The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, July 01, 1943, Page 2, Image 2

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    r AOK Two
Grand Chapter
Reports AtO. E. S.
Dance Show
For The Fourth
] ItewwAbwllxa
I Pla’'9round News
In Service
Probate Court Items
Mabel C. Howard, of Bandon, was
Although unfavorable weather has
* caused a decrease in playground at- last Friday appointed administratrix
Last Thursday evening at the regu­
( Sergeant Doe Krauts
| tendance, the children who have come of the 81000 estate left by her mother,
Mary B. Wagoner, who died there
lar meeting of Beulah Chapter, O. E.
Is In The Air Corps
i have been having a good time the past
May 31. Appraisers appointed were
S., most interesting reports of acti­
Dee Krantz, son of Mr. and Mrs. ; ***’___ ,
__„ ,__
A. H. Rosa, J. H. Fashnacht and John
’.larry Krantz of this city, has at lasti
vities at the Grand Chapter session
held in Portland recently, were given
Norman Verland Letson, parachute realized his ambition and has been i
Rose S. Sanford was on Tuesday
by the Worthy Matron and Worthy rigger first class, and his bride of
! Friday. Remember, the tournaments
transferred to the Air Corps, being j
Patron, Edna and Ralph Taylor; June 15th, visited at the home of Mr.
. ~ I are as follows: Monday—croquet appointed administratrix of the es­
stationed in North Carolina. He a 5 tournament; Tueaday—table tennis; tate left by her late Ijusband, Herman
Grand Electa Maxine Jaub. Associ­ und Mrs. Mac Munson on Iaunpa
also been1 made a sergeant.
ate Matron Leona Bryant, and con­ Creek Saturday afternoon; also at
- i Wednesday—Badminton, and Thurs­ Wesley Sanford, who died June 21.
------------------ , —-
ductress Edith MpNelly. Dr. Jun-> the George Shelton homo in River­
day—Horseshoe. These tournaments Frances McLeod, Bert Blondeil and
Miller D. Walker Completes
Martin, of Marshfield, who seems like___
i are exciting. Many close games are George Terry were named as apprais­
tun. He was ryarried in Portland
ers of the estate which is estimated
j played. _
, i.
one of Beulah Chapter's own me«n- and was returning from California Naval Electrical Training
hers, was elected Worthy Grand where they had gone on their wedding
>_• The croquet tournament this week to consist of $5800 in real property
Miller DeWitte Walker, of Coquille,'
Matron, and Virginia Hilstrom, a I trip. Mr. Letson has been assigned who recently graduated from the Na­ i was won by Eddie Howet the table and $1000 in personal.
former iCoquille resident, was ap­ to six months or a year shore duty, val Training School for electricians I tennis tournament by Loren Steward.
Ira Wilson, Clarence Kibler and
pointed Grand Ruth. A reception, I i which he has surely earned. He has at Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind., I You’re missing a good time if you M. E. Shriver were on Tuesday ap­
honoring these grand officers will been in the Navy fi* almost four is now a qualified “striker” for an ' don't take part in the tournaments. pointed as appraisers of the $1000 es­
be held in Marshfield, Saturday eve­ ! years and has taken part in every electricians mate rating, and has been I Perhaps, you don’t think jfou play tate left by Geo. M. Sells, who died at
ning. August 28. Natal Day will be major battle of the South Pacific, ' sent to another training school at I well enough. Come, and you will re­ North Bend. April 8, 1030. His wid­
held in Myrtle Point Tuesday, August I being on the Airplane Carrier Lex­ Chicago. From there he will either ceive help and practice. Y qu will ow, Mary G Sells, was named admin­
81. Mrs. Edith McNelly received the I ington. when it was sunk and was go to activ duty with the fleet or to : find the practice games, or games istratrix.
attendance award.
j “just for fun,” are a lot of fun, and,
a naval shore station.
only slightly injured at that time.
Following the meeting, a shjrt pro­
improve your ability “to play thè r
gram was presented by Mrs. Susie I
game” well.
