The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, June 10, 1943, Page 7, Image 7

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Out-of-Doors Stuff
when hooked on these reels
a reel that does not sport
dr*g. Perhaps we will get
fishermen on our necks for
' Jerene Mast attended the juvenile
lodge of. the Royal Neighbors in Myr- Orphanace.
Those present were:
Mesdames Albert Lillie, Albert GulJ
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Long returned ! tl<- Point last Saturday evening.
home Wednesday from a few days' , i Mrs. Nile Miller, Mrs. Harold Fish, strom, and Darwin, Cliarles Griffith,
visit with relatives and friends at Mrs. C. A. Keltner and Mrs. Ward Loretta and Mary Anne, Ward Evans,
1 Evans attended the county W. C. T. U. O. H. Aasen, Werner Plaep, Richard
Miss Ruth Sumerlin, of Lee, has ■ Institute held at the Brethren church and Robert, H. B. Pappel and James,
been visiting at the home of Mrs. in Myrtle Point last Tuesday all day. Stanley Halter, Ida Myers, George
Cecil Lane, of Los Angeles, who Hampton, Melden Carl and Douglas,
Grace Rackleff for the past week.
Mrs. Tom Cook underwent a major .' has been visiting his parents. Mr. and J. D. Cart and S. C. McAllister.
Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Cornwell, Col­
operation at the Mast hospital in Mrs. Frank Lane, left Monday morn-
Myrtle Point last Thursday. She is .1 ing for his home. He planned to leen and Muriel, of Scottsburg, were
getting along as well as can be ex­ stop at Ashland and spend the night week-end guests at the home of Mr
'with his adnt and uncle, Mr. and and Mrs. , Wm. Knabe.
Mrs. Mary Greenleaf and Mrs.
Mrs. Shelby McAllister, Scott and Mrs. Will Lane.
Frank Lane, Mrs. Stanley Halter Tyrrell Woodward were ill with the
Marc, returned to their home in Co­
quille after visiting several days at and Mrs. Althea Harrah were Mon­ flu last week. Also Mr. and Mrs.
day dinner guests of Mrs. Ida Myers. J. D. Carl and Herbert have been ill.
the S. C. McAllister home.
Miss Bernice Gillespie, who has J Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Shrader, of Riv­ Mr. Carl was confined to his bed
been home on a short vacation, spent erton, visited at the home of Mr. Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Melden Carl and
several days last week at the home and Mrs. Robert Munford Sunday.
Ward Evans attended the funeral Douglas visited at the home of Mr.
of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Rylander at
.services of the late Joseph Goble in and Mrs. Cedric ('roes at Coquille
one day last week. They enjoyed a
Miss Jerene Mast, of Allegany, Myrtle Point* last Tuesday.
George Gillespie came in from the potluck dinner there and attended the
has been visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ward Evans for the past lookout station a couple of times the shower given Mrs. Cross.
Mrs. Ida Myers and Mr. and Mrs. 1
past week. Miss Ruth Woodward ac­
two weeks.
Avon Wilcox left Monday evening companied him back the first time Stanley Halter attended the wed­
for Detroit Lake, Minn., where he ¡and his daughter, Miss Bernjce Gil­ ding ceremony of Jack Ellis, son of
‘went to see his mother, who is quite lespie, went back with him Monday Mrs. Lilas Ellis of Myrtle Point, to .
Miss Melba Brown, daughter of Mr.
evening for a short visit——
ill. •
Mr. and Mrs. Orin Hardenbrook^ and Mrs. Dean Brown of Myrtle’
Miss Marion Brown, of Vancouver,
B. C., arrived Monday evening for a, of San Jose, visited at the home of Point, last Sunday afternoon at the
short visit with her sister, Mrs. Tyr- ’■ Mr. and Mrs. Nile Milter last Friday. ( Christian church ip Myrtle Point.
A school meeting was held last Rev. Mr. Ballinger officiated. Jack
re'll Woodward, and her aunt, Mrs.
Wednesday evening at the Arago was a grand nephew of the late E. 1
Mary Greenleaf.
