K .E, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE J, 1943 THE COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL, NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Acquired by Coos County, Oregon 1 For Delinquent Taxes , I * T- ? Naabwrg’a Addition to Marshfield, C om County, Oregon Lot 4, Block 2B —______ _______________ —ta... 75JO Lot 10, Block SB __________ _ ____________________ 1MJ0 Lot 19, Block 25 ...... ......... 7IJ0 each Lots 9 and 13, Block 26 .. 7 6.» each Lots 20 and 21. Block 26 75JO each .... NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that under and by virtue of an Lota 5 and 8. Black 27 .. 150 JO each Wl»r of aale made by the County Court of the State ot Oregon, for Lots 19 and 21. Block 28 .. 160 JO the Coutfty of Coos, on the 10th day of May, A. D., 1943, commanding Lota 27, 28 and 30. Block 34 each .......................... me to m H the following described lands, and fixing minimum prices Perham Park Addition to City of Marshfield. thereon, to-wlt: C om County. Oregon E. 30 feet Lot 9. Block 26 ..._____ A <■ ' . ' .* Value N 1-2 Lota 1. 2 and 3, Block 3« ....... Railroad Addition to Marshfield. C om County. Barrow A Strang Addition to City of Coquille Oregon Lot 8. Block 8 ______ ____________________ ____ ____ • 900.00 MOJO Lot 14, Block 9 ___ ____ _____ __ _______ ___ _ Elliott’s Addition to Coquille City, Cooa County, Lot 3«. Block 26 ........................ .... Oregon E. 50 feet Lota 4 and 6. Block 49 ______ ____ Lot 11. Block 23 Í__________________________________ 150.00 Lot 10. Block «0 ..... —......... ........................................ Lota 7 and 8. Block 32 _______________ 3000.00 Lot 11. Block 60 ........................................... . .......... ...... Plat ”H” Addition to Cty of Marshfield, C om Lots 7. 10 A 12, Block 40 .......... .............. 100.00 each County, Oregon Lots 5 and «, Block 51 ................. .. 75.00 Lota 1 to 6, Block 4 _____ _________ ________........ 100 JO each each Lots 7 to 9. Block 51 _________ 75.00 Central Place Addition in C om Bay Peninsula. C om County. Oregon Lota 4 and 5, Block 53 _________ ___ __ 75.00 . -V 50.90 Lot 11, Block 4 ............. ............................. .................. Lots 11 and 12, Block 54 ............................. 75.00 50.40 Lota 9 and 10, Block 12 ............................................... each Notloy’a Addition to Coquille City, Coes County, Englewood Gardens, C om County. Oregon ' Oregon 500.40 Lot 4, Block 7 ................ ..................... .. ........................ 460JO Loto 5 to 7, Block I ___________________________ ..... 50.00 Lot 5, Block 7 ......... ............................. »'. ‘ I • >*« 375.40 Lot 8. Block 1 ...;..................... _........j..___ ................._... 50.00 Lot 7, Block 8 ...................................................................... V Coquille Heights, C om County, Oregon S. 460 feet, less South 217.8 feet of North 310 250-40 60.00 feet of Lot 9. Block 8 .v.................................. .......... Lots 3 to 7, Block 3 ...................................... each 175JO 50.00 Lot 13, Block 8-.............................. each :. Lota I to 5. Block 4 . ............... a .......................... - • - ----------- 4 ...... ............ 250JO 60.00 Lot 1, Block 9 ...................................... f.......... Lota « and 7, Block each % 50.00 Less pt. sold V. 107 p. 507 D. R. Beg. S. 12 de­ Lots 1 and 2, Block 7................................. .... each Lots 1 to 8, Block 8 ................... „.„.„A....... 60.00 grees 08 minutes E. 84.5 feet, from N. E. Cor. each .. r Lot 4,__ ___ __________ ............... ....... .......... ..... ................. 60.00 said Lot 2. run S. 12 degrees 08 minutes E. 20.1 Block A ....... First Addition to Coquille Heights, C om County, ft. th. W. 357.7 ft. th. N. 18 degrees 37 minu­ • • m ... .. Oregon tes E. .7.2 ft. th. E. 360.1 ft. to beg. Contg. i 50.00 12-100 acres n\ore or less, less .66 acres. Lot Lot 1. Block 1______ .... 2000.00 2. Block 10 ............................................ .?................................. Ixita 6 and 6. Block 68 150 JO Lota 1 and 2. Block 2 50.00 First Addition to City of Marahfield, C om each ____ County, Oregon 60.00 Lots 4 to 8. Block 2__ ___ ____ each 50.00 Lot 19. Block 4 .................. a ________ a .................... «i_____ 60 JO Lot 9. Block 2 ____ _________ Lots 1 and 2, Block 3 ................ 60.00 each 60 JO Lot 20. Block 4 ......... ............................................................. 60.00 Lots 4. 6, 9. 12 to 14, Block 4 1800.40 each E. 1-2 Lot 9, Block 9 ................... ............................... 