The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, June 10, 1943, Page 4, Image 4

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The Sentinel
i Weekly Letter From Washington, D. C
a MM Meta ia A mm raws
(Taken From The Sentinel Of Friday,
JuneS, 1923)
Th city of Coquille on application
of Councilmen Skeels and Walker,
was granted permission to build a
bridge on Fourth strete, now being
improved, to connect with the county
bridge on Henry street.
E. J. Page has just received notice
Entered at the Coquille Poetoffice as
of his transfer by the Mountain States
Second Class Mail Matter.
Power Co., from Coquille to Dallas,
i where he will have charge of the
company's business in that town, in
Independence and in Monmouth.
The creation of another
super control—another layer of au­
thority atop all others—the new Of­
fice of War Mobllijatoln (OWM) may
h»|n ir. i .1-♦fc inf a o ut o r i t nuLV add Ui
confusion. That depends upon Janies
F. Byrnes, the head of it.
The OPA would have been kicked
at in any case but the efforts of some
of the young thinkers in the organi­
zation to change many phases of our
economic system under the guise of
war necessity regulations has multi­
plied OPA’s difficulties.
The battle rages now between prici-
control by means of subsidies (pay­
ments to processors and producers to
meet the difference between high
{costs and low ceiling prices) and ac-
1 tual price control based upon control
I of production costs along with con .
- trol of prices. Both courses are infra-'
tionary. Subsidy payments mean a
debt to be paid off «1 the future
Over-all control is a pay-as-:you-go
____________ ___________________ ;_______________ ——
Washington, D. C., June 5—The taw to be effective for the duration of
bill so long under consideration by the war plus aix months unless ter­
tlie Congress has finally been passed minated sooner by concurrent resolu­
and sent to the President. It is far tion of Congress. .
Eliminated from the bill as reported
too complicated to be described here.
Copies of the printed conference re- from the committee, were provisions
; port which contains the bill as passed relating to the following:
(a) Violence and intimidation and
are available in limited number. I
j shall be glad to send one to anyone prohibiting the use of professional or
E. A. Wimer started this morning in : who will write. The bill as finally hired pickets;
(b) Prohibition or jurisdictional
his auto for Corvallis. Fred will ac- ■ passed is ’ not considered perfect
compny him home from there next ¡legislation by any means, but it does strikes, sympathy strikes, and boy­
week Perry Lwrence went with Mr. {establish the withholding principle cotts;
(c) Suspension of the Anti-Injunc­
Wimer as far as Bridge where he is I which had in fact already been es-
I tabiished with the "Victory Tax," and tion Act.
to be timekeeper in a cedar camp.
| It doM place income tax paying un
(d) Prohibition of the Board's pow­
Misses Maymie DeLong, Frances I a current or pay-as-you-earn basis er to require membership in labor
Kistner and Gertrude Bogard left last Doubltless actual operation
onriration of
nf the organizations as a condition of em­
Saturday morning for Bellinghum, j Igw will reveal the need of further ployment.
Wash., where they will attend the ■ legislative changes or clarifying
There has been some shaking-up
summer school of the Washington' amendents, but after all, it is a be­
State Normal. Misses Thora Peder- ! ginning.
An improved electronic device used
going on in OPA again. The business
of regulating prices and rationing is | by the Army to atandarize camou-
son and Emma Rasmussen,« of this '
_____ ____
city’s __ teaching
corps, ____
will __________
also attend i The House has been in pretty much not an occupation- that creates popu- i flage colors can distinguish between
the normal -school there this summer. I of a dither this week over the Con- larity. Lately a great part of the [ 2,000,000 different colors
—o—_______________ nally Labor Bill (S. 798). The hls- kicking has been directed at price !
C. B. Dalton, who has been with the Itory. of this legislation briefly: As chief, D. J. K. Galbraith. He re- | Old papers 6c a bunch.
