L. Moulton, who ran But it appears that those days are propriation, I should point out that tion in April 1944. avoid the experience in France and Candidates ¿iesiring to compete the Low Countries when civilian- a general merchandise store here for gone forever and that the band tails the regular appropriation bills are are headed the way of the carrier supplemented at any time while Con­ should notify Congressman Harris crowded roads seriously hampered some 25 years. The farm or land on which Coquille pigeon. The latter is now entirely gress is in session by the passage of Ellsworth, House Office Building, military defense. now stands was owned by Titus Wil- i extinct. At one time it was estimated . deficiency Nils. For example, if the Washington, D. C. at once since the Organizations co-operating in the lard and my father induced him to that there were a billion of these j Albany laboratory needs more oper­ Civil Service Commission must have evacuation of civilians, under the lay out a townsite here, arguing that I birds in the United States. But mar­ ating money later on, such an item the names of candidates by July 15. direction of the Oregon State De- They should designate their choice this was a halfway point between ket hunters, no closed seasons, etc., can be put in a deficiency bill. of places for examlnaUon, give pres- Bandon and Myrtle Point and a junc­ I eventually eliminated them entirely ____ the __ appropriation ______ _____________ tion for the Coos Bay and Brewster from the picture—just as the Heath After billa are ent or expected future addresses, and valley countries. When this was done I hen and the Labrador duck were completed, there appears to be litttle men in Service or who will be in ser- Mr. Willard did not know what to ¡finally eliminated. The ducks and else of a pressing nature that should . vice by July 31 should give the name j name it and again W. H. suggested geese are headed the same way, al­ have the attention of Congress im- of the Commanding Officer and ad- he call it by the name of the river though it will take many years to medlately, so a recess will be in or- dress of the camp or training station which was then pronounced Koquille bring about their total extinction, but der just as soon as the remainder of to which they are or may be at­ the time is coming when any species the appropriation bills* are paaaed. tached. Only bonafide legal resi­ This was done in 1883. Next buildings built by my father of wild duck or goose will be rarity The proposal to establsih a single dents of the 4th District may com­ were in the following order: A small indeed—for history will eventually food control is a sound and vital one, pete. residence for our family on the site of repeat itself, just as the case of the but with the resignation of Chester the Woodman hall, ritext a small hotel carrier pigeon and the Heath hen. Davis, a man in whom members of State Income Tax Receipts Each season sees more anglers tak­ congress on both sides of the aisle building for Mrs. Charlotte Miller on Six Million Over Estimate the present Coquille Hot»l site; next ing to our streams. There are thous­ had confidence, enthusiasm for the On the very first day of the 1»43 ands of them today where a few years a small school house on the lot where FFood Administration bill cooled the First National Bank now stands. back there were only dozens. Natur­ down. It is considered impractical if session of the legislature Rep. John He also taught the first term of al propagation of fish in our streams not impossible to get that bill out for H. Hall, of Multnomah county, intro­ school therein. Next he homesteaded i cannot take care of this influx of passage now. Furthermore, the Pres­ duced House Bill No. 3 which, if the land which is known as the Not- anglers and our game fish are headed ident has indicated in rather positive enacted, would have materially re­ ley place and built his home just east the same way as the birds already language that he does not approve duced the state income tax Oregon of the Wm. Bettys house a block east mentioned, if more attention is not the idea—hence, he would doubtless citizens had to pay last April 15. The house committee on taxation and from the Washington school. Here given to the planting of more trout, veto the bill if passed. revenue kicked the Hall bill around my sister, Mary Gage was born, the if the smaller streams are not closed for about six weeks, during which at certain pointe in order to allow first child born in Coquille. There will be a vacancy at the U. The entire townsite was covered trout to spawn farther up the