Trat COQUILLE VALLEY ttNTOfttL, CO>P» ^ r> PACiatf O»^* Tuv an n^T, jpiqrWt 1>u ■ ♦ CLASSIFIED Thirty members were present at O m Ce«t » Word Each Insertio« the meeting this week when the club No Adv. lees than 25 cento was opened in the usual manner by WANTED — Water wells to drill. the president. Have new and up-to-date equip­ The caravan of clubs will not meet ment and heady pipe where needed. June 20, as planned, but will meet Fred C. Lee, Route 1, Marshfield. June 27, in W. O. W. haU. Owing 30t4*tf to other meetings in the state, Town­ WASHING MACHINE REPAIR—We send representative, Mr. Adams, w service all makes of washers. cannot be present. A letter was read from E. E. Mor­ 385 West Washer Service Co. tfs gan, a member now in Portland, Front St. Phone 17. j Program chairman, Mrs. Tilghman, FURNISHED down-stairs Apartment ' had a number of members taking part at 568 South Henry; electric range * as follows: Betty Crim, "Flag Dag;” and refrigerator. Adults only, no ¡Mrs. McCue, “Your Flag and Mine;" v animals' Phone 40J. Mrs. E. A. Mrs. July, "Song of the Free,” Mrs. Wimer. lt*s Schroeder, Mrs. Collier, Mrs. West- brook also took part. Mrs. Dean, Mrs. GLASSWARE—Rock Sharpe Crys­ ¡July and Mrs. Roth received prizes tal Glassware. Priced 35 cents to in reading of “twisters.” Walter 52.00. You must see it to appre­ Laird received the door prize. ciate its Be»nty. J. A. Lamb Com­ The flower sale netted $1.60. Rolls pany. s ’ _______________ —— ------ -------- ----- and jell or jam will be serevd next FOR SALE—6 Jewel Wrist Watch, > week. Cake and coffee were enjoyed, Cedar Cheyt; Ladies' Winter Coat, I with Mrs. Wilson in charge. « size 16; and. other Clothing and! FOR RENT — Furnished 3-room Furniture. Call at 257 So. Taylor, j House with bath, recently refin­ phone 64. Frank Rost. * 22tfs ished..' Gas Range, Water Heater and Oil Circulator. Phone 196L or SEED POTATOES—We have them. see B. W. Dunn, 558 No. Coulter. It FARR & ELWOOD. t s * <7 t 4 »» Traffic Cases In Justice Court Here Townsend Club No. 1 Plant Re-opening Is Still Uncertain (Continued from Page Ohe) I tion to cancel our present working 'agreement as provided in section 1, i article 19 and, therefore, on March 11st your contract automatically ex- > pired. Our company has no legal | right to bargain with you on any I important matters until you have ; either signed a new contract with the company or have been designated as the proper bargaining agent by the I National Labor Relations Board. It would be well, therefore, for your union to furnish the company with legal proof that you have' the bar- gaining agency for the employees of yje Plywood plant or ask the Labor Board to certify you as the bargain­ ¡ng agent. Pioneer Methodist Church Charles Goodwin Bro^p, pastor 9:45 Houi for Sunday School at Pioneer. Enjoy the study of Gpd’s Roy Alvan Mclntee last Friday, word in comfortable rooms with cup- Robert Blair McCoy on Tuesday, and «ble teachers to lead. Dean V. Weekly on Monday were 11:00 Sunday morning worship each fined $5.00 and $4.00 costa on [ hour, Conference Sunday message. axle overload charges. Olaf Newton i 7:00 Youth Fellowship hour. Spe­ was summoned to appear on Monday ! cial presentation of Fir Point Insti­ for the same, offense. tute. On trailer unit overload charges, 8:00 Sunday evening worship hour Arthur Miller last Friday was fined with Mrs. Mary Russell in charge, $5.00 and $4.00 costs, and Robert M. giving a demonstration of the Junior Ward and Lionel C. Baker on Monday church work. 7:30 Wednesday choir rehearsal were summoned to appear before Jus­ tice Bull. * hour. 7:30 Thursday evening mid-week Also sumomned to *Bppear by the state police on a combined overload Bible study hour, charge were Donald M. Gilkison last i Every church seeks to serve, but Friday and Vernon Russell Cptterell only those whose members are alive i on Tuesday. On Tuesday also Ed to the spiritual responsibility serve Mattin was summoned on a driver as pleases God. axle overload charge. St James’ Episcopal Church Corner E. 3rd d Elliott Sts. The Rev. Robert L. Greene, Vicar Sunday. June 20, Trinity Sunday: 7:30 a. m. Holy Communion. 