TUB COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL. COQtfltLR. OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 17. 1943. w Don Bailey Statiused At Lowry Field, CfJemii '* his which Sentinel is sept, - SSL 1 Don I Aircraft Overhaul »action, IL that he like. He expresses the hope that the Bailey writes from Lowry ______ Field near ¡enjoys his work very _____ much, ________ and that _________ Boys’ Club project goes through in _______ _____ _____________ _Wr^2£_^_ chan,c th* addres« to Denver, Calo., where he. is in the, the weather is getting more summer- Coquiiu . .. ..... „• ..... . •T »■- - ■ Out-of-boors Stuff by LANS LENEVE NOTICE OF CITY BUDGET _ faur five »• ■ ’ —— ---------- whose wife was fond of tame duck ordered a couple of tame ducks from a neighbor of ours. The ducks were delivered here at the store for him. He called for them that eve- ning. On of the birds' stuck its head from the box and- quacked softly, bright eyes frightened, The man looked at it and said, "Darned if I know whether I’ll be able to kill you or not, old sport.” ■ A few days later I gleaned the in­ formation ¿rom a neighbor of his that the ducks Were still alive and Christ­ mas was past. It appeared that one of the ducks deposited an egg in the crate, as the man was taking them home and he talked his wife out of her duck dinner, stating that they shouldn’t kill laying ducks at the present price of eggs. Incidentally, his wife could not distinguish the difference between a drake and a hen, so the pair of ducks still fre­ quent his yard and they had chicken tor Christina dinner. Sort of warms a man’s heart toward such a man, doesnt’ it? • > After long association with game animals and birds, after pursuing and slaying them for years and years, iit is a known fact that the average 1943 at"thehour of Li i,Coy J?eCOrd5r * “‘«‘City; and that the Common Council of said City hks fixed Tuesday, "¡J6m d«7o the 6th Oregon day of July, sportsman grows to love the game place at which timi P.M“ time und O'« Council Chamber of the City Hall in Baid City of Coquille, Coos County which Ume and ol.^ an^L^b U‘e board of said City, to-wit: the Comm^’ouncil! if ¿JfcFci I, as the animals and birds that he pursues thereof ‘ p ae* BnF Person who shall be subject to such tax levy when made, may be heard in favor far*- or against such "leVy^ar tiny’ part He derives more pleasure in the ac­ tual pursuit than he does the kill That the said estimates filed in the office of the City Recorder are as follows: 4 * The anticipation of the hunt, the CITY OF COQUILLE. OREGON actual stalking of the game, or birds, BUDGET INFORMATION gives more satisfaction than the ac­ Expenditure and Budget tual slaying of the game stalked. • ■' Allowance for fiscal year FUND AND CLASSIFICATION 1 It is tyorth a lot to a man to fare Estimated for Fiscal Year July I, 1942 to June 30, 1943 GENERAL FUND July 1 ’43 to June 30 *44 Jan. 1-June 30 forth into the Jungles far from civil­ Expenditure Budget for By Officer or Approved by 1946 1941 1942 first ization, to sit beside a campfire, to Department Budget Committee Expenditure Expenditure Expenditure Six months Fiscal Year • - e, PERSONAL relax next to the bosom of old Mother City Recorder $ 800.00 Nature—to list’ to the winds whisper­ 800.00 3 866.58 '3 3 799.92 3 399.96 3 309.06 3 800.00 City Marshal 2,160.00 1,800.00 990.00 1,012.50 1,980.00’ ing through the tree-tops, or to hud­ . Deputy Marshals (2) . ! 