streams. S. Naval Academy at Annapolis for time the state tax commission ap­ with timber of all kinds. My father ' Artificial propagation can never appointment in 1944, from our Fourth peared before the committee and told me when they built the store on, take the place of natural propagation. District. The Navy has announced a urged defeat of the Hall bill, argu­ the bank of the river back of the That is, trout spawned and raised in plan for special training preparatory ing that the measure, . if passed, Lorenz building on Front street, they captivity do not possess the cunning to the qualifying examinations which would wreck the state income tax had to clear the spot Of vine maple , that a natural spawned trout posses- will be held next March—this ap­ program. The tax commission con­ and trees in order to build, and they They fali eeater prey to king- plies to the boys now in the armed servatively estimated that the total were .camped on a little cleared spot, I fishers, to cranes and to the angler forces—so my preliminary Civil Ser­ receipts from the 1942 levy on in­ where the laundry stands. ‘hart do the native spawned trout, vice competitive examination date come (payable April 15, 1943) would not exceed the figure of the year In the evening his nephew would go spawned in his natural habitat, has been stepped up. Boys ih my to camp to prepare their supper and! K is but natural to assume that a congressional district who wish to .prior, which was $14,000,000. The Hall bill, which would have could hardly work for looking around trout that has been fed by hand and make a try for the appointment expecting to have a bear, panther or then liberated in our streams cannot should write me immediately, stating saved the taxpayer about 30 per cent some other wild animal jump at him. possess the cunning of the trout that their desire to do so. I am anxious of his tax payment this year and a like or even greater amount next The town soon began to grow. The is spawned naturally in a stream. to have as many as possible take the year, was defeated despite the several late Dr. S. L. Leneve moved here with examination. The Civil Service ex­ eloquent arguments made by Repre­ his family from the Bear Creek sec­ Oregon G m Tax Four Million amination will be held at 9:00 a. m., sentative Hall on the floor during tion and started a drug store; Mrs. July 31, 1943, at the post offices in And A .Quarter For Five Months debate. Hall argued that income tax Robison built another hotel. The en­ Eugene, Marshfield, Medford and Gasoline consumption in Oregon tire business was^done in one block Roseburg. Examinations for boys al­ payments this year would total at on Front Street. I remember well during the month of May registered ready in the armed forces—no matter least $17,000,000 or more, which when we got out first paved street, the smallest decrease for any month where they may now be stationed— would safely alloow a 30 per cent re­ it was paved with sawdust from the so far this year, according to Secre- will be arranged through their com­ duction in taxes this year. Represen­ tative Hall argued that because of river to the present Coquille hotel, tery of State Bob Farrell, who dis- manding officers. I suggest that We had one sidewalk made of lumber, closed that gas use dropped only 10.8 parents or friends of boys, who the large increase in the federal in­ four foot wide, running from Front per cent this May in comparison with might wish to try for this Annapolis come tax, which Oregon taxpayers would be called upon to pay, the street to the Christian Science church. May of 1942. appointment, send me the names and Crossing There were 20,143,547 gallons of present addresses of such boys im­ state income taxpayers should be Crosaing the street from the Walker service station to the Farr A Elwood gasoline used in Oregon in May, mediately—surely before July 15 entitled to relief this year. The tax commission argued against building there was two boards laid compared to 22,602,294 gallons in May (Use air mail, please)—and I will down to walk on. In those days and iof last year. Monthly deceases so see that the boys are given the com- any tax reduction this year because for a good many* years following far this year were: January, 29 per I petitive examination. To be eligible, its tax income would not exceed Now, several months horses, cattle, and hogs, roamed the cent; February, 22 per cent; March, boys must be 17 years of age on or $14,000,000. streets at will. We hqd lived in Cali­ IS per cent; April, 17 per cent; and before April 1, 1944, and not older after, what is the true