PACK TWO THE COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL. COQUILLE. OREGON. THURSDAY. JULY 8, IMS. fem Come! Playground News j,«, P. W. Hqld First Enjoy the games, races ¿id Remember the Date July 8th Starting at 9 A. M. Hall Ju,y HailOCK 5 Annual Clearance Sale PRICE All JERSEY and FLAT RAYON BETTER PRINTS Regularly Priced at <8.95 to <14.95 CO to close, they are marked ........ ^JF -O Jr 4 5 A Group, of TAILORED RAYON PRINTS and GINGHAMS, formerly <6.50 to <8.95 tf B OO to close at ...... .... y........ ... JF IF Odds and Ends of BLOUSES, Values"f/ I ECC to $3.98—Just '............................. /2LXJJ Odds and Ends of WRAPROUND TUR BANS. $1.00 Values Go For ......... 59c You will also find many other items where there are small quantities and they will be drastically reduced SUN. ton; Health, Leia Elrod; Research, ' Inez Chase; International Relations, IMaitha Mulkey; Education, Arlene | Robertson; Public Affairs, Clara Bos- Isermao; Courtesy? ^Annie Robinson; | Parliamentarian, Bertha Smith; Pub- | lications and Radio, Dorthy Bishop; Scholarship Loan Secretary, ' Joyce Owen; Legislation, Irene Hartwill- Transportation, Hattie Lee Holimon. Members attending were the fol- ldwlng: Mesdames Jennie Price, Viola Newton, Florence Barton, Clara Stauff, Annie Robinson, Martha Mul-> key, Inez Chase, Gertrude Ulett, Hat­ tie Lee Holimoh, Edith Walton, Flor­ ence Hallock, Georgia Richmond, Misses Bess Maury, Inez Rover, Ida Oerding and two guests, Mrs. Edna Kern and Mrs. Gruenewald. JULY » - 1C - 11 ’ TM AAOSr MAUTIHJL-MOSr DARING ... MOST BARBA! Jack LeFevre Injured In Shipyard Mrs. Don McCune and son, Roger, returned last Tuesday from a week spent in Portland. Mrs. McCune brought back news that Jack Le­ Fevre, who has been employed in the > shipyards, has been suffering from . injuries received from a fall which caused brain concussion and several broken ribs. He has been laid qp for more than a month. Up until that time, Mrs. McCune stated the Le- Fevres had been getting along fine. Their address is 2885 S. E. Coruthers street, Portland. .y.l ■■ Sale Of Oil Land * Dr. De La Rhue, Coquille op­ tometrist, has purchased through the office of George' E. Oerding, relator, a 40 acre tract of land located on Is­ thmus Slough with all its oil and mineral rights. The property was formerly owned by Joan Hart, of I ‘ The Women's Society of Christian Sixes. I Service met at Pioneer Church last I Thursday for the June session. After Old oapsrs Sc a bunch I the business meeting in the forenoon, I at which the president, Mrs. Lena I McCurdy presided, Mrs. W. P. Laws I gave a very interesting review of I part of the book entitled. “Will A Man Rob God?” This partial re­ L view will be continued next motnh. I At noon a potluck luncheon was II served to members in attendance and 11 six guests. The hostess committee Redecorate Your Rooms I was composed of Georgia Richmond, I j Zoe Fugelson, Lavinia Peart and for Only $2.98 Each! I, Evelyn Hensley. The ladies then ad- For only »2.98 (the cost of Ijourned to the ladies' parlor for the, one gallon of Kem-Tone Mir­ I!afternoon session. acle Wall Finish), you can re­ Fern Peterson had charge of tl»e decorate an averaged - siz'd room. Kem-Tone covers even Pprogram. Mrs. Cha«. G. Brown open­ rrallpaper with one cost. Dries ly ed.the meeting with devotional ser- in one hour. Has no offensive I' vices. The missionary study lesson paint odor. And it's washable I was “China" and articles were given Let us demonstrate Kem- Tone for you. No obligation. by Lena McCurdy, Georgia Rich­ mond and Esther Taylor. II A short musical program followed, consisting of a horn duet by Colleen and Eldon Chowning; vocal solo by Joan Peart, accompanied by Mrs« Peart, and a violin solo by Geraldine Oerding. accompanied by Shirley Slater. In attendance were Mesdames