vi s Fairview News brook. James W. Menning vs. Ethel V. Judge King granted a divorce to Grange met for Its usual meet­ Menning. B. W Dunn, ^separating him from last Saturday evening. During Jane Martin vs. Paul Martin. Mary Edith Dunn, last Wednesday. the business meeting the charter Amy' Richardson, Genevieve ankle Saturday morning. Frances cumpanied her brother and family, Fred A. Noah vs. Amelia G. Noah. On Tuesday this week he granted was draped in honor of Louis Sonne- Ellis and Iris Holverstott. — - ! Ü ................... McCarthy is staying with her. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kellenberger to divorces to the plaintiffs in the fol- land, who passed away two weeks Norman Berry has been trans­ Mildred Stillson and Marion Phair Bandon Sunday for bass fishing. Glass discs are the latest answer ago. Lunch, served by Bethel Nor­ ferred from Nebraska to Denver, arrived in the valley Saturday eve­ Mi». Roy Eperson was a business i lowing cases: supplied by the phonograph indus­ ris, consisted of sandwiches, cookies Colo., where he is a mechanic and is ning from Eugene. They are con­ caller in Coquille Monday of this | Elma Holbrook vs. Franklin F. Hol try to shortages of critical materials. and coffee. It was decided to enter instructing in duisel work., ducting daily vacation Bible school, week. , the square dance contest to be held in Harold, is now at Salinas, Calif., do­ I which started Monday for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Haughton had Coquille during the 4th of July ing patrol flying after having been 9-12 a. m. All children of grade as house guests, her sister and hiss­ I celebration. in Washington. I school age are invited and urged to band, Mr. ap4 Mrs. J. A. Lewellen, of The 4-H girls came home Friday. Mrs. Dale Thurman and three chil­ attend. The girls gave sermonettes Walla Walla, Wash. They came down They had spent two weeks at Cor­ dren came in from Seattle last Sat- Sunday morning as well as special on Tuesday of last week and remained y. vallis at summer school. Those at­ urda urday'. The children, Allen, Verna music. Any children wishing to at- until Monday of thia week. tending were Betty Hatcher, Lou and David, are to spend the summer tend Bible school can contact Mrs. Sunday the R. W Ha ugh tons and Lindsay, Phyllis Cheaem and Mar- with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wheeler at the church. A car Mr. and Mrs. Lewellen were dinner As Automobile LioUkiy mMweme Is the best vene Henagin. Charles Holverstott. Mr. Thurman will call for them. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alden Mast in I I I Melvt) Richardson had the misfor­ came Wednesday evening. He is do- , The Thommens have heard recent- Myrtle Point. . way to meet the requirements of the New Oregon Law, tune to drop an axe on her foot last ing ^carpenter work at a construction ly from Harvey in Norfolk, Va., that Mrs. Martha Jane Mullins, who has you should discuss this metier wtoh us m we knew insur­ week, cutting one of her toes. camp and Mrs. Thurman expects to h£ had passed his tests for 3rd class been viisting friends and relatives ance as well as the law. • Jackie Hansen is nursing a sprained be employed this summer. Mr. and torpedoman with a high grade. He out in the Willamette valley and in wrist. • Mrs. Gibbons expect to make their is enjoying navy life anc^ expects to Portland for the past six weeks, re­ If already insured, we'll check to see rf you here The H. E. C. met Wednesday of last home with the Thurmans this sum- : stay in after the duration. He had turned Tuesday of last week. Her J the h.c ’x.J. ci ¡.UJrancc that y^u really need. Call or week at the Grange Hall. Plans mer: Mrs. Gibbons was the former j been on a trip to Washington, D. C., son, Jim Mullins, went out three Annamae Holverstott. They are' standing up on the train both ways weeks ago ar\d visited with his sis­ I U,. » , both employed also. but enjoyed the week-end sight- ter, Mrs. Otto Ziebarth of Portland, Mrs. G, B. Dow recently received | seeing. and also visited a couple of weeks word from Warren Dow that he is Visitors at the L. L. Buoy home last, with another sister, Mrs. D. L. Hall, again in the states, The letter was week-end were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. [at Sweet Hume. Mrs. Mullins and “INSURANCE THAT INSURES” postmarked at an eastern port. Noah and Rodney Noah, of Lakeside; son, Jim, and grandson, Basil Zie- a Genevieve Berry visited Sunday at 1 Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Krantz and fam- barth, all came down together to The Title Company, Phone 21J the home of Lindy Lou Holverstott. i ily, of Coquille, and Mrs. Swan and I Norway last Tuesday and Friday Bldg. 355 S. Taylor St. