The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, June 24, 1943, Page 9, Image 9

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    ----- F AGE NINI
Riverton News Items
There was a friendly gathering at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewie
A a sen on Halls Creek Sunday, the
occasion being a birthday annivm-
sary dinner in honor at Mrs. EE
Evemden and Mrs.AasenandMsMor
Father’s Day. A very enjoyable day
was spent by all, the men enjoying
“ horseshoe game on the lawn After
a potluck dinner was served, the
r ladl&s opened their giMs-which were
very beautiful and useful. Everyone
always enjoys the thrill of seeing so
many beautiful packages undone.
The rain changed the program for the
day as Mrs. Aasen had planned to
serve dinner at tables on the lawn,
where she has chairs and tables to
iccommodate many.
Those who
haven’t had the pleasure of seeing
her beautiful yard do not know just
what was missed, although all en­
joyed the day very much.
Those attending were: Mr. and Mrs.
4 Alton Clausen, Philip and Linda,
Mr. and Mrs. George Shelton, Stan-
. ley and Freddie, all of Riverton; Mr.
and Mrs. Basil Qlaen, Rosetta and
Audree, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Detillion
and Charles Detillion, all of Fat Elk;
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Evemden, June
and Clifford, Uf Myrtle Point; Mr.
and Airs. E.E. Evernden and Ernest,
Mr. and Mrs. Harland Evemden, Mr.
and Mrs. Hance Evemden, Ann»
Lee, Howard and Edward Calvin,
grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. E. E.
Evernden, all of Bridge; Mr. and
Mrs. Frazier Hoffman, Myrtle Point;
, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Dunning and little
daughter, Vonna Lee, from Wash­
ington, and the host and hostess, Mr.
and Mrs. Lewie Aasen.
Betty Jean Gibbs was a visitor in
Riverton Sunday, having come down
from Norway where she Is employed
at the home of Mrs. Norman Halter.
Charlotte Bogard, of Riverton, is
spending her summer vacation near
Eugene on the “Homestead Dairy
Farm,” owned and operated by her
uncle, Elmer Olsen.
Dan Smith, of Riverton, has re­
turned to his headquarters in New
Mexico, after a few days’ visit with
his mother, brother and friends lyre.
Mr. Goodman was in Riverton a
few days last week. My Goodman
was unable to accompany him on his
trip north. It was nice to see “Shorty”
- around again.
■ ......... P"'
Fairview News
The 4-H canning club met at the
home of Ivelene Frye last Thursday
Myrtle Holverstott is
their leader. There were two visitors.
Members present were Lindy LoU
Holverstott, Coralie Ellis, Betty Em­
erson, Ellen Ellis, Genevieve Berry,
Jackie Hansen, Melva Richardson,
Rosalie Mathews, Ruth Palmer and
Ivelene Frye.
There will be a food preservation
meeting June 20 at the Grange Hall.
It will start at 10:30 a. m. Potluck
dinner will be served. There will be
demonstration on canning and dehy-
, dration of vegetables, with porothy
‘ Bishop in charge. All units of the
county are urged to be represented.
Bring own dishes, silver and sugar.
Coffee will be furnished.
Mrs. Carrie Benham, of Bridge, is
visiting her daughter and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Holverstott. Also at
the Holverstott home is Mrs. Holver-
stott’s sister and niece, Mrs. Harve
Crume and Aladene, of Vernonia,
Mr. and ^frs. Dale Thurman left
for their home in Seattle, Wash., Sat­
urday evening on the stage.
*—left their three children to spend the
summer with their grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Chas. Holverstott.
Word was received by Mrs. G. «R.
Norris that Phillip Stock, her nephew,
had had a few hours’ leave in Port­
land and had met his father, Frank
Stock, there. He hopes to have leave
long enough to go to California and
bring his wife up to visit his relatives.
