■ coauiixt. origon , T hursday . J uly a. ims . VAGI FOUR ■ ~ — -------- 7------------- . _ ---------- ----- -- --------------- — - —- 1 destroyed that its survival was highly j were grossly discriminated against, improboble. 1 the actual suspension must have come I To show you "how far the bankers i from the Palace Guard and not from « MM !■ * MM TSWS who composed *^he Board of RFC Mr, Walker. * Freedoni Throught Government However, in this power to thus sus­ All the distinctive features and. missed the mark, the City of Bandon H. A. YOUNG and M. D. GRIMES pend American magazines or periodi­ superiority of our republican institu­ has paid off over $250,000.00 on its | (Taken from The Sentinel of Friday, Schroeder took the train for Ana ­ Publishers July «, 1923) heim, Calif., says that leaving Rose­ debt since the fire. Its industries cals lies a grave danger to the free­ tions are derived from the teachings H. A. YOUNG, Editor dom of the press. Any act of sus­ of Scripture. —Everett. The Cadmean program for this burg on the return trip at five o’clock, are far stronger than ever before and Year8"?^^T-.^-^’—_ ..88 00 pension of mailing privileges so vital the town is definitely on the up ­ One year's Chautauqua will start tomor- he met 187 autos before (.reaching . Discerning the rights of man, we „ Months------------------------------ 1.00 Irow afternoon and will continue for Myrtle Point at eight. ilx grade. The bankers were right in no to the life of any publishing business cannot fail to foresee the doom of all Three Months ----------------- --------- 80 particular. Their batting average should be carefully scrutinized by oppression. Slavery is not the legi­ No subscription taken unless paid five days. It is an attraction of un­ Congress and thoroughly justified by There were about 500 fans out at was exactly zero. And I have felt tor in advance. This rule is impera­ usual quality and will be unique in timate state of man. God made map the Post Office Department. There that the depression of the 30*s was tive. Coos county in that admission will be the ball park last Sunday to see the free. Mary Baker Eddy is a question whether this power free. Arthur Ellingson and Henry North Bend team receive a trimming caused very largely by the fact, that Tiie very idea of the power and should be left In the hands of the Entered at the Coquille Poetoffice as Lorenz who have been collecting the at the hands of the local club, the re­ RFC was staffed by bureaucrats Second Class Mail Matter. Postmaster General or whether a right of the people to establish gov-, rather, than by business men or thousand dollars in subscriptions the ceipts being $200. joint committee-of Congress handling ernmentf presupposes the duty of farmers. past week. My that it has been a Al'-'—0------ Post Office matters should not be every individual to obey the estab­ This is not intended to be a reflec ­ Mr. and Mrs. John A. Martin left pleasure to work on that committee, given the final say. It certainly does lished government. —Washington. I for everyone has come through glad­ Wednesday morning for a two tion on the banking profession be­ ZZ__ 2-. not square up with American ideals cause a successful banker must be a Patriotism is a blind and irrational ly and some have even offered to months* trip, on which they will visit to have one’s business arbitrarily impulse unless it is founded on a in northern Idaho, in Wyomiiig, and pessimist. Our savings are not safe give more if it is needed. in the hands of any banker who destroyed by the act of a single Fed­ knowledge of the blessings we are also see Yellowstone Park. hisiíe U PlBLIS isn’t. But in an agency intended to eral official and without being per­ called to secure and the privileges we R. T. Newton, a former Coquille mitted a day in court. And this lat­ propose to defend. —Robert Hall. ( The city council held a short session build up public confidence in the boy, was here the first of the week ter expression means that the day in midst of a general depression, one fQr a visiV wlth relatives. He is en­ Mohday evening and after disposing We must accept the disciplines of court should be within the financial gaged near Klamath Falls in logging of other business went into executive should have only those with the most reach of every citizen apd not merely democracy as well as its freedoms. optimistic frame of mind and the operation and left for there on Wed­ session to consider who should be ap­ By R. T. Moore . ; the rich. Even tho.the present law Discipline from without flourishes pointed to succeed Frank Dungey as greatest confidence in American busi­ It should be made known to the tax nesday. does specify that the publisher may when discipline from within grows ness. , In the case of the City of Ban ­ marshal, he being named to succeed paying public that one-fifth of all —Harry Woodburn Chase. seek redress or relief in court from weak. don, if such men had passed on the Mrs. Roy Watson suffered a broken E. O. Faustman as water superin­ the land in the United States proper, the action by the Post Office Depart­ loan application we would have been Only free people can hold their tendent. There were several appli ­ is now under Government ownership arm and other minor injuries about living today in a much nicer town. ment, the- procedure is so costly that purpose and their honor steady to a cations for the job but after hearing ten o ’ clock here Tuesday morning and pays no taxes, i. . ' , The County and State would have ionly the rich can take advantage of common end, and prefer the interest ( In addition to the land there is when their Ford ro»d«t«‘ *as hit by the views of several members of the been better off because of the it- . . ' of mankind to any narrow interest of council, Mayor Nosier named Jack A. about twelve billion dollars worth of another car. —Woodrow Wilson. Leach for marshal and both appoint­ existence of an attractive town. The The people’s Congress should take their own. business property owned by the Gov­ _______ ’ ’ - v Chas. Ei Schroeder, who drove out ments were promtly corffirmed by the RFC would have been repaid more immediate steps to protect this right. ernment directly or by its many agen­ ’ * than half of the loan inside of the to Roseburg Wednesday, where Mrs. ’ council. . , And any suggestion of dirty politics Calling cards. So tor »1.0C. cies. first seven years of its existence. » ■ ■ ia the handling of these cases should The danger in this situation is One must assume' there' are many tration's measures. " volt in Congress that is now the talk removed thru the piti- recognized by conservative leaders ¡ such- incidents all over the United j be less 'summarily publicity of a public hearing be- The Court obstacles were removed of the. town, is merely the outward SUNDAY DINNERS in both major parties and discuMion fore the proper committee of the Con­ States and that the original purpose _is under way to plan for the return by the simple expedient of appoint- expression of a growing lack of con­ of the RFC was innocently betrayed gress. of much of this property to. private ing judges who were believed to be fidence in bureaucratic control. The by the very men who were chosen in sympathy \yith the general pro- resignation of Chester C. 