50.00 Land des. V. 126 p. 595 Ì). R. C om C o ., Or, Lot Block 5 ___________________ ............ unto ' 1 and ___ _ 3. ________ _ _______ each Town of Myrtle Point C om County, Oregon 20, Block 10 ........................................................................... 800.40 I North 62 feet of Lots 1 and 2, South 81 feet of Lot 21, Block 10 ................................................................. 600.40 1000.00 W. 26 feet Lot 22, Block 10 .............. .................. .......... Ij>ts 7 and 8, Block 1 ............ .................. ........................ 60 JO Lots 23, 24, 26. Block 10 ................................................... each Hxtennion of Myrtle Point C om County, Oregon 50.40 500.00 Lota 13, 14, and 19, Block 12 .......................................... each 78.40 Lot 5, Block 12 ............ .......................................................... Lot 24, Block 12 .....................-.......................................... Brown's Addition to Myrtle Point, C om County, 1600.00 ♦ Oregon Lot 19, Block 13 ................................................................... 76.00 50.00 Lot 17. Block 14 ................................................................... Lot 3, Block 24 ......... ............................................................. 75.00 Lota 4. 21 _ and __ 22, .... _______________ 76.00 Borders & Benders Extension to Borders & Ben. each Lot 13, Block 16 ............................... ............................ 76.00 ders Addition to Town of Myrtle Point C om Lota 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 17, to 24. Block 17 ............ 76.00 County. Oregon each 1800.00 Lots 13 and 14. Block 18 ......................................... 100 ft. square in SW Coy. Block 49 ...‘...... ........ ......... 76.00 each Lota 1 to 3, 5. 6, 9, 13 to 16, Block 20 ............... each 76.60 Smith Addition to Myrtle Point, C om County, Ore. 000.00 Lota 8 io 10. Block 27 ............................................. 66.00 Lots 3 and 4. Block 1 .................... :.............. each Subdivision of Lots 1, 2 and 3. Block 9. Firat l'lat of the Town of Powers. C om County. Oreg. 50.00 Addition to City of Marshfield, Cooa Coun­ Lota 9. 15 and 16, Block 5 .......................................... each 500.00 ty, Oregon Lot 4. Block 6 ..............■................................... ..... ... ........ ....... 500.00 Lots 3, 5, and 8. Block B ...’..... .................................. 35.00 Lota 3 and 4, Block 11 ...................................................... each Replat of Roosevelt Heights. C om Bay, Coon Leatherwood Subdivision of Norris Subdivision, County. Oregon Cooq County, Oregon I 1250.00 Lots 11 to 20. Block 1 _____________ _ each Lots 31 and 32 ........... .'.... ............-...................... .. ................ 50.00 ..... ..... Lots 11 to 30. Block 2 .................. _ Darling Subdivision of Norris Subdivision. C om each 60.00 Lots 1 to 40, ~ Block 3 ___ County, Oregon i each 60.00 100.00 Lots 1 to 20, Block 4 ___ each Block 14 60.00 . r 300.00 Lots 1 to 23, Block 5 ...... each 50.00 Block 15 300.00 Lots 32 and 33. Block 5 each 50.00 Bloek 22 100.00 Lots 1 to 16, Block 6 ...... each 60.00 Block 23 Ì Lots 1 to 4. Block 7 ...... 60.Q0 County,' Oregon each Norris Subdivision, Ci » 500.00 Lots 5 to 18, Block _ 7 ...... ___ each 50.06 Block 4 ...................................................... .. ............ 1 to 12, Block 8 ..... ’ ............... ,.7 ~ ........ Lots 60.00 each ' Beg. on North boundary Lot 18, 682 ft. South Less N. 287.5 ft.; and less part sold in Vol. 89 degrees 49 minutes E. of Cor.; Lot 18, 8. 0 1500.00 100 p. 83, Block E ....„ ...... .................. — .... ..... degrees 09 minutes E. 167.5 ft. S. 89 degrees 49 Schetterto Addition to Town of Marshfield, minutes E. 90 ft. N. 0 degrees 09 minutes W. . L Cooa «“n County. < ounty. Oregon 167.5 ft.; N. 89 degrees 49 minutes W. 90 ft. 100.00- Und. 2-3 Lota 7 and 8. Block 8 ...................... 25.00 to beg.. Block 18 .»................. -........ -,...... — Town of North Bend, C om County. Oregon (Land desc. in V. 77, P. 58«) B*g. 772 ft. E. a 200.00 each Lots 1» to 19, 22. 24 and 25. Block 1« ------ of NW Cor. of L. 18. run 3. 157.5 ft. run E. 200.00 each Lota 19 to 26. Block 17 .....................-................. parallel with N. Bnrdy of Lot 18 to meander . 