The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, June 17, 1943, Page 5, Image 5

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The Sentinel
11 "■
(Taken from The Sentinel of Friday,
June 15, 1923)
At a short session of the school
One Year ___
«2 00 board last Saturday evening the di­
4ix Months....
rectors decided to level off th’fe north
Threq Months...................................... 60
No subscription taken unless paid side of the grounds at the Grade
tor in advance. This rule is impera­ building, in conformity with the re­
quest of the Woman's Club who have
desired to gravel that part for some
Entered at the Coquille Postoffice as time. ’... In addition to- the list
Second Class Mail Matter.
____ _______ _______ ____ _____ I of teachers announced a couple of
months ago the following have
signed contracts for next year: Mar­
vel Skeels, Ruth Nisson, Mrs. Mary
C. Harvey, Mrs. Bertha Ditto, Anne
S. Hefidrickson, Vina Lynn Crouk,
Launee A. Miller.
<E 1/44$ til IT Hl
Eighteen girls, after several weeks
Washington. D. C., June 12—Con­
of study, have taken and passed the crete suggestions for Congressional
girl scout tenderfoot test and have action on the food problem haveNiot
become accordingly full-fledged girl yet reached the floor of either the
scouts. Mrs. G. H. Chaney has been House or the Senate. But behind the
commissioned captain of the troop, scenes, members of Congress and at
The following are the scouts: Mar- ied>t two committees of the House
garet Bell, Edna Robison, Jean are very busy on this subject.
Young, Elizabeth M in tony e, Grace , The Republican Congressional Food
Ellingsen, Jean Piece, Eleanor Fol- study Committee, which has been
som, Jerene Low, Gloria Getz, Mar- . working two months gathering facta
guerite Agostino, Elizabeth Lane, on the food situation, discovered early
Marjorie Jacobson, Alta Belle El-. ¡n ¡tg activities that the very first
wood, Marvin Hawkins, Pauline El- thing to do is td unify the control
hngsen, Doris Kay, Melia Brandon, of fotxj from growing to eating, in­
Josephine Terres.
cluding rationing and price fixing.
When a distinguished visitor comes
to address the House, the Speaker
names an escort of members—usually
the two party Floor Leaders and two
others. The guest -is met at the
center door of the House floor and is
duly escorted down the center aisle.
He ascends to the Speaker's rostrum
and stands beside the Speaker, who
introduces him. The escorts are seat­
ed on the rostrum level just below the
Speaker—but above the House floor.
(Churchill spoke from this second
level, 1 suppose because it was easier
to assemble the great battery of radio
mikes there).
After the guest of
We found that ten agencies are now honor ind the'escort party which, by
Mrs. G. EajlLow, worthy matron of dabbling in the business of handling, the way, also includes the chairman
»Lit .7-.
Some time last Tuesday night, a Beulah Chapter, went out to Portland I buying or controlling food. Most of of the House Foreign Affairs com­
• ••••••••ft man or boy, broke into J. L. Stevehs' Sunday to attend the Grand Chapter, J ths difficulties in producing, distrib­ mittee and the House Sergeant-at-
I. ’
market on First street and carried off O. E. S., in session in Portland this uting and retailing food, including Arms, members of the diplomatic
the contents of the cash drawer— week
the awfuL mixed-up efforts of OPA corps of the country represented by
I something over a hundred pennies.
are actually traceable to the fact the visitor file in and take front seats
I None of the meat was molested
Monday evening Clarence Barton that too many other oraganizatinns on the House floor.
. ■
gave a farewell party tor Donald. are involved.
We have traveled tar in three years.
When a distinguished visitor is to.
Loganberries are so abundant now Wayne and Dorothy Page. .' . Besides
Accordingly, a bill written by Chris address us,'a recess of the House is
'It was on Jupe 14, 1940, three years
ago last Monday, that the Germans that growers,at the Bay are offered the honor guests those invited were Herter of Massachusetts and threshed | declared by the Speaker immediately
entered Paris. At,that time it was only 1 M ceuu a pound for their crops. Phyllis McCurdy, Jean Young, Mar­ over and revised and finally ap- (
not our war but we remember the That is quite different from what it garet Bell, Royce Richmond, John proved by the 42-member food study ,
committee was introduced in the
sick feeling of dt-speir with which was three years ago, when a Portland Seeley and Edward Johnson.
