The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, June 24, 1943, Image 1

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The Coquille Valley Se^Hiiel
0. T. Gant Chosen Constitution And Riding Horse Show Soroptimist, Venture Saddle Horse Show
To Be Fourth Event
Director—Budget By-Laws For Pioneer To Be Feature Of
Service Clubs Receive
Meeting Postponed Ass'n Presented
July 4th Celebration Charters Together
Considerable interest is shown •1-
ready in the plan to put on a horse
show, as one of the main features of
the big 4th of July celebration in Co­
quille. "
Orvln T. Gant, with 84 votes re­
There was not a large attendance
J. L. Smith, chairman of the July
A current event in the lUstory of
Everyone, who lias a saddle horse
corded foe him at the election Mon­ at the Coos-Curry Pioneer Associa­ 4th parade committee, sprung his Coquille's club life was emphasized
day afternoon, was chosen to succeed tion meeting in the city hall here plans for a new feature at the cele­ last Saturday night, June 19, when or pony of any breed,'color, or age,
Mrs. Leona Bryant, on the Coquille last Saturday afternoon, those pres­ bration when the general committee the Soroptimist and Venture Clubs, regardless of, previous condition of
school board, district No. 8, the elec­ ent being Pres. Mary Randleman. met for its regular session Tuesday newly organized hpre, held their in­ Servitude, is expected to ride thereon
in the grand parade at 11.00 a. m.
tion being for a five-year term.
Vice Pres. Albert Matson, Sec.-Treat. evening.
stallation banquet and were given
July Sth. according to J. L. Smith,
He had a decided advantage over Inez R. Chase, J. E. Watson, J. P.
There are so many fine saddle horses their respective charters. The Ven­
the only other candidate to receive Beyers J. E. Quick, L. H. Hazard, in the county now and so many of ture Club is the junior organization chairman of the parade committee.
more than one vote—Mrs. Maxine Chas. Stauff, J. E. Norton. Mr. and the owners had suggested that a horse within the Soroptimist group. These Then at one o’clock p. m, all such
horses Will be shown and judged on
Jeub—in tjiat a petition had been Mrs. Walter Laird.
show, not a rodeo, be featured in the clubs are ■ sponsored by the Sorop-
filed for his nomination and his name
The purpose of the meeting was to parade Monday morning and as a timists of Marshfield - North Bend, conformation, performance, sound­
ness. etc., by ah expert saddle horse
appeared on the mimeographed bal- receive the report of the committee.
__ .
special feature that afternoon, he has with organizers from each.
¡judge from the State College.
lot, while hers did not and It was ' Messrs. Hazard, Norton and Stauff, decided to send letters to all such
Mrs. Florence Barton, elected pres-
Following is a list of classes and
not until Saturday that it became i which had been appointed last year owners he can hear of—ius list «at­
known that she would serve if i to prepare constitution and by-laws tains 50 names already — inviting
1. Saddle stallion and rider, 1st
for the association.
them to bring their mounts. Else­
$25.00 war bond; 2nd prize,
Of the 117 ballots cast, four, could
Their report, which is printed be- where in this issue appears the ap­
$10.00 bond.
not be counted. On one of them the low, was discussed by those present peal he makes to all horsdlnen to
2. Saddle horse and lady rider, 1st
voter had written in Mrs. Jeub's and approved. but the adoption of show their'steeds and he names
I prize, $25.00 war bond; 2nd prize,
name,, marked an x before it and constitution and by-laws will be a prizes to be offered for winners.
$10.00 bond.
had then marked an x before Mr.' matter for those attending the annual
More and more, with the gas r
| 3. Saddle horse and man rider, 1st
Gant’s name. Her total write-in vote-reunion on July 5 to pass upon,
tioning in effect, are men and w
prize, $25.00 war bond; 2nd prize,
was 29.
Another matter which the annual turning to riding houses for rec
‘$10.00 bond.
Due to an error in preparing the meeting will act upon is that of the tion. There is a new riding club I
4. Saddle Pony and kid rider, 1st
budget, the school meeting to discuss articles of incorporation for the as- Eastside and all over Coos cou
$10.00 war >bond, 2nd prize,
the budget and vote on the question sociation. These had been prepared men are buying horses to' ride,
$5.00 bond.
