The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, June 10, 1943, Page 6, Image 6

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• Jtis Holverstott also heard from him high s.'hool, will be - laaving
vehicle. If the vehicle is in storage
next week for a training camp.
or out of use July 1, it will become
(recently. He also is well and busy.
subject to tax as of the month in
Fred Chapman made a business trip
Raymond McLeod came up from i
Garrett Menning had a very
which it is placed on the public high­
row escape last week when his truck,
1 his home at Byerly’s and is the son and took his wife and little son,
J. W. Maloney, Collector of In­ way. .
loaded with logs, left the road. He
Collector Maloney said that, to
¡of Mrs. Clara Kibler, sister of Mr. Roddie. home. Mrs. McLeod has been 1 ternal Revenue, announces that the
stayed with the truckand escaped
staying at her aunt’s, Mrs. E. F. Federal Motor Vehicle Use Tax guard against loss or theft, it has
injury. Had he jumped he would
I . The Deadmond Bros.' mill was Brodie’s, since taking her son. Roddie, stamps in the denomination of $5.00 been suggested that, when affixing
have been crushed by the logs! Mr.
iclosed Monday due to repairs and from the Knife Hospital after an ap­ will be placed on sale in all post of­ the stamp, the vehicle owner should
Menning drives for Coos Bay on Hud­
pendicitis operatioh. He seems to be
assembling new rigging.
fices in the state of Oregon and in dampen the windshield rather than
son creek.
Betty Hatcher, Lou Lindsay, Mar» getting along nicely.
his office at Portland, today, Thurs­ the adhesive side of the stamp. An­
Rev. and Mrs. W. J. Wheeler re­
Mrs. Martin Schmidt and Mrs. Tom day, June 10. The stamp will evi­ other effective method is to brush
vene Henagin and Phyllis Chezem
turned home Saturday evening from
are attending 4-H summer school at Detlef sen left early Monday morn­ dence payment of the tax for the fis­ clear varnish over the stamp after
Eugene. They had been attending
Corvallis. From letters received at ing for Portland, expecting to re­ cal year beginning July 1, 1943, and it has- been affixed.
conference at the Light House Temple
home they are enjoying themselves turn Wednesday.
must be purchased on os before that
and visiting relatives.
and are having a grand time.
Mrs. Doward .Strong and children date. The stamps will be serially stamp tntact qpon the windshield. As
Mrs. R. M. Noah is ill with flu. Sii>
went to Lakeside Monday, morning! numbered, will be gummed on the an additional precaution it is sug­
lives with her daughter, Mrs. L. L. I
and will be home at Norway this face, and will have provision on the gested (hat each motor vehicle owner
. .
coming Saturday.
back for entry of the make, model, make a redord of the serial number
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Noah and daugh­
.Mrs. Mike Daniels spent the day serial number, and state license which appears on the use tax stamp
ter, Bonnie Ellen, were week-end vis­
Mr. and Mrs. Z. C.
Wednesday of last week visiting her number of the motor vehicle. The for his record in the event the stamp
itors from Lakeside. They were at week-end visitors with
daughter, Mrs. Enno Dornath, near use on the public highway of an au­ should become lost. In Oregon all
the home of Mrs. Noah's mother, i J. H. McCloskey.
Bradford Station.
tomobile, truck, motorcycle, or bus stamps are required to be placed in
Amanda Johnson
Bonnie Ellen is: Herman Tedsen and Mr». Niqolin
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Southmayd makes it subject to the tax. The tax | the upper left-hand corner of the
spending a vacation at the home of ■ Elznor were Sunday dinner guests
and son. J. Lewellen, and daughter-
Dorene !
her cousin, Dorene Frye,
of his sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. in-law, Mrs. Ellis Southmayd, spent stamp is transferable with the motor i inside of the windshield.
has just returned after spending a Herman Detelfsen.
• ~
"" U- «S“S—— i i ...........................
the day Friday of last week visiting
week at the Noah home at Lakeside.