3,924.00 ' 1,930.50 3,170.00 2,487.80 5,400.00 dle In the blind In the stormy marsh­ Special Police 300.00 9 . 907.08 134.12 62.23 300.00 Street Commissioner lands waiting fdr the duck to come 1,920.00 1,440.00 810.00 891.00 1,740.00 City Attorney 900.00 wheeling over his decoys. 720.00 390.00 450.00 900.00 City Treasurer 1,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 600.00 , , 600.00 1,200.00 I The sound of the wind, the sound Fire Chief 425.00 120.00 150.00 212.52 425.00 of whistling wings over head mean Asst. Fire Chief " ■ . • ' ♦ n 180.00 60.00 90.00 180.00 , a lot to the sportsman. And there are Health Officer 120.00 120.00 60 00 60.00 120.00 t Other Services and Auditing 500.00 61.00 1 few amongst us, when we wend opr , 15.00 < City Engineer 300.00 926.86 211.15 213 75 300.00 way homeward from the marshlands, City Manager « ft I or come from out the jungles, wheth­ .... V '4 er we have the limit or come home 3 3 10,909.51 3 12,729 00 3 11,203.86 3 5,796.73 3 6,494.76 $ 13,345.00 The regular meeting of Coquille j empty handed, who does not feel MATERIAL A SUPPLIES I that hia hunt has not been In vain. Post was held at 8:15 Monday eve­ Lght, Power A Phones 3 3 3,768.98 3 3,500.00 1,669.70 3 3,490.55 3 1,585.66 3 3 3,500.00 It sort of clearibe« a man’s soul to get ning with a light attendance. Stationery; Printing A Supplies 200.00 183.67 201.75 146.55 42.15 200.00 The Post will participate in the Fuel A Supplies out in lhe big woods, in the pure, 700.00 551.23 662.72 432.23 334.47 700.00 i clean air, or in the rain-drenched ■July 4th celebration on the 3d, 4th 3 3 4,504.08 3 4,400.00 3 4,355.02 3 1,962.28 3 2,248.48 3 4,400.00 i marshlands. and 5th, here in Coquille, and ite The woods, the marshlands, the parade entry will be an awkward MISCELLANEOUS Repair«—Streets, Bridges 6c Wharves 3 1,900.00 yellowing fields of October, all hold squad commanded by Frank Martin. 3 4,459.48 3 6,427.87 1,904.92 3 1,140.77 3 1,900.00 3 City Hall Maintenance 158.18 300.00 170.74 289.88 The following members were 150.88 300.00 ' an allure—something hard to explain, Fire Department 2,500.00 1,596.00 1,333.24 2,133.11 814.27 2,500.00 elected to fill the offices of the post but it is there. • It enters a man's Conununity Building Expense 3,600.00 1,031.40 703.72 19243 400.00 squl—step« up his pulse and takes for the year 1943-1944: Commander, Elections 50.00 34.25 21.40 50.00 him apart frpm the world of every­ Dr. C. G. Stem; first vice commander, Library 1,750.00 1,750.00 1,083.29 999.96 499.98 503.28 1,000.00 Parka, Playgrounds A Supervision 109.05 300.00 600.00 300.00 Mintonye; second vice, day life and it is something that he Amzy Other Items 1,117.44 400.00 1,972.73 451.28 - 161.20 400.00 Clarence Knupp; Adjutant, Roy C. looks forward to each fall. It la Insurance 950.00 456.40 454.76 450.00 1 really the call of the woods, the Morley; executive committee, Frank Workmen’s Compensation 290.74 500.00 362.95 202.07 182 42 500.00 Purchase of Property for