11:00 a. m. Morning Prayer with sermon. Wednesday. June 23: 10:00 m. Holy Communion. NOTICE The Oregonian Agency « Gano Funeral Home WANTED to Buy-Late Model Trucks, Pickups and Cars. v MIS3 INEZ ROVER Film Scenes Based On Real Happenings FARMERS—We have a stock of HY­ DRATED LIME for your barn floors. FARR 8c ELWOOD. s FOR PLUMBING Repairs and Ser vice—call 2-L. J. A. Lamb Com­ pany. «• LOST—Gold Broach, a keepsake, oval-shaped, inch and a half long, on the street between Ko-Keel Vil­ lage and business section, last Fri­ day. Finder please return to A. Sanford. ***• Modern WRECKER Phone 83 Niehl Phone 272X Southwestern Motors Chevrolet — Buick whieh will be shown Friday, Satur­ to be insane and was taken to the day and Sunday at the Liberty Thea-* asylum Saturday by an attendant tre, are said to be based on actual In­ who came down for her. . i ...... —____ cidents from the astounding record of the Balkan patriots, as transmitted A paper-collating machine gathers to America by the underground 380 sheets a minute compared with movement in Axis-held territory. the old rate of 75 per minute by hand. * The episode, for instance, in which the guerrillas barter a high-ranking , We carry a complete line of V- Italian prisoner for several gallons Belts for all makes of Refrigerators, of gasoline is similar to a story re­ Washing Machines and other equip­ cently publicized in the United States ment. Washer Service Co., 385 W. F 16tfs by the Jugoslav Govemment-in- Front, Coquille. Phone. > ,• «1. SCHROEDER BROS. MORTUARIES, Ine. Instructor of Piano Benham’s Transfer Anywhere For Hire SAND AND GRAVEL. COAL — FUEL OIL — STORAGE Agents for Oregon-Nevada-California Fast Freight Office Pbone Farr & Elwood Bldg * W. Second St ■ J I % » 9 A Church of Christ - •— East 4th & Coulter Liston Parrish, Pastor Thursday, 7:30, Bible Study and Prayer, We are studying and dis­ cussing I Corinthians. Bible School 9:4$. T. Ralph Harry, supt. We invite you to attend our Promotion Day services. Morning Worship 11 o'clock. Spe- cial music, Lord's Supper and a spe- cial message for Father’s Day, Chil­ dren's Day and Promotion Day. Ev­ eryone is invited to be present. ■ .......... T------ Emanuel Baptist Church I The reason given for the stay-awpy Jr. C. E., 8:30. Rev. Menno D. Rempel, Pastor action by the Plywood employees— Oregon’s Traffic Accident Death Young People's C, E. 7:00. there was no strike for the plant was 4 Rate Hits New Low In April Evening Evangelistic service 8:00. Sunday, June 20, 1943. not picketed—was that there was a 10:00 Sunday School. Don’t forget Message, “God's Answer to Man's Oregon’s traffic death rate during Questions." man employed in the plant who the month of April dropped to the Lord in Summer time, would not join the union. ‘ _____ " Wed., 7:30, Choir practice. Don 11:00 Morning — Worship Service. lowest point since accurate traffic* Later it developed, that this was a accident records have been kept when ' Father's Day. Sermon, "A Father's Farr, director. mistake for he had told fellow em­ fatalities amounted to 4.3 persons Failure." . • ployees that lie wanted to and would killed per one hundred million milts 7:00 Young People'» meetings. First Church of Christ, Scientist join the uyion after the next pay day, of travel, Secretary of State Bob , Coquille, Oregon 8:00 Evening Service. Father's Day FOR RENT—Or will sell, 8 acres next DE LAVAL SEPARATORS and Milk-______________________________ but about that time the week's va- Farrell discloses. Program by the Women of the Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. ers, Parts and Dairy Supplies. Ge? cation was on and there had not to Sam Arnold place near Cedar Sunday Service at 11. a. m. The death toll of nine persons for Church. them at Pacific Feed 8c Seed Go. tfs . been a meeting of the union at which Point; $100 a year cash rent. Call Subject for next Sunday, "Is the Tuesday, Choirs meet. the month was recorded while Ore­ at Mrs. Sarah McAdams* house ’ ” Thursday, (tonight). Closing pro­ Universe, including Man, Evolved by gon motorists were driving 207,511,- PAINT UP, CLEAN UP—We carry he could apply for membership. across