CLASSIFIED - For your Insurance needs — auto,1/' fire and life—see Ernie R. Smith . j Office phone 185J. Residence phone 287M, at 755 Fairview street, Co- j quiUe. lts20 X, Pioneer Methodist Church Weekly Letter From Washington, D. C St James’ Episcopal Church Charles Goodwin Brown, pastor Corasr E. 3rd A Elliott Eta. 9:45—Sunday School hour. If you The Rev. Robert L. Oreene, “Vicar Ne Aiv. teas Ukaa 33 otate BY CONGRESSMAN HARRIS ELLSWORTH are not attending elsewhere, why Sunday; June 6. J i not' attend here? FOR SALE—1934 Plymouth 4^oo7 7:30 a. m. Holy Communion. Sedan. Good Tir». Mechanically TWO BIKES For Sale — Both boy’s j Washington, D. C., May 2»—The tention to the need of adequate funds 11:00—Sunday morning worship 11:00 a. m. Holy Communion with i „ Peftect Can at 1M Tayter machines. 311.00 and $24.00. Good House Public Lands Committee, of for forest fire protection—this year hour. Song service and message sermon. No Dealers. ,*» Tires. Call Rex Tavern, 26M. It* which I am a member, has been hold­ of all years. The appropriation bill, combine to make this a helpful aer- There will be no week-day services. ing extensive hearings this week on is now before congress. I used what j vice hour. The vicar will be in Santa Rosa, Cal­ WANTED—Small Wood Heater or MOWER REPAIRS — Check your a bill introduced by Representative I think is a new angle in that I point- j 7:00—Sunday evening, Youth Fel- ifornia, attending as a delegate, the Trash Burner. Phone 13R23 W A Machines now for Broken Parte Frank Barrett of Wyoming to abol­ ed out the very definite need pf i lowship Group. Miss June Collins Provincial Synod of the Episcopal Blake. ’ lt.‘ and avoid costly delay by buying ish the Jackson Hole National Mon­ using our forests—more especially i will lfad the group devotions, Church. Mr. Greene expects to be repairs Now. J. A. Lamb Com­ ument which was established by Ex­ the waste material from the forests j 8:00—Sunday evening worship. back in Coquille on Saturday morn­ TWO 3-room Cabins, partly furnish­ pany. s ecutive Order March 15 this year. —to meet our present shortage of al­ 1 Music, singing, brief message, ail ing, June 12th. ed, 3 minutes walk from Smith PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING, I Thi * mi«ht not »eem important so far cohol and protein feed. Yes, it to I make this a helpful and enjoyable Wood plant. ~ ~ J- R. Clinton, Co- Katoomining and wood finishing— “» Oregon and my district are con- possible to feed cattle and chickens j hour. quille. Emanuel Baptist Church » lt*s20 1943 Wall Papers, imperial, Pitts- cerned but 1 tell you in a mo- from sawdust but I can't take space j 7:30—Wednesday evenings, choir Rev. Menno D. Rempel, Pastor OUTBOARD MOTOR Wanted—Five- burgh and Birge. No raise in ment why H “ important to us. But here to give the details. I’ll be glad I rehearsal hour. Mrs. M. O. Hawkins, Sunday, June 6. 1943 horse Johnson or any other «tand- to send a copy of the speech, which 1 prices. Herbert E. Wood, phone 'iir8t the Jack*>n Hole story. director. 10:00 a. m. Sunday School. God's ard make in good used condition. 286. Coquille. 275 North Henry From tlme to time for s period of contains the whole story, to anyone 7:80—Thursday evenings mid-week blessing to on the faithful. I Address J. C. Hall, 742 North Coul­ who will write and ask for it. Just St. lltfs 48 yearg the Nations! Park Service Bible study hour. Come .with us as 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship Ser­ ter, Coquille. ——— ■ ■ ■ ---------------------------------------- I has been endeavoring to have 210,000 as most of the other Congressmen do, we study the lives and characteristics OREGON GIANT BEAN SEED—We, acres of land adjacent to the Grand I am going to mail out quite a num­ of some of the Old Testamen