■ House by Representative Thomas A.
we listened to the radio on those June ■ canning concern was contracting for
The Qerding Manufacturing Co. Jenkins of Ohio, chairman of the
days three summers ago. We felt then all possible down here at eight cents
has been installing the machinery the ¡study committee. This bill provides
that everything bought with Ameri­ a pound for a period of three years.
last two weeks in their plant near i for the centralized control of food
can blood in the years of 1917 and
river bridge, for doing all kinds under the Department of Agriculture,
1918 had been lost and that we were
with a food administrator clothed
doomed to another struggle with I S|r. and Mrs. M. O. Hooton, Tuesday, of mil) and finishing work.
une 12th at 8:30 a. m„ Alton F. Dun-
with all necesary powers.
The weather the first of this week
Then politics reared its ugly head
Then followed that bleak, bitter gey and Miss Anna Marie Hooton
summer and fall of 1940 when Hitler were united in marriage by Rev. T. B. here in Coquille was more rainy than The Jenkins bill is apparently recog­
boasted he woilld eat Christmas din- MacDonald, formerly pastor of the usual for the season ai d Just after nized by the administration party as
noon on Tuesday we had quite a fall being a good bill. It has had wide
ner in London—or was it that he ’ Christian Church at CoqOllle.
of hail.
publicity, but has had no criticism
would dictate terms of peace in
Buckingham palace? Whatever was
Mrs. Ida K. Owen returned on the
raised against it. On the contrary,
The baseball committee here named Fulmer, chariman of the House Com­
tfie threat it was as futile as that of steamer Elizabeth Tuesday from San
the Dutch admiral in 1652 w'ho sailed Francisco, where she has been living C. A. Perkins to succeed “Doc” Page mittee on Agriculture, has introduced
as manager of the ball club.
up and down the English channel for the past six months.
a bill which is very similar to the
" 1
Jenkins bill but lacking a few of its
with a broom at his masthead, to
all meat, says the order, must come important points.
signify his intention of sweeping the
up to-army-specifications in the form
Meanwhile, rumors of change and
English navy from the seas.
of boneless and carcass beef. Army | consolidations by executive order to
Yes, we have come far in three
and navy have had a hard time lately i forestall Congressional action are fly­
years but we still have a difficult
obtaining enough beef in the north­ ing around. In fact, the creation of
koad ahead and every mother’s eon
west for their daily needs.
Both ' the Office of Wartime Mobilization
Bring your car to us at least
of us—and daughter, too,— is needed
states have many army camps and , under James F. Byrnes was sort of a
every 60 days to have it
to win the victory we hope lies in the
naval training stations populated by gesture in the direction of saving the
checked. This service is fkk £
not too distant future.
gbout 250,00 men, coming and going. necessity of the passage of the Jenk-
—abd it is rALUjBU/ ... Is
It is expected this number will ma- jns bill,
enables you to have minor
Victory -gardeners are coming into |
terlally Increase during the summer
Jefects taken care of bejort
their own. The first mess of fresh
It does not really matter in the
montlii. The ordbr means civilians long run whether the Democrats are
they become expensive re­
spinach, which melted in one's mouth,
probably will not be able to buy any able to claim the credit for the legis-
pair operations. Protect your •
is a memory of weeks past now. The
such meat at all from now on. It ‘ lation or whether the Republican bill
beet greens followed closely with their
transportation for the duta-
looks like beefless days are here for is passed. It is a certainty that some-
tiny garnet balls to give color and
- tion at lowest cost. Our free
John Q. Public who resides in the i thing must be done and done soon.
sweetness to the dish. The orange
checking offer covers all
Under date of June 4, two weeks Pacific northwest states. Army and
jewels of young carrots, crisp to the
ago, this column called attention to navy requirements heretofore neces­
breaking point, were delicious either
The President of Paraguay ad­
certain remarks made by Represen­ sitated the setting aside of 35 per cent
dressed the House this week.