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Kenyon and son, Bobbie, ot Roseburg. Mrs. Swan Mrs. Otto Ziebarth came in from Coquille, Oregon children visited at the Chas. Holver­ ' is a niece of Mrs. Buoy’s mother, Portland on business and will stay stott home Sunday and Melvin helped ' Mrs. R. M. Noah, and Mrs. Noah re­ with her mother a couple of weeks. WiprwinUae T*M in the hay. turned to the Swan home in Rose­ Mrs. t J. F. Schroeder and daughter, Mrg. L. A. Ryan enjoyed a visit burg. Mrs. Noah has been ill for Mrs. W. A. Warner, spent the day with her sister, Mrs. G. E. Hall, from some time and is going to try the with Levi Snyder and daughters, Medford. -Mrs. Hall came last Fri­ valley climate for a while. Pearl and Ruby. day and went home Wednesday of Word was received Monday eve- ' Last Saturday evening Mr. and this week. ning that Raymond Norris and Har- , Mrs. Martin Schmidt, Mr. Herman t Mr. and Mrs. Ray Deadmond, Mr. vey Benham had met on an island In j Tedsen, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Norris and Nelda South Pacific. , and Mrs. J. A. Schroeder and Albert attended State Grange convention at I Mrs. Faye Holverstott and Lorene Schroeder, Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Eugene. They left Wednesday went to Eugene Monday morning to ■ Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Yar- SPÍAKING FO k YOUR STANDARD morning and came home Saturday. i visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. brough and son-in-law, Ray Camp­ Mrs. Amanda Johnson slipped on Rankin. She expects to be gone a bell and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Warner SERVICI MEN AND WOMEN the wet floor and fell across a tub week. gathered at the J. F. Schroeder home Word has been received by Ben and spent a most enjoyable evening she was using to wipe up the floor from and hurt her side. She was Holverstott's parents that he has in singing and dancing. Albert and taken to Coquille to a physician and been moved from Caitip Callan, Calif., Finley furnished violin and piano mu­ a rib was fottnd injured. She is bet­ to Ellensburg, Wash. He is to go to sic for the crowd. It was the first school there five months, studying time they had played together in ter this week. Mrs. Lillie Johnson, of Coquille, in the air corps. twenty-five years. Refreshments of Mrs. Harve Crume and daughter, chicken tamales, sandwiches, salad, stayed at the Ray Deadmond ranch while the Deadmonds were at Eugene. Aladene, of Vernonia, are visiting cake and coffee were served âuring She came Wednesday and returned her sister, Mrs. Chas. Holverstott. the evening. There will be a food preservation home Saturday evening. R. R. Rackleff has been quite ill Mrs. “Bud” Ryan visited at the meeting at the Grange Hall, June 29. the past week with neuritis in his home of her husband’s parents, Mr. I This is given by the extension club left arm so bad he could not do any and Mrs. L. A. Ryan. She makes her 1 and Dorothy Bishop will be in charge. of his farm work. home in Marshfield. Also at the! All units in the county are expected There Ryan home Sunday was Marge Ryan. , to be largely represented. | will be a potluck dinner at noon. The She is employed in Coquille. Word meeting will start at 10.30. Please was recently received that “Bud” bring own dishes, silver and sugar. Coffee will be furnished. To discuss lamb and wool market­ Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Hall recently ing and other factors of special inter­ heard from their son. Clifford. He While it la not required hy law that auto driven have had been in Loa Angeles for a couple est at this time, livestock producers of weeks but had been discharged ofrCoos county will meet in the city and was going to his camp at Santa hall in Coquille next Friday after­ Monica, Calif. Clifford is a cook noon, June IS at 1:30, with Harry Lindgren, extension animal . hus­ in the army. Under the provisions of the new state law, which becomes bandman from the state college. effective on June 10, it is highly desirable, from the auto- This meeting is being arranged by iat’s point of view that his car be fully covered by Liability George H. Jenkins, county agricul­ Insurance to make sure that, in case of an accident or col­ tural agent, so that growers may have Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wannamaugher, an opportunity of discussing market­ lision, for which he may not be responsible, that the license of East Myrtle Point, have sold their ing problems and making arrange­ of his ear is not suspended, pending court action to deter­ home to Harley Miller and moved to ments in advance for the sale of the mine where the fault lay. Bandon this week. They have bought 1943 crop. Effort will be made to FOR THE BEST IN LIABILITY INSURANCE SEE a home there, so she might bo near develop a satisfactory market for her only sister, Mrs. Leo Cox, of Ban­ feeders so that it will not be necessary don. to send lambs which are not fat to Mrs. Emma Herman, of Broadbent, the San Francisco or Portland mar­ Office Phone 5 Bes. Phone 05L was a weekend guest of her sister, kets and all producers who can ar­ Be sure to bring your new Federal Tax Stamp in to one Mirs. J. H. McCloskey. range to be present are urged to do of us Standard Service Men or Women before putting it Harry Druliner has the job of so, Mr. Jenkins stated. on your windshield, so we can help you protect it by in­ painting the two story house owned stalling it properly. It’s just like a five dollar bill pasted by W. W. Deyoe tn Myrtle Point. Mrs. Stella Fry-Moulton had the to your car, and it’s worth protecting against loss, dirt, misfortune to fall Saturday and break or moisture. That’s why Standard of California is offer­ an arm. ing you this