» ,
of taxing about $13,265 more than by Mr. Watson who had been ap- registration of 50 entries would
the six per cent limitation law would pointed for that purpose last July,
be surprising.
tion with the show will be announced
permit, was postponed until some
The meeting also considered the
Another appeal for entries in
time in July.
. housing of historical items and litera- ' various events was made by Jack
There are a lot of very good cow
Due to this error a heavy taxpayer ture of southwestern Oregon, and ' Moore, chairman of the river parade
horses and riders scattered all over
In the district, the Southern Pacific, J. P.
ers was appointed to at- and sports on Sunday, the 4th. High
the hills and hellers of Coos and
secure a suitable location climbers, buckers and sawyers, men
had filed an objection to the budget tempt
Curry counties and letters are being
with the State Tax Commission and for such a museum.
to take part in the log rolling con­
mailed to over fifty prospective en­
After discussing plans for the an­ test, and boat entries for the parade
that body'sustained the protest.
trants, inviting them to participate.
It was more in the nature of a nual meeting and picnic next month,
. (Continued on page three)
may be many others not yet
technical error, for the budget com­ the meeting adjourned.
known to the committee, who will re­
mittee had placed the district’s sur- ' are the reports of the two committees
President Coquille Soroptimist Club
quire no further urging to be right
plus in a sinking fund to be used for ' mentioned above upon which the
ident of the Soroptimist group, re­ there astraddle of the saddle, ready tc
the retirement of bonds, when the entire membership will pass on July
ceived a beautiful president’s pin. a Join the ’’Sheriff’s Posse,” when the
bonds become callable and was fig­ 5:
gift from the sponsoring club. Pres­ parade starts. They wig get a lot of
uring on having the money on hand
Dr. O. C. Wright, af Portland, is to ent for the ceremony from Marsh - tun out of it and it will help enter­
to call them at the earliest possible COO8-CURRY PIONEER ASSO­
be the speaker at the union service ' field were Mesdames- Stella Cutlip, tain the large crowd expected to be
to be helcTon the court house lawn Charlotte Endicott. Blanche Bergen present.
But the law provides that a sink­
Article 1. Name.
If everyone interested will please
at 11:30 a. m. on July 4, reports Rev. and Mias Ellen RudnaB. Regional di-
ing fund must be provided by levying
this association shall
M. D. Remple, who contacted the rector was Marilyn Merick Lewis and lend-lease their cooperation and pa­
a tax for that specific purpose, and
Pioneer Association.
Doctor and secured his consent to Helen McCune wasfegtonal director triotism, we can all help to make this
that any surplus held over from the
Article II. Object, The object of come
an outstanding annual event, such as
___ ___
and address
the ____
of Venture
____ > _
previous year can only be used for
this association shall be to hold regu­
Dr. Wright, who is a retired Bap- 1 During an address, "Service Clubs , “ has become jn many other places.
new school buildings, for operating
lar meetings of pioneers and their list
ministar, _____________
told Mr. Remple
he, . iq
Tima,” " Lois Beil Sandall.
"* your name,
,____ that
— —
_ War
WI **"
U Wu ‘ kindly
and maintenance coat or lor new
families and friends; to preserve and stopped in Coquille 29 years ago and told her listeners that Coquille had address, and number of liraggs, Io be
equipment. ;’
promote friendly relations and to col- that the only Baptist he could find the unique experience of having been entered, at <>nrv to the committee,
The railroad company did not pro­
—J. L. Smith, Chairman.
(Continued on page eight)
the first in the organization’s history
here then was John E. Quick.
test the same procedure last year, al­
though it was called to the directors’
secretary of the State Baptist con­ one and the same time. Mrs. Sandall
vention and he is also historical sec­ is first vice-president, American
The revised budget was taken by
retary of the denomination.
He Federation of Soroptimist clubs.