Sp’l Ass’t 6,888.09 1,000.00 2,952.67 317.48 542.65 1,200.00 i streams, the marshes and something Martin, George E. Oerding and Geo. Ransom. apart from anything else. 3 13,250.00 3 16,733.88 3 16,014.53 3 3 5,681.76 3 4,581.02 3 8,700.00 It was voted that the Commander From the time the rifle is laid away in the fall and the scatter gun stored be vested with the power to appoint INDEBTEDNESS 58.44 * 3 Interest on Warrants 3 3 3 at the end of duck season; from the delegates to the convention, and they 3 3 3 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500 00 2.500.00 Payment on Funding Bonds 2,500.00 2,500.00 time the fly rod is cased, that spark will go to the convention unin­ 690.00 150.00 150.00 600.00 250.00 Interest on Funding Bonds 200.00 of wanderlust continues to burn structed. 150.00 Sinking Fund—Funding Bond Interest 130.00 250.00 200.00 It was moved, seconded and car­ brightly in the breast of a sportsman 120.00 120.00 Interest on Community Bldg. Bonds 60.00 60.00 120.00 Payment on Com. Bldg. Bonds (Optional) and he longs and dreams of the. re­ ried that the meetinga be suspended • turn of the hunting and fishing sea­ until September and that the com­ 3 2,020.00 3 2,920.00 3 3,248.44 3 3,100.00 3 2,810.00 3 2,810.00 3 3,020.00 son. mander shall call a special meeting i A lot of sportsmen actually grow in case of emergency. EMERGENCY 7.50 42540 Emergency 3 2,500.00 3 3 3,133.33 3 1,542.58 The Post will not sponsor a candi­ 3 3 3 2,500.00 tenderhearted. They do not derive ¡the thrill from the kill that they did date for Queen or Victory girl. 35,799.00 GRAND TOTAL—General Fund 3 3 35,403.41 3 36415.99 3 19,870.30 3 18,273.36 3 3 31,965.00 , in years past., And I know a lot of During the month of July another hunters who would not be guilty of gigantic phonograph record com- beheading the pet rooster for a Sun­ paign will be waged and everyone is 1,500.00 None 3 3 3,000.00 3 3 3 3 3 2,500.00 day dinner. requested to bring all old records tn Just .before last Christmas we were the drug stores where they will be served a shining example of such a picked up. By Roy C. Morley, Adjutant. case—or along that line. A hunter, 900.00 900.00 3 1,746.00 3 1,630.00 3 1,800.00 3 2,040.00 8 3 3 1,191.71 1,100.04 1,340.00 550.02 550.02 1,100.00 600.00 349.98 940.00 650.00 34998 700.00 453.00 372.00 1000.00 1.291 46 796 08 1,000.00 2,000.00 corporation of Coo« County, Oregon, did at a meet- Dr. Stem Named Legion Commander * » MISCELLANEOUS Workmen’« Compensation Other Expense Emergency (Guards) i 3 3 7,320.00 3 4,878.17 3 4,116.12 3 3 5,000.00 5,000.00 200.00 3 4,203.50 4,649.55 357.18 3 3,811.44 8,896.09 102.71 3 3 10,200.00 3 9,21043 3 12,810.24 3 3 200.00 100.00 2,000.00 3 *80.56 557.41 3 3 3 2400.00 3 637.97 3 2,750.00 3 2,805.00 167.69 4,000.00 1,580.00 INDEBTEDNESS 3 Interest on Bonds—Serie« F Interest on Warrants Payment on Funding Bonds Interest on Funding Bonds Sinking Fund—Interest on Funding Bonds Interest on Serie« F-2 Bonds 2,750.00 3 9,470.00 6,000.00 360.00 360.00 6,000.00 300 00 2,253.00 3 2,172.00 3 4,800.00 1,920.00 91447 203.32 3 1,797.00 543.23 77.43 .3 5,000.00 5,000.00 200.00 3 3,037.59 3 2,417.66 3 10,200.00 82.06 34.52 382.25 3 7l.4Af 7<7T 1,493.65 4 3 