A surprise stork shower was held
at the Roy Blohm home Thursday,
June 1?, Mrs. Blohm received lots of
dainty and useful things.
present were Meadames Blohm, En-
lund, Martindale, Bryan, Wleklund,
Butler, Gaslin, Geitner, LaBranch,
Myrtle Holverstott, Richardson and
Mrs. Bethel Norris spent Sunday
afternoon visiting Mrs. Nan Crume
at the Holverstott home. Mrs. Nor­
ris and Mrs. Crume had not seen each
other for several years.
Grange will meet for a regular
meeting at the Grange Hall Satur­
day evening.
Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Wheeler, Mil-
i. Buoy
tr guests al
Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Noah, of Lake­
side, were callers in the valley Mon­
day. They had made a trip to Hebo
to visit Mrs. Noah’s brother and fam­
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnson and
son, Melvin, Saturday, coming home
Sunday. While there another sister
and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. A.
A. Sayler, came in. The Saylers plan
on visiting in this valley the 2nd
of July, bringing their daughter,
Lores, and son. Jack, who is in the
army in Kentucky, if a furlough for
him can be arranged.
Mrs. Amanda Johnson has been
qpite Ul, following her fall when she
injured her ribs. After a trip to
the doctor Monday when her side was
retaped, she has been feeling better.
Mrs. Clara Hoag, who has been
visiting at the T. ft. Benham’s home,
left for her home in Portland Sun­
day evening. Also going to their
home in North Bend Sunday evening
were Mrs. Mabie McKinley and
daughter, Sandra. Mrs. McKinley is
a cousin of Mrs. Benham. The birth­
days of Mrs. McKinley and Karen
Benham were celebrated Sunday at
the Benham home.
Mrs. Faye Holverstott and daugh­
ter, Lorene, returned home Monday
evening, after spending the week
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ran­
kin, of Eugene. She found Mrs.
Rankin ill with flu and while they
were there Mr. Rankin's brother
passed away.
Visiting at the Robert Holverstott
home Is Mrs. Holverstott'» niece, Mrs.
June Coleman, and three children.
The Colemans make their home in
G. B. Dow returned from Keizer
Hospital Saturday evening.
are being made to take him to Port­
land to consult a specialist.
Mrs. G. E. Hall returned to her
home in Medford last Wednesday,
after visiting several days at the L.
A. Ryan home. Mrs. Hall and Mrs.
Ryan are sisters.
Those attending the basket social of
the McKinley Grange last Saturday
evening from Fairview were Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Deadmond, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Norris and L. A. Ryan.
Mission Aid of the Fairview church
will hold its regular meeting Thurs­
day, June 30, at the Community
Church. Anyone interested is more
than welcome to attend.
Bible School closes this Friday,
with commencement exercises at
8:00 p. m. at the church. The chil­
dren have greatly enjoyed these two
weeks and everyone is urged to come
out Friday evening to see these
children demonstrate what they have
Chester Duncanaon is down from
his home in Portland, rounding up
his stock.
Arago News ~
Miss Ruth Sumerlm returned to her
home at Lee Wednesday after visiting
nt the home of her aunt, Mrs. Grace
Raekleff for about two weeks. Mi»«
Betty Sumerlin returned home with
Mrs. Raekleff for a few daya visit.
Glen Zeller came in from Camas
where he is employed and spent the
week end at his home in Arago.
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. McAllister went
to Myrtle Point last Sunday and spent
several days at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Wannamaugher, where
they packed the household furniture
and moved the Wannamaugher» to
their new home at Bandon. Mr and
Mrs. Wannamaugher sold their home
in Myrtle Point and bought a place
in Bandon, which they feel will be
more convenient for them, as it ia
close enough to the poet office and
stores eo Mr. Wannamaugher wiU be
able to do their trading, etc.
Mrs. Shelby MaAlhater and aona,
Scott and Merc, rtayed at the S. C-
McAllister home while they were
away. They returned to their home
in Coquille Friday evening.
Mrs. Ida Myers has been ill for the
past few day» and confined to her
bed moat of the time. Mrs. Stanley
Halter came Over Saturday and took
her mother to her home until she is
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mullins, Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Long and Mr. and*
Mrs. Melden Carl and Herbert Carl,
went blackberrying on Hall» Creek
late Monday and were quite »ucce»»-
ful as they brought home plenty of
berries and also Mr. Mullins got
another bear.