Hudson brug Store here for the past introduced in the Senate by Senator
year and a half, left Sunday morn-¡Tom Connally, it was a bill to amend
ing for Monmouth, Ore., having re-the Selective Training and Service
signed his position with Mr. Hudson ¡Act so as to give the President broad
'powers to take/"over wur plants and
A big street dance is to be held in Plac*n8 sharp restrictions against
Coquille next Thursday evening, June sb’ikes in a plant operated by the
boys of the Fire ______
14. The
’ ___
...____ government. It also gave legal status
will give the dance and Tower’s or­ ’to the War Labor Board which has
chestra from the Bay will furnish the ' been functioning only under execu­
tive order.
The Military Affairs Committee of
thé House struck out all of the Sen­
Coos county had 1103 income tax­
ate bill following the enacting clause
payers in 1921, and is one of the elev­
and substituted most of the provi­
$4.75 to $10.06
en counties in the state having over
sions of a bill previously introduced
1,000 citizens who paid g federal in­
in the House by Representative How­
We carry stove parti 1 or will order to fit
come tax that year.
Coos county
ard W. Smith of Virginia. The Mili­
stands ninth in the list, only eight
tary Affairs Committee thereupon
counties in Oregon having more in­
reported the bill out favorably with
come taxpayers.
a unanimous vote of the committee.
I When the Connally Bill, which had
The /text day, as the conference ' actually become the Smith Bill by
committee consisting of senators and 1 action of the Military Affairs Com­
congressmen sat around the table' mittee, reached the floor of
ironing out some of the more drastic­ House, Representative Forest
provisions of the bill, a telephone Harness, of Indiana, offered
-------- THE---------
rang and a voice informed the chair- ' amendment which was in fact a sub­
man that Mr. Lewis had just an­ stitute bill from which had been
nounced “the coal strike was not eliminated most of the extremely
settled at all. His back to work order harsh provisions embodied in the
to the miners was only another truce 1 Connally-Smith Bill, but which still
Mrs. E. Boyrie, who came down
from Portland to attend the Rebek­
ahs' convention at the Bay lagt month,
ufterwards came over here and spent
bout a week visiting her sister-in-
law, Mrs. Alfred Johnson. On her
return she took Georgianna Johnson
with her to spend the rest of the sum­
mer with her at Portland.
I y
At the regular seMion of the city
councll^Monday evening it was voted
to turn the mattqr of moving the Set-
aspell from its present location in
Willard street • in to the Myrtle
Grove psirk,, over to the Park Com-
A former Coquille lady writing mission, the city to pay for moving it.
from Oakland, Calif, to renew her.
subscription, says:
"The Mikado," which was so enthu­
■ “In spite 'of the changes in Coos siastically received here on two nights
county since I left, and the fact that last week will be repeated tonight at
I have now few remaining friends the Liberty Theatre.
there, I look forward each week to
the comipg of the Sentinel. .
Coquille baseball fans were very
“I feel like commending you for much impressed with the playing of
your frank and forthright editorials the local team here Sunday when
in regard to matters pertaining to Bandon was defeated 4 to 2. The
the adihinistratlon of affairs in Wash­ Coquille team was composed of the
ington. Personally I am quite dis­ following plsyers: Smith, Slade, Hob­
gusted with the present regime. Be­ son, Fortier, Carson, Oerding. Tuma,
ing a reupblican, from a long line, King and Gilbert.
I always have disliked Roosevelt
but have tried to be loyal. His ex­
Water Superintendent Faustman
ample has been a poor one. During has been busy this week installing
Holy Week, when we were fasting, part of the 100 water meters received
he was in Mexico enjoying banquets, last week.
drinking wine, and leaving his coun­
try at a time when Wallace was also
E. O. Faustman, who tendered his
far away. Yet he poses as a church
resignation as water superintendent
man. It was the last straw with me.
to the city council last Monday eve­
“This may be ’lese majeste,’ but
ning, expects to leave soon after the
U*t it ride. I think we shall see no
first of July i tor southern California.
change in the White House. Cares
and worry seem not to affect him.
How different from Woodrow Wil­ immunities which properly belong to
son! I wish I might live ta see a the President of the United States.
“A candidate has no immunities.
change; bpt where can one look?