leaders. vice. Communion. Sermon, “Stead­ AUTO PAINTING and Body ttVk fastly.” You are welcome. w , have a limited supply. FARR A Teton range and. the Teton National ber of reprints, (which I paid for in Don’t forget that June 13th will be 6:30 p. m. Young People’s Meetings. Bring your car in—we can start ELWOOD CO. _____ . s'Park (which is only a few miles from cash) because I think this subject of “Attend .Church" Sunday for Pioneer All ages welcome. , work at once. Southwestern Motor the utilization of wood waste to a folks. The sermon subject will be: Co. . . , DAIRY SUPPLIES—For McCormick Yellowstone) included in the National Tuesday, Men’s choir, 7:30 p. m. matter of great importance to Ore­ “Why I accept the Methodist Church.” , Deering Milker Parte and Dairy Park. The matter has been before sharp. Church choir, 8:15. gon. FOR RENT—Three 3-room Cabins at If your your enuren church is is not functioning [ 1 Wednesday, June 9, Women’s Mto- I a not functioning Supplies—See us. J. A. Lamb Congress formally twice but did not 94514 North Coulter. Inquire at the Company. « ’ > s receive favorable action. The sub­ 'S bev“ust‘ y®“ sionary Society meets at the church > Tuesday I was given another com­ are not giving it the support ydu could. at 7:3O. ject has also been studied and re­ rear. Ben H. Owen. ' ~ 20tfs ------ Men's Council meets at the FOR RENT — 3-room Apartment, ported upon unfavorably by con­ mittee assignment. I am now a mem­ Give some church the help you are parsonage. , . LADY with two small girls wants close In. Adults. No animals. 351 gressional committees. The last such ber of the House “Committee .on, able to give. . Thursday, Prayer meeting. "The \york in motherless home or for So. Henry St., Flora E. Dunne, s report was in 1938. ...... So __ far __ as the __ Mines and Mining." 'Already a mem- ! ■ ' 1 I I II» I Most Vital Hour of the Week.” gentlemen. Write Pearl Hurd. JUST ------- — —----- - ------------------------------- RECEIVED a few Wood Heat- i ' people of Wyoming, including their ber of “Public Lands" and secre­ The Assembly of God Vacation Bible School starts June Coquille, Ore. ’ Ito « governor, their two Senators and tary of the Republican Congressional , 2nd and Reath Streets 6, at 9:00 a. m. Boys and girls from ing Stoves. Supply to limited. See Food Study Committee and one of its their Representatives in congress L. C. Porung, Faster GIRL, 17, wants* work with family; four years to 14 welcome. us now. J. A. Lamb Company, s knew, the issue was a dead one when sub-committee chairmen, I now have n1rBnar care of children and some house­ a line-up of committee assignments1 Q.,K _ _ Q . „ . , , work. Betty Mathews, Coquille, PAINT UP, CLEAN UP—We carry on March 15 the President, by Exe­ Church of God to just about perfectly tailored to _ . ., , . cutive Order, created those identical that high quality Paint for every pur ­ Ore. u j . ST . • . — u . j *or *very age and capable teachers Ito Corner of Henry & Seventh Sts. the needs of our district. The lands ' . acres into a National Monument. This pose, including the new Miracle “Children seen in Sun- Pastor, A. L. Perry deals with forests, lum- H hn, i "vc‘‘. *" s,““„ FOR SALE—Combined electric stove Wall Tone. J. A. Lamb Company. was done without any hearing and , committee , . _ , ’ I day school are seldom seen in court.” Sunday School, 10 a. m. and trash burner, with copper hot without notice of any kind to any­ berlng, and grazing; the mines com- 1 Mrs. Bessie Marney, superintendent . - Preaching service 11 a. tn. mittee deals with mining and mineral ( n.nn.„ , water coils. For cash or will trade IF YOU Need a Water System or one directly concerned. . , . . .. . . , . 