Mt and Mm. A. H. Bender and
Elsworth and Mm. Kate Hodson and
Ray, of Myrtle Point, were Sunday
evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mm.
J. D. Carl.
Mrs Robert Fish, Donald, Ralph,
Lloyd and Gene; LeRoy and Glendon
Zeller, and Miss Muriel Pauli, of
Gardiner, were Thursday guests of
Mr. and Mm. Nile Miller.
Mias Muriel PaulL of Gardiner, has
been visiting at the homes of Mr. and
Mr». Robert Fish, Mr. and Mrs. Nile
Miller, Mr. and Mm. Lyle Pauli and
Mr. and Mm. Glen Zoller, for the peat
week. She went to Coquille Thurs­
day evening and spent the night at i
the home of Mis» Eva Hickam before
returning to her home in Gardiner
last Monday, Jun* 14 at the home of
Mr. and Mrs Frank Flak in CoquiUe.
Mr. and Mr». Nila Miller were also
guests there at which time they all
enjoyed a lovely dinner together.
Mrs. Mike Fa ire hi eld. Richard and
Billy and Botha, of Scottsburg, visited
at the home of Mr. and Mm. Wm.
Knabe for a few days over the week­
Mrs. Harry Collier and Nancy, re­
turned home from Taooma, where
they visited at the home of Mrs. Col­
lier’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
family. Of her family she was two
daughters of the late P. W. Lajrd and
___ ___
sons in the armed forces of the *
Avqn Wilcox returned home Satur­ nieces of J. H. McCloskey, have been j
United States."
day from his trip to Detroit Lake, ! visiting at the- McCloskey home since ’
Other officers installed were: Mrs.
Minn., where he went to visit his ¡Thursday of last week. They left
Lets Leslie, vice president; Mrs. Edith
Tuesday of this week for Astoria,
mother, who was iU there.
McNelly, recording secretary; Mrs
Mrs. J. L. Burtis and Mrs. Albert Mrs. Neuhaus accompanying her
Georgianna Vaughan, corresponding
Lillie drove to Marshfield on business sister to Astoria for a few days’ visit
(Continued from Page One)
secretary; Bess Maury, treasurer; and
before returning to her home in
last Friday.
gram included, besides the organiza­
Mrs. Flora Compton and Mrs. Susie
Ray Shane, of Portland, is visiting Berkeley, Calif..
tion formalities, the invocation by
Folsom, directors.
at the home of MT. and Mrs. Harry
Mr. and Mrs. Sivert Iverson came
Rev. Robt. Greene; welcome, Agnes
Venture Club officers are: Donna
in Sunday from Roseburg and took
Collier this week.
Duncan, president of Marshfield club;
Dean Bossernian, president; Mary
Tike Cook, of Myrtle Point, mail their son, Roger, back with them. Ha I
greetings. Mayor Wood, and music by
Frances Swain, vice president; Aloha
carrier tor Arago district, had a had been visiting with hi. grand-1
violin quartet, Ger-
Allen, secretary-treasurer. Members
slight stroke last Saturday and is un­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schroe- j gldlne
of Venture Club include also Mar­
ders for me past two weeks.
- -
able to be on duty this week.
Morris Williams and Ben Howe. The
garet Belloni, Phyllis Belloni, Jean
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fish were
music was enthusiastically received
Bryan, Glenda Clinton, Eunice Howe,
Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Laura Soaper of West Fir, came in Sunday
and much appreciated.
Maxine Johnson, Yvonne Kern, Geor­
! to help him out packing shingles. Mr.
Edmunds in Coquille.
I Guests present were Mr. and Mrs.
gianna Perrott, Margaret Stewart,
Mrs Ward Evans, Pamela »nd i Brodie has been hard put to get the.
IF. S. Emery, Mr. and Mrs. Law-
Jean Watkins and Dorothea Yar­
Maureen, attended the Royal Neigh­ neceoan, help to run hi. shingle mill,, [ . en
____ ,___ , representing the
bor’s convention in Coquille last Wed­
Mrs. Eldon Brodie, Mrs. Curtis
| Liens and Rotary clubs; Mrs. Florence
nesday all day.
