9 9 f i 4 THS COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL. CÔQbiLLE. OREGON. THURSDAY, JUNE 17. 1943. PAGE TWO Playground News Chadwick l odge No. 18 Boys and girls have been having a good time at the playground. Clubs have been organized, and captains and assistants have been chosen. Cap­ Tues.. June 22, Work in M. M. tains and members of the various Visitors Welcome clubs have been working on special I numbers to be presented during our program on Friday. Children are hav­ ing fun playing together and working together on different ideas and sug­ gestions offered, for presentation during our program and various ac- . tivities. A number of the children, belong­ ing to the Dramatic Club, have been seen practicing a play, originating from their own ideas, of “Peter Rabbit's Adventures," and of other familiar stories. The play will be i presented during our program. Each day of the week is full of fun A and entertainment: Mondays, the special event of the day is a croquet tournament. Last Monday, Loren "PAMPER ME!" Steward was the winner of the boys .and Lorraine Steward the winner of ■ the girls; Lorraine was champion. Pamper me and I'll be 1 Mondyas and Wednesday, there are sure to give you the i con lusts in quiet games such as best results always. marbles and checkers and also a Keep my tray clean . . .' /lory hour; euch Tuesday a table brush out the crumbs tennis tournament is held. The win­ regularly . . . and I'll ner of this week’s tournament was Shirlie Van Fleet. Wednesday, the never let you dqwn. special event of the day is the bad­ minton tournament; Thursday after­ noon all the boys and girls who are “In War Any Waste is a Crime. interested in softball will play on Do Not Waste Electricity) Just the Junior High school field. It is Because No Ration Tickets Are i hoped that many will turn out in or­ Required“ der that two teams may be organized. Exciting games are anticipated. MOUNTAIN STATES Thursday is also Race Day. Many different types of races will be held. ‘ POWER COMPANY • Prizes will be offered for the winners, “A Self-Supporting, Tax- and Friday, the last day of the Play­ Paying, Private Enterprise" ground week, is full of surprises. In the afternoon, a program will be A. F. A A. M. Special Communication Saturday, June 19, 9:00 P. M. I 1 •s I 1 o I I. T NOW HAVE IN STOCK MONARCH RANGES Rev. and Mrs. Charles G. Brown left Monday to attend the annual meeting of the Methodist churches in Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Claron Gorm­ ley left last Saturday and will at­ tend the sessions held in First Meth-; odist church of Portland, this week. Ernest Purvanee left Tuesday and will represent Pioneer church as lay delegate. Mrs. James Richmond went as a representative of the Wom­ an’s Socity of Christian Service, also* as a state officer of this organization. At this conference all the pastors of the state will receive appointments for the. new year. Rev. Mr? and Mrs. Browp have closed two years work in the local church. Newlyweds To Uve In Coquille Marion Hale, new resident repre­ I June 10—Jeanne H. Frambes vs. sentative of the Weyerhaeuser inter­ Artie W. Frambes. Suit for divorce. ests who has been located in Coquille June 11—Bessie E. Chandler vs. for the past two months, left last I Alton I. Chandler. Suit for divorce. Tuesday for Seattle to be married. | June 11—Robert O. Waterman vs. The bride-to-be is Maria Major, of ^Jeanette D. Waterman, Suit for di- Seattle, and friends of Mr. Hale are vorce. Baptist Missionary Society looking forward to the Return of' the June 11—A. E. Seaman vs. Amer Heard State Missionary Wed. young couple as a social addition to ♦ The ladies of the Baptist Mission Coquille. They are to take an apart­ ment in the Chaney property about Society met in the church rooms Wed­ nesday evening, June 9. Mrs. Menno July 1. D. Rempel led in the devotionals, us­ iI ing for the scripture I Corinthians, • » Chapter 6. Mrs. Holverstott presided over the business meeting, after which Mrs. Wm. Knight presented Miss Mary C. The two fire alarms Tuesday af- in lovely green shade which regularly sell for $74.50 Ayres, the state missionary worker, ternoon, the first at one o’clock and Rather than send them back they are on sale at the who spoke to the women of her work the second about two p. m., were both throughout Oregon. calls from the Wayne Watson house Mrs. Rempel and Mrs. Knight sang out on the highway to Myrtle Point. a beautiful duet number. Mrs. A spark, either from the chimney or i Pansy Ross and Georgia Davidson from the plant, had started a fire on were hostesses for the evening and the roof and another spark caused there were 18 women present. the second fire. The, next meeting will be July 14. Last Thursday afternoon's call was to Jack Dolan's shop on Hall street. He'had just finished welding Loyal Women’s Class Genuine Tennessee Cedar Interior Walnut Veneer an automobile gas tank when it sud­ exterior. Bleached or conventional Walnut finish Met Last Thursday denly was enveloped in flames. No Good Assortment of Sewing Rockers The Loyal Women’s class