JT -v — ' ’«T" ST! jpe.' k t PAGE fOUR-A THE COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL. COQUILLE. OREGON. THURSDAY, JUNE 17, IMS. ’ County Cannery To Be Operated—Other Coos County Items \ tv. » I U. S. Marine Here On Sick Leave (Continued from Page One) strapped to the trees, with their guns also strapped so that they can shoot in but one direction and, of course, the muzzle is pointed at the trail (Continued from page one) along which their enemy is expected Jesophine J. Culver, Harold J. Hick­ to advance. erson, R. H. Hunt, R. T. Newton and The Japs did not show remarkable E K. Littrell. courage in their fighting; they had no taste for a combat with bayonets Coos coknty’s claim against Dr. and Clarence said it was impossible to I Bennett, former county veterinarian, engage them in a bayonet contest. arising out of the cattle-testing pro­ Many of the Japs found on the is­ gram of several years ago. was set­ land had died from starvation or ma­ tled during the recent grand jury ses­ laria. Bodies of some were examined sion, the county receiving a payment and the stomach contest was found to •> from Dr.' Bennett in the amount of be grass and cocoanut. Rice, in a gl,485.4«,1 which the county court or- little pouch, was practically the only ” dered deposited in the general fund. food found on their person, but piles of sand crab shells at various points » The county budget committee will indicated that they had eaten • such hold its first meeting on July 6, which fish, raw. is after the new fiscal year has cbm- i A Jap's physician’s medical and rnhnced. Postponement of 30 days i surgical equipment captured showed . was made for various reasons. The that the enemy is most-up-to-date in later date will make it possible to this department, a Marine Corps sur­ have doser estimates of unexpended geon declaring that tame of it was balances. , A preliminary compilation superior to anything known to JfUr^ of estimates made by the various de­ gery in the United States. partments indicate the tentative bud­ At times in the jungle warfare the get to be slightly increased over that assailing Marines had nothing to made for the current year just closing, drink except muddy water, which with ample provisions made to carry , was carefully medicated before being on the extensive debt-reduction pro­ i drunk, and Clarence says had it not gram inaugurated several years ago. : been the rainy season there many It is safe to predict that there will more of the Marines would have be no increase in the county millage. perished, of thirst, than were killed by the enemy. An increase of slightly more than The island has now been well for­ six dollars per month per person in tified and has three landing fields, • . «he old-age benefit program has been two for fighters and one for bombers, authorized through the public welfare < and with heavy guns installed, but committee beginning with the month the greater part of the 34-day drive of June, and to be continued during the Marines had only their tommy- the next fiscal year if the budget com­ gups, rifles and revolvers although mittee makes the necessary allow- I the heavier guns were brought up as ance. The county actually pays only M 20 per cent of the old-age benefits Mr. Caudle says the rations and t and Auditor W, H. Wann believes equipment furnished Uncle Sam’s the added allowances can be met forces leaves nothing to be desired, without an increase in millage. In- ' and that there are no complaints creased cost of food is the principal about the food reason for increasing the allowances ’ When he returns to duty some time to old folks. Benefit payments are next month, tu is hoping his outfit based in each instance on actual will get into the Burma campaign as needs. 