G. B. Holverstott Is
Bob Smith of Riverton A ,
Folsom in honor of “Father’s’’ and a
Due to low attendance during the
in Arkansas
An Aviation Student
community sing waa enjoyed with I Drill Corporal
, preceding week, the usual program
An Item from Ellensburg, Wash­ ’was not given Friday, however, a
Just to let his friends know where
several “fathers” almost singing
he is and what he’s doing, we, the ington, states that G. B. Holverstott, ! program is being planned for this
An entertaining hat-trimming con­ writers of this article, think Bob son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holver­ I Friday. Captains and helpers have
About thia time of year,
test resulted in John Martin receiving Smith, of Riverton, is entitled to hon- stott, of Coquille, is a student at 314 ; been combining ideas and making
people feel like suggesting
first prise for wearing the most i arable mention. Bob was inducted College Training Detachment air­ ! plans for an interesting program.
more careful driving over
“fetching chapeau.”
A snappy pa­ j into' the army in November and was crew) of the., army air forces at the
Each Friday, boys and girls attend-
rade of the models showed some acting corporal starting" in March. Central Washington College of Ed­ : ing the playground, bring their
the holidays.
very attractive creations. Sweet and He was made a corporal in May. Bob ucation. He will take an approxi- ' lunches. A picnic is then enjoyed.
dainty prises were awarded all of the is drill corporal and has a. squad of mate five months course there prior
Come as often as you can. Stay
This year that seems un­
sixteen men whom he has to train | to his appointment as an aviatioo as long as possible. You may be
necessary — and with no
After he gets 'cadet in the army air force.
In the banquet hall, birthday cakes, and drill himself.
assured ot an enjoyable time.
firecrackers, it seems the
honoring those whose natal day was them able to drill they are put in a
1 r .....
—Miss Page, Supervisor.
only thing to watch is Jap
in April, May and June, were served. platoon which has about sixty-nlne Lawrence Hatcher Is Now
subs if you happen to go
The above is a picture of Ed
men, with Bob and four other cor­ A Full Fledged Aerial Gunner
Parole Revoked; Must Spend
Chaney, popular dancing matter and
porals. A sergeant then trains them I
Sgt. Lawrence .F. Hatcher, of this 6 Months In County Jail
instructor of Portland, who is bring­
all together.
Noel Hartley, who was sentenced
city, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. V.
ing a quintet of young ladies for Co­
Corporal Smith is in the Medical
Hatcher, who has been in the Army July 1, 1841, to serve six months in
quille's Fourth celebration. He was
Corps at Camp Robinson, Arkansas,
for six motnhs, was graduated Mon­ the county jail after he had pleaded
for years one of America’s leading
and likes it very much. From pictures I
Mrs. J. A. Berg, new Red Cross
day from the Army Air Forces Flex­ guilty to an assault and battery
stage dancers and is now instructor
home to |
chairman fo? ’Coquille, has announced which have been coming
ible Gunnery School at Fort- Myers, charge and was then paroled, was in
at the Multnomah Athletic Club's
relatives and friends here, he looks
a meeting to be held on Thursday,
(Florida, and is now a qualified gun- Circuit court again on Tuesday this
dance classes.
very happy and well fed. His wife Iner. He is one of the thousands of week. Judge King ordered - that
July 8, at 2:00 p. m. at the American
He and the young ladies are en­
left here last December to join him
'bomber crews which will soon be his parole be revoked and that he
Legion Hall. Mrs. Lewis McGeorge
gaged for the celebration and will
and is employe^ in a large depart­
out his sentence.
of Marshfield, chairman of production
sent overseas to battle the Nazis serve
present a varied assortment of
--------------------------- --------- ------ fe—ran
ment store in Little Rock. Corporal
for Coos county Red Cross, promises
or the Japs.
terpsichorean art as often as de­
Smith will have a furlough in a very
to be present to explain Red Cross
sired by the committee in charge.
short while but they do not intend
work. If possible one or two of the
Former Coquille Boy
While it is not required by law that auto driven have
A small charge is to be made for
to come to the coast. They will en­
other chairmen will be on hand to
Week Here
the performances but only one charge
joy the beautiful Ozgrk mountains I
present their part of the work and
Jack McDonald, graduate of the
for an entire day.
and swim in the hot springs. They
to answer all questions.
