The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, July 01, 1943, Page 3, Image 3

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    PAGE THttt
Social Notes
. ......................
H-id mi
Bartons Buy Lamb
Cottage At Bandon
Shop at Norton’s for automobile
flag sets and crepe paper with which
to decorate your cars and blcyoles
for the Fourth of July parade.
7 . .
Belle Knife Hospital
List of Selectees
Recently Inducted
Rationing Calehdar
Rattea Book Na 3
June 30—Red stamps J, K. L, M
The Venture Club, newly organized and N expire. Each weekly aeries
junior group within the International good for 18 points.
Soroptimist Club had its first regu­
July 7—Blue stamps K, L and M
lar luncheon meeting this week Tues­ good through this ejate.
day at the Coquille Hotel. The regu­ Sugar
lar meeting days will be the first
August 1£—Stamp No. 13, book No.
and third Tuesdays of the month. The 1, good for five pounds, expires at
first meeting will be a luncheon with midnight. Stamps No. 15 and No. 18
business session, the second meeting in war ration book one valid for 5
a dinner or otherwise social function. pounds of sugar each for home can­
Plans for a project for the year were ning.
d is cu ss e d and the matter of dues Coffee
Donna Dean Boaaerman,
July 21—Stamp 21, book No. 1,
president, was in the chair.
good for one pound, expires. Stamp
Members attending were: Eunice 22 valid for one pound. July 22 to
Howe, Jean Bryan, Dorothea Yar­ August 11. Stamp No. 24, good for
brough, , Jean Watkins, Margaret one pound, expired June 30.
Stewart, Mary Frances Swain, Phyl­ Siioes
lis Belloni, Georgianna Perrott, Mar­
Oct. 31—Stamp No. 18, book No. 1,
Maxine Johnson, valid for one pair of shoes through
Yvonne Kern, Glenda Clinton. Aloha stamps interchangeable among family
living in same household.
Fuel OU
September 30—Period 5 coupons
Bachelor Giris Te Sell '
valid March 26
Tickets At The Dawes
.._ through
- --------
The Bachelor Girls’ luncheon last 30 Heating coupons—one unit, value
Friday noon was devoted to a dis- ten gallons; ten units, 100 gallons,
cussion of the float they will enter Gasoline
in Monday’s parade. They also .made | July 21—“A" houk expires. No. 8
arrangements for selling tickets at, «tamps in “A" book? valid through
the Fourth dances in the Community j this
“-*" dale.
’ .
Those present for the Tire*
Cars with B books must have tires
luncheon were Margaret Belloni,
Dorothy Coffey, Margaret Stewart, inspected every fAur months; cars
Maxine Johnson, Donna Dean Bosser- with C books, every three months;
man, Alys June Fox, Aloha Allen, cars with A books, every six months.
Yvonne Kern Lois Robison, Mar­
guerite Robison, Phyllis Belloni, No- Son of Former Minister Here
rene McKeown, Eunice Howe and Killed In Hay Field
Gladys May.
The many friends of Rev. and Mrs.
" 1"
Chas. Bergner here will be shocked to
hear that their youngest son, David
Stanley, 18 years, who was born after
they went east to Rochester, N. Y.,
died at a hospital In Medford last
First Lieut. Jess Barton, havipg Wednesday at the result of injuries;
been moved from Manchester, Tenn., he received when he fell from a load
to Nashville, where he is attending of hay at a Sams Valley ranch near)
an officers’ referee school and being Medford on Junel4. He was assisting 1
also out on maneuvers, Mrs. Barton in harvesting the hay crop of a friend.
The Bergners who resided in Co­
has come west and is now with her
mother at Tonopah, Nev.
A little quille some 20 years ago came west
later ahe Is coming over here to spend again early this spring, Mr. Bergner
the summer and fall with the J. S. being associated with the U. S. O.
staff at Camp White.
Barton family.
The body was taken to Chaumont,
Mr. Barton last week completed a
deal with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lamb N. Y., for burial.
Coquille friends of the family who
for the purchase of the latter’s cot­
tage on the beach at Bandon. Mr. aaw them recently say the deceased
Barton says they hsve felt lost since boy was a splendid specimen of
their cottage burned, not far away young manhood in every way.
from their recent purchase, and they
Withnell Here fra^Brtde
are anticipating a considerable use of
it this year.