cooked or raw
tative Voorhis of California concern­ of the available supply of the desig- 1
But these were only the introduc­
seems to be the custom to have the
ing a contract entered Into between nated beef.
tion for a greater delight to follow.
head of another nation appear before
the navy department and Standard
1 the Congress when he \islta Wash-
There is nothing on earth to com­
Oil Co., for development of the Elk
E. L. Peterson On Oregon
i ington. . It is a fine friendly gesture.
pare with the first green peas of the
Hills naval oil reserve. This column
In all candor, I must say that other
season, surpassing as they do the
further stated: “Charges reminiscent
ambrosia and nectar of the gods. The
than for the-slightly colorful nature
of the Teapot Dome scandal of the
Under provisions of the law passed
sweetness of garden peas eaten within
of the ceremony, such an event is
Harding administration were made on by the 1943 legislature, the Oregon
not overly interesting, because the
the hour after being picked from the
the floor of the house.” Last Monday milk control board was abolished on
vine is not to be described with words.
visitor addresses the House in his own
rumors of conniving and fraud broke June 9 and administration of the
They make one paraphrase the well-
hear his
out in the open. Several senators mlk control act was transferred to
' voice, we cannot understand what he
known eulogy of the strawberry, will‘join in a resolution demanding a
the state department of agriculture,
"possibly God. could make a better
is saying. Before the visiting digni-
thorough probe of the whole affair. where it will be handled under the
vegetable but doubtless He never
I tary is ushered «in, mimeographed
It is said that Secretary of the Navy division of administration, section of
copies of his address (in English, of
Frank Knox, and others, will be milk control. While the new depart­
course), are passed around to the
called upon to explain the whole ment director, Erwin L. Peterson, has
No one need feel greedy if he cans
members of Congress. It is thus pos­
deal. In the next.few days this mat­ given careful study to the problems sible to follow the address, and ap­
home fruits and vegetables until his
ter will make headlines and it has of this transfer since he assumed his
supply exceeds the “dreams of av-
plause is generally given at the
all the earmarks of a coming field new position, he has indicated that
proper places.
- arice.” Every home canned jar used
day for the orators in both houses of he is not yet ready to make any
next winter should relieve the de- con_regs
statement in connection with the ab­
mand on commercial products and |
sorption of milk control into the
leave more for sale to those unable !
Big chief of chiefs, “Honest” Har­ state department of agriculture.
to grow and process their own food.
old Ickes, who besides being secre­
However, in connection jwith con­
More power to the victory gardens!
tary of the interior, is high mogul trol itself, he did tell dairymen at a
over all gasoline, fuel oil, coal mines, meeting« held in Portland this month
Did you know:
| Bonneville, Grand Coulee and several that he was hopeful that the fluid
That the Eighth Army, which
I other things, last week flatly declared milk industry would formulate an
chased Rommel across the sands of
that all gasoline for pleasure driving, acceptable program for the applica­
North Africa paid dearly for its
anywhere, any time, was absolutely tion of Oregon's milk control law
fame? The 4th Indian division of this
out. Reports just reaching here state rather than having enforcement Im­
army has seen a one hundred per I
that Richard Montgomery, chief of posed from above. He stated further
cent replacement of its ranks because
of casualties since the opening of the i OPA for Oregon, tells the home folks that any such program should con­
I they can save up their gasoline for sider the position of the producers,
African campaign.
short pleasure trips which OPA is the distributors and the consumers
That there are 256 religious bodies I happy to allow. All of which proves and should attempt to do equity to
in United States, whose members to- that Oregon's OPA Montgomery used all.
tai more than fifty-five million per- | to do a swell job delivering book re-
The denominations Include | view programs via radio. Ain’t we I ,ï.
i Dairymen To Meet With
such unusual names as “Two-Seed- got fun?
State Head At Bay Saturday
in-Spirit Predestinarían Baptista;”
"Church of the Living God, The Pil­
A Senate resolution adopted a few i Producers of market milk and dis-
lar and Ground of Truth;” “Confer­ days ago calling for an investigation I tributors of this district are being in­
ence of the Defenseless Mennonites of of supply and distribution of hydro­ vited to meet with OPA officials and
North America."