Herman Tedsen , purchased some Mr. and Mrs. Leslie E. Southmayd
Mrs. L. A. Ryan has received word two hundred Rhode Island Red
and family ut Marshfield.
that her son, “Bud,'' is in a hospital chicks a couple of weeks, ago and
E. F. Brodie is runhing his shingle
at Little Rock, Ark. He did not say has only lost two so far. *.
In about mill only part time as he ts.having
what the trouble was but that he had four months he will be I having some
difficulty finding a sawyer.
been feeling badly for several days. excellent friers to sell at his store
Mrs. Alden Mast and children, of
Word'has been received of the mar­ in Norway.
Myrtle Point, spent the day Sunday
riage of Phillip Stock and Joan Saun­
Sunday dinner guests i
with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. W.
ders at Sacramento last week. This Hughes' home in Marshfield were her
is the climax of the Hawaiian Isles 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Schroe­
Mrs. Russell Hank, nee Rose Kel-
romance, although Mrs. Stock is der; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Yarbrough
lenberger, returned * Wednesday of
American born. Phillip has been in and children, Sidney, Marie and
last week from Los Angeles, where
the Navy some four years without a Freddie; Mrs. Yarbrough's daughter
she went tqg^pend a two weeks’ vaca­
leave home and this is his first visit and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Camp­
tion with her husband, Corp. Russell
to the States since being over in the bell, and children, Jimmie and John­
A. Hank. Aho was home on furlough.
nie, and Mrs. W. A. Warner.
Mrs. Louise Roberts and Sam Son- Campbells are moving from Califor­ On her return she visited her sister,
Gertrude, at Merced, California. She
neland are in the valley, being called nia to Newport, where he has em­
the weather was perfect all the
here by the death of their brother, ployment.
time she was gone but when she got
Louis Sonne land.
Mr. Sonneland
Mr. and Mrs. Hurvey Gant spent back to Oregon it was raining. How­
passed away last Thursday. Funeral one day last week at Port Orford.
ever, Oregonians mostly welcomed
services were held Sunday at 2.00 p
Mrs. Elizabeth Bennett and daugh­ this last rain as it was very timely
m. at the Gano Funeral Home in ter, Dorothy, were visitors one eve­
Coquille. The body has been sent ning last week at the A. R. Bennett for "victory gardens," and we also.
take notice there are many Cali- |
to Portland for cremation.
quite fond of vacationing in ‘
Relatives and friends, visiting and
Bonnie Jean Druliner left last Oregon in June,-July and August.
helping celebrate the 93rd birthday
Thursday for Klamath Falls, proba­
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kellenberger,
of Mi's. Melissa Brownson at Bridge
bly to be gone during the entire Jr.,’and children, Arelene and Lonnie,
Sunday were Mrs. Clara Hoag, of school vacation.
accompanied by Mrs. Lena Kellen-
Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hol-
Mr. and Mrs. Z. C. Siring and berfer and daughter, Rose, spent the
verstott, Liridy Lou and Kenneth.
Mr. and Mrs. J H. McCl >skey and day Sunday picnicking on Bandon
Harold Stock, Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Mrs. Elizabeth Lett were Sunday Beach and it .was a perfect day.
Benham and daughter, Karen, and
callers on Mr. And Mrs. Emil Petersen.
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Schroeder re­
Kay McKinley. Mrs. Brownson is
Harry Druliner clothed and pa­ turned Wednesday of last week from
grandmother of Mrs. Holverstott and
pered the house of Mr. and Mrs. thi ir two weeks' vacation and stayed
Tom Benham. She was 93 years old
, Shirley Laird, near the Norway all night wrtii his parents, Mr. and
June 1.
school this past week.
Mis. Walter Schroeder.
Word was received this week that
j Mr. and Mrs. Carl Holland's two their children there, they returned to
Raymond Norris is now seaman first
i little sons, Roy and Dale, have been their home at Ophir Thursday, hav­
class and that he is now enjoying
, quite sick for more than a week ing had a very enjayable trip.
Navy life somewhere in the South
with the measles.