Coquille high school class, waited
The acts are clean, high-class and
have been there for some time but
Mrs. D. B. Keener has been ap­
until the following 19th day of June,
will be enjoyed by ail Who see them.
have seen but very little of Arkansas.
pointed chairman of production for
only long enqugh to reach his 18th
Under the provisions of the new state law, which becomes
Mis. Smith intends to remain with
Coquille. Mrs. J. R. Bynch will ba
birthday to ehlist in the U. S. Army,
effective on June 10, it is highly desirable, from the auto-
Lease Ranch on Smith River
her husband as long as he is at Camp
In charge of surgical dressings and
29th Engineers Battalion, topographic
ist’s point of view that his car be fully covered by Liability
Mr. and Mr*. Herman Floten have Mrs. Phil W. Alburn has again con­ Robinson, even though she says the
(division. There waa no war then, but
Insurance to make sure that, in case of an accident or col­
leased a ranch on Smith River and sented to assume the knitting respon­ heat is almost beyond endurance and
Jack liked to draw maps and knew
lision, for which he may not be responsible, that the license
it will be much warmer later on,
are going into the dairy business. sibility.
'by enlisting be would get some ex­
of his ear is not suspended, pending court action to deter­
They moved their household effects
This meeting is open to all women
ceptional training. Since then four
mine where the fault lay.
to the new home last Saturday. At interested in Red Cross work and all Bud Newton Leaves For
'years have passed. After the first
present they are milkirtk
are cordially invited to be present as Navy Officers* Training Camp
two years of topographic work, he
Fay June will be missed at Brandon’s, this work is not limited to the mem­
went to the Hawaaian Islands with an
where she will finish as an assistant
bers of any particular organization. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Newton, who en­ Aviation Battalion, and a year ago in
in a few days and leave permanently
However, it is greatly desired that listed for officers training In the Navy July was given promotion and sent
* after the coming week-end.
Office Phone 5
Bee. Phone ML
each womens lodge, club, grange, at the high school some months ago, to an officers candidate school in Ft.
eto., send one or more representatives was called last week and left Sunday Belvoir, Va., where he was com­
to this meeting and ail mothers of for the training camp at Topeka, missioned second lieutenant. After
service men are espcially urged to
two months in Ohio be was sent to
For Every
Lathrop Engineer Depot near Stock-
For those Who do not knit or do
ton, California, jnd now is assistant
plain sewing there is the opportunity
maintenance officer there. Jack waa
| to make small contributions from
at Pearl Harbor through the attack
time to time of safety pins, small
and wm fortunately uninjured. He
i amounts of cotton, flannel, thread,
came up from the south by bus, get­
I buttons, etc. There will also be on
The Vacation Bible School at the ting the last vacant seat available,
hand cut out and ready to sew, a Emmanuel Baptist church closed with and will leave again Friday. Jack is
number of articles that may be fin­ a program last Thursday night. The the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mc­
ished at home.
total enrollment (pupils that were Donald of Coquille.
We have secured additional Body Mechanics, so we are in
Mrs. McGeorge recently announced there more than one day) waa 84. Of
that the refugees' sewing will soon be these 10 were from other Sunday
a position to take immediate care of all Auto Painting
at an end and that more articles for schools. The average attendance was
and Body Work
58. Twenty-three had a perfect at­
service men will be given out.
June 23—John William Aver, of
Mrs. Berg and her chairmen are tendance record and twelve teachers
Empire, and Maurice M. Wells, of
most grateful to members of the and workers took part. The closing
Salem They were married by Rev.
