The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, June 10, 1943, Page 2, Image 2

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    Public Invited To
R. N. A. Evening
Session June 16
Old Photographs
Gregg Hardware
S hcrwih W illiams
P aints
Playground News
By Miss Page
Boys and girls, would you like to
have a good time this summer” Come
have to the playground any time from
110:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m.
Clubs are being organized, which
i will include athletics, such as bad-
i minton, table tennis, croquet, horse-
t shoes, softball and other sports; re-
. lays and races; acrobatic stunts; quiet
games, Such as checkers, marbles, .
> dart games, etc.; dramatics; music;
doll; pet, and library or reading.
, t There will be tournaments, con-
i tests, and prizes given to the members >
i of the clubs Each day, there will be
, a special athletic event and also
something ’special given by one of
I the other clubs. Once a week there
• will be a program in which all clubs
■ will participate.
All boys and girls of school age are
> cordially invited to come. Meet your
I friends and playmates here and have
lots of fun.
Council Session
Monday Evening
Yes, it is true, there is rf safe harm
less medicated liquid called Kleerex
that dries up pimples over night.
(Continued from page one)
| Those who followed simple directions
property owners petitioned for the , and applied Kleerex upon retiring
were __________
amazingly ___
surprised when they
The council voted to accept I. A. I found their pimples has disappeared.
Elrod's offer of $350 for the city-
owned old Palmer tract, 100 by 100
feet, In the northeast comer of the
The council also authorized the
sale of a tract on Coulter street, just1
south of the Knife Apartments, to Lee I
Stonecypher for $375.
Of that
amount the city will have to pay
$75 to the county for delinquent
These users enthusiastically praise
Kleerex and claim they are no longer
embarrassed and are now happy with
their clear complexions. Don't take
our word for it, use Kleerex tonight If
one application does not satisfy, you
get ypur money back. There is no
risk so do not hesitate. For sale by
| Barrow Drug Co. ____________ 8t9<
of good values
A letter was read from the State.
Board of Health protesting against
conditions in a garden in the north '
part of the city where the dumping
of chicken manure has created a bad
condition as to odors and makes it'
also an ideal spot for the breeding
of flies.
It was ordered that the public drink­
ing fountain at the Tip Top comer
39« Club Entertained By ’
be repaired with a new head so that
Mrs. Peterson last Thursday
those drinking there cannot get their
At her home on Knowlton Heights, mouths down on the burbles through
Mrs. Feru Peterson was hostess to which the water flows.
. the 396 club last Friday. A potluck
The street committee was asked to
1 lunch was served and the members inspect the buttons in the middle of
worked on tea towels after which an the street, at the hotel corner and at
given. the northeast intersection comer of
Musical selections by Elsie Wheaton, the court house. Complaints have.
Edna Rakestraw and Fern Peterson, been made that they are damaging to i
a unique number, “The Doll Dance,” tires.
With a cash balance on hand the I
by Edna Rakestraw and the singing
of old time songs were enjoyed. last of this month of more than $5000, ■
Guild Plans Silver Tea And
. Cora Mackey was winner of the spec­ with no callable bonds for which it
Bridge Party Next Week
ial drawing. Coffee, cakes and can be used, the council authorized
The ladies of St. James' Guild, doughnuts wdre served by the host­ City Treasurer Caughell to purchase
headed by Mrs. J. A. Moore,, presi­ ess in the afternoon. Members pres- $5000 more of war bonds..
dent, are giving more than usual ef­ ■ ent were Pearl Ruble, Elsie Wheaton,
This led to a discussion of what the
fort and thought toward plans to .Laura Brandon, Hazel George, Mrs. city is going to do to provide a sew­
make the Bishop’s Tea, which is to Jacobson, Edna Rakestraw, Cora age disposal plant which is now re­
be held Tuesday, June 15, a real suc- Mackey and the hostess, Fern Peter- quired by state statute, but which it
is certain the state board of health
1 son.
Mrs. J. A. Lamb is chairman of
As the next meeting date occurs will not demand until after the war
arrangements and Muriel Dae is in I just before July 4, it was decided te —with the consequent cessation of
charge of the music, which will go postpone the meeting until July 9.
polluting Vhe Coquille river with i
I on throughout the afternoon.
sewage — and it was the talk that
| A silver offering will be taken,
1 Mrs. Mackey Entertained
these war bonds would be building!
the proceeds of which will go into 1 Laf-a-Let Club Tharsday
i up a sinking fund for payment of i
the Building fund. This is an op­
The Laf-a-Lot Club was enter­ the disposal plant cost when it is ‘
portunity for members and friends of tained by Mrs. Alex Mackey at her built and put into operation.
the parish to contribute as gener­
First Chief Snyder stated that the i
home on the Marshfield Highway
ously as is possible toward a fund last Thursday afternoon. The ladies fire department would assist in the !