Chas. Brown, Fugelson, Gormley, Hensley, Laws, Lundquist, McCurdy, Nelson, Purvance, Londy Peart, Fern Paterson. Lavniia Peart, Richmond, Rogers. Skeels, Eva Stevens, Zeigler. Esther Taylor, Way and Irene Gil- lespie. June Meeting Of The W. S. C. S. MONEY IIME and BOTHER tturring GEORGE ' PRISCILLA BRENT*LANE FEATURE NO. 2 « GUNNING FO R THRILLS! ► *• | I CHARLES I STARRETT1* F7 Belle Knife Hospital J. S. BARTON SHOP EARLY FOR A GOOD CHOICE SALE LASTS AS LONG AS QUANTITIES LAST FRI. SAT Meeting Under New Administration Trying To Save ¡Indigents' Property Fuhrman's Pharmacy Will begin even though merchandise is hard to get—still we will continue to follow our policy of Stock Cleaning so you will always be able to find new fresh merchandise each season or the vear ^/2 j .......... 1-------- ---------------------- R. L. Morris on Friday; Mrs. Neva E. Johnson,'Mrs. S. R. Eckler and Jim­ my Trigg on Saturday. Mrs Fred Sell Kenneth Hull, brought in from the and baby .yesterday. <.amp at McKinley last Wednesday, Dr. R. F. Milne, reappointed by the underwent an appendectomy Thurs- Burns Couple Have ■ governor as chairman of the Coos day morning, and Russell Yost, of . Mrs. Florence Hallock, new presi­ 1 County Relief Committee, put a Bandon, underwent an appendix A New Daughter dent of the B. P. W. club, was pre­ i proposition up to ths county Court on , operation "the same day. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. John sented with the gavel last Tuesday , Monday which the county could well E. C. McAllister, of Hall’s creek Norton, She being the former Geneva night by the retiring president, Ida ' afford to accept. who had suffered a fractured right Agoetine, will be interested to hear Oerding. Appropriate talks were There are 500 elderly people, past collar bone, was admitted on Friday. the news of the birth of an infant made by each of the two leaders. The J 05 years of age and unemployed, on I Frances H. Goodman, for treatment j daughter on the 3rd of July, at Burns, The baby weighed five meeting was held at the home of 'the county's relief rolh and some of and E- G. Batty fur treatment of a I Oregon. Mrs. Ilullock one day later than the j them own their own homes but are sprained foot, were both admitted ' pounds and has been named Beverly Jean. The eoupie have been living usual meeting date because of the delinquent in tax payments. Several ¡on Friday. of those homes the recently celebration. Chas. R. Gaslin, Fairview route, at Burns the past two or three years, The amount netted from the sale .published list of tracts to be sold at underwent a major operation and O. where Mr. Norton is employed by the of hot scones during the celebration the July 10 sale by the’sheriff— W. Morris, of Powers, entered for Hines Lumber company tlyere. was announed. - Ontehalf of the i that is, this coming Saturday.. treatment on Saturday. The relief committee cannot in­ amount taken in, minus the costs, was Mrs. Callie Leach, of this city,"was Keys made for au locks. Stevens turned over to the Community Build­ crease payments to these elderly per­ brought to the hospital for treatment Cash Hardware. Coquille. Ore. tf ing committee. Mrs. Florence Bar­ sons by more than $3 a month and on Sunday. ton was general chairman of the con- ' if they are dispossessed they will Three appendectomies were per- cession project and took an active have no place to go. • formed on Sunday, for Robert C. The suggestion which Dr. Milne Bushnell, of Myrtle Point; Mrs. Clar- part in the preparation and sale of the scones. Joyce Owen made the made was that the county court order ence McNair, of Coquille, and John delicious raspberry jam used for fill­ these properties removed from the W. Quilhaugh, of Ppwers. sale and that each month the $3 be ing in the scones; Mrs. Ernest Storms underwent an The club had a car in the fourth of i applied toward the debt 