750 0Q Lot 19, Block 25 -------- ---------------------- - --------- fine of left bank of S. Fork of Coquille Riv­ I 4. • and 7. Blonk 14 .......... loo»»» Lots 14 T5. Bit)W 27 ....................... ........... er; run down -stream to NE Cor. of L. 1 b . run 1200.00 160.00 ‘ Lot 24, Block 29 ......................................................... eside. C om County. Oregon W. to beginning. Block 18 ------ a ——-,------ --------- 900.00 Lota 4. 9, 13 and 14, Block 2 Lot 3, Block 33 Back Bay. C om Bay, Oregon . 125.00 each 600.00 Lota 4 and 5. Block 35 ........ - Lot 13, Block 3 ........ Lota 12. 13. 14 and 16, Block 2 ----------- ------ ------- 125 00 Lot 3. Block 5 ........... 30.00 Lot 23, Block 36 Lota 9 to 13, 14. Block 6 ............ ........... ................. ......... each 126.00 Lot 3, Block 6 ........... 750.00 Lot 24, Blocv 86 Lota 9 and 10. Block 9 .......... -............... 150.00 Lota 7 to 9. Block 17 30.00 Lot 1, Block 37 .. Block 20 Lots 27 and 28, Block 10 ......................................... — each 160.00 Lota 2 to 5, 30.00 Lot 12. Block 38 24 ............ Lot 5. Block 17 .................................................. .................... 176.00 30.00 Lot 13. Block 38 each Lot 6. Block .................. ......... ........... __ _________ Lots 8 and 9. 23 and 24. Block 21 ................. .......... 1100.00 Empire City, C om County, Oregon 600.00 Lots 18 and 19. Block 46 --------- ----- ------------ - — Block 14 Lota 23, 24. 26 to 27, 28, Block 28 ........ ....................... 3000.00 E 1-2 Lot 3, Block 14 ......................... Lot 26. Block 49 ................................................................. Second Addition to Bay Park, C om Bay. Bank Addition to^North Bend. C om County, Ore. Lot 5. Block 14 ............ .................... Oregon - 50.00 Und. 1-4 of N. 60 feet, Lot 8, Block 14 30.00 totg 14 to 19, Block 1 _____________ each Lota 3 and 4, Block 5 ....-................... -................. -...... 26.00 80.00 Lots 9, 10. 11 and 12, Block 7 ............ each each 5 - and Lots N to 7. Lota Block 25 Lots 17 and 20, Block 13 ...... .À 7................. ........... 6 1-2 — — 6, Block 21 26.00 . each Lota 1. 2, 3. 8 to 11, 28 to 31. Block 9 Lots to 4, Block 32 Boise Addition to City of Marshfield. C om Coun 26.00 each Lota 4 and 5, 12 to 17. Block 10 ...... Lot 1 Block ty. Oregon 26.00 Lot 1. _ 30(00 Lota 10, 11. 22 and 23, Block 12 ....... each _ Block Lot 12, Block 5_—. ................................................................ 26.00 30.00 Lota 1 to 4. Block 24 ............................... each each • N 1-2 2. Lots 3 4. Block 35 Lots 1 and 2. Block 6 -------- ------ -........... 30.00 Bangor Plat A. C om County, Oregon each Lot 6. Block Lots 5 and 6, Block 7 ................................... 900.00 Lot 7, Block 30.00 Lots 13 and ‘ 14. Block 2 ..... ‘ 650.00 Lot 28, Block 11 ........-.......... -............ — 30.00 Lots 14, 15 and 16, Block 3 each Lot 1. Block Lota 6 and 7. Block 13 ------- --------------- 1200.00 25.00 Lots 27 and 28, Block O 3 ................................................ ..... At ailU &O, DILM, each Second Addition To City of Empire, Lota 1 and 2. Block 17 ..................... —— 40 00 25.00 Lota 11 to 14. Block 14 .................................................. each each Coos County, Oreran _ Lota 1 to 16. 20 to 29. Block 18 —— 25.00 Town of C om Bay, Plat “A”, Division 1 each Lot 8, Block 1...................................................................... Lots 19 to 20. Block 20 ........................... — 900.00 25.00 W 1-2 Lot 16, Block 8 ........................................ .. ......... each First Addition to Empire, Coos County, Oregon Lots 2 to 4. 30 to 32, Block 22 —........... 25.00 C om Bay Plat B. C om County, Oregon each Lots 20 and 21, Block 11............... 32, Block — -5 <— Lota 28 xa to u> ox, DioAw 27 «■ .................... -..................... ................. 750.00 25.00 Lota 3 to 6, Block 18 .................................................... each Lot 8, Block 23 .......................................... L.ZZ.ZZ' Lota 21 and 22. Block 28 ............... -............................. each 25.00 Less that part sold to State Highway Com­ Lots 2 to 4, Block 31..... .......... Lota 17 to 19, Block 36 ................................................... each 70.00 25.00 mission, Lot 9. Block 22 ................................................ Lot 20, Block 31.................................................................... Lota 20 to 21. Block 36 ................................................... each 350.00 25.00 Lot 5. Block 37 ............................................... ............... Lot 21, Block 33 ........................... Lots 1 and 2. Block 43 -,— a ...............-........................ each 300.00 Lots 5 to 11, 18 to 21, Block 48............ ....... 'Z-ZZ 25.00 Lota 8 and 9. Block 51 .................... .............. ........ each each Lota 11 »nd 12. Block 61 ...... 60 JO each « S 1-2 Lota 11 and 12, Block 53 ...... ................. .. ........ Lot 22, Block 48................................... ............... Rededication of Bunker Hill Addition to Marsh­ KO 00 Lot 13. Block 53 .......... Ijiti 6, 7, 12 to 17, Block 49........................... •4* field. C om Bay. C om County. Oregon 100.00 each 400.00 Lots 3 and 4, Block 66 ......................................... .. ........ Lots 9 and 10, Block 72............................................. Less M 4 B. Lot 17. Block 2 ...............................— 1000.00 each 150.00 N 33.6 feet of S. 67 feet of Lota 16 and 16. Bl. 58 Lot 20, Block 72............. ....... .............. .......... Lot 20, Block 2 .....—............................... -.......................... 100*0 each 35.00 Lot 22, Block 74 ................................ .............. ¿................ 1 Lota 3 and 4. Block 61 ................................................... Lota 8 to 21, Block 6 ........................................................ each 30.00 Duluth First Addition to North Bend. C om C ow ■- Lots 1 to 4, Block 100.......................................... ...... each Lota 3 to 8. Block 11 ......................................... _ ty, Oregon Scheafers Deep Water Front Addition t« C om Bay West Bunker Hill Addition to Marshfield. C om 35J0 each Lots 16 to 19, Block 10............................................. Lota 7 to 9, Block 16 ------ ---- ----------------------- ------- Bay- C om County, Oregon ♦ 25*0 Lot 13, Block 12...................................................... ........... .. 150.00 1 Lota 3 and 4. Block 16 ................................................... each Lota 10, 25 to 27- Block 1 . ............................................. 900.00 1 Rededication of Idaho Addition to North Bend. Lots 11 and 12, Block 16........................................................ Lota 3, 4. 6. 6 and 7, Block 7 ....... . — G00.00 1 Plat of Hollywood, C om Bay, Oregon C om County, Oregon Lots 8. 9. and N. 10 feet Lot 10, Block 7 ............. 30.00 Lots 1 and 2, Block 6......................................... ................. 560.00 ' Lota S. 12. 13, 14 and 15, Block 13 .............................. each Lots 12 and 13. Block 7 -...-..... -...................... 30.00 Lots 1 and 2, Block 9 .......................................................... 50.00 1 Lota 27 and 28. Block 15 ............................................... each Und 2-3 Lota 18 and 19, Block 13 ............................ 400.00 Plat of Charleston, C om Bay, Oregon 50.00 • Lota 15, 16. 17, Block 16 ................................................... Und. 2-3 int. Lot 20. Block 13 ..................................... 30.00 Lot 4, Block 5............. ..... .. ...................... ............. .... .......... 30.00 • Lots 5 and 6, Block 22 ..................................................... each each Lots 16, 18 and 19. Block 15 ...... . 30.00 Lot 16, Block 8................................................................... .. Lots 18 to 20, Block 28 ................... ................................ each Edmonston’s First Addition to City of Marshfield. Charleston Highway Tract, C om Bay, Oregon Townsite of Kooa Bay Plat F, C om County. Ore. C om County, Oregon 450.00 Lots 1 and 2, Block 4............................................................ 50 00 • T^ot 1. Block 3 ........................................................................ each Lota 7 and 6. Block 4 ................................... ......... ........... 100.00 Lots 1 and 2, Block 10............................................ .. ........ 50.00 1 Lots 2 and 3. Rlock 3 ........... each Lota 26 and 26, Block 7 ........................ -..... each Lots 9 and 10, Block 13..................... .................................. 50.00 1 Ocean View Addition to City of North Bend. each Lota 8 to 12. Block 9 ..... ................................................... Lots 20 to 24, Block 13 —.................. ...... ........................ 50.00 • C om County. Oregon each Lota 3 to 6. Block 10 ......................................................... Lots 6, ..... 25.00 Lots 21 to 24, Block 15................................................ ....... 50.00 • Ix>t 19. Block 9 ........................................................................ each Ij>ts 21 and 22. Block 16 ........... ............ .............. 25.00 Charleston Industrial Tracta, C om Boy. Oregon Lots 18 and 19. Block 10 ................................ .................. each Edmonston's Second Addition to City of Marsh­ 25.00 Lots 11 and 12, Block 9....... ................................................ Lots 17, 20 and 21, Block 21 .......................................... each field. C om County. Oregon Lots 21 and 22, 25 to 28, Block 13................................... • 50.00 Spokane Addition to Cooa Bay. C om County, Lots 21 and 22, Block 14................................................... South^Harbor. Coos Bay, C om County. Oregon Oregon 1800.00 Lots 15 and 16, Block 17................................................... 25.00 Lots 19 and 20. Block 3 ................................................... Lots 7 to 10..Block 18 .................................................. each Lots 32 and 33, Block 19 ................................ .................... 25.00 Steamboat Addition to Yarrow, C om County. Ore. each NH Lot 9, Block 22........ Z—— Graves7Addition to the City of Marshfield, C om Lot 7, Block 12. and part lying North of rail­ 30.00 Lots 10, 11 to 17, Block 22 ................................................ road right of way, Lot 8, Block 12 ............................ each Waterman’s Park in Fishers Addition to Town of County, Oregon 25.00 Western Addition to City of Nortfi Bend. C om Bandon. Coos County, Oregon Lot 9, Block 2 - ; -......................................—.......... each 25.00 Couny, Oregon ■ ■ Lots 21 and 23. Block 4 ................................................... .1200.00 Lots 3 to 6, Block 2................................................................ 25.00 Lot 16. Block 37 .............. ............................... .................. each Lota 3 to 6. Block 9 - .............................................. —• each 75.00 Lots 11 to 14, Block 2............................................................ 25.00 Lot 6, Block 74 ................................................................... Lots 19 and 20, Rlock 20 ............ 140.00 ’ Lot ‘ 1. Block 3......................................................................... Lot 6. Block 74 .................................................................... Town of Marshfield. Coos ( ounty. Oregon 900.00 Lot 2, Block 3...................................................................... ..... 90.00 Lots 21. 22, 23. Block 86 .............................................. Lot 3, Block 3..._...... Und. 1-2 Lot 4, Block 7 ------------------ ............ .................... . 175.00 Porter Hill Addition to City of North Bend. Und 1-2 E. 25 feet. Lot 2. Block 13 ..... ................. Lot 4, Block 3................... ............. ........................................ 600.00 C om County. Oregon Lot 15, __________________ Mg. ............................ ____ Und. 1-2 Lot 3. Block 13 ............... -.............................. Block 3............................ ,.....— 500.00 150.00 Lot 5. Blocb C ...................................................................... Weal Bandon, Cooa County, Oregon Hayview Addition to Marshfield, C om County, Woodlawn Addition to City of North Bend. Lot 2, Block 2.......................... ........... ...... C om County, Oregon Lots 3 and 4, Block 2______________ Oregon 50.00 Lota 14 to 1& Block 6 _ each Lot 6. Block 3.,....... ... È JL Bennett’s ,\ddition to the town of Marshfield, C om Ceudty. Oregon E° «.VlMienfa Plat of a Portion of the Town 100.00 of Marshfield. Coos Bay. Oregon à1’«- Addition to Marahfield. C om 400.00 'County. Or«««" . 'oean i Coto 2nd Addition to Marshfield. 500.00 r VÂ e "*B. C om County. Oregon Ix>t 2, Block 3 .................................. -............ Lota3 and 4. Block 3 ........................ ...................... Lot 5. Block 3 _ ........... .. .......... ... I — t« a 7 and 8. Block 3 ............ ..... tita 1Ó 11 and 12. Block 14 ..... ............. - t 2 ws Ferndale. C om County. Oregon jx>t 5. Block 2 ———r-............ ............... — each 1250.00 5000.00 1250 00 7500 00 150.00 3500.00 Eastside. Cooa County, Oregon Lots 7 to 10, Block 14 .............. ............ Lots 13 and 14, Block 37 ....... ....... ................ Lots 1 and 2. Block 64 ............ ........'.............. Town of Bay City. Coos County. Oregon Lot 5, Block 15 ......................................... ..... Lot 1, Block 22 ..................................................... City of Cooa * “ Bay. * Cooa County, Oregon Lots 7 and 8, Block 13 ................................. Lots 17 and 18. Block 19 ......... .................. Lots 1. 2. 9 and 10, Block 22 ..................... Lots 8 to 12. Block 37 ................................. Lots 17 and 18. Block 39 .......................... Lots 5 to 10. Block 52 ..................... ............ Lots 9 and 10, Block 62 .................... Lota 21 and 22, Block 74 ..... ....... .............. Lota 5 and 8. Block 77 ........................... . Lots 8 to 10. Block 80 ________________ Lot 2, Block 5........................ Lot 10, Block S..,........ _..... Lots 11 to 13, Block 5........... Lot 14, Block 5...................... Und. H Lot 17, Block 5 ... South Vi Lot 18, Block 5 Und. ft Lot 19, Block 5..... Lot 21, Block 5............ ............ Lot 22, Block 5........................ Lot 23, Block 5......................... Lot 2, Block 6____ ________ Lot 3, Block 6 ........................ Lot 3, Block 10___ __ ______ Lot 4, Block 10____ ______ Lot 7, Block 10..................... - Lot 8, Block 10____________ I-ot 1, Block 11......................... Lot 2, Block 11----------------- each each each each each each each each each each each each each * I A each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each ’ each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each (»ach each each each each each each each each eoch each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each each « X • » 75.00 3 and 4. Block13 •T fi if Value Value Loto 21 to 24, Block 9ÌZZ^.L^7„— Lots 30, 31 and 32. Block 9« ------------------------------- Lots 1 and 2. Block 10«_________ ______________ Lots 10 to 13. Block '113 .....---------- ---------------------- Crawford Point Addition to C om Bay. Cooa Conn ty. Oregon , Lots 3 and 10. Block 3 ............................ .......................... All that part of Lot I, Block 4, lying North of Willanch Creek Lot 1, Block 4....... - Lots 2 and 3. Block 4 .................i........... . ................... W. I] 15 feet, Lot IL Block 6 .................... East half of Lot 4. Block 7 ...... Lots 4 and 5. Block 14 ................... Lots 31 and 32. Block 17 Lots 24 to 26. Block 24 .................. Lots 11 and 12. Block 28 Lot I Lots 9 to 12, Block 35 Lot 1 14. Block 37 ................ Lots 29 and 30. Block 38 Lots 1 and 2. 23 and 24. Block 42 ................. East Marshfield. Coon County. Oregon Lots 27 and 28. Block 9 .„.............. -..... Lots 15 to 18, Block 30 ................ a ........... .............................. - Lots 3 and 4, Block 32 .....______ ——>—......... ........ Lots 27 to 30, Block 32 ......................._..... -................. w i-: 2 Lot 15, Block 33. and W 1-2 Lot 16. Blk. 33 Und. 1-2 Lots 1 and 2. Block 38 ............... to 27. Block 34 Lots 24 >4- Lots 13 to 16. Block 40 to 14, Block 41 Lots 12 Lots 9 and 10, Block 42 T Lot 6, U,- UIVV* Block 44 SS ............ .............................. •t—-v Lots. 14 to 16, Block 45 ...... Lots 1 and 2. Block 46 ............. Lot,s 16 and 17, Block 53 —.... Lots 1 and 2, Block 55 ........... Home Addition to City of Eaatalde, Coon County, Oregon , , Lot 1. Block 5 ..,..........:........................... —. Glasgow, Coos County, Oregon I-ot 10. Block 1 ...... ................................ *.............. y Part N. of Co. Road, Lots 11 and 12, Block 1 .... Part N. and S of Co. Road, Lots 18 and 14, Bl. 1 Pa,rt Sb. - of Cd, Road. Lot 15, Block 1 .............. Part S. of Cd. Rogd, Lot 16. Block 1 ....... .......... . Part So. of Co. Road. Lot 17, Block 1 .....'........ Lots 18 to 20. Block 1 ............................................... Part So. of Co. Road and vacated portion of 16th St. of Lot 10, Lots 7 to 10, Block 2 ......... Part N. of Co. Road, Lot 12. Block 2 ...—.......... Lots 24 to 32, Block " “ ‘ ‘ 18 ..:............. _........................... Lots 17 to 20 and vacated portion of 12th St. 17 _______ to 20, ______ Block 19 ............. . ........ on Lot 17. Lots _______ Vacated portion of 11th St. on Lot 32, and Lots 29 to 32. Block 19 ........................................................ Lots 1 to 20. Block 21 Lota 1 to 32. Block 22 Lota 1 to 8. Block 23 ... 4. Lota 24 to 32. Block 23 Lots 2 to 32. Block 30 . Lots 1 to 32, Block 31 ...................... Lots 1 to 20, Block 32 .................. Lots 1 to 20, Blo¿k 33 .................. Lots 1 to 22 and the vacated poi irtlon of 12th St. on Lots 16 and 17, Block 34 Lots 24 to 32. Block 34 ............ Lots 1 to 32. Block 35 .................. Lota 1 to 5, Block 36 i................... Lots 15 to 21 and 25 to 32, Block 36 La4b 1 to 13. Block 37 .............................. Vacated portion of Ave. D. and Lota 20 to 24. Block 37 ......................................................................... —... Vacated portion of Ave. E and Lota 27 to 29, Block 37 ................................................................................. Vacated portion of Ave. D and Lota 6 to 8, Block 38 .......................... Lota 13 to 15, Block 38 Lots 1 ' to 32. Block .' 