Mrs. J. D. Carl visited at the home I school house at which time the budget J. Myers, grandson of Mr. and Mrs.
Jesse Clinton of' Myrtie Point, ,and
of her sister, Mrs. A. H. Bender, in ' was voted on and it carried.
! | Myrtle Point, last Thursday while! The annual Silver Tea of the Mis­ was a resident of Arago for a num­
Mr. Carl attended the Rotary club. sionary society was held at the church ber of years. Junior Gulsfroni. rel­
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Moore moved . last Wednesday afternoon with Mes­ ative of the groom, was best man
into Mrs. Wm. Cornwell’s house on dames S. C. McAllister, J. D. Carl, and Miss Strong, of Myrtle Point,
Melden Carl and Albert Lillie as was the bridesmaid. Mrs. Ballinger,
Fishtrap the past week. .
Elvin W Id mark joined the Navy hostesses for the day. There was of Myrtle Point, was the soloist and
a short business meeting, with Mrs. Mrs. Lawrence Clinton, aunt of the
and left for training last week.
Rev. Orin Hardenbrook, of San |O. H. Aasen in charge, after which groom, played the wedding march.
Jose, conducted the regular Sunday ,they adjourned to the church baae- The bride was dressed in a beautiful
molning church services.
Sunday I ment for refreshments of ice cream, gown of white satin with long vei>
school followed with an attendance fresh crushed strawberries, .angel and the bridesmaid was in pink.. The
of 45. Mr. Hardenbrook was one of cake and tea. An offering was taken church was beautifully decorated in
the ministers for the Arago church i which was a little over $8.00 and 'it | pink and white. After the wedding
about five years ago, and his many was voted to add enough more to I a lovely reception was given in the
friends in Arago were glad to see
him again.
Mr. and Mrs. Melden Carl and
Douglas and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Powell,
of Myrtle Point, were Friday eve­
ning guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Frank Miller came in from the ’
Lookout at Allegany and spent a |
few days with friends at Arago. Mrs.
Miller returned to the lookout with
Mrs. Harry Collier and Nancy left;
last week for Tacoma, Wash., where
they went to visit Mrs. Collier's folks
for about a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schroeder,
of Corvallis, visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burbank several
days last week.
Robert Bunnage, of Portland, vis­
ited at the home of his aunt and
uncle, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Burtis, from
Sunday till Thursday last week.
Wiley Cornwell entered the Knife
.hospital in Coquille Monday eve­
ning. Colleen and Muriel will have
their tonsils removed this week.
Mrs. George Hampton entered the
Mast hospital in Myrtle Point Mon­
day evening.
Bert Davenport and Emery Goble,
of Myrtle Point, were Monday visitors
at the Ward Evans home.
Misses Pamela, Maureen and their
guest, Miss Jerene Mast, spent the
day Tuesday visiting at the home of
Mrs. Chester Willson in Myrtle Point.
Pamela and Maureen Evans and Miss
Arago News
1 •
Guaranteed Money-Saving Rates
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"OKEiim as rrs namk >
Mats uiMKtu
LOGGERS! The shout for “mors lumber**—and for more plywood and
pulp products — comes from our forces in Africa ... in Attu ... in the
South Pacific . . . and from millions of troops in England poised ready to
strike at the heart of Nazidom!
They need more invasion barges—more deadly Mosquito bombers—
more sub chasers—more ammunition cases — more ponton bridges!
WOOD, and MORE wood is needed desperately I But there is a real short­
age of saw logs now!
That is why the War Manpower Commission wants every available
logger on the job right now. This government agency is urging loggers to
quit shipyards and other war industries and to FIGHT IN THE WOODS.
If you have a friend who's an experienced logger, but who is not now work­
ing at the trade, urge him to get on the job. He can obtain a Certificate of
Availability from hie present employer on instant notice. Ask him to then
inquire at the nearest U. S. Employment Office for assignment to the loca­
tion where he is most desperately needed. ACT NOW! Your promptness
Thornton Tire Service
Southern Oregon’s largest and most Complete Tire Service
340 W. Front, Coquille, Tel. 270
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