Mrs. Leslie, the retiring clerk, to the
The beautiful candle ceremony was
makes a hobby of collecting early
State Tax Commission in Salem
day records, pictures, etc., and has presented by the sponsoring clubs, as
Representatives of the Plywood
when she returned home Tuesday,
Samuel Lafayette Ball, a most the minute book of the first Baptist was also the'two charters. The pro-
and Veneer Workers Union, No. 2691,
and when that body gives it an O. K.,
highly respected citizen of Coquille church organized west of the Rockies.
reported to Geo. A. Ulett last week­
it will be published in the Sentinel
(Continued on page two)
for the past 30 years, passed away at The location was at Grand {Jnion near
end that the crew was ready to go
and will be up for the property owner
his home here last Sunday evening Portland.
back to work and they did so Mon­
taxpayers* consideration at some July
and was buried on Tuesday.
day morning.
date not yet set.
He had been ailing for several
Their action was Induced by the
The revised budget notice will not
months past, since undergoing an
War Labor Board instruction that
call for an election to increase the
operation for double hernia and this,
they should return to work.
tax by more than six per cent, which
with the infirmities of old age, caused
Frank G. Shaw, Coos county civil­ . The hearing on the contract be­
means that around $13,000 leas in
his demise. He was three months
ian defense head, from Marshfield, tween the plant management and the
taxes will have to be raised for school
and ten days past four score years of ' Prospects for a large scale devel­ was a very interested observer of the
purposes for the coming year than
opment of Coos county’s coal re­ realistic incident drill the Coquille union officials is being held in Port­
was contemplated under the first
have been greatly enhanced unit staged last Thursday evening, land today.
Funeral services were held at the
^*nt federal «PPr°PriaUon'^7
’w *^’
¡Schroeder Chapel at 2:60 o'clock
it 81
1 Tuesday, Rev. A. L. Perry of the
Church of God officiating. Interment Thia, with the $20,000 contributed by
the state of Oregon, and,$20.000 by. BJood Jn
loug quantltle,( en.
was in the Masonic cemetery.
- from
Sam Ball, as he was familiarly Coos county, provides a fund of'. trails
lying beside men
A. O. Walker is back in the tax
known, was born in Amherst, Wis., $140,000, which will be spent by the laid-out on the grass as injured in a
A splendid addition to Coquille’s March '10, 1*63. When 19 years of United States Bureau of Mines in .bombing
attack, and all manner of department for a two or three months
'Udly-injured looking bodies had no period, in a dual capacity. Part of
fire-fighting equipment is the 500- age he moved to Idaho and In 1887 locating new coal deposits In
gallon pumper, hose and other equip-1 was united in marriage to Myra Ethel county, and developing those al­ effect on the ladies of the first aid the time he is acting as assistant to
ready known.
ment, which has been brought in and Howard, who survives him.
squad who Jumped from the ambu­ County Auditor W. H. Wann, in
To this union five children were
will be installed on the International
lance as it arrived at designated spots getting the books and records audited,
and immediately went to work on j and he also has been engaged by
bom and all of them were here before
fire truck.
hestitated — in'Sheriff Howell to oversee and assist
Myrtle Point has also received one his passing. They are Mrs. Pearl
the ‘victims.’’ Not
1— one
---- ----------------
applying the prescribed treatment,[he Jnstallation of the new system
of these pumpers which are furnished Blachly and Mrs. Edna Webster,
by the federal government and are both of Pomeroy, Wash.; Mrs. Chrissie
taught them previously, but one girl " of keeping tax records and payments
which became necessary when Coun­
allocated by the Oregon Civilian‘De­ Thrift, of Coquille; Welman A. Ball,
Rev. Chas. O. Brown was appointed was overheard to remark, "If those
of Alameda, Calif., and Mrs. Lola to serve the Pioneer Methodist church were brains. I put them back in the ty Assessor Forrest changed the old
fense organization.
system to a newer and more up-to-
In the lease of the pumper which Wood, of Portland.
here for the third successive year at wrong place!”
Mayor Wood signed, it is specified
He is also survived by a brother, __
__ ___
These incident drills are held every date one after he was elected to that
the _______
annual __________
conference __ of the
M. __ E.
that the pumper is subject to call Wm Ball; three sitsers. Mrs. Grace Church held in Portland June 16-20, two weeks, the next being scheduled office.
anywhere in this section and is to be Krieger, Mrs. Lucy Evans and Mrs. . i reported
Ernest ruivdiivr,
Purvance, who
1. -------------
one of , the __ -
cpuiiru x^iucBi
wnu was
wan for July -•
» to
—, — ,
- .
used in case of bombing, sabotage Abbie Fletcher; seven grandchildren the lay delegate to the conference local Civilian’ Defense leaders the Eagles To Give Dance At
and seven great grandchildren.