So much corruption in politics! A While he seeks office he is a private
crucial wave here! Too much money citizen soliciting votes. He cannot
in the hands of those who never had have his cake and eat it, too. From
it before, and squander it! The com­ the instant he seeks office, he be­
ing year will be something difficult comes two men: one President Roose­
to imagine, with all the adjustments velt; the other Franklin Roosevelt,
of Dutchess County, New York, a
and demands."
mere man running for office.”
of two weeks, and if a satisfactory .contained the following point—suf­
“By the speaking of one word,” contract was not forthcoming in the fJcient to enable the government to
There is no conenction between the
with war plant strikes:
letter and the following story but the Mr. Spangler added, “the little, two- interim from the operators, the min-
| letter word NO, be will become era would again walk out come June
(a) A 30-day waiting period and
mention of it brings it to mind:
Written Through the office of
By, saying 20.”
In the Solomons fighting a Marine j*^1?1****’, ‘ * Pr‘*J<^en*-
vote by secret ballot before strikes;
From that minu|e on, all ideas of - (b) Statutory authority for the War
raised up from his fox hole and yelled ¡NO he will be able to act without
fear or favor. President Roosevelt toning the bill down were out. Num­ Labor
Board empowering it to
at the Jap line some yards sway:
j will not have to carry Candidate erous top flight heads of govern-, subpena witnesses and records;
with Tojo!1
ment immediately joined the move
(c) Registration and financial ac­
Up jumped one of the Japs, ex- Roosevelt around on his back.”
put the bill through, which will, counting by labor organizations;
among other provisions, clothe the
(d) Imposes fine, imprisonment or
“To h-— with Roosevelt!"
war board with the additional au- both on persons inducing strikes in
The Marine drew a bead on
thority they need to handle strikes, industry under the operation of the
Jap and was just going to fire when
Mobilization Czar Jimmy Byrnes and j go vermen t;
an adjoining Marine yelled:
At the low rate of $14.00 per year for holders of “A” Cards
the White House have given such
political contributions
“For heaven's sake, don't slioot
“B” Ration Cards
legislation the green light.
by labor organization* The bill is
him; he's on our side.”
“C” Ration Cards ........................... 16.25
In the meantime, other high rank­
ing labor leaders were moving heaven certain mystery man, who knows his
Office open until 8:00 P. M. until further notice — for
and earth to keep Lewis from mak- politics, will quietly visit the west,
the convenience of those unable to call prior to this tugie.
ing his “two weeks truce” statement • He will be an emissary for Governor
wbde the anti-labor bill was in com- Dewey. The west is coming in for
The twelfth Federal Reserve dis­
Service also given on REAL ESTATE, BIRTH CERTI­
mi,U.e. The more sober heads of plenty •of attention from the Republl-
trict which includes Alitska and Ha­
FICATES and all other Insurance and I Heartily
labor knew such a statement would ^ann. It’s a foregone conclusion, say
waii as well as the three Pacific
surely bring about passage of the the political seers, that the Republi­
coast states and Idaho and Nevada,
Solicit your patronage
bill—the very thihg above all else can ticket must carry the western
stood third in the recent Second War
that labor didn’t want.
But their states if they are to win next year.
Loan campaign with its 8853,800,831
pleadings were of no avail—the great
raised in April.
In the December,
one knew it all.
1942, Victory Loan campaign the total
Some of the togamen are quietly
was 8314,874,127.
Washington, D. C., June 9—North­
In one point the twelfth district west dairy and cattlemen are here snickering up their sleeves and slap­
stood first—in the dollar Mies volume protesting on the roll-back of prices, ping each other on the back. As one
to state and local governments.
which are scheduled to go into effect senator put it, “The Lewis statement
In a report by Henry Morgenthau, shortly.
These producers say the will get us more votes for the bill
Jr., secretary
of the treasury, the saving to the average individual on than anything we could have done.
total raised in the first drive was these roll-back prices will only Nothing can stop the bill from pass­
graphically shown to be one and one- amount to a few dollars per year. ing now.” The great John L. Lewis
half billion dollars. The goal Mt for On the other hand, it will cost the has played right into the hands of
the second drive was two and noe- government millions in subsidies. “A the labor hating, anti-union bloc
half billions for individuals while the roll-back now will be a kick-back
amount of bonds actually purchased later,” holler the producers. How-
Plans for a surprise war bond
by individuals was three and one-ieveri OPA is going ahead on its
drive are now in the making. The
quarter billions.
roll-back, regardless of the squawks kick-off is scheduled for July 15.
