FAG* THRU Soroptimist Banquet Saturday Evening The Oregon State Junior Chamber has appealed to local residents in­ terested in this type ot organization to contact either Jack Shields, 617 S. E. Main, Portland, or Paul A. Lee, ' State President, 1855 Earle St.. Klam­ ath Falls, Oregon. School superin­ tendents have been contacted and ministers are. requested to co-operate.1 Oregon Jaycee Seeks Local Entree Royal Neighbors Convention Held Here Yesterday RECAPS The members of the newly formed Soroptimist Club will hold their or­ The Oregon State Junior Chamber ganization banquet next Saturday of Commerce in an effort to expand night. At this time they will receive their state-wide organization, 1« ap­ their charter and install officer». Re­ (Continued frorr. Page One) bekahs will serve the dinner. session was the introduction of the pealing to young men between the lodge's candidate for Victory Girl at ages>f 21 to 40 years interestd in civic TO WHOM IT MAY CONCBBN the July Fourth celebration, Miss activity to give thought to the for- Two Special Communications | mation ot such a group here. 1 will not be responsible from this Janet. Lewis. ?ate.’ 17' for bills con­ i The Junior Chamber of Commerce Chadwick Lodge Are Scheduled Many local memebrs, who are em­ tracted by anyone other than myself. i is strictly a young men’s civic orjfani- ployed during the day, were in at ­ Leut. Leonard Farr is coming Robert Orville Waterman, Coquille, ¿>re. tendance at the banquet served by the ' zation, primarily devoted to civ.lc bet- down from Camp Adair at Corvallis, ladies of the Rebekah lodge in the i terment for the community, and this coming Saturday and a special dining room, where the table decora­ leadership training for its members. communication of, Chadwick Lodge. tions were outstanding with red. Started 24 years ago, the U. S. Jr. A. F. & A. M., is to be held at nine white and blue streamers, candies i Chamber of Commerce now embraces o’clock that evening to confer the ' some 850 local group« throughout the and flags. At the public evening ses­ E. A. degree on him. He expected sion the beauty of the decorations qountry. And in apite of enlistment to receive it last Saturday evening was further beautified by the formals and draft, is still a growing organiza­ I but his leave was cancelled at the which all the ladies who took part tion. Roughly, one-third or 60,000 last moment. - , young men out of their entire mem­ in the work wore. I Another special communication of I Very interesting talks were made bership of 180,000 are new in the > the lodge is to be held“ next Tuesday, by Mrs. Logan and Mrs. Montgomery armed force*. with many more sub- *• June 22, at 8:00 o’clock, when the 1 and a musical program added to the M. M. degree will be conferred. pleasure of the evening. This in­ cluded several violin selections by TRY OUR COMPLETE the quartet instructed by Miss Dae; ( songs by Kareen Barklow, Martel Roper and Peggy Kinchloe; a solo < by Martina Kinchloe, and accordion selections by Miss Inez Rover and - ON SUNDAY AT And Other Household Necessities for the Duration that Mrs. Pearl Ellingsen. will rust, warp, or rot away; that is hardly patriotic. Put This well conducted and interesting them in circulation. We recondition and redistribute. convention came to an end late in the I 11.00 PER PLATE Uncle Sam sets what we pay and sell some article for; on evening with a lunch served by the , others the price goes slowly up. ladies of the Coquille Royal Neigh- | Items most V * a called for now are: bors lodge. ; Southern Fried Chicken Dinners NEW TIRES We are equipped to handle any size tires for Recaps and if you are eligible for New Tires— We hare ample stocks of tough, safe-riding, pre-war quality Silvertowns. Even in the popular 6.00-16 size! Bring your certificate to us today. If you haven't one, let us inspect your tires. If they can't be recapped, we'll help you with an application for new tires. * SMtn yVflttOW* Don’t Hoard Furniture, Stoves TOWN CAFE Quotas For Red Cross Production ENAMELOID Gregg Hardware 321 W. Front St Phone «8 • X I I • BEDS, New Type • SPRINGS • MATTRESSES • LINOLEUMS r The Coos County Chapter of the I i American Red Cross, which means I all of us in Coos county, has accepted a quota to fill in the coming weeks. Before starting on this new quota it is essential that we complete the garments now on hand, which* con­ sist of 15 child’s rompers. Also we need some one to make buttonholes at this time. Those who now have garments are asked to Complete them and turn them ii) to Mrs. Gano as they are to be shipped very soon. Anyone de­ siring to make buttqQholes will also contact Mrs. Gano. Our new quota, which we will re­ ceive as soon as the present one is completed, consists of the following 100 bed pan covers, 300 bedside bags, 400 comfort kits, 400 “housewives,” 100 pairs bedside slippers, 100 pairs knitted bed socks. Coos Chapter has not only agreed to make these articles but is paying for the material. Due to the in­ crease in the number of hospitals in the camps of all branches of the armed services, hospital supplies will be in ever growing demand. It is hoped that Coquille will do its part in completing each quota as re­ ceived. Due