THE COQUILLE VALLEY sENTiNtt* COQUI l LÌ, OREGON. THURSDAY. JUNE IT, IMS. PACE EIGHT Gerald Woodward In Training « As Cadet In Army Air Foree Kerrf and Frances Mr. and Mrs. S. M Nosier left ' Mrs. Clifford _ Tuesday morning for San Diego to! Ann and Mrs. Lloyd Jarvis, of Myr- viait their daughter and her hue- tie Point, returned Saturday after a band, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gul- week’s vacation spent in Portland and seth, and other relatives in south Eugene. ' California. They went by bus and, * - -------- expected to leave San Francisco by Technical Sergeant Pg^k^larinon, train this morning and were plan- I who is a mechanic in the Air Corps ning on surprising the young people, and stationed at Tucson, Ariz., came — l ___ in last week to spend 6s much of his Arthur Wilberger has just re-' twenty-day furlough with his par- turned home from California, where ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Harmon, as he visited friends and relatives His trip took him to Long Beach, Holly­ wood, San Francisco and Lake Elsi­ nore, Calif. It was plenty warm Mrs. H. S. Norton accompanied Mr. down there, he reported. He has to report to the army on the 17th of and Mrs. Fred McNelly who left Monday for Portland. this month. Mrs. Wm. Mansell, Mrs. £.• A. Walker and daughter, Miss Rheo, left this morning for San Francisco to attend the wedding on Sunday of-the daughter of Mrs. J. G. Denton who has visited here often. Mrs. Denton M. F. Pettit of the J. A. Lamb Com­ is a sister of „Mrs. Mansell, E. A. and pany went to Portland Sunday to A. O. Walker. The Coquille ladies attend the Marshall-Wells dealers expect to be gone a week. " convention, expecting to return to­ day. —------ L’ Chas. T. Selbig, who was dismissed from the hospital last Thursday after an operation tor double hernia, was able to be out In his car yesterday but will not return to duty at the Swift plant for a couple of*weeks yet. He is looking well. Mrs. Cal Ray surprised her friends out in Fairview valley last week when she went calling on them, riding her handsome new cow pony, “Smokey.” Miss Pat Holverstott, who has been employed in Seattle for the past several months, returned Tuesday and is again going to make her home in Coquille. Harriet Tozier, who had gone with her father, M. C. Tozier, to northern California to spend the summer, found it too hot down there. She says she had a nice two weeks’ va­ Mrs. Burl Beane, the former La cation but prefers-to remain in Co­ Velle Dale, was visiting in Coquille quille during the summer season. the fore part of this week. She came Corporal Swen Johansen came in In Sunday from Seattle, where her father, D. D. Dale, is still with the Sunday from Camp Anita, Calif., to Boeing Aircraft Corporation. After a spend as much of his ten-day fur­ few days here and in Bandon, she is lough here as passible, visiting his going east to visit Mr. Beane’s par­ wife, relatives and friends. ents in West Virginia, and will then . join Burl who is In Army officers’1 An item from Reno, Nevada, this morning states that Gerald W. Wood­ ward, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woodward of Arago, has arrived at the 313th College Training Detach­ ment (Aircrew) of the Army Air Forces at the University of Nevada, where he will take an approximate five months course prior to his ap­ pointment as an aviation cadet in the Army Air Force. We carry a complete line of V- Beits for all makes of Refrigerators, Washing Machines and other equip­ ment. Washer Service Co., 365 W. Front, Coquille. Phone. lfltfs JUNE 18 * 1* - 20 Before we win the Anal battle with Hitler's Nazis ail navy men are agreed we must wir^ the battle of the Atlantic; that Is 'o free the sea lanes of the German. U-boats. A year ago we were building 54 cruisers and nearly 200 destroy ers or just about enough for a two ocean navy. [RILL TO.THE COURAGE OF MEN . . . FIGHTING R THE WOMEN AND THE FREEDOM THEY LOVE! Now we have come to realize that this war is ta the finish, “winner take all,’* and our Government is building a five ocean navy. That is .why we are being asked to increase our subscriptions for War Bonds. That is why we must do it. “• U. S. 7 rraiorj Drptrt«