------ ■■
which are being registered by grow- After the last drive it was under­
TAKING POLITICS OUT OF WAR ers and producers. A strong lobby, stood that the treasury would not
Several weeks ago, to take politics actively supported by the several start its next bond selling campaign
out of the war, Chairman Harrison P01™1 labor groups, are plumping until September, but the plan had to
E. Spangler, of the Republican Na?lf?r “ government subsidy to bring be changed. While the last drive
tional Committee, suggested that ubout
1,,wer Prlcp" OPA*
«>• was a huge success, over-subscribing
President-Roosevelt declare himself
such ■ ’><bsidy is absolutely nec- the goal set by close to 85,000,000,000,
out of the race and devote his entire.e8S«ry lo hold dnwn sky-rocketing the treasury officials were not sat­
time to winning the war. Mr. Spang- ■ food Price“-
isfied with the general results. Not
nearly enough of the small buyers, or
lei*'s proposal came as one New
That great tragedian and disciple wage earners, planked their dollars
Dealer after «aether was pushing the
President’s Fourth Term candidacy. of Shakespeare, John L. Lewis, who on the line, Say the officials. Banks,
Immediately the bureuucrats be­ had the reputation, among other insurance companies and other large
came alarmed that the “meal ticket” t things, of being so politically as- buyers were the ones who put the
might accept the soundness of Mr. tute, has muffed one of the biggest drive over the top. Every effort will
Spangler's proposal. They found political moves, invoviing labor, ever be made this time to coax the little
seventeen reasons why their jobs known.
fellow and wage earner up to’, the
should not be endangered. But now
Last Friday the house, by a whop- ' bond buying counter, or else. Infla­
comes Chairman Spangler again with ping vote, passed thé drastically tion is still a nightmare to govern­
clear-cut reasoning to support his amended Smith-Connally anti-strike ment officials and something has to
“1 can’t think of anything else you’ll need
seventy-two times in the last ninety years.
'senate bill. The house bill has far be done to get the wage earner to
for your Victory garden, Judge... you’ve
It has been adopted'forty-seven times in
"So long as Mr. Roosevelt con- more teeth in it than the original put more of his high war-time earn­
' got pretty nearly everything.”
the past thirty-three years and discarded
tinues to be a candidate for a Fourth 1 senate bill, and in its present form ings in bonds instead of promiscuous
“I think ao, too, John. Ever get your
everywhere except in three states. Same
Term he will be two people.” Mr. would make it mighty tough for labor
AT 106
Wanted .
Dining Sets
New Chairs
Furniture Sets
New Chests
BROOK! * 2
Used Furniture
Phone 119L
Effective os of June 9th, 1943
Safety Financial Responsibility Law
In The Oregon Àuto Insurance Co.
President of the United States, to- two hours after the bill had passed
The weather is beginnnig to turn
ward whose office men owe respect the house Mr. Tæwls called otf his warm here in Washington, and ao is
and honor. The other person is a 1 strike and ordered his minera back to politics. The boys can hardly wait
politician running for office, rightly ( work, starting last Monday. When until that long-looked-for recess
regarded as a party partisan. As a Lewis made that announcement some time rolls around. Next month, all
candidate he must step down from senators immediately took steps to things being equal, the congress will
his high place and subject himself modify some of the drastic provisions recess for six weeks or so. ' In the
to the disadvantages of arty other contained in the bill, which they had meantime, much cloakroom gossip is
going the rounds. It is said that a
He cannot cling to the just received from the house.
aix yean in a row with no luck. Just haven't
got the right soil, I guess?”
“Well, I think you’re wise, John... no
. use keeping on trying things you know won’t
work. Just like prohibition. State-wide pro-
/ hibition has been tried in this country
Canada and tn Norway, Sweden, Finland
and Russia but it was an admitted failure
and universally abandoned.
The reason is prohibition dots not
prohibit. All you get is bootleg liquor ih-
Btead of legal liquor, plus no end of crime
and corruption.”