Beckham and Mrs. E. F. Brodie's
Hallock, president of B. P W. club;
Clyde Lillie arrived home last mother, Mrs. Vesta Soaper, were in
Mrs. O. C. Sanford, Coquille Wom­
Thursday for a few dayk furlough. CoquiUe Tuesday of this week on
ans’ Club.
He is stationed in California at pres­ business.
June 17—Lloyd R. Hess, of Alle­
, Telegrams arrived during the eve­
ent and will leave this Thursday, to
Mrs. Martha Jane Mullins and ning from countless dubs from over gany, Ore., and Lillifen E. Brown, of
resume his training.
daughter. Mis. Otto Ziebarth «¿ere the United States, carrying messages Portland.'
' . -
Mrs. H. E. Watkins returned home visitors Saturday of last week at the
June 18—LeRoy Granda Halloway
of congratulations. There were also
Thursday from Portland where she A. R. Bennett’s.
. many gifts, some of mohey and a and Alta Beatrice Burroughs, both of
had been visiting her daughter, Mias
Mr. and'Mrs. Howard Taner and very fine guest book from the Klam- North Bend.
Mary, for a few weeks. Mrs. Stella son, Kennie, have left the Kellenberg- àth Fails Club.
June 1—George William Schafer
Ingle, of La Grande, came in with her er apartments at Norway and moved
Soroptimist is international, an as- and Garnet Gertrude Vollroth, both
and will be a guest at the Watkins to West Myrtle Point so as to be sociat'ion of professional and execu­ of Eastside.
home for about two weeks.
'nearer his work.
June 1—John A. Hicks, of Bandon,
tive business women organized for
Mrs. Chester Willson snd Chloe, of
The Norway school board lieid its service, the same opportunities for and Erances B. Pike, of Glendale, Ore.
Myrtle Point, were Thursday guests annual meeting Monday evening and service as are offered to men of Ro­
June 2—Chg8. H,. Brown, of Re­
of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Evans.
re-elected Mrs. Tom Detlefsen as a tary, Kiwanis, Lions and other affili­ mote, and Marion E. Magill, of Myr­
Miss Pamela and Maureet). Evans director and Mrs. Roy Robison as
ations. Meetings are at luncheon, the tle Point.
attended the Royal Neighbor Juven­ clerk tor the ensuring year.
June 3—Ira R. Gardner and Alma
second and fourth Tuesdays of each
ile Lodge in Myrtle Point last Satur­
month. Membei-ship Is by invitation J. Hauser, both of Portland.
day afternoon.
June 3—N. A. Douglas, Jr., of
and only one woman is eligible from
Mr. and Mrs. Orvus Miller are the
each classification. The first club Clarkton, Mo., and Naomi Dayle
proud parents of a new son born to
(By the Supervisor)
was organized in Oakland, Calif., Wilis, of Bertrand, Mo.
them a week ago Sunday, June 18, at
Attendance at the Playground is in 1921. In 1923 Greater London,
the Mast hospital in Myrtle Point.
increasing. More children are enjoy­ England, became the first European
The young lad weighed six ponuds
ing our clubs, races, contests and I 1 club, followed in ’ 1924 by Paris,
and ten ounces at birth and has been
I France. Outstanding women in all
June 17—Keith A. Custer vs. Wilda
named Orvus Bruce. Both mother
A program, given by members of parts of the world are now ‘enrolled
Mabie Custer. Suit for divorce.
and babe are doing nicely. This is
the Dramatic, Music and Acrobatic in the membership.
June 17—Cedric G. Moody vs.
their third child and first son.
clubs, last Friday, was greatly en­ conventions afe held every four years Florence Moody. ■ Suit for divorce.
Mrs. Grace Raekleff took Miss
joyed. The Playground was filUed which stimulate allegiance to the
Betty Sumerlin to Norway Sunday
with gayety and laughter as various ideals of tolerance, sincerity and good
Three Divorces Granted
evening. She will visit her grand-
memben of the clubs presented Skits will toward all and a determination
mother there for a few days. Mrs.