'owing the operation for a toxi^-goitre on Mon- July parade, the committee an­ county for taxes. The matter was referred to District nounced. Yesterday Mrs. Leo Cotter, of Ban­ Inez Rover, new chairman of Music Attorney Flaxel for' a decision on don, underwent a major operation and Arts, gave a talk on the “Influ- the legality of such a procedure and . and Timothy LaVelle, of Coquille, <* # ience of Music,*’ and announed that i the county court’« decision awaits his entered for treatment. the music ng anyone hi« intentions, the two kinds of insurance that you really nood. CoN or appointed chairmen for the year as ’ The other was the daughter of Mr. follows: Program, Georgia Rich- : and Mrs. Stanley Stevens who now write mond; 'Finance, Ida Oerding; Mem­ i lives in Marshfield. She had come bership and Emblem, Ruth Beyers; over on the bus and was found4« lit­ | Music and Arts, Inez Rover; Pro- r tle later at the Dick Connarn* hoqie. I gram, Florence Barton; Social, Eva “INSURANCE THAT INSURES” j Stevens; War Actitivies, Viola New­ contests. Have • good time with youi Why not spend these alee summer friends—Supervisor Miss Page. days at the playround? Yau will find interesting and active things to do. Newly Launched Club Enters Bring your lundi and stay all day. Boat Model in Parade You will have a good time. I The Soroptimist Club expressed the If you are interested in activity, idea of benig a newly launched or­ come and play Badminton, horse­ ganization by entering a beautiful shoes, croquet or table-tennis. You large ship model, made by George may also take part in the tournaments Chaney and sons, mounted on a blue which you will find enjoyable and sea and drawn on a trailer behind exciting. their own car. The representatives .Perhaps, you would take part in of the club rode in a car decorated a quiet activity, or just relax. Come! with blue and gold pennants, in their Bring your favorite book or maga­ club colors. The Soroptimist« have zine. and enjoy it among* pleasant lost no time getting into the stride surroundings. You may have a game of activities, having been organized of Chinese Checkers or work a puzzle. only very recently. Friday is a special “picnic day.“ Bring a picnic lunch and enjoy it Several truck loads of stone at with your friends. , y Fred Kampfer place one mile up The winners of recent tournaments Glen Aiken road. Anyone is wel- are as follows: Badminton, Horseshoe come to have them by asking hlm and Croquet Tournament. Loren about it. It*« Steward; Table-Tennis Tournaient, Lorraine Steward. Calling cards, ôu roc J 1.00 . ' ' ' ‘ 'i .... AIXSUMMER HATS GO T The Title Company, Phone 21J . Bldg. 355 S. Taylor St. Coquille, . Oregon ~ ■ ReprsMntln« TH« TRAVBLÍRS, Hsrt'erd SSŒ! El BOOK HOLDERS iriviig her 241 ailes per aeitb now eligible for TOP GRADE TIRES FAMOUS PRE-WAR QUALITY B. F. Goodrich Silvertowns Are you one of the many additional car owners who are now eligible for first-quality Grade I tires? If so, you may have had trouble finding . tires even if you have a certificate. But now your search is ended. We've ample stocks of long mile­ age road-hugging Silvertowns in your sizel Also— if you don't have a certificate—we'll inspect your tires ... toll you If they can be recapped ... and if they can't we'll help you fill out your applica­ tion for new tires. SM«* New West Coast Phone Co. District Manager Arrives O. Chapman arrived i *»”♦)! e o ver ger of the West Coast Telephone Co. in the southwest Oregon district. He | succeeds Fred McGougan, who was I a coiuMiiA ri MAT. lie —30c Eves. 11c — 40c Harry transferred to Everett to be district manager in that section. I !■■■! ■ I .... — ■ I , , , Calling cards. So for »1.00. f 321 W. Front St. Phone 68 Southern Oregon’s largest and most Complete Tire Service 340 W. Front, Coquille, Tel. 270 Broadway at Curtis, Marshfield, Tel. <52