11.00 a. m. Morning worship in an Young People’s meeting, 8:45 p. m. Water Pump or a New Pump As­ and the food study com- __ . .. . ,.J" . To say that the Wyoming people development for good milk cow. Write Floyd E. ... . , . .. | atmosphere that uplifts and strength- Preaching service 7:30 p. m. sembly to replace a worn-out sys­ were indignant is to state the caae mittee to very close to the problems ..__ . 7 . Smith, Arago, Oregon,» Myrtle . . j Iens f°r these days. This is Misslon- All are invited to attend. If your tem, see us. J. A. Lamb Company. mildly. Three days later, Congress­ of . farming and food production as ' _, — „ _ . _ . , ■ Point Star rte., or see stove at Mrs. „ . . j ... i ary Day and the Pastor speaks to us. child does not go to Sunday School concerned with con-1 . a u j Frances Holmstrom's, 590 N. Hall, JERSEY BULLS AND HEIFERS man Barrett introduced his bill to well as being ., 6:30 p. m. Christ Ambassadors ser- elsewhere, we urge you to send them, sumer problems. S, _ . . Coquille. it‘s abolish by congressional action the _______________ vice. Come and enjoy this group. or better still bring them. ' FOR SALE—I have several pure bred, registered Jersey bulls, ser­ so-called monument that was created — . _ _ . * , i Melvin Steward, President. DRIVE IN and let ua inspect your -, viceable age, and heifers of “Chal­ by Executive Order. I hope his bill p "» This service i. evan- tires for hidden defects before you passes—and I think it will. To my — r . . t | gelistic in nature. You will lenger A ” and “ Goldie Wotoeley ” enjoy take that trip. Thia service to free breeding. Priced to sell. Double mind, the order creating the Jackson lthe sons aervice and the thought­ and may save you trouble and ex­ provoking message by the pastor. tested. Can be seen at A. E. Sea- . Hole Monument represents just about pense away from home. Thornton man Ranch, S. Coos River, Marsh- | the last word in executive arrogance. The gas attendant who asks to see Tuesdsy 7:30 p. m. This is prayer Tire Service. tfs This same identical thing can a customer’s mileage ration book, meeting night. Judge Dal M. King, in Circuit A fine attendance . field, or phone 224.. 18t3s happen in Oregon. I was about to checks the windshield sticker and li­ and spirit to noted. court here Monday, granted divorces WANTED — Water wells to drill. Have new and up-to-date equip­ RENT OUR FLOOR SANDER and say it can happen unlesa we are on cense plate before he lays a hand Friday 7:30 p. m. Bible Study, con- to the plaintiffs in the following do your own work, it’a easy, it’s guard. But if an order is issued like on the pump is neither forgetting his dutced by the pastor. cases: ment and heavy pipe where needed. economical. FARR A ELWOOD the Jackosn Hole order was—being usual courtesy, nor unduly delaying a Faye N. Wiswell vs. Robert L. Fred C. Lee, Route 1, Marshfield. CO. • on guard will do no good. That just sale. The dealer is just doing his 80t4*tf First Church of Christ, Scientist Wiswell. happened instantly and without best to safeguard his customer’s mile­ Mary N. Brewster vs. Chas. A. Coquille, Oregon FREE — If Excess add causes you RECENT Changes hgve been made in warning. It is well known, at least age ration from misuse. • Brewster. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Farm Machinery rationing regula­ pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indiges­ in southern Oregon, that the Na- Geo. Wt Beebe vs. Margurite Beebe. The duties of every dealer in car­ Sunday Service at 11 a. m. tions. If you need new machines, tion, Heartburn, Belching, Bleat­ itional Park Service has planned for rying out provisions of the mileage Linton A. Haughawout vs. Esther Subject for next Sunday, “ God see us. J. A. Lamb Company, s ing, Nausea, Gas Pains, get free several years to ultimtely include the rationing regulations that seek to the Only Cause and Creator.