' and who returned Monday morning, members of the Police Reserves Gravelford Saturday Night
fires and such enemy acts.
Before coming to Coquille Mr. Ball | He said, because of war and gas ra- are the worst slackers In attendant? | The Coquille Eagles are sponsoring
LeRoy Swinney showed the ceun-
' —•
-• there was even . -*
— J drills.
.. ----- --
cilmen this additional fire-fighting was a wheat farmer near Pomeroy, ■ , tioning conditions,
at “ the
a public dance at the Gravelford Hall
equipment after the council meeting Wash. After coming here he was a less of a tendency than heretofore to I
on Saturday evening, June 6. They
Monday evening and they agreed it sub-contractor for moving earth on move the ministers to* different lo- Powers May Again
are assuring everyone who attends
was a splendid thing to have and ex­ highway construction projects in the calities every year or so.
He A Lively Town
a first class good time. Good music
pressed the hope that it could be county, and was also requested fre- ( Mr«. Jas. Richmond, who went up •
has been arranged for. The entire
nothing defi- net proceeds of this dance will be
permanently acquired by the city, quently to prepare home gardens for to attend the women’s society of the I wh“« there U
after the war, at a nominal figure.
1 He retired from active church annua) convention, returned,«“« abolJt “• the reP°rt wa# he’rd spent for the benefit of the Coquille
.1 year.
home last Friday evening
^ere Saturday that the Coos Bey Fourth of July celebration.
work several
years ago.
be a most worthy and popular pastor mill at Powtrs this summer and that
U. S. Submarine Service
of the church and the congregation is there is more or less of a flurry in
Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Walker re­
to be congratulated upon his return Powers real estate
ceived a letter recently from their
for another year.
son, Richard, who has been in train­
State Police Officer N. W. Smith
Standing of the Victory Girl Con­
ing at Pasco that he was going into
Improvements In Appearance
Made A. Sergeant
testants, as reported by Secretary C.
the U. S. submarine service and that nor does it have this week the list of
Are Being Commended
N. W. Smith, state police officer G. Caughell this morning, is as fol­
* he expected to be home for a furlough selectees sent by the Coquille valley
Noticeable improvements in town stationed here'since March, 1042, has lows:
before leaving for the east. However, selective service board, because the
he did not come and Mrs. Joe. Sayre, latest instruction to the board is that are the redecorating just completed just been a sergeancy. Pntriica Berg ........
He expects to leave* Sunday for his Janet Lewis
who returned recently from a visit the names shall not be given to the in the hotel dining room, and the
there, reports seeing him at Pasco as newspapers until after the men have clean-up of the lawn in front ef the new post at Arlington in eastern Ore­ Betty Emery
he was boarding the train for Con­ been accepted following their pre­ Community building, Many pleasant gon, accompanied by Mrs. Smith and Jessie Sherwood __
Mavis Tyrrell............
... 5,700
necticut. He hardly had time to pack liminary examination in Portland, remarks and comments of apprecia­ their two boys.
... 5,400
Avis Ricketts ..........
his bag after receiving his orders and that list has not yet been sent tion for the work done on Jhe city
Arlene Homenyck
... 3,500
owned property have been heard.
from there.
Calling cards. 50 for 61.00.
to catch the train.
I . . . ........ :
The Victory Girl
Candidates For
July 4th Celebration
Rotary Club Candidate
Dr. 0. C. Wright
July 4th Speaker
Sawmill A Timber Workers
Local 2770 Candidate
Men Back To
Work Monday
SamuelC. Ball
Buried Tuesday
$140,000 For Coos
Coal Development x
Realistic Incident
Drill Thursday *
A. O. Walker In
Tax Dept. Again
Addition To Coquille ’
Fire Department
B. P. W. Candidate
Rev. Chas. G, Brown
To Remain Here
Selectees1 Names
Not Available
Jr. Woman’s Club Candidate
How Candidates
Stand This Morning
Woman’s Club Candidate
. A