met damage. and Occasional Chairs ............. Thursday for potluck birthday lunch- | up eon at 12:30 In the church parlors. Large and complete selection of Several members are ill and some are in war work-so the group was not June 9—Otha Calvin Ray and Mar­ very large. - Many with water-proof cover garet C. Ocheltree, both\f Coquille. VH< e President Mrs. Hooton con­ They were married last Wednesday ducted a short business meeting in by Justice Fred Bull at his office here. the afternoon. Mrs. L. C. Walga- June 10—Gale J. Yount and Marina mott was elected the teacher ‘of the A. Manos, both of North Bend. Women’s class. Mrs. Bean and Mrs. June 11—William Jesse Pullen and May Wimer drew lovely gifts from Rose Jane Sharp, both of Bullards. the Birthday box. * June 12—Donald M. Reiber, of The following ladies attended: Marshfield, and Tillie Marie Dietrich, Mesdames A. N. Foley, Mary Wimer, of North Bend. Maud Bean, A. T. Erickson, L. C. June 12—Melvin L. Kirkwood, of Walgamott, Belle Hooton, Pearl Phoenix, Aris., And Ingrid Ralnasto, Cardwell. Harold McCue and Jennie of Empire. Lafferty. June 15—Hyman Stover and Ber­ nice Rubin, both of BA'ndon. Circuit Court Cases 1 r The Industrial Repair Co. ★ MACHINING -:- WELDING METALLIZING PRESSING BLACKSMITHING ★ - Three Fire Alarms The Past Week three DAVENOS fKi $64.50 4 “WALLY” Crib Mattresses Res. 229J I» b r Frank Heath was last Friday ap­ pointed administrator of the $10,000 estate left by Flora M. Laird, who died at Myrtle Point Feb. 21, 1936. Appraisers appointed were J. A. Par­ rish, Harry Dement and L. H. Pearce Henry Hendrickson was on Tues­ day named administrator of the es- tate left by Oscar Hendrickson, who died at Bandon May 17, 1042. Geo. Chaney, E. E. Leslie and R. L. Stew­ art were appointed appraisers of the estate, which is estimated to consist of $4.000 in real property and $2,000 in • personal. Calling caras, bO for $1.00. NOW SSsï.JJÏÏ Buick or Chevrolet How You Are Protected 1) 2) 3) » 4) 5) War Bonds will be purchased for the amount of your deposit and placed in trust. Receipt will be issued by the First National Bank. You will receive the accumulative interest on the war bonds, plus 2 per cent extra when you take delivery of your new Buick or Chevrolet. You may take part of your allowance in cash. You may assign your deposit to a relative or friend. If at any time circumstance warrants you may receive full cash for your deposit. Here’s what you do. How You Profil- D Save money in depreciation. 2) The highest prices ever paid for used cars. 3) Have priority on a new Chevrolet or Buick when you want it. You earn 4 per cent on your money while on deposit. v 5) You make your car available to a war­ worker who need» better transportation badly. Simply bring in your car and take away your trust receipt in the full amount of your trade-in the new car. YOUR BUICK AND CHEVROLET DEALERS j I V BAY MOTORS-SOUTHWESTERN MOTORS MARSHFIELD, OREGON - - - $24.50 - - - $4.95 up Purkey Furniture Probate Court Items Repairing Aids Victory Phone 46 A iiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin' of Coquille 4 I WE RECEIVED THIS WEEK Marriage Licenses BIEGGER FURHITURE CO. / Oregon Methodist Conference Holding Its Annual Meeting 0*1 dj g lwe#J New Wood Ranges Will Be Rationed July 10th. i Coquille Girl Married Belle Knife Hospital I Betty Barklow, Coquille, under- In Louisiana ! went a major operation last Thursday. Cedar Chests WE •» L. Houghtaling. June 14—Helen Taylor vs. Cecil Frank Taylor. Suit for divorce. June 16—Laura Joséphine Short vs. William Hillis Shrirt. Buit fpr di­ Three Bandon ladies entered the vorce. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph R. Flannery ----- ; t sent out announcements this week of hospital last Friday, Mrs. Bertha » the marriage of their daughter, Pellet and Mrs. S. R. Eckles for ma­ Marian Alice, to Corporal Samuel C. jor operations, and Mrs. Lola Riley Adams of the U. S. Army, at Ci^rnp for treatment. Clifford Cotter, of Port Orford, Polk, Louisiana, on June 5. The bride, who had been employed underwent a major operation on Sat­ in the bank here for several rponths urday. On Tuesday this week. Jimmy, 15- and before that was in the Moore Mill office in Bandon, left Coquille year old son of Geo. B. Howe, Joan i and Carl Jacobson, all underwent for the south on May 29. Her husband was an employee at tonsilectomies, James Zinor, of Powers, entered the Smith Wood-Products plant here before his induction into the service the hospital yesterday for treatment. Clifford Marshall was able to leave last October. After a few days of honeymooning yesterday and return to his home in in New Orleans, they are now mak­ Roseburg and Mrs. Goldie Hannevold was dismissed this morning. ing their home at De Ridder, La. given, sponsored by the various cluba. There will be skits, stunts, special numbers, amateur hours and singing bees. Boys and girls, if you are not now attending the Playground daily, do so. You will find each day ’’chuck full” of excitement, fun and enter­ tainment. y -—»-------------- r-i—- COQUILLE, OREGON I I