Mrs. Guy Grant, who was in the
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gant visited 1 Mast ly>spital four or five day» IpA
Mr. and Mrs. Fred McLain were her niece, Mrs. B. Jones, at Lee orfe |
week, returned to her home at Nor­
callers at the Benham home Monday
day last week. The Jones family way Sunday. She has been having
evening. They took their daughter,
lately has moved from Powers to some wry serious trouble with, an
Carol, back to Coquille with them as
Lee, where he is working in a log­ infected wisdom tooth, if being rtec-
she was ill.
ging camp.
esaa'y to liave the jaw lanced from
Mrs. Clara Hoag went to North
Mrs. Elizabeth Lett and Mr. and the outside.
Bend Sunday evening to stay a few
Mrs. Emil Petersen called on Mrs.
Trigg have
days with her niece, Mrs. Mabel Mc­
Elner Neilsdfl one day last week. home this week. Frank came
Kinley. She expects to return Thurs­
Mrs. Nielson la not doing so well; her camp San Marcus, Texas, and will
day to spend a while here before re­
foot continues <b be quite painful.
have to return Saturday. Don re­
turning to her home in Portland.
Mrs. Marie Maas, of West Norway, turns to CorvalHs, going on jo Camp
Vacation Bible School will start
was a Sunday dinner guest of Mr. Roberts, California.
Monday and will be held at the Fair­
and Mrs. Harry Druliner.
A. R. Bennett and W. W. Deyoe
view church, being conducted by Mil­
J. Lewellen Southmayd went over have just finished a three week’s job
dred Stlllson and Marion Thair, of
to Marshfield last Sunday to see his at the Arago Cheese factory.
Eugene. School will be from 9-1«
wife and children. Mrs". Southmayd
a. m. and will continue for two weeks.
Calling cards, 50 for $1.00.
is still at her mother’s, Mrs. Amasa
The G. R. Norrises hear regularly
Biglow’s. She is improving slowly
from Carl Hooker, that he is well and
but still has to remain in bed.
longing for more action somewhere
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Rackleff went
in the south Pacific. Parents of Cur- to Bandon Sunday to Visit her sister,
Mrs. Ernest Boak, and mother, Mrs.
Martha McNair. Mi
but is
been quite sick with
able to be up and
though quite weak.
Rackleff's grandson.
It seems the clerks in
Miff, Jr., who just graduated from
Federal $5.00 Auto
Stamps On Sale'
Fairview News
Norway News Items
All motor vehicle owners are cau­
tioned that the law requiring the
purchase of the Federal motor vehicle
use tax stamps has not been changed
or repealed, and failure to purchase
and display the new use tax stamps
on vehicles using the public high­
ways after July 1, IMS, will subject
the violators to severe penalties im­
posed by law.
ing test. If you are iemporarlly deaf­
ened, bothered by ringing buzzing
head noises due to hardened or coagu­
lated wax (cerumen), try the Ourine
Home Method test that so many say
has enabled them to hear well again.
You must hear better after making
this simple test or you get your money
back at once. Ask about Ourine Ear
Drops todav at Barrow Drug Co.
Due to the shortage of sugar
will be forced to cease all
baking operations on June 12
Will resume operations as soon as
July allotment of Sugar is received
Southern Fried
Chicken Dinners
Lloyd Hickam, Prop.
some of the rationing
boards have some perplex­
ing problems come before
One official when learn­
ing that rubber wears ten
times faster on curves, sug­
gests discontinued use of
girdles until after the war.
Another in answer to a
western loggers request for
more gasoline to run his
camp, asks why he needed
it, as it was their under­
standing logging was done
with Donkeys on the West
And when the owner of
a '29 car applied for a C
card was asked, do you do
pleasure driving • he ex­
claimed—What! "In a 14
year old jalopy?”
Wartime fire wardens know what
it takes to quench thirst after the
arduous job of checking and
double*checking their districts.
with the high
(It Quenches!)
We hope this hasen’t
stretched the truth about
girdles, or made a donkey
of anyone, and as for jalop­
ies we assure you there’s a
treat in store for those who
have us rebuild their mo­
■nd Ford popular parts
Cream O’Coos Ice Cream Co.
Distributors, Coquille