1 he has always wanted to see that Two Full Days For The Fourth ! Barbara Stanwyck Sings and Dances in New Role At Roxy Sunday, Monday, Tuesday (Continued on Page 4-A) the royal court, will present a very pretty sight. A surprisingly large number of other boat owners in Coquille are i making arrangements to have their • boats entered in the parade. Other events of the River Sports Program planned are a row boat race for women, motor boat races, log rolling, log bucking, high climbing,' and a crooked boomstick race. Boat races will be run in a circuit around two bouya in the fiver and will be run against time as the river is too narrow to haiXe a number of boats racing together. Jack Moore, of the Coquille Ges and Power Co., who is chairman of the River Sports pros ram, is planning to have a coast guard boat drill if: permission can be secured for partici- j pation by the coast guard. All neWs- | papers of the county and radio station 4,- KOOS are being contacted by pub­ licity chairmap. Burton W. Dunn, who promises a much greater at­ tendance than at last year’s celebra­ V tion. The large crowd anticipated 9 at this year’s outstanding celebration will present somewhat of a problem in providing places to eat. Arrange­ ments are going forward to accom­ modate this large crowd. Many fam­ ilies will no doubt bring basket song and dance, beautiful girls, riotous comedy — and an action-packed mystery keynote Hunt Strom- lunches and they will be provided extravagant drama, “Lady of Burlesque," which is playing al the Roxy Theatre Sunday, Monday. Tuea- tables and free coffee in Myrtle rough United Artiste release. Barbara Stanwyck and Michael O'Shea have the romantic leads. Grove by George Jenkins, eats com- mittee chairman. // turned intfl cattle transports, no mat- “f®*ture” productions. Bill Fortier, finance chairman, re- For CQmetjv relief, ROy has not onlv her how worthy the cause. ported at the general committee meet­ his usual screen partner, George Walter Catlett is outstanding as ing held at the city hall Tuesday eve­ "Gabby” Hayes, but also Smiley the Colonel, and Edmund MacDon­ ning that over 11,000.00 had already Burnette, the outsize comic so long ald should be especially commended been subscribed by merchants and Ai.lrv nin- ■ associated With with tho the (Um, Gene Autry pic- Tor his convincing portrayal of Ross other interested persons in under­ | tures before Gene entered the U. S. Lambert, the unscrupulous shipping With an unusually fine story, elab­ writing the financial success of this armed forces. magnate. celebration. This money will be used orate production values, an outstand­ And not only does Roy havte his to furnish generous prizes in Federal ing supporting cast and most capable "Sons of the Pioneers” for music, but It is only when the cold season War Savings Bonds and stamps to be I directorial handling, Republic’s latest also the famed "Hall Johnson Choir” comes that we know the pine and awarded to all successful contest Roy Rogers offering, "Heart of the Golden West, ” which will be shown which needs no introduction to local cypress to be evergreens.—Chinese. winners. audiences. * All committees for this celebration i Friday, Saturday and Sunday at the Ruth Terry cannot fail to win Life's ills are its chief recompense; are working industriously to present Liberty Theatre, seems destined for myriads of new fans to her already they develop hidden strength.—Mary widespread popularity and box-of- the most outstanding celebration of impressive collection through her Baker Eddy. Ifice success/_____ „ . all time In the history of the City of The picture was filmed as an “ex« portrayal of the spritely ‘Mary Lou Coquille. Activities of other com­ tra-budgeted special,” meaning that Popen,” daughter of the Southern Plastic bayonets for drill and par­ mittees will be reported next week. The chairmen of the various com­ it has been endowed with the type Colonel who bears a natural reluc­ ade ground use are releasing steel mittees, together constitute the gen­ of production values usually accorded tance toward having his river boats • bayonets far the fighting fronts. eral committee for Coquille's.three- day Victory Celebration and are as follows: O. L. Wood, general chair­ man; Bill Fortier, Finance; B. W. Dunn, Publicity; Lloyd Claver, Dance; Ray Jeub, Sports; J. L. Smith, Pa­ rade; R. L. Stewart, Decorations;. Jack Moore, River Sports; Clarence Osika, Victory GirL Contest; Charley j Hpflrt* rtf thp wQIUCn (nnlflpn only West" Top-Notch Film llllll — Fnnf*lirA ICUIUlU Kin 1NQ. 7 but. of coruse, he knows Difficulties in making adjustments nothing about his future assignment. in a number of instances where log Those who have an opportunity to haulers over county roads have dam­ talk to this brown-eyed, clean-cut aged roads and failed to make re­ Marine can probably learn much pairs, has prompted the county court more about that southern Pacific to require a cash deposit instead of' island than can be given in a sketchy a surety bond before hauling article "and' It’will be mrts are issued. 