free Tax Stamp Shield. It’s small, neat, good- Elder and Mrs. F. J. Prior, of Myr­ Word has just been received by looking, easy to apply. Get yours today! Free— wherever tle Point, were Thursday dinner the local USDA War Board that the Standard products are sold. Actual size of Standard’s trans­ guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dru­ WPA has begun allocating materials parent Tax Stamp Shield is 1 j inches wide by 2 J inches high. liner, for the production of an additional Under new law to become effective Jone 10, 1043, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Bennett re­ 125,000 pressure cookers making the The safety responsibility act requires that any driver involved In ceived an announcement from Mr. and total for the country 375,000 instead an accident that results in injury, death or property damage must Mrs. W. A. Moore in Coquille that a of the 150,000 previously announced. within 10 days present proof of $11,000 worth of financial respon­ sibility or have his driver’s license and car registration cancelled. baby girl named Marion Kerel, The quota for Coos county has been At any time afterwards his license and registration would be re­ weighing six pounds and 13 ounces, set as 90 cookers. Persons interested Oil may not wear out, but it sure can voked immediately if hU Insurance policy expired or his bond was had arrived to gladden their hearts in purchasing a pressure cooker work itself to death. It gats cluttered '“The’irt applies whether or not the driver was al: fault, and home. She was bom at the Mast should file application with the com­ up with tiny hunks of metal, dust, being allowed only in the cast of a car legal O’ perked at the time of i hospital June 11. mittee not later than July 1. While and condensed moisture until it’a the accident. After two years, if the driver paid no damages and Mr. and Mn. J. H. McCloskey, Mrs. it is not expected that all cookers plenty bad medicine for your motor. no suit was brought against him, he would be permitted to drive Emma Herman, Mrs. Elizabeth Lett will be available by this date, the That’s why Standard Service Men and own a car again. __ and Mr. and Mn. Emil Peterson and committee wants to have all appli­ keep reminding you to drain and son, Donald, were Sunday visitors of cations on file by then so all may be change your oil every 1000 milee— law like the above tn force there Is not much .choice « Mr. and Mn. Z. C. Strang, in honor acted upon at one time. This will right on the dot. NOT COMPULSORY. The cost for $15,«0« of their birthdays which occurred this eliminate the need for extra meetings From $14.0« to $14.3$ per year depending on the kind of Gas Ration week. yon have. by the committee. SER MR FOR FULL DRTAILS Mr. and Mn. Leslie Southmayd, of The purchase certificates will be is­ Marshfield, and two daughters, Pa­ sued on the basis of probable output tricia and Delores, spent the day Fri­ of canned food from the cooker. Before they waste away to a day at the home of his parents, Mr. Homemakers who form groups that The Office Where Accommodation Is A Pleasure and Mbs. Frank Southmayd. whisper, ask your Standard Serv­ can assure a large volume of home Mn. Martha McNair, of Bandon, canning from the cookers will .be ice Man if you can get your tires came up Sunday with her grandson. given preference. recapped, or if you’re eligible for Harold Bosk, to visit her daughter, Application blanks may be obtained new Ones. He knows all the rubber- Mn. R. R. Rackleff, while Mr. Boak from Mn. Dorothy E. Bishop, county saving regulations by heart, and went to Eugene and Portland on busi­ home demonstration agent, court he’ll be glad to tell you just bow ness. Mr. Boak works for the Shell house, Coquille. Wí ________ fa- r ■ ________ - - - t- . i «- .u.h day evening taking his grandmother PIMPLES DISAPPEARED bock with him. • OVER NIGHT Don Trigg left Wednesday of this Yea, it is true, there is a safe harm­ week for Corvallis. less medicated liquid called Kleerex Harry Druliner is doing a paper- that dries up pimples over "Kight. have secured additional Body Mechanics, so we are in hanging job thia week for Prof. C. L, Many report that they had a red sore a position to take immediate care of all Auto Painting Church, of Myrtle Point. pimply face one night and surprised Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Schroeder spent their friends the next day with a and Body Work Monday afternoon of this week at the clear complexion. There is no risk. f' I home of their daughter, Mrs W. A. The first application must convince , Warner. you or you get your money back. Join Mr. a^d Mn. Walter Schroeder the happy Kleerex users who are no were out to visit their daughter and longer embarrassed with unsightly family, Mr. and Mirs. Harold Dick pimples. For sale by Barrow Drug. of Scottsburg tost Thursday, and Co. iotas . I ' ' ■■■■BlÜI I “The JVawJlaw J' S. BARTON T he T own P ì / mp i I Wool Growers To Meet Here Tomorrow 4uto Liability Insurance Norway News Items E. E. (Spike) Leslie- Auto Liability Insurance Not Compulsory Some Cookers To Be Available For a Clean Start „¿“VS.”"“’ ■«> "C1??,:' Fred B. Bull Painting Tires getting thin ? STANDARD TAKES BETTEA CARE OF YOUR CAR Southwestern Motor Co. 1 !> .