By Judge King
of “Blondie and Dagwood,” and a on the part of trained executive
Raekleff went on to Coquille and
Judge King granted three divorces
one-act comedy, in which Norman women to aid in the establishment of
took the bus to Portland where she
in Circuit court here on Tuesday to
Persing and James Kay imperson­ lasting peace throughout the world.
will visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Florence Barton is considered the plaintiffs in the following cases:
ated the two comedians; the children
Ed. Raekleff for a few days. She
Margaret L. Perkins vs. Benj. F.
lent a patriotic theme to the program i a fortunate selection Ao start the
will stop at Salem on her way home
in their presentation of a Victory club on its way locally. To quote Perkins.
for a couple of days.
Lois J. Baxter vs. Fred A. Baxter.
Show, in which songs were sung such from the magazine, “The Oregon Bus­
Rev. L. C. Persing, of Coquille, con­
Adah L. Peden vs. Jordan H. Peden. t
as "You’re a Grand Old Flag,” “White iness Woman,” of Feb., 1943, there is
ducted the regular Sunday morning
Cliffs of Dover,” and choruses qf the following:
church service. Sunday school fol­
We carry a complete line of V-
"Florence Atkinson Barton, who
their own origination, together with
lowed with an attendance of 24. After
tap dancing and pantomime; a trum­ serves her second year as state legis­ Belts for all makes of Refrigerators,
the services a pot luck dinner was
pet solo, “Army Air Corps Song” and lation chairman of the Oregon Feder­ Washing Machines and other equip­
held at the noon hour in the church
the “Bugle Call,” by Norpnan Per­ ation of Business and Professional ment. Washer Service Co., 345 W.
basement, with about 24 present. -
sing, was enjoyed; a magician, who Women's Clubs, is a native daughter Front, Coquille. Phone.
Mrs. Ward Evans, Pamela and
entertained with his magic tricks, of Oregon. Her parents were pi­
Maureen, visited at the home of Mr.
’-¿.was also present.
This magician oneers of Coos county, both having
and Mrs. John Felsher, in Myrtle 1 really was pne of the boys of the
been early day teachers in the Coos
Point tart Sunday evening.
. Dramatic club. It's a secret! Come Bay ares. After high school in Pen­
The annual school meeting was held
apd see who he Is. The program was dleton she came to Coquille to work
Monday evening with election of of­
brought to a close with a series of in the office of her uncle, Isaiah Hack-
ficers for the new year as follow»:
acrobatic stunts on the bars, by the ; er, pioneer abstractor of titles of Coos
Mrs. Melden Carl was elected clerk
captains of the Acrobatic club, Donna county and which business was later
to succeed Melden Carl, and he was
purchased by the Bartons, incorpor­
Milligan and Nancy Godard.
elected director to succeed Harvey
ated as the Title Company of which
i won last Wednesday by Shirlie Van ■orporation,
Florence Js secretary­
Mrs. Ward Evans attended the Roy-
This year the demand for live­
Fleet. The Croquet tournament, treasurer.
’Neighbors lodge tn Myrtle Point
stock feed is the heaviest in
“Florence is a charter member of
Monday, was won by Bill Caudle. We
Monday evening.
history. We appeal to every
are looking forward to more fun and Coquille’s Business and Professional
dairyman and poultryman to
excitement during our tournaments. Women’s Club and at present is first
cooperate with America’s Pro­
Last Thursday afternoon, the boys vice president of the club. She is a
tein Conservation Program.
and girls enjoyed a lively Softball communicant of St. James' Episcopal
Make every pound of available
* Mrs. Charles St. Sure, of Bandon, "game at the Junior High School field. Church and. since 1917, has been
protein feed do the best pos­
was a visitor Wednesday of last week A treat, given by a group of ladies, treasurer ct tlie Guild. For years
sible job of producing meat,
at the J. E. Fowler’s at Norway.
she was on the executive board of
Was greatly appreciated.
milk and eggs.