45.05 ± 3.80 960.00 3 200.00 100.00 2,000.00 3 498.83 3 1,572.88 3 1,008.85 3 2,300.00 •3 2,750.00 3 1,375.00 3 1,375.00 3 2,750.00 275.00 4 1,300.00 13740 3 8,827.69 3 9,385.00 3 7,672.50 1 7,993.50 3 9,985.00 3 29,290.00 3 23,554.06 3 26,810.19 3 14,535.97 3 13,591.01 3 27,085.00 1041 Receipts 1/1 to 6/30 1942 Receipts 3 1,300.00 1,600.00 1,500.00 730.00 3 500.00 100.00 1,500.00 300.00 152.00 406.00 100.00 152.00 2,414.19 1,430.33 Ml 6.50 913.50 96.25 354.66 507.50 1,194.46 555.75 19.20 521.13 3 3,102.00 3 0,223.47 20,20000 3 27,845.92 200.00 11.90 ■ ^g. —- 28,057.82 1,938.17 1,474.62 1,968.50 1,452.75 118.50 409.49 230.00 2,447.59 441.75 72.55 166.41 3 . 570.33 783.68 620.00 291.00 12.50 197.00 115.00 953.95 July 1, ’42 to June 30, *43 Receipts ~ " - - for - Estimated Fiscal Year Six months 3 789.31 691.49 741.50 1,173.25 24.50 284.70 96.25 1,100.63 3 300.00 200.00 1,000.00 400 00 50.00 BACK THE MEN BEHIND THE QUNSI 3 6,900.00 ODAY, in the J. C. Penney stores in all 48 states, an army of over 50,000 is waiting to greet you. 49.03 ,417.57 249.64 1,800.00 1,400.00 1,000.00 750.00 3 ' 3,793.10 3 5,368.23 29,594.19 101.50 214.60 3 14,718.19 30.00 3 15,209.80 35.00 60!00 3 27,035.00 50.00 120.00 29,91R29 3 14,748.19 3 15,304 80 3 27,205.00 3 10,720.33 3 3 T 4 WATER FUND $ Water Rental« New Service« Installed Miscellaneous $ ESTIMATED EXPENSE General Fund Water Fund „ • 6,000.00 480.00 480.00 275.00 9,470.00 Receipts Mt. States Pow. Co. Franchise Fines • Licenses Building Liquor Tax Rentals Sale of Property Community Bldg. Warrants Gas Tax Refund Miscellaneous 6,000.00 480.00 1 1940 GENERAL FUND Road Taxes 5,000.00 580.00 580.00 137.50 5,000.00 1,360.00 275.00 GRAND TOTAL—Water Fund 3 3 _ estimated 35,799.00 29,290.00 8,102.60 29,290 00 General Fuad Water Fund In this army are veterans versed in the Penney technique of service. And its ranks are filled with eager recruits ... the able replacements for the 4,512 stars in the Penney service flag. Fred Parsons in the shoe department is filling in for a hero in Tunisia. Lucy Hunt, selling yard goods, substitutes for a Navy Wave. ' • 3 tó,069.00 t These new people—like the veterans—do a marvel- eus job I In a sense, they are soldiers—soldiers all I 37,302.60 For, you can’t do your best at a war job without the proper clothing. And Penney’s and itspeople are 27.696.46 - Special Fund Warrants----- ------------ General Fund Bonds—1936 Series Community Building Bands ...:..x.. Improvement Bonds ................ -....... MM ... 10,000.00 6,000.00 ... 2,805.47 ' Water Fund Warrants .J....... -........ Water Fund Bonds— 1936 Funding —Series F ...... -Series F-2 ... 3 947.78 ... 24,000.00 ... 50,000.00 ?.l 10,000.00 thrifty—clothing for all the family. 320,030.70 The people who work at Penney’s are -folks you have grown up with; their daughters and sons! 364.947.78 3106,534.54 TOTAL INDEBTEDNESS STATE OF OREGON) County of Coos ) ... that y,, aboVe estimate of expenditure« and receipt« a« «hown above has «iLÄÄÄ®* “-- 1943. May Uth, (Seal) ,. o . u - k There are over 1600 Penney stores but each is a local institution. Each employs local people, pays local taxes, caters to local tastes. City Recon That is why you’ll feel at home at Penney’s! - <1