^. V. Haughawout. sample, Udga, at Barrow Drug Diamond Lake area within the Crater prevent wrongdoers from using gaso­ Mary K. Brown vs. James F. Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 Company. 6tl5* Lake National Park. In fact, there is line rations they are not entitled to o'clock. Brown. an unpublicized plan in existence are made clear In a new OPA poster B. H. Betsey vs. Mary F. Bessey. Free public Reading Room at 258 MAIL Your Watch ana Jewelry re- which contemplates the creation of being made available to service sta­ W. Second, Roxy Bldg., open every ' pein in to Schroeder Jewelry a park area out of the Cascade Range tions by their oil companies. day except Sunday and holidays from Store, Coquille, Ore. _ 22t3s from the Canadian border straight If the next time you drive into a 12:30 to 5:00 p. m. FARM MACHINERY* REPAIRS — FOR SALE—1 Proven Reg. Jersey through to California. service station for gasoline, the at­ Bull. 1 Grade Milking Short Horn I doubt very much if anyone other tendant asks to see your ration book The Holy Name Catnolic Church Your County Defence Board—Your Bull. Laster Mayae, Sitkum. 19C4’«. than the employees of the Park Ser­ before he pumps the gas it is not County Agent — Your Country — Mass at 9:30 a. m. evoiy Sunday. Beautiful Granites and De­ Urges you to order parts for your DE LAVAL SEPARATORS and Milk­ vice wants any more National Park because he doubts your honesty. He signs, available for your se­ Old papers 5c s bunck. farm machines NOW! Let us dis­ en, Porta and Dairy Supplies. Get area in Oregon. The Park Service is is merely asking you to cooperate lection of a Memorial. — • 11 ' "9 ... —II. cuss your requirements with you. them at Pacific Feed A Seed Co. tfs a fine organization. Our wonderful with him to wipe out the black mar­ r GLADYS C. GANO national parks are well administered. ket in gaaoline ration coupons. Parts are now available without 19« 8». Coulter St. The Office of Price Administration costly delays. Check your machines FÔR SALE—“Spark” Ftamo Range, But Park regulations are too strict $60.00. Uaed six months. Former for our wilderness areas. We need Qregonian Subscribers: Please has set up rules for him to follow ' Now! Use Only "GENUINE IHC THE OREGON GRANITE orice $160.00. Inquire Bettie Rock the forest lands for grazing, We which make it difficult for the un­ help your carrier by having your PARTS.” J. A. Lamb Company. * COMPANY Garage, Port Orford, Ore. 18t3s want to hunt and fish in,them. We scrupulous person to get any gaso­ paper money ready at his first call. want to enter them at will and with­ line to which he is noi legally entitled Remember he must pay Ms paper FOR SALE — “Farmers’ Bargalas”— out paying an entrance fee for the Motorists are protecting their own obligation before the 10th of the Heifers — Bulls — Trailer — Pea­ privilege. I aerve notice right now right to a share of driving when they month. Thank you. cocks — Dogs. See FARR A EL­ that if we are ever surprised with an follow the regulations printed on the FOR SALE—7-year old Jersey Fam­ WOOD’S “Swap Board.” s Executive Order affecting Oregon new service station poster which is ily "cow. Broke to lead, stake broke P. O. Box No. 345 . Phone 201 like the Jackson Hole sneaker hit being displayed by many of the local WASHING MACHINE REPAIR — We and can be milked anywhere. Coquille, Oregon service aU makes of washers. Wyoming, I shall immediately do filling stations. Double-tested O. K. in April. Will ses West just what Congressman Barrett did The red, white and blue poster car­ Washer Service Co. freshen again in February. Phone tfs —introduce a bill to kill -the order ries an “official notice to gaaoline Front St. Phone 17. 