To Rehearae C. H. S. Band
. . .................................. —
- —...... -
Mrs. Horace Taibort, Coquille, last
The following men from Coos
County Local Board No. 3, Coquille,
I Oregon, were inducted into the
Armed Forces at Portland, on June
13, 1043:
Alvin E. Hickam
Earl K. Griffith
Sterling V. Gruenewald
Leonard S. Smith
Elmo L. Frye
John L. Mulvihill
Army: •
Curtis G. Shipp
Richard E. Bland
Jack D. Stiles
Clifford W. Bauguess
Wilfred C. Wasson
Kelly Smith
Thomas J. Newton ’
Gordon Richard Daniels
Harold A. Bowlby
Claude E. DeOs
John C. Carman
Jack R. Sperry
Arthur L. Wilberger
Rolf Holmstrom
• Robert B. McLarrin
Bernard R. Er tel
Burton R. Johnson
Virgil I. Mcfcendry
Boyd D. Stone
Edward L. Morgan
Harold R. Gregory
Richard R. Pointer
Another Coquille -man inducted
June 18 waF H. C. Christenson who
was registered at Eureka, Calif., and
was inducted into the Navy. He has
been succeeded as cashier at thq S.
P. depot here by Wayne Schroeder.
Calling carda, ou ter .11.00.
Thursday, and Mrs. Harry Collier of
Arago on Sunday, both underwent
major operations.
Mrs. Woodrow Robison, at Arago,
entered Sunday for treatment.
An 8H pound baby girl was born to
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sell of Riverton,
just after midnight Sunday.
Yesterday O. E. Mattoon, of Co­
quille, underwent a major operation
and Kenneth Hull from eastern Ore­
gon submitted to an appendectomy.
Dismissals the past week were Zed
Finley lsst Friday; Mrs. Hatch and
baby, Mrs. Bertha Pèllet and Mrs.
Inez Pinkston on Saturday; Wiley
Cornwell on Tuesday; Mrs. Ellison
Doyle and baby pnd Mrs. Leila Wil­
berger yesterday.
I wish to extend to all my friends
my sincere appreciation and thanks
for their wonderful and munificent
support which enabled me to win the
Coquille 4th of July Victory Girl con­
test. I shall endeavor to show them
that their confidence was not mis­
Betty Emery.
Calling carda. bO for 81.00.
Guaranteed Money - Saving Rates
Liability Insurance
Farmers Automobile Insurance
Exchange '
Ernie R. Smith
Norton’s still have a few of those
very nice Home Flag Sets, 3x5 foot
flag, standard holder, 83 complete, s
, Mineuveriig mill
for over the Forth
(1) Evap. Milk, Pet, Borden^ tin 10
(1) Cherub Milk,
Bacon Jowls
Back Squares
Salt Pork -
Lunch Meat
Pork Steak
1.50 to 14.50
1.50 to 3.50
Home Comfort Range
Dressing T ables 12.50 to 15.00
• Circulators
• Davenports
‘XL t S1
tall can 10c
(5) Nucoa Margarine 1 lb ctn 25c
(15) Shortening Royal Satin 3 lb 64
(15) Shortening, Spry 3 lb jar 71c
(S) Cheese, Brookfield
lb. 34c
(15) Shortening Snowdrift 3,1b 71c
Miscellaneous Values
lb. bag
If you want to have a holiday-with
the rest of the family over the Fourth
then do a bit of maneuvering with
the menus for the Ions week end eo
that you can have some time off too.