Mrs. M. B. Bennett, of West Myrtle
You'll miss something, boys and the County Health Association. She
Point, and Mrs. Gus Bender were girls, if you do not attend the play­ is a member of the registration com­
Trieagls PeMltry and Dairy Fseda
ere bwN* ia strict eccerdeacc
all-day visitors at the A. R. Bennetts ground daily. Come! Join in our fun! mittee of Coquille’s Necessities Di-
with 8 8—la—A
---- - ------- « —<
Thursday of last week.
, vision for Civilian Defense.
Agricultwr» rafwlatisas.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Grant’s little Dudley Walton Spends Eight
I “Her hobbies are coin collecting.
six-year old daughter, Helen, was
Indian handiwork, books and flowers,
Months In The Aleutians
taken to the Mast Hospital Saturday.
but principally her four children, at
Lieutenant (j. g.) Dudley Walton whom she points with pride as living
She had been quite ill at home for a
665 N TilUmook St., Portland,pr*.
week. The doctors are not sure what arrived home last Sunday for a examples that a woman can be in
week’s visit wltp his mother, Mrs. the business world and rear her
is causing such severe vomiting.
Mrs. A. R. Bennett expects her Edith Walton. He has been in the
mother in from Roseburg Suhday Aleutian Islands for eight months and /!
forenoon. Her mother’s 83rd birth­ flew from there to Seattle in a
day will be observed the following transport Dudley is in lint class
health and looks wonderfully well.
day, June 28.
Last Sunday the Frank South- His work up north consisted of flights
He has four
mayds, relatives and friends, had a on patrol searches.
picnic dinner up on the hill back of beautiful enlarged photographs of the
the Southmayd ranch, with the fol­ views to which he became accus-
We will pay cash for any kind or any amount as long as it
lowing named present: Mr. and Mrs.
is not too old and out-dated.
Frank Southmayd and sons, Charles work. One view shows a group of
rebuild all kinds of Stoves and Furniture.
and wife, their two children, Dick
and Joanne; Ellis Southmayd and against a distant smoking volcano,
____ __
wife; J. ___
and the outlines sharp and clear, high
wife and their two children, Louis! above thick, billowy clouds.
Dudley enlisted in the Navy July I
and Louise, and their two daughters,
their husbands and families, Mr. and 16, 1941, and spent eleven months at
and Pipe.
Mrs. Geo. Hoffman and son, Frank; Corpus Christi in training, which re­
Mr. and Mrs. Opal Davis snd their
three children, Paul, Garey and Di­ July 3, 1942. He will report back to
anne; also Mrs. Belle Lewellen, moth­ Seattle for order following the Co­
er of Mrs. Frank Southmayd, and quille visit, with no idea where he
Mrs. Elia Bryant, a sister; Mrs. Ellis
Soroptimist, Venture
Clubs Receive
Charters Together
Marriage Licenses
Playground News
Circuit Court Cases
Norway News Items
Yes, We Still Need More
Used Furniture and Stoves
Used Furniture
Phone 119L
Southmayd’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Norton’s have just received a fine r
Sig Eckholm and their son, George,
stock of boxed papers—white,
and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Simomns
and florals—monogrammed or
and son, Duane. The weather treated
the picnic party to a shower or two with the name in gold, there's no
finer gift.
boughs of a large fir tree.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schmidt had a
family gathering at their home Sun­
day. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schmidt and
two children, Mr. and Mrs. Don
Schmidt and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Detlefsen and children, Bobbie
and Mary Ann, and Mrs. Charles
Smith and little daughter were there.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Bunch, of Rink
Creek, were Wednesday evening vis­
itors at the A. R. Bennett home.
Mrs. Herman Eickmyer and son,
Laird, and Mrs. R R. Neuhaus,
The Industrial Repair Co.
of Coquille
Southern •
Fried Chicken
Sea Foods
Dinners $1.00 and $1.25
Open Every Day till 8:00 p.m.
Repairing Aids Victory
Bea. 22BJ
Phone 46
i ,