41 " Lota 1 to. 32, Block 42 Lots 2. 1 to t_ 32. __ Block 43 ts 1 to 20. Block 44 h Park Addition to Lakeside, C Oregon Lot 1. Block 3 m __ __ _ _____ _____ Lot 3. Block 9 ................. ................... «3. Block 14 -............. ..................... 25.00 25.00 Lot 5, Block 18.................. 25.00 Lot 7, Block 18.................. Lota 1, 2, 5, «, Block 19 Lot 3, Block 28............ — Lot 4, Block 28................... 200.00 Lota 7 and 8, Block 28........ .............................. ........ Lots 2 and 3. Block 29....... ...................... -....... — 20.00 Lot 4. Block 29..................................................... -....... 20 00 EH Lot 5, Block 29 .................................................... E'i of Lot 6 and all lot 7, Block 29...... -........... 200.00 Ldt 8, Block 29 ........ -.............................. -......... — 450.00 Lot 1, Block 30....... ............................... .......... -........... 20.00 Lot 4. Block 38....... ......:....... .......-........... .................. 20.00 Lot 9, Block 38 . .......... ................................. —....... - - 20.00 Lot 4, Block 39..... 20.00 Lot 9, Block 40 .................... ........................................ 20.06 Amended Plat of Averill — 20.00 Lot 11, Block 1......................... ... 20.00 Lota 12 and 13, Block 1........... Lot 1, Block 2, . ................. : .................................... .. 20 00 20.00 Leu part sold in Sch. No, jM, Lot 2, Block 2 Lot 3, Block 2................................ ............................... 66.00 Lot 4, Block 2............. .................................................... 70.00 Lot 1, Block 4............................. ...... :............... ........... Lot 2, Block 4............ .... „.....*¿.....—.—.....u........ 400.00 Lot 3, Block 4.................... ..... 75.00 -....... -...... 250.00 Lot 4, Block 4...................... Lot 5, Block 4 ................................... a ................. 10.00 Lot 6, Block 4...................... ’........ - 40.00 Lot 8, Block 4..........t................................. ....... 70.00 Lot 1, Block 5 ................... ........................................ 70.00 Lot 2, Block 5 70.00 Lot 4. <, Block : 5 45.00 Lot Í, Block 6 70.00 Lot 2, Block 6 70.00 Lot 4, Block 6 .._____ 600.00 Lots 5, 7 and 8, Block 6 •• 30 .oh Lot 6, Block 9 ..................... Lot 7, Block 12........ ............... Lot 8, Block 12...— a —...... «5.00 Lot 1, Block 14................. Lot 1 Block _____ . 14 ,..t......... -...... 4. 25.00 Lot 3, Block 14 .. 25.00 Lot 4, Block 14. 25.00 Lot 5, Block 14..... » ~ ‘ ’V 25.00 Lot 8, Block 14 ..... 25.00 Lot 5, Block 15.... 26.00 Lot 6. Block 15.... 25.00 Lot 6, Block 16.... Lot 7, Block 16... Block 16 25.00 Lot 8,________ 25.00 SH Lpt 2, Block 17 Block ‘ 17 ■ ............... 25.00 Lot 3, r 17............. . Lot 4, Block 1 17.............. 1 25.00 Lot 5. Block Lot 6, 1 Block 17.............. 25.00 Lot 3. 1 Block 21 ......... 25.00 Lot 4, Block 21......................................................- _ Addition to Town of Bandon 25.00 Aaalea > Park 25.00 Lots 6 to 8, Block 1....... 25.00 Lot 9, Block 1.................... 25.00 Lot 12, Block 1................. 25.00 Lot 13, Block 1 .............. 25.00 Lots 2 and 3, Block 2 25.00 Lot 4, Block 2 ...... ......... Lot 5, Block 2................. 25.00 Lot 6, Block 2................... V 25.00 Lot 7, Block 2................ .... 25.00 Lot 13, Block 2................ Lot 14. Block 2 ......... ....... 25.00 3............... 25.00 Lot 10, Block 18. 3 - Block ’ 25.00 Lots 11, 14 to Block 4 Lots 8 and 9, Lot 1, Block 5................... 25.00 Lota 2 and 3, Block 5 Lots 8 and 9, Block 5 25.00 Lot 10, Block 5 ........................... Lot 11, Block 5............. .j...... .. 25.00 Lot 12, Block 6........ »................. 26.00 Lot 13, Block 6............. ............... 25.00 Lota 14 and 15, Block 6 ..... 25.00 Lot 3, Block 7............................... 25.00 Lot 4, Block 7............................... 25.00 Lot 12, Block 7........................ ‘1! W. 20 feet Lot 1«, Block 7..... Lot 17, Block 7............... ........... 25.00 Lot 18, Block 7............................ 25.00 Lot 7. Block 8.............................. 26 00 WH Lot 8, Block ».................. •••••• V 26.00 ' Lot li/fltortc 8................ —... Lot 17, Block «....'....... •_............ 28.00 i Lot 20, Block •............................ VJ ‘00.00 i Lot fl. Block 8................ a ------ >r.< 35.00 Lot 1, Block 9............................... 35.00 Lots 2 and 3, Block 9 ........... ' 35.00 Lots 6 and 7, Block 9............. 40.00 Lot 12, Block 9 .......... .............. 50.00 Lot 13, Block 9............................ Lot 8, Block 10............................ 20.00 Lot 9, Block 10............................ 46.00 Lot 10, Block 10.......................... 10.00 Lot 11, Block 10........................ 45.00 Lot 1, Block 11............................ 46.00 Lot 2, Block 11............................ 46.00 Lot 3, Block 11............................ 400.00 Lota 4 to 6, Block U............ . 300.00 Lot 1, Block 12............ ................ 150 00 Lot 2, Block 12....... ..................... 50.00 Lot 3, Block 12............................ 50.00 Lot 4, Block 12............................ G0.00 Lots 8 and 9, Block 12............ » Lot 10, Block 12—.................. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Block 13 200.00 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Block 15-.......... Amended Plat of Banden Heights, R a n d e n, Coes County, Oregon 5(1 no 100.00 Lots 4 and 5, Block 6 ................................ .............. 100.00 Lota 5, 6 and 7, Block 11..... -................................... 75.00 Lota 23, 24, 25 and 26, Block 11............................... 75.00 Lot 21, Block 12........................................................... 75.00 Lots 14 and 15, Block 2«.......................................... 75.00 Subdivision of Extension of Amended PUl of 75.00 - Heishis. Bandon, C om County, Oregon 50.00 Lota 28 to 30, Block 24................................................ 25.00 Lots 1 to 7, block 27.................................................... 25.00 Lot 8, Block 27............................................................... 25.00 Lot 9, Block 27............................................................... Lota 10, 11, 20, 21, 22, 23, 28, Block 27................... 25.00 Lota 18. 19, 20. 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, Block 29 15.00 Lota 1 to 28, Block 31 15.00 Lots 25 to 28, Block 33 Lot 15, Block 35.............. 25.00 Lots 26 to 28, Block 39 25.00 Lot 8, Block 40............... . Lot 17, Block 40 37500 Beile View Addition to Lot 1, Block 1 ........ .... 25.00 Lots 2, 3, 4, Block 1........ 25.00 Lots 11 and 12, Block 1 2500 Bingaman's Addition to 25 00 Lot 9, Block 2 25.00 Cartwright's Addition to 25.00 Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, Block 1. NH Lot 7, Block 1............. 25.00 Lot 8, Block 1............... 25.00 Cartright’s Second Addition to 25.00 Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 2500 Lot 8, Block 1................................ 25.00 Lot 9, Block 1................................ 25.00 Lot 1, Block 2 ................................ 25.00 Lot 2, Block 2 ............................... Land des. in V. 98, p. 383, Deed Records Commercial Addition to Basidi 25.00 S. 100 feet, Lot 1, Block 1......... 60.00 W 15x 100 feet Lot 2. Block 1- 50.00 25»ft. X 50 ft. in SE cor. Lot 2, Block 1 75.00 15 ft. X 50 ft. in SW cor. Lot 3, Block 1 65.00 25 ft. X 50 ft. in SE Cor. Lot 3, Block 1 235.00 Lot 4. Block 1............................ 450.00 Leu N. 20 ft. Lot 5, Block 1 N. 20 feet Lot 5, Block 1......... 120.00 N. 20 feet Lot 6, Block 1......... 150.00 W. 10 feet except N. 20 feet, Lot 6, Block 1 85.00 N. 20 feet Lot 7, Block 1 Lot 9,’Block 2 Lot 1, Block 3. Lot 2, Block 3 Lot 3, Block 3 S. 26.4 feet. Lot 5, Block 3 N. 10 feet. Lot 6. Block 3. S. 30 feet Lot 8, Block 3 Amended Plat of Duntes Bandon. Cooa County Oregon Lots 1 to 4, Block 19. Lot 7, Block 19------- Lot 8, Block 19............ 10, Block * 1» SH * Lot --------------- Lot 11, Block 10 Lot 15. Block 10 Lot 1«, Block 19 Lot 17, Block It. 75 00 earn 1W.W 1BU00 each WOO 210.00 S0.0O each W0 00 loo.oo 70 06 7OÄ WOO WtM) <5.00 U.0O i. 20.00 3PD0 75.00 800.00 275.00 » .00 00 each 75.08, 75-00 250 00 75.00 II ;»5o 50 00 ¡20.00 90.0(1 30 00 Koo 1*0 60 nçh i 275.60 370.»• s I I IN oo 14*00 KfOO 11 1.00 .00 1.00 1.00 >Sfi each each 280.00 220.00 r~ 60.00 40.00 80.U0 80 DO 84)00 30 IMI 29000 KOO 'ÏÏÏÏ 75D0 ss: 700« 320 <81 275.00 looou 2J0 00 70 00 400.00 i oo.oo 170.00 375.00 80.00 tM)(W 1(H) o0 70 00 each N.M 1 each eaéh wch 50 00 190.00 io 00 50 00 90.00 JÌ.W 55 06 22.90 88.00 .3566 «0-M »8.00 each each 15.00 15.08 15.00 15.88 each each each each 1100 15.00 15.06 15.0« 15.00 15 06 19.00 15.00 each each 100.00 19000 80.00 20.00 80.00 80.UO 80.00 80.00 156.00 300.00 40.00 210.90 80.410 1275.00 25000 475.00 300.00 520.00 1570.00 2170.00 moo 190.00 no.oo 170.00