American Legion for the use of their program consisted of the usual open­
O. H. Newland at his home on the
hall for Red Cross purposes.
ing and closing procedure of the
Bay last Saturday.
school, for the benefit of friends and
June 24—Willis Sutton, of North
visitors, and also a class by class per­
B. P, W. News
Bend, and LaReue D. Nopp, of Em­
B. P. W. will hold its first meeting formance. At the clone the handi­ pire.
the new administration next work waa exhibited, conisting of
June 24—Bob Root, of Sitkum, and
Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. handmade articles by the boys and Ethel Smith, of Powers.
Florence Hallock. The club is plan­
June 25—Howard Charlie Hurley I
ning to have a booth and sell hot grouping. There were 281 items on and Rena Button Kinnunen, both of
scones during the sslskention.
Old Photographs
sionary, who put on the school with
June 25—Willard W. Hyde H
and I
■ ’ ^^WvfwU
Norman V. Letson
Was On Lexington
Howdy Folks
Red Cross Workers
Meeting Jyly 8
am IT
M&WAuto Service
Auto Liability Insurance
E. E, (Spike) Leslie
Vacation Bible
School Closes
Body and Auto
Marriage Licenses
CyOqullle Stll()io
Southwestern Motor Co
Circuit Court Cases
i —
over 100 school, she had put on there
never era one better behaved, and | June
J“ne 20
2< —
~ Loyal
Lov*1 E.
«• Phillips
Ph‘1"“ and '
June 23—Geo. R. Monroe^vs. Hen­
never had she received as fine con­
rietta Monroe. Sult for divorce.
They were married Saturday by Rev.
sideration from the merchants,
i Chas. O. Brown at his home here.
June 25—State Industrial Accident especially from Mr. WiHon of
Commission vs. John A. Walter.
June 28—Robert A. Giorgis and
Smith Woods plant for handwork
'* Phyllis Downs, both of Coquille.
I June 28—Donald P. "Hancock, of
i Elkton. Ore., and Bertha Jean Wells,
of North Bend. They were married
Saturday by Rev. M. D. Remple at
the Baptist church here.
June .28— Rulon J. Nielson, of Ells­
The Canteen group, with___
Mr*. inore, Utah, and Amy Loretta Mellor,
Mabel Kunz, city chairman as leader, of Gunnison, Utah.
met on Tuesday for luncheon at the
June 28—Mervin Kenneth
Reiber, ,
home of Mrs. F. L. Greenough on of Marshfield, and Joyce Patricia
North Taylor street. Routine busi- Snow, of North Bend.
They were
j ness was discussed. Mrs. Kunz states married on Monday by Rev. G. H.
that ah increased membership is de- Newland at the Bhy.
sired and any woman who is inter-
June 28—Joe S. Peters and Eleanor
ested in canteen work is wanted and E. Stanton, both of Coquille.*
I to contact her for information. Mem-
June 29—Wm. J. Alvey, of Port
were: ¡Orford, and Hazel Hess, of Bandon.
bers in attendance Tuesday were-
Canteen Group
At Luncheon
Swing Chairs — $42.50
Very handsome upholstery
Washable Cotton Rugs
$2.25 to $8.95
Splendid Selection from which to choose
Cedar Chests—$24.50
Walnut or Bleached Finish
•xl2 ft.
A Good Selection.
22x42 In. '
“r^rrTT7,” ffriu"
iWlHlIHI, vfiBuyjg Wfl-
Hams, Virginia Lamb, Blanche Smith,
Emma Pierce, Viola Norton. Marian
Lawrence, Ofal Gilman, Mafy Ar­
nold, Ida Owen, Bertha Selbig, Ruth
Sherwood, Mabel King, Pauline Pet­
it, Nell Stewart, Vera Pook, Harriet
Greenough and Mabel Wernich.
Mining Location nonces foi »ale ••
this office.
Special 4-piece
Maple Bedroom Suites
mar Burman, of Marshfield.
• J
Compton’s Coffee Shop will serve
Special Luncheons and Dinners on
Saturday, Sunday and Monday, July
3, 4 and 5, during the following hours,
11:30 a. m. to 2:00 p. m. and 5:30 to
8:00 p. m.
Dinette T able—$26.50
Opens to 42x82 inches Length
Matching Chain Available
Turkey Furniture