4 t rmraanav r»rWt », THE COQUILLE .VALLEY SENTINEL, PAGE fidffT the Plywood | Mr. and Mrs. David DeVoto and his 'ans operation .brother, James, and wife came in Sunday for a few days’ visit at the F. A. Pook home. Mrs. David De- Voto was formerly Catherine Pook. Her mother, who went up to Portland last Thursday, returned home Tues­ Mrs. A- R Terrell, who now lives day morning. The DeVotos had come in Portland where Art is employed as from their homes in Santa Rosa and a- Coast Guard police officer, came Oakland, Calif., up to Smith River, In Saturday, accompanied by her near Crescent City to fish but the father, Mr. Bishop, who is visiting heavy rains drove them out from her from Chicago. He lived in the their cabins so they came north for Willamette valley in his boyhood a short stay. days. Mrs. Terrell says she likes Co­ David B. Biegger, who has been in quille and 'prefers living here to Portland, but they have bought a training at the naval camp at Far­ place there and their house here is ragut, Idaho, for several weeks, ar­ rived home on a few days’ furlough for sale. . . j . Friday evening, Mrs. Biegger meet­ --------- < Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Croy came ing him in Portland and coming with up from San Francisco last Thursday him- He left again early yesterday on business matters and expect to morning to return .to camp, but ex­ remain for an indefinite time, al­ pects to be transferred from there soon. He is hoping to receive a store­ though not permanently. keeper assignment. , Jack Tozier and daughter, Harriet, Mrs. Jerol Sutton today shipped intend leaving tomororw for Etna, Calif., where they will spend the their household goods, by Benham’S summer with his brother, Harry B. Transfer, to Portland, where they have secured a very nice home on Tozier, and family. ' Southeast 28th street. She and her Miss Patricia Norton returned home son expect to leave this evening to Tuesday night from a visit with her join Mr. Sutton, who is working in a sister Beverly, at Portland. She also shipyard there. stoped at Forest Grove for a short Mrs. L. P. Fugelson is expecting a visit with Miss Joy Norton. visit from her daughter, Mrs. Bead- See the new “Cloister Craft” Photo ner and her hueband, Captain H. F. holders and War Bond holders at Beadner, who will be here while on Norton’s. These are made of senu- a fifteen day leave. They are sta­ nie leather and make excellent gifts tioned at Alamogorda, New Mexico. for Father's Day and for men in the Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Norton spent a service. delightful weekend as guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Fuhrman at Sixes river. They are very enthusiastic over the beautiful Fuhrman home. Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Waterman, Who have been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Waterman of this city, on a 13-day furlough, left Tues­ day for San Francisco, where he is now stationed. Rodney enlisted in the Navy three years ago and is nVw a first class Pharmacist Mate. Vern Waterman, of Forest Grove, Ore., also visited at his parents’ home a few days last week, while Rodney was here. .The sisters were elected to class of- ¡fices, Patricia being treasurer and Martha recording secretary of their class. They were fortunate in getting reservations to return home on the train. Miss Gladys May spent the week Mrs. Felix Miller who had been end visiting friends at Ashland. here for the past month visiting rela­ tives left Monday for her home in Lebanon. Richadr Walker, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Walker, has just been pro­ moted to Seaman, first class. Richard entered service last October. Mrs. Starkey Sherrill, who had been here a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Smith, left yesterday morning to join her husband, Lieut. R. G. Sherrill, at Fort Wayne, Ind. She was accompanied as far as Eureka, Calif., by Mrs. Mar­ vin Lyons of Marshfield, who went to Capetown to spend the summer with her daughter, Mrs. Helen Branstetter, and from Eureka was accompanied east by Mrs. Betty Marks, who is also joining her husband in the east. C. J. Fuhrman spent a couple of days this week in his former store, whi.le Luckey Bonney was on a fish­ ing" trip. When he and Mrs. Fuhr­ man left for Sixes today, they were accompanied by Mrs. Jennie Wil­ liams, who will remain with them for the rest of this week. For your Insurance needs -» auto, fire and life—see Ernie R. Smith. Office phone 183J. Residence phone '287M, at 755 Fairview street. Co­ quille. lts20 DOUGS See our large display of choice pot plants at Bergen's, across highway from telephone office. Not the cheapest but the best. Phone 64. s CALL FOR FREE SAMPLE Fuhrman's Pharmacy Effective as of June 9th, 1943 ------ the ------- Safety Financial Responsibility Law Dr. and Mrs. James Richmond have both been confined *to their beds at home since Monday with severe cases of the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Manton Treadgold, of Grants Pass and formerly of Co­ quille, were visitors here on Tuesday. Mr. Treadgold had business with Smith Wood-Products Co. in connec­ tion with the Copeland Lumber Co. of Grants Paas, of which he is mana­ ger. The couple viaited at the homes of Mrs. Treadgold’s brothers in Curry county, A. J. Sweet, W. J. Sweet and A. P. Sweet, also at the Richard Danielson ranch near Bandon. Mrs. Treadgold and Mrs. Danielson are sisters. Mrs. Pearl Ellingsen, of Co­ quille, another sister, attended the family dinner on Monday in Curry county and accompanied the visitors here. The Coquille Past Noble Grands club of the Rebekah lodge will hold Its June meeting tomort-ow (Friday) at the home of Mrs. Della Wilcox. ProtectYourself WITH AN AUTO PUBLIC LIABILITY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE POLICY Written Through the office of In The Oregon Auto Insurance Co. At the low rate of $14.00 per year for holders of “A” Cards “B” Ration Cards............................... $15.25 “C” Ration Cards ............................. 10.25 Service also given on REAL ESTATE, BIRTH CERTI FICATES and all other Insurance and I Heartily Solicit your patronage « Rummage Sale, Friday and Satur­ day. Shelley Building. Toys and outgrown clothes, etc. By Coquilla Camp Fire Group. FOR SALE—Diamonds and More Diamonds at V. R. Wilson’s Jew­ elry Store. Shelley Building. s I THUR. FRI. SAT Misses Patricia and Martha Berg i arrived home for their summer va­ cation last Friday. They have been .attending the Dominican school at [ San Rafael, Calif., the past year. JUNE JUNE -7-8 JUNE - 5 - 6 for wiif* M |LLIO n S wt HR THt.”nC I OVED Ml miniver her grand. iA- THHorent! But alike in dramatic impact . . . timeliness . .. human appeal! A challenge to Amer­ ican .wcmanhood L. . . that will stir ¡every heart! HADLEY Ethrard ARNOLD r.y BAINÏER RICHARD NEY JEAN ROGERS SARA ALLGOOD Spring BYINGTON VAN JOHNSON ISOBEL ELSOM Frances RAFFERTY DOROTHY MORRIS | t [ , I / PLUS Donald Duck Plua MARCH OF TIME “America’s Food Crisis” Sunday Matinee - - 11c - 35c Evenings .... 11c > 50c CARTOON How To Swim June 9 Those FEATURE NO. TWO BARGAIN NITE! 1 Wacky Weavers in Prize Package of Another Laughs, Fun and Music WEAVER BROS. and ELVIRY in Kiddies lit "OUR RUSSIAN ALLY REVENGE! ADULTS 40c KIDDIES lie STEAD LATEST NEWS EVENTS I Admission Matinee 11c ■ Evenings 11c