A little forehanded preparation is
all It take«
minu »raarier
To begin with, plan your menus for
the full week end. arranging them
so that one day in the 'kitchen can
do the work for two days' aating
Serve the first dinner of the week
•nd hot and family style and /or
The second day. plan a picnic st yle
dinner in the backyard, in a nearby
park, or m the country
Next, plan your shopping lint in
full and do all th* shopping for the
full week end at one time. As a
pattern to follow, we suggest the
following menus to be altered to
your needs
A Resat •< Vour Choice
Mashed Petateee
Cream Gravy
(Make plenty /or the viliayi
Steamed Asparagus with
Sieved Egg Volk and Vegetable Oil
Het Bread
Butter er Substitute
Deep-Dish Berry er Fruit Pie
Sliced Cold Roast on
Sandwich Bun* \
With Mustard-Mayonnaise
Maahed Rotate Salad
Tomato Cole Slaw
Additional Buna
Butter er Substitute
Fresh Fruit or Individual Fruit Pies
OVMIR Wilt IND MIAlt — When
49 lb. sack Si Q7
PLUMS California Santa Rosa lb. ^5g
Kitchen Craft
CANTALOUPES 36’c & 2Ts Jumbo lb ] £
Na Made
Kraft Cottage CHEESE OAe
Pint cup
(1) Potted Meat Morrels 2 Mitins 11
• Bed Springs
• Mottresses
Coos Budget Committee The
Same As Previously Appointed
MU8TARD 5 ox. jar 2 for O
Baby Beds
.................. -.........................
Calling cams, 50 tor SLUO.’
I will not be responsible for ac­
counts contracted by anyone other
than myself after this date, July 1,
Roy H. Osborne,
24t2* .
Myrtle Point, Oregon
The county court on Monday this
week appointed the same budget
committee which was appointed sev­
eral weeks ago and whose meeting
was cancelled until after the close of
the fiscal year which ended yester­
day. They are R. A. Jeub of Co­
quille, Wm. N. Ekblad and Fritz
Hagen of Coos Bay.
Ked Stamp Values
Appreciation For
Victory Girl Support
321 W. Front St. Phone 68
S herwin W illiams
P aints
i —...................... . -
Mrs. K. M. Wilson
Mrs. E. M. Wilson has just returned
Monday from a visit in Portland with
her daughter and bar husband, Mr.
and Mrs. O. E. Carlson. The trip was
of more than usual importance be­
cause of the new baby girl, Mary Es­
ther, named for the two grandmoth­
ers. Mrs. Carlson is the former Elois
Wilson. This is the first grandchild
of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson.
—. ...
Yes, It is true, there is a safe harm-
leas medicated liquid called Kleerex
that dries up pimples over night.
Many report that they had a red sore
pimply face one night and surprised
their friends the next day with a
by Justice Fred Bull. The latter is clear complexion. There is no risk.
The first application must convince
to pay next Tuesday.
Summoned Tuesday by the state you or ypu get your money bask. Join
police to appear fVere Wm. M. Gray,- the happy Kleerex users who are no
charged with a combined overload longer embarrassed with unsightly
on his truck, and Robert Harvey I pimples. For sale by Barrow Drag.
I Co.
Thomas for having his trailer unlit j
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Withnell came
in Monday from Seaside, at the cele­
bration committee’s request and he
is conducting rehearsals of the Co­
quille High School band, of which he
is the director, over a four-day pe­
riod. He cannot remain for the cel­
ebration and the leader for the three
days of their appearance will be
Woodrow Howell.
Mr. Withnell reported that all but
eight of the students were in atten­
dance at the rehearsals, those eight
being either gone or at work where
they cannot get away.
Clyde Erwin Pool for operating
. his truck without P U. C. license .
plates, on Monday of this week, and I
Virgil Ira McKendry for having ,
four in the driver’s seat, on Tuesday,
were each fined 8500 and 84.00 costf j
Are Grandparents
Gregg Hardware
i Traffic Cases In J. P.
Court Hera Past Week
m lb. loaf 1
Julia Loe Wright
Shredded Wheat Nbsc. 2 pks. 23c
Morning Glory Oats 3 lb pkg 24c
Advertised Values Subject to Avail*
able Stocks and Market Changes
APRICOTS California, Tiltons
CHERRIES Local, Bings
,b 25c
,b 25c
SPINACH Local, Long Leaf
ih. 9c
ONIONS California Reds
SQUASH Local, Zucchini
there's a bit of leisure time, as there
will be tn a number of homes over
the Fourth, then plan for the break­
fast to be a leisurely affair Dinner
may be alate men I and if another
meal is in order, make it a "raid-lho-
refhgerator" affair
Know all the answers to those cook­
ing questions which have been flying
around lately1* Julia Lee Wright
answers them in her latest Family
Circle article entitled "Answering
Quest ions That Are Flying Around "
Your copy of THE FAMILY CIR­
CLE is ready for you at your Safeway
Hootemnien’ Btrfit