Bandon highway bridge, Co­ With no contract existing between ¡369 gram at 7:30 p. m. of Vacation Bible Atomic Force?” □ov miles. num. In in April ripm of 01 1942? iw«, while wnne the tne _ high quality Paint for every pur­ quille. _ 21t3’s Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 pose, including the new Miracle plant and union employees, this man | mileage recorded in the state was , School. Everyone is welcome. U/;iS i\n hiu irxH anri fhxi nnm ntn nnt q.stsv _ aai_ ■ j . . . . ' ; o'clock. traffic accidenta claimed | Wall Tone. J. A. Lamb Company. was frozen on his job and the com- 250,901,157, FOR SALE— “Farmers' Bargains”— Free public Reading Room at 255 The Assembly oi God Bull — Roosters — Dogs — Heifers 'OREGON GIANT BEAN SEED—We pany could not fire him without a a toll of 22 lives for a death rate of 4 good reason or the management eight persons killed per one hundred W. Second, $oxy Bldg., open every 2nd and Reath Streets —Saddle Mare — Used Separators. | day except Sunday and holidays from See FARR 8c ELWOOD’S “Swap1 have a limited supply. Furr 8t Eli would be subject to censure by the million miles of travel. L. C. Perrtng, Pastor I « Thus, — ................. ■ rate this Sunday wood. \ s War Labor Board. 12:30 to 5:00 p. m. / the April ; death Board.” u . . •! It has “ been policy vi of that board, | year is nearly 50 per cent below _____________< , i •» 'rc" the pvxivj iiibi uuatu, | year is nearly &o per cer ____ the __ 9:45—A class for every age and ARE You Sleeping on a Daveno which PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING, i und we understand the union officials rate for the same month i a year ago Church of God a year ago, teachers capable of teaohing the Word - u -------- . .. ----- ------------ Kalsomining and wood finiabjng- ; have been so notified, that the board Farrell pointed out. While the death is hard or bumpy? If you are we The Holy Name Catholic Church of God. 1943 Wall Papers, Imperial, Pitts- wiH not take cogn izance of the case 1 rate dropped nearly half, actual trav- have just the pad to put onjop of j Mass at 9:30 a. m. every Sunday. 11:00—Morning worship. This is burgh and Bir«e_ ^o raise »0 until after the men have gone back e| dropped only 17 per cent, indicat- it and make it comfortable. Special Fathers' Day, let us honor him by at ­ ™ K ± i‘° W°rk ‘ th-‘ •“>*•«• “P-ds and greater at $8.95. Purkey Furniture. s NOTICE TO CREDITORB 286. Coquille. 275 North Hehry Yesterday Mr. Ulett received the ere in the interests of mator vehicle tending church. Pastor L. C. Pers­ NOTICE is hereby given that the icCormick I ing speaks. . DAIRY SUPPLIES—For Mi undersigned has been duly appointed ! , ^»lowing wire from Thomas' H., conservation were saving lives in 6:30—Christ Ambussadars service; Executrix of the Last Will and Testa­ Deering Milker Parts and Dairy | j a 1 HEADQUARTERS ror Crown Dairy Tongue, executive secretary of the1 Oregon, the secretary of state de- a service young people enjoy. Melvin ment, and of the estate of A. R. Clin­ Supplies—See us. a. n. . ' «nd Poultry Feeds at Pacific Feed West Coast Lumber Comm., N. W. L. ciared. ton, deceased; and all persons having Steward, president. Company. s | yor ||IC four-month period, the claims against said estate are hereby ft Seed Co tf» |B. at Portland: — 7:30 Evangelistic, a delightful notified that they are required to pre­ I^I L ' ■■ . j i .. ..... i ..... . . ... . . "Following wire sent local union death rate stood at 7.4, compared to AUTOMATIC WATER SYSTEMS— song service and special music you sent the same duly verified, with We have on hand yej a few Gould RECENT Changes have been made in re case No. 111-1623-D Smith Wood- 8.1 a year ago. Travel, as indicated will enjoy. Pastor Persing speaks. proper vouchers therefor, to the un­ Farm Machinery rationing regula­ Products, Inc. In accord with policy by gasoline consumption, dropped Jet-O-Matic water systems. Bet­ Tuesday 7:30—Prayer meeting. A dersigned, at the law offices of HARRY A. SLACK, First Nat’l Bank tions. If'you need naw machines, of War laibor Board this commission 20 per cent for the four-month period, ter