to the shortage of needles and safety pins and with the desire to make the funds reach the other needed supplies, the plan is to aak everyone to donate large-eyed needles and safety pins. If eveqr one would turn in a few we will have no trouble in supplying these articles for the “housewives." Other contents will be purchased wholesale from the Chapter funds. Boxes will be placed in the down town shops where you may drop your pins and needles. The number needed to fill the 400 “housewives” is 1600 safety pins and 800 large-eyed needles. - Let us see how quickly we can collect our share. “I am sure we will find our new quota much more interesting to work on than the rompers and that the realization that we are doing something for the comfort of our boys will give us a feeling of whole­ hearted enthusiasm,” says Mrs. Gano. “Let us keep up our part of the production work of the Coos County Chapter of the American Red Cross.” You don’t have to turn in old rec­ ords to buy new one« at Norton’«, but we aak you to help us buy new stock by turning in your old scrap records! We pay 3c each for all (ex­ cept laminated and Edison), member, Norton’s for records! II I t • SEWING MACHINES •RANGES • FURNITURE SETS • DISHES BROOKS Thornton Tire Service Southern Oregon’s largest and most Complete Tire Service UphoneH9Lre 340 W. Front, Coquille, Tel. 270 Broadway at Curtis, Marshfield, Tel. 652 SAFEWAY!| 'HamemakeM’ (juùU New te Seva Hate ead Meaey tee Safeway advertised price* are good from Tuesday through Saturday each week. You can avoid tiresome Saturday shopping and save money too by «hopping at Safeway early - : in the week. Arend the table with e paid ef neat It’s quite s trick to make a pound of meat go all around the table and satisfy all the appetites. The secret is to use the -meat in tiny pieces, so that the flavor to distributed. Nu­ tritionally, it’s sound practice and one we can well afford to adopt these days. CHOP SUIT — Cut meat into tiny pieces, brown in hot fat, add sliced celery, onions, shredded cab- ' bage (in lieu of bean sprouts), and seasonings to taste. Add a little water, cover pan and simmer for 15 minute« or until vegetables are ten­ der. Thicken the broth slightly with flour or cornstarch. Serve over steaming, fluffy rice. RUSSIAN SHAT RAILS— Mix together a pound of ground meat, 4 or 5 boiled, chopped potatoes, 1 grated onion, and «alt and pepper. Fan* into small balls and brown in hot fat.- Add a little milk or water, cevar pan and simmer gently for 15 minutes. Thicken pen liquor with flour and serve over meat balls. NOaPU MLIOHT—Saute small pieces of meat and mix with cooked noodles cooked green beans or okra, and wedges of fresh tomato. Pour in greased casserole and bake in mod­ erate oven (350° F.) for 15 minutes or until heated through and flavors are blended. MtAT Pit — Dice a pound of meat and prepare a« for stew, using sev­ eral vegetables cut in uniform pieces. Thicken gravy slightly and pour ■tew into greased casserole. Cover top with pastry or with mashed po­ tato or corn-meal crust. Bake in moderately hot oven (400° F.) for 20 minutes or until well browned. VARY SUMMIR SATIN* WITH SALAD* Timely tip« for easy ways to prepare “H Dozen Plates of Hearty Salads” are given in Julia Lee Wright’s article in this week’s Family Circle. Get your copy fret at Safeway^ A new issue out every Tuesday. Safeway Homemakers’ Barta» JULIA LES WRIGHT, D itmim CANTALOUPES 36 Jumbos TOMATOES Fancy, firm, ripe LEMONS Sunkist .... ...... . PLUMS California Beauty WHITE WAX ONIONS . California, Bermuda type APPLES. Fancy Winesaps ................................. ,......_.. SPINACH Fresh & Crisp .......................................... lb. 14c lb. llHc lb. 23c . lb. 6%c ..... lb. 18c ...... lb. 5c ; V * Slue Stamp Values Hon-Rationed tups - Point Value Blue Rose Rice 4 Vegetable Soap, Campbell 14c 2 Tomato Jce., Sun Dawn No. 2 10c 9 Tomato Jce. Ch’vy Ch. No. 10 42c 4 Grpfruit Jce. Tex-Zest 44 ox 31c 12 Veg-All, Larsen’s 16 ox 2 for 27c 14 White Cqrn, Cntry H No. 2 2/29c 24 Tomatoes Stand. No. 2*4 can 14c 8 Hot Sauce, Vai Vita 8 ox. can 5c 16 Sweet Peas, Libby No. 2 can 16c 16 Peas, Gardenside No. 2 can 2/25c 10 Ketchup, Heinz 14 ox. bottle 19c 5 lb. package 44c Soup Mix, Minute Man, package 9c Sauerkraut, Goldsmith’s qt. jar 17c Crabmeat, Tillamook No. % flat 41c Dried Prunes, * Chinese Noodles, 4 lb. package 50c 14 ox. pkg. 14c Pancake Flour, Sperry 48 ox pk. 28c Pancake Flour, Suzanna 40 ox. 15c Flour, Kitchen Craft, 49 lb sk $1.97 Miscellaneous Values L REGULAR PICNICS PORK LIVER PORK ROAST /shoulder), eenter PORK CHOPS •,b 36c ,b- 25c cut ,b- 35c •in. 42c A GRADE LAMB SPECIAL 39c 45c Lamb Shoulder Steak lb; 39c Rib Chops lb. Save waste fats in your kitchen today —they’ll be on the firing line in just three week«’ time! BREAD Julia Lee Wright's 1 */j lb loaf ’.....•................... 13c MAYONNAISE Nu Made pint jar ...............................27c SHORTENING Royal Satin (15 pt. red) 3 lbs........ 64c COFFE Edwards whole roast Lb. bag ....:...................... . 27c OATS Morning Glory reg. Quick, Lge. pkg.............. 24c OXYDOL SOAP 24 ox. pkg. 23c LIFEBUOY SOAP 3 reg. bars 20c Jels-Rite Pectin 3 8-ox pkgs 29c Parowax Jelly Seal 2 1-lb pk* 25c