picture? . State income tax payments have fornia for a few yean where It was May, 10.8 per c»nt. than 21 as of that date. Marriage For the year to date, gasoline con­ I makes a boy ineligible. totaled about $20,000,000, and more nothing unusual to feel an earth quake and one evening the house be­ sumption amounts to 84,887,390 gal­ All appointments I make to the coming in each day, over $0,000,000 a decrease of 18.4 per cent from Academies are based on grades more than the state tax commission gan to shake and tremble and we lons, ---------------------------------------- set as their maximum figure. children yelled "earthquake,’’ but J the gallonage of the fint five months earned in Vie Civil Service compe­ So it’s easy to see that Representa­ someone said no, it was just a hog1 of 1942. titive examinations. tive Hall was over 100 per cent right scratching its back under the house. I Taxes paid on gasoline used in Sorry to be in such a hurry on Later J. P. Messer bought the old, Oregon for the first five months this this, but I just received my notice in his argument for a tax reduction this year, while the state tax com­ school site and built a livery stable year totaled $4,244,300,083. from the Navy Department a couple there and had a yoke of oxen with of days ago. Some boy will win the mission was 100 per cent wrong in its prediction., Taxpayers will get which he did all. the hauling for the principal appointment and three town. Later R. E. Buck built a noth- I others will be named as alternates. at least a 60 per cent reduction next year, just what the Hall bill called er livery stable and purchased a team , The Auxiliary of Townsend Club, All four, if they happen to be in for, only Hall’s measure called for a of horses which was quite a step No. 2, met at the home of Mrs. Elsie the service now (any branch) will, 30 per cent cut this year and a like forward. There were no roads pas­ Hickam on July 1. A business meet­ immediately following selection, be amount next year. sable in the winter, our only way of ing was held and plans made for en­ transferred to a Naval Training Sta­ The officials of the state tax com­ travel being by steam boat or row­ tertaining the caravan meeting on tion for preparatory training until mission further admitted recently boat on the river. I think it was in July 18 at Woodman hall, after which next April when the qualifying ex­ that the huge income tax payments 1883 when the road was opened to a very delicious luncheon was served amination is given. So send me the which rolled in this year will enable Coos Bay for a few months in the by the hostess. A new member was names of likely boys who are known them to entirely eliminate state real summer. I spent a few years of my , 'taken in at this meeting. One of to be good students and who possess property tax payments, and besides younger life in California but for 46 our members, Mrs. Olive Moss, who qualities of leadership. distribute about $5,000,000 to the years I have lived in Coquille and feel is living in Nevada, is here on a visit state elementary school district fund, I have done my part in building a row in the Administration cftmrpunity whicte citizen in the ut a Liday’s op Eleventh street July 15 Jesse Jones has caused quite a buzz Members present were: Mary F. of discussion here. The dope, which NOTICE ,If you want a leather brief case Rocco, Eva Train, Viola Liday, Flor­ cannot be called “inside stuff” be­ or a fine billfold, shop at Norton’s. I will not be responsible for ac­ cause it is pretty obvious, is that the ence " DeNoma, Minnie Waterman, We havfe just received a large sup­ counts contracted by anyone other • Mary Keck, Maud Brockman, Alma New Deal wants to get rid of Jones. ply and by fall they will be practi­ than myself after this date, July 1, Jesse Jones is bead of RFC and in .Halter, Violet Roth, Eva Shepard, s Roy H- Osbsrne. 1943. that capacity has vast sums of money cally off the market, Estes Briner, Elsie Hickam ana two Myrtle Point, Oregon 24tl* i under his control. He is generally -visitors, Bertha Wilson and Alberta I conceded here (even by his enemies, Keys made for all locks. Stevens j except Vice President Wallace) to Cash Hardware. Coquille. Ore. I Nodine.—Press Cor. tf Calling ceras, M for Sl.Qp. Townsend Club No. 2 tense Council, include the American Red Cross, the State Public Welfare Dept., the State Health Dept., City, County and State Police, and their auxiliaries, The State Guard, the Emergency Medical Service, the Air Raid Warden Service, the State Transportation Officer ■ and special Evacuation Personnel. FLOWERS For Every Bergen s