'Davis as ownership and public tax rolls as an Calling caras. SU tor st. 00 I gram of the Administration. The Food Administrator, the sharp and to administer it. And now it seems economic post-war measure. to be used merely to circumvent Con ­ spicy letter written by Mr. Baruch and Coos county has had a taste of what long tenure of office by the President gress by passing out funds to agen­ Government ownership means to has afforded ample opportunity in when he accepted the appointment to cies who would have difficulty in local' school districts and other tax thia direction. The cost to the coun­ assist Justice Byrnes, the several persuading hard-boiled finance com­ OUR SPECIALTY , has been ___ the ____________________ general distrust and statements by other bureaucratic A. F. A A. M. levying bodies. The increasing of try mittees to let them have funds. SPECIAL COMMUNICATIONS even contempt with which the legal | czars such as Mr. Jeffers, all call at- Dinners $1.00 and $1.25 Federal land acquisition correspond­ Being a resident of Bandon and Friday, ^uly », 8:08 P. M. profession regards many of ‘ the Fed " ­ tention to the sam/i thing. No one has Open Every Day till 8:00 p.m. ingly increases the local real property { any definite authority and there is considerably soured on the RFC for Work in M. M. tax burden. As real property in our eral Courts. There is some indication that the no exact demarcation of assignments their missing the boat in our case, I Visitors Welcome entire State is taxed about to the (' appointed judges, being human and in the various fields. The resulting am probably too prejudiced, to be .......... ............................. limit we are vitally interested in ■^r- ■ ____________ permitted a fair analysis of the RFC. '"¿■-'U------------------------------------------------ ------- ‘ keeping the Federal ownership at a : fully aware of this attitude on the chaos is growing very dangerous to But the facts speak for themselves minimum and the private property part of their brothers-in-trade, are the prosecution of the war and the and the reading public may draw on the tax rolls at a maximum. The , showing a tendency toward inde- public is demanding that something their own conclusions. While it is not required by law that auto driven have developments in these matters are , [ pendence of thinking and action that be done, and quickly. Hence the may lead to better relations in the revolt by the politically sensitive worth watching. Senator Langer of South Dakota ' future. The legal profession does Congress. - - called attention of the Senate to an ( not ask these couqs to have a fixed The City of Bandon had a bitter ex- . A peculiar inconsistency in the ’ attitude of mend. It only asks that perience with bureaucracy after the , action by the Post Office Department management policy of one of the Under the provisions of the new state law, which becomes strongest and most 'reliable of the j the judges be fair and honest and free fire in 1936. We were led on to draw arbitrarily depriving about seventy effective on June 10, it is highly desirable, from the auto- labor unions is shown in a statement I from any political or social obllga- up an excellent plan for a compact, magazines of mailing privileges. Thé grounds for imposing .this ist’s point of view that his car be fully covered by Liability made by its president concerning an tlion that would Influence their th Ink- attractive, little town, easily served Insurance to make sure that, in case of an accident or col­ assessment against all its members in*' The profession also feels that by Utilities and potentially a pleasant penalty were obscenity and danger to the public morals. One of the peri­ lision, for which he may not be responsible, that the license for a war fund to relieve certain dis­ jit is entitled to certain definite and place in which to live.— At the cost positive policies which it can rely up- 1 of a great deal of time and effort odicals was the Police Gazette which of his car is not suspended, pending court action to deter­ tressed peoples in Europe. mine where the fault lay. The head of this union, whom I will on to be the law until publicly property owners were induced to'had been published since 1845. changed by Act of Congress. These deed their property into a common Senator Langer outlined the his- . not name, has a high place In labor FOR THE BEST IN LIABILITY INSURANCE SEE ranks in the nation. His union is well opinions are not my* own and I pass pool in the hands of a Board of Trus- , lory of this well-known publication them on for what they are worth. tees, who would in turn deed back 1 and told of how it was given an or- managed and has assisted employers in building up their business. It is There is much food for thought in to the property owner a plot or plots I der for a. large number of copies by Central Committee in of land substantially equal in area the Democratic ~ well considered by its members, its this conversation. Res. Phone ML Office Phone 5 and location to the plots which he 1936 when it supported President employers, and the general public. Roosevelt ’ s candidacy. Later, when One of the casualties sidered it merely the personal opinion of the speaker. But coming from ibch a one, it indicates a general attitude in the profession. I One of the Administrations moat i dangerous weaknesses has been the lust for power which has forced the removal of the obstacles of opposite- minded courts opposing the Adminis- BOTTLE SHORTAGE! Return 'Empties" promptly Cream O’Coos Ice Cream Co. Distributors, Coquille ACMI ntWISIM, So» i A sc I ks