1 which some day may be substantial
sewed arid visited ?nd later were burning over
enough to permit u parish vicarage.
served refreshments Members pres­ grounds east of
i All members and friends are in­
ent were Huldah Ellingson, Bertha the dump was
vited and urged to attend.
Cross, Ophal Gilman, Rose Marie last year.
The monthly reports of City Re­
Martin, Pearl Ruble and Core
Mackey. Guests were Lodema Kribg corder
and her two children Sandra and Caughell and Chief of Police Crsager
¡Uarry: JUda Jacoby and son, Noel, .were accepted and placed on file.
The council confirmed the appoint-
'and Elsie Wheaten.
. ment of Ivan Shumate, who was
named as police officer by Mayor
Dorcas Society Met
Wood on May 20.
One New Daveno
With Springs
Good Selection of
Victory Model Davenos
Four Very Comfortable
Swing Chairs
, Large Assortment of
50-lb. Felt Mattreys, •
Hepvy striped ticking ,
Splendid Selection of
Living Room. Bath Room, Bed Room Throw Bugs
67.50 ...
Mi yd. Salesman’s Rug Samples
ft ft
Exceptional values at
I • W toA»#J
Last Thursday
The Dorcas society missionary Renewal of Drivers’ Licenses
group of the Church of Christ met
Not Necessary Till IMS
Thursday with Mrs. Belle Hooton.
With hundreds of Oregon drivers
¡The devotional» were in charge of
J Mrs. Hooton. who gave the 23rd needlessly filing applications for re­
newals of their drivers’ licenses this
Psalm from memory.
President Mrs. Pajfne presided at summer, Secretary of State, Bob Far­
the business meeting. Reports were rell reminds them that the last legis­
given by the various committees in lature amended the state drivers’
charge, such as quilt, tea-towel and license law to extend current licertses
pillow fust's, as well as a letter from for another two-year period.
Licenses which normally would
the “Smiths,” one of our several mis­
sionaries. The Smiths spend much have expired June 30, 1943, now will
be good till June 30, 1945. This en­
time in Alaska.
The following ladies were in at- ables motorists who now hold licenses
Mesdames Art Hooton, to operate on them for another two
Ervin McKee, Harold McCue, Amos yeArs without further examinations
Payne, Alton Dungey, Guy Kelley, or fees.
“During the past few days, this of-
Miss Jennie Lafferty and the hostess.
fice has received hundreds of letters
from Oregon drivers, applyjng for
Mrs. Wilcox Entertains
renewals of their driver’s licenses,”
The Past Noble Grands
Farrell says. “They are following
The Past Noble Grands of Coquille their normal procedure in this mat-
met Friday at the home of Della Wil­ ter, not realizing that it is not neces-
cox with Hester Holterstott as co- sary for them to renew this year,
hostess. Those present were Ethel The law was changed in order to
Leach, Jennie Price, Pansy Ross, avoid the necessity of hiring several
Flora Dunne, Harriett Schaer, Myrtle hundred extra help for the renewal
’ Benham, Ruth Beyers, Annie Robin- rush at a time when people are
!son, Ida Oerdlng, Edith Gruenwald needed to help harvest and process
and the hostesses.
our food crops and do other essen-
After the business meeting*. the tial work."
evening was spent ip playing “take
Persons whq do not have a license
! it or leave it,” Hariett Schaer win­ to drive in Oregon are required to
ning the prize. The door prize went obtain them, just as before.
to Annie Robinson.
those who now have licenses, will
i Ail departed at a late hour after not be required to renew them tilt
partaking of the delicious refresh­ after June 30, 1945.
ments, which consisted of cake, ice
cream and coffee.
We carry a complete line of V-
Belts for all makes of Refrigerators,
WANTED—Small Wood Heater or Washing Machines and other equip­
Trash Burner. Phone 13R23, W. A. ment. Washer Service Co.. 365 W.
It* Front, Coquille. Phone.
' ,'E*r*l^L^GomGo~
uni $ «m iw ' j
«0T ffiMHIHG! z
While it is not required by law that auto drivers have
Auto Liability Insurance
Station No. Il-l5 and No. 11-3
Southwestern Motors Car &
Home Supply Store
Under the provisions of the new state law, which becomes
effective on June 10, it is highly desirable, from the auto-
ist’s point of view'that his car be fully covered bv Liability
Insuranie'tS trmli^ «rfc* fftaF,
»if hr)
lision, for which he may not be responsible, that the license
of his car is hot suspended, pending court action to deter­
mine where the fault lay.
l: 45