80J. Amzy Mintonye. v its by congressional action. __ . . consurr'*'rs” Issued by the Office of Price Administration. The OPA Dr. De La Rhue A first term congressman is not ex­ urged all car owners, when they buy Specializing in Merchantable Eyesight pected or supposed to do much talk­ gasoline to read the regulations as Saw and Piling Timber ing on the floor of ths House. This printed on the poster so that they can Specialist BUY OR SELL______ — is not a rule,-it is merely a custom. better understand how the rules are Glasses Fitted But I didn’t come here to keep still intended to protect the honest mo­ when I had something I thought torist and make it difficult for the room jointly with NOTHING OVERLOOKED worth saying—so I made a speech wrongdoer to get by. Dr. J R Bunch on the floor last Tuesday. The pur­ The poster reads: I Lair« Building Phono tt-J no matter how large and elaborate See Archie Bushnell at pose of my discussion was to call at- OFICIAL NOTICE I the scale upon which the funeral « Southwestern Motors to LOVE BIRDS—See our colorful as­ arrangements are to be made That GASOLINE CONSUMERS sortment of Psrrskeeta FARR A When You Purchase Gasoline The ■ is our policy—that is our proud ELWOOD. s Service Station Attendant must: claim after many years of experi­ Personal Interest 1. Ask for Mileage Ration Book S FURNISHED down-stain Apartment ence. A conference with us will Friendly Counsel at 568 South Henry; electric range before delivering gaaoline. be to your advantage 2. Be sure correct ration sticker and refrigerator. Adults Only, no Honest Advice animals. Phone 40J. Mn. E. A. is properly displayed on the vehicle. Proper Guidance 3. Be sure the vehicle is the same Wimer. 19t2s as described on the ration book cover, IADT IN ATTENDANCE i FEED YOUR CALVES Security Calf 4. Deliver no gasoline if ration feed and save milk. FARR A EL­ book expiration date has paaaed. Bandon Caqailie WOOD. s 5. Deliver no gasoline unless there are enough coupons for current pe­ 1083 1MR Cea aille FOR Expert Emergency, Repair Ser­ riod to cover purchase. vice on Milking Machines, Farm 8. Deliver no gasoline unless the I Water Systems, Tractors snd Farm coupons are properly endorsed on the Machines, call J. A. Lamb Com- back by purchaser. p-ny. Npte-For Quick Service, 7. Detach coupons from the book small machines should be sent to —accept no loose coupons. The Evans Products Co., Marshfield, Oregon, has our shop.. • 8. Follow all Instructions and regu­ immediate need for 25 to 35 men on the following FOR PLUMBING Repairs and Ser* lations in checking and handling cou­ basis: vice—call 2-L. J. A. Lamb Com­ pons. Failure by You or the Attendant to 1. Highest Industry wage scales. pany. tfs Observe These Rules Will Constitute One Cnt a Wer« Each «------ - I j ¡ Rules For Purchasing I 7 30 Rationed Gasoline Six Divorces Granted Tuesday MONUMENTS Ì NOTICE The Oregonian Agency Attention to Details WANTED to Buy-Late Model Truck«, Pickup« and Car«. r Good Jobs for Men in Vital War Work Gano Funeral Home Workers Needed At Once MISS INEZ ROVER Instructor of Plano 2. Steady, permanent employment. a * 1 WRECKER EVANS PRODUCTS PLANT Southwestern Motors South Broadway Street 's »^* - ing extremely vital war products. 4 Favorable living conditions; costs less than ’ metropolitan centers; quarters easier to obtain. -* Apply at once by letter, telephone or in person at Marshfield, Oregon ■? Phone 83 Night Phone 272X Chevrolet — Buick Benham’s Transfer Circuit Court Cases May 27—State of Oregon, ex rei Commissioner Oregon Bureau of Labor, vs. John Walsh. May 27—Burton W. Dunn vs. Mary Edith Dunn. Suit for divorce. May 29—Adah Laverne Peden vs. Jordan Henry Peden. Suit for di­ vorce. Anywhere For Hire SAND AND GRAVEL COAL — FUEL OIL — STORAGE » Agents for Oregon-Nevada-California Fast Freight Office Phone Farr * Elwood Bldg. 5 • W. Second St