set yours now. FARR 8c EL­ well attended service. Bldg., Coquille, Oregon, within six _______________ see us. J. A. Lamb Company. s will not hold hearing in case until ' WOOD. ' » __ Friday 7:30—Bible Study conducted months from the date hereof. men rriurn to worE Work .top- R.j,,. MeMure, Diltince To DATED and first published, June by the pastor. FREE! If Excess acid causes you WE PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICES page violates no strike pledge given , 10, 1943. FOR CASCARA BARK-HIDES I by Labor to President. Commission Airplanes, Ships Through Fog pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indiges­ ESTHER CLINTON, Executrix, of the Last Will and tion, Heartburn, Belching, "Bloat­ Corner of Henry 8t Seventh Sts. MOHAIR. Farr & Elwood. s requests that men immediately return , (IPS)—The Army and the Navy, Testament, and of the Estate of Pastor, A. L. Perry ing, Nausea, Gas Pains, get free A. R. Clinton, deceased. 21t5 AUTO PAINTING and Body Work. to work and will then consider ques- | having partially lifted the velL of Sunday School, 10 a. m. sample, Udga, at Barrow Drug Bring your car in—we can start tion whether company required to secrecy in their joint statement, some Preaching service II a. m,a Company. ' 22tl0* • Calling caras. 30 far SI.00. work at once. Southwestern Motor discharge non - union employees j of the story of radar can now be told, Young People's meeting, 8:45 p. m. Co. • S pending signing of new contract. This - Radar is the electronic device which TWO 3-room Cabins, partly furnish­ Preaching service 7:30 p. m. r issue will be considered as part of'locates planes and ships far beyond ed, 3 minutes walk from Smith All are invited to attend. If your case now before commission at hear- | man ’ s former "vision" even in fog. Wood plant. J. R. Clinton, Co­ PEAS, fresh from the field, for can­ ning of locker, $3.50 per bushel ing to be scheduled after men return | darkness, and other adverse condl-, child does not go to Sunday School quille. lt*s20 tions. In operation, radar sends out elsewhere, we urge you to send them, box. Raspberries in two weeks. to work," JUST RECEIVED a few Wood Heat­ Folsom Grocery. Its radio waves which are reflected back or better still bring them. Beautiful Granites and De­ ------- 1 1,1 » [to sensitive receivers when a ship or ing Stoves. Supply is limited. See signs, available for your se­ Old papers 5c a bunch. us now. J. A. Lamb Company, s FOR RENT — 3-room unfurnished Pedestrian Fatalities In Oregon plane enters the area which the radio lection of a Memorial. House, close to plaftt, at south end 29 For Five-Month Period waves cover. Returning waves are GLADYS C. GANO FOR RENT — 3-room Apartment, of Knowlton Heights bridge. See Oregon’s pedestrian death toll then plotted, and by a complicated 190 So. Coulter St. close In. Adults. No animals. 351 Raymond Preussler at 305 Knowl­ sloped upward during the month of system of calculations, officers deter­ Representing So. Henry St., Flors E. Dunne, s ton Ave. It’s May when six out of eleven traffic mine the position, direction of travel, Oregonian Subscribers: Please THE OREGON GRANITE help your carrier by having your FOR Expert Emergency, Repair Ser­ WANTED TO BUY—Baby buggy. 4 fatalities Involved persons on foot, and speed of enemy planes or ships. COMPANY paper money ready at his first call. vice on Milking Machine«, Farm Traveleez style preferred. Box according to figures compiled in the This information is then relayed to Remember he must pay his paper Water Systema, Tractor« and Farm interceptor forces. 472, Coquille, Oregon. Its* office of the secretary of state. obligation before the 10th of the Machine«, call J. A. Lamb Com- As a result of the May toll, pede- The existence of radar has been month. Thank you. p«ny. Not»—For Quick Service, VIGORÔ FERTILIZER — Now on stiian fatalities for the first five known for years, Industrial engi- hand. FARR ft ELWOOD* s months of the year numbered 29, neers and scientists as early as the small machines should be sent to exactly th» same as for that period a twenties were actively engaged in our shop.. ■ P. 0. Box No. 245 Phone 201 HOMES FOR SALB year ago. the development of tubes, circuits, Coquille, Oregon ASK US WHAT TO USE ON THOSE 590 Knowlton Ave. $7,000.00 "In view of the fact that traffic anr. De La Rhue 2,000.00 ■ 808 9th St........ .......... the traffic accident toll,” Bob Farrell, trical manufacturing company was 2,500.00 FOR SALE—Male and Female Gold­ 447 N. Coulter...... ..... Eyesight said. “Last year, pedestrian fatali­ able to start building radars long 5,500.00 en Cocker Dogs, 4 years. Good 710 W. 4th ...... ........ ties amounted to 30 percent of the before Pearl Harbor, and is now mak­ Specialist 3,000.00 hunters. See Shorty Martin, Riv­ 141 S. Coulter ........ traffic fatalities reported for the five ing them in its factories for installa­ 2,400.00 Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted erton, or phone 1R2, Coquille. lt*s Marshfield Highway months period. This year, they con­ tions on ships, and on the ground. Also other homes in lower prices snd stitute 44 percent of the toll. Many of the same men and •women Reception room jointly with FOR SALE—1 Proven’Reg. Jersey NOTHING OVERLOOKED smsll tracts near Coquille. “Many of these pedestrian deaths who used to make broadcast station Dr. J. R. Runch Bull. 1 Grade Milking Short Hom I GEORGE R. OERDING involve persons employed in war transmitters and home receivers are Bull. Lester Mayse, Sitkum. 19t4*s l^alrd Buildins Pbone 82 U no matter how large and elaborate Realtor plants in this state. Most of those in­ now at work on this vital device, and the scale upon ^vhich the funeral SAVE Costly Delays — By checking MOWER REPAIRS — Check your volved in this type of accident are en­ parts are being made in other fac­ fc- your Farm Machinery In advance arrangements are to be made. That gaged in some unsafe practice at the tories which'tormerly made electri ­ Machines now for Broken Parts and order necedhary Repairs NOW. is our policy—that is our proud and avoid costly delay by buying time they are struck. These unsafe cal products for the home. Genuine IHC Repairs. J. A. Lamb Vital areas in the U. S defense repairs Now. J. A. Lamb Com- practices include jaywalking, cross­ claim after many years of experi- Personal Interest Company. s s ing intersections against red lights, system have been equipped with the pany. ence. A conference with us will walking on the wrong side of the devices which are also at work with Friendly Counsel DOING SOME PAINTING? Use our be to your advantage. ROLL ROOFING—We have a stock road and stepping into the street from our fighting forces on land, sea, and Republic Paint and do a better job ‘Honest Advice k of all kinds from 11.40 per roll up. between parked cars.” ‘ in the air. The British version of for less. FARR 8c ELWOOD. s Proper Guidance FARR & ELWOOD. s Farrell urged drivers to be on the radar, which they call the radio­ FOR SALE — 1935 Pontiac Sedan, alert for pedestrians in the vicinity locator, is credited with saving Eng­ LADY IN ATTENDANCE good condition; priced to sell. See of war plants and to yield the right land during the aerial blitz of 1940 W. E. Foote at 408 East Fifth, Co­ of way to pedestrians occupying i and 1941. Radar now stands guard Bandon Coquille quille. 21tfs crosswalks. Pedestrians, he said, I at many danger points along .United „ Ambulance Service should cross streets only kt designated ! Nations frontiers and at sea, warn­ 1083 I09R Coquille Pbone 190 MAIL Your Watch ana Jeweliy re­ crosswalks and at night should wear ing of the coming of aerial and sea­ pairs in to Schroeder Jewelry V white or carry something white, such I borne enemy forces. Store, Coquille, Ore. 22t3s as a painted lunch bucket. Exile. BRING Your Tire Troubles so Thorn The ‘ 20th Century-Fox film fea­ ton's, the most completely equipped See Archie Bushnell at tures Philip Dorn, Anna Sten, John High School shop in Southern Oregon. Only ex­ Shepperd, Virginia Gilmore and Mar­ Southwestern Motors (VediU perienced workmen. Best quality tin Kosleck. Given materials and equipment'used. All Coquille work fully guaranteed. Thornton 105 W. 2nd Many of the exploits in “Chel- MONUMENTS a. T I I 1 ■ »■