The most sur­ electric power in the west has some representatives of the State Depart­
prising thing about this roll of reli­ , funny angles connected with i|. Gen­ ment of Arigculture in the city hall
gious membership is that it leaves erators at both Grand Coalee and in Marshfield next Saturday, June 19,
some seventy million Americans as Bonneville are running to capacity. at 1:30 p. m., according to George
unaffiliated with any religious organ­ Some of the smart boys around these Jenkins, county agriculture agent,
parts say the investigation will show who lias been requested by the Direc­
a big shortage of electric power nec­ tor of the State Department of Agri­
Now that the hour is at hand for essary for war production in the west. culture to make local arrangement
the invasion and liberation of the Therefore, it is important that addi­ for the meeting.
European continent, the verses written tional power be made available at
The purpose of the meeting will be
All • . » « , . 1 J
« -,
Weekly Letter From Washington, D. C.
H. A. YOUNG, Editor
Subscription Bates
Fragment» of Fact
and Fancy
• •••••••»•
after he names the escorts—so the
House is not actually in formal ses-
The Agriculture Department appro­
priation bill is now the top item of
interest here. This bill carries the
forest protection appropriations. The
House failed to include enough fire
protection money in the bill as sent
to the Senate. The Senate increased
the amount. As the bill now comes
back to the House for final approval,
the forfst fire protection item is al-
<nost exactly the same amount as
that used for this purpose during the
present fiscal year. We will endeav­
or to keep this sum in the bill and
finish its passage next week.
Wanted! Men And
Women Who Are
Hard Of Hearing
To make this simple, no risk hear­
ing test. If you are temporarily deaf­
ened, bothered by ringing buzzing
head noises due to hardened or coagu­
lated wax (cerumen), try the Ourine '
Hbme Method test that so many say
has enabled them to hear well again
You must hear better after making
this simple test or you get your money
back at once. Ask about Ourine Eai
Drops todav at Barrow Drug Co.
5 Point» to Romombor:
• We still have competent me­
• We still use genuine parts
• We still check your car without
• We have specially-designed
tools to reduce repair time
• We want to be helpful in your
transportation problems
Church Pontiac
sound as though they had Juft been
penned by a Greek patriot of today:
"The isles of Greece; the isles of
Where burning Sappho |oved and
Where grew the arts of war and
Where Delos roee,
sprung! ...
The mountains look on Marathon—
And Marathon looks on the sea;
And musing there an hour alone,
I dream’d that Greece might still be
persuade the
anaaiffërênt move
people at Oregon, Washington and
Idaho that they need more water
storage dams for the Bonneville and
Grand Coulee projects or other hy­
dro-electric^ developments, such as
Umatilla rapids.
parisons by seasons and by
relation between hauling costs and
the price of milk, and other factors
which have a bearing on the fluid
milk industry such as the sale of the
market milk herds and what has be­
come of the cattle disbursed.
War food administration’s order of
last Monday, requiring all livestock
slaughter houses to set aside 45 per
cent of all steer and heifer beef for
the army, will cause a further short­
age of such meat for Oregon and
Washington civilians. Deliveries of
An examiner of applicants for
drivers’ and chauffeurs' permits will
be at the Coquille city hall again
next Tuesday, June 22, between 9:00
a. m. and 4:00 p. m.
Calling carda. SO fir S1JM).
How about jotnin us in a game. Judge?...
I’ll drop out for a while."
"Sorry, Phil, but I can’t today...I'm on
my way up to the hospital to see how Frank’s
wife is coming along. I just dropped by to
give you the answer to that question you
asked me about synthetic rubber yesterday
in the barber shop. I looked it up and found
out that the beverage distilling industry’s
facilities for producing grain alcohol make ii.
possible to include 200,000 tons of rubber
from Erain in the government’s 870,000 ton
synthetic rubber program.
"I also verified the fact that no distiller is
making whiskey today. They all stopped
making whiskey last year and are working
and day, 7 days a week, producing war
alcohol for the government...for smokeless
powder, chemical warfare materials, medical
supplies, as well as for synthetic rubber. It’s '
a mighty good thing these distilleries were in
existence ready to do this important job.”