1 wurth anyone’s time to listen to him. that ail taxes on timber to be logged | Clarence came to Coquille with his be paid before hauling permits are parents in 1924 and had spent practi­ issued. In this way the county is cally all of his life here until he en­ sure of making the tax collection. Briggs and Lafe Compton, Entertain­ listed in the Marine Corps. ment; Iris Elrod, Concesisons; Ilo Because a number of errors have Heaton, Parking; George Jenkins, been discovered In the list of county Eats; Hode Caughell, Information. property to be offered for sale on July 10, the entire list has been re­ Soroptimist Club To Be checked by employees of the county Served By Rebekahs court and the tax department and The oil and mineral land owjied by The Soroptimist Club will hold a all such property in error, or over Joan Hart, consisting of 40 acres in which there is a question of legality the Coaledo section, was transferred banquet on Saturday night at the in foreclosure proceedings, will be to Les Child, who is working on the Odd Fellows Hall, at 7:30 p. m., at withheld from sale. Every effort is mineral development in Coos county. which time they will install officers being made to avoid sale of any tax-* The home owned by Clay Plumber, and receive their charter. The Ven- • paid property by the county. of California, located at 209 So. Moul­ tuie club, which is the junior Sorop- | ton St., was sold to Henry Ware, timist Club, was organized Tuesday | The county court is preparing to ---- ---------- , ------- _ r.-.-------- _ „ who has been renting the property night with election of: Donna Dean | president; Sammy[ make application for federal funds and will now make improvements, Boaaerman, toward maintenance of certain coun- j Mr. Ware is employed by Smith Swaine, vice president; Aloha Allen, , secretary and treasurer. This group ty roads. Roadmaster Robb hfo pre- Wood-Products Co. in Coquille, pared a list of the county roads used The home owned by M. W. Pink- will also be present at the banquet largely for transportation of logs, ston, at 280 So. Coulter St., was sold Saturday night and will be given lumber and chrome ore, all essential to Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Pearce, Mr. their charter and will install their of­ in the war effort. Altogether these ' Pearce is employed by the Pink Laird ficers. roads add up to about 200 miles, over Estate and is a logger. . They hope which about 200 trucks are in steady to move into their new home soon. See our targe display of choice pot operation. The federal bureau of The home of D. L. Cox, a local plants at Bergen’s, across highway i roads has funds for this purpose, painter, was sold to Mr. and Mrs. from telephone office. Not the which are allotted through the state W. A. Burrell, an employee at the cheapest but the beat. Phone M. a highway department. ' Smith Wood plant. The Burrells in­ tend to move as soon as the present Trespass Noucet, pnnieC on doth A report from the office of Chief tenants can find another location. for sale at this office Forester W. H. Horning of the Ore- gon and California Revested Lands administration states that a prelimin­ ary appraisal has been completed on part of the Coos county lands pro­ posed in exchange for certain O & C lands in the Fairview and other graz­ ing districts and the survey indicates that the county lands listed in town­ ships 20, 27, 2* and 29 are approxi­ mately equal to the O A C lands available for exchange. Some ad­ justment in values may be necessary, according to Forester Homing. Ac­ ceptable title for the county lands must be secured. The county court plans to confer with former Judge Peterson and former Commissioner Lawhorn and the county land classi­ fication committee before any' final action in the exchange is contem­ plated. -ffWKiiWfW»W ii iir ruff- hi . Oerding Reports - Mineral Land Sales : B. P. W. Meeting Monday Hattie, Loe Holimon, chairman of the Transportation committee, will be in charge of the B. P. W. meeting next Monday, June 21, at the Guild Hall. The retiring president, Ida Oerding, asks all chairmen of stand­ ing committees to give their year’s report at that time. This will be the last meeting before the new officers take charge. Keys made for all locks. Stevens Cash Hardware. Coquille, Ore. tf^ X COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL