PA j OC i CL Kribs went on to San Francisco to attend the funeral services of his grandmother, Mrs. Mary Kribs, and he also visited his sister and family in Modesto. They returned home Sat­ urday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Nile Miller and Mrs. Harold Fish visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orvui Miller in Myrtle Point Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carl drove to Bandon Sunday and visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Schroe­ Arago News T S Norway News Items 1 tla Point. There was a good at- J Death Comes To Counts rested Sunday, promised to pay their |10 fines on June 5 and June 16, re­ spectively. tei’dant’® Farm Inmate Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Mbko Daniels spent Miss Bernice Gillespie came in from | Mrs. Ida Myers and Mrs. S. C. Walter Chapman. Pennock, whose Sunday and Monday in Roseburg. He Bend, Oregon, Monday, and is visit­ McAllister visited Mrs. Frank Lane home was formerly at Marshfield but 4-Canning Club spent the day Monday at the auction ing at the Rufus Rylander home this at the Mast hospital in Myrtle Point who had been at the county farm the sale in Roseburg, while Mrs. Daniel» week. Meeting Postponed last Wednesday- Mrs. Myers re­ past two years, died there Tuesday {visited with the Jay Andersons. Lt. Col. and Mrs. Larry Morgan, mained at Myrtle Point and spent Therq will be no 4-H Canning Club morning and services were held at Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robison and and Li. Col. and Mrs. Ernie Knapp, several days at the home of her son meeting Friday, June 4, as hereto­ the Masonic cemetery that afternoon, I their daughter, Mrs. Harold Pribble were over night guests of Mr. and and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver fore stated. It will not be held until and two children, spent the day Sun­ Mrs. Eldon Brodie Thursday of last I Schroeder Bros, in charge. Myers, before returning home Sun­ June 18, at Mrs. Laird's home. On The deceased, who was 67 years of day in Powers visiting Mrs. Robison’s week. They, in company with Eldon day. the eighteenth, please bring- 4-H uncle and wife, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Brodie, spent the greater part of the j age, had lived on the Bay for about Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Shaw, Patty report card and know how to sterilize ten years. He had never married Barklow. Mr. Barklow is in very poor day Thursday fishing in Brewster | and Arlan, of Coquille, visited at the and is survived by two brothers, jars, plus previous assignment. health, not able to do any work at alL j Valley, with good luck home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Burtis der. i Claire A., of Marshfield, and Chai. Mrs. Stanley Halter and Mr. and Mr». Edwin Biglow, of Libby, near L.,<' ------------------------ and also at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R., of Portland. Mrs. S. C. McAllister visited at the Marshfield, came over last Friday PIMPLES DISAPPEARED Frank Burbank, Thursday evening. home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wanna- morning and took her sister-in-law, OVER NIGHT Mrs. Albert Lillie and Mrs. S. C. Yes, it is true, there is a safe harm­ McAllister were Thursday evening maugher and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Mrs. J. Lewellen Southmayd and Myers In Myrtle Point Sunday after­ children, Louis and Louisa, over to Mrs. Lena Alley and Mr Roy Mor-*?™ less medicated liquid called Kleerex callers at the J. D. Carl home. were married May 22 in Seattle. Court The Past Week noon. Mrs. Ida Myers returned home spend a week or ten day» with her that dries up pimples over night. Cecil Lane arrived from California Charles Herman Miller, an itiner- Many report that they had a red sore Cl_____________ last Thursday to be with his mother, with them and spent the night at mother, Mrs. Amasa Biglow and An Informal reception was held at the I home — ....... Jensen, May ant and veteran of World War 1, was pimply face one night and surprised of * ’ her son, .. Phillip Mrs. Frank Lane, who had her leg the home of her daughter, Mrs. Hal­ other relatives in that vicinity. Mrs. Harvey Kobtead and her sis- ¡24. (~ Close neighbors were invited.. given a 810 suspended fine last their friends the next day with a amputated at the Mast hospital Sat- ter. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gulstrom and ter-in-law, Mrs. Charles Smith and I Mrs. Morten works for the Naval [Thursday for being drunk. clear complexion. There is no risk. urdy morning. Mrs. Althea Harrah, Ike Allen forfeited the $10 bajl he The first application must convince of Fairview, and Mrs. Frances Sell, Darwin were'Sunday guests at the little daughter Joy, are here visiting [Civil Service at Sand Point and Mr. posted Saturday for the same offense you or you get your money back. Join of Port Orford, also came to be with home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lillie. Mrs. Kolstead’s mother, Mrs. Martin ¡Morten works in a furniture store. Mrs. Althea Harrah, of Fairview, Schmidt. Mrs. Kblstead is returning Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Harper and against the city laws, and the same the happy Kleerex users who are no their mother. Mrs. Lane is getting 1 day Edward Cowan paid the 810 fine longer embarrassed with unsightly along very nicely and expects to be Mrs. Frances Sell, of Port Orford, to Los Angeles Tuesday of this week [two sons and Mrs. Ella Harper were to hei- work at the Lockheed plant, Sunday visitors at the T. H. Benham assessed against him. i pimples. For sale by Barrow Drug. able to be moved to her home in and Cecil Lane, of California, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley but Mrs. Charles Smith will remain . home. Mr. Harper’s and Mrs. Ben­ j" C. E. Denny and Jim Hoskins, ar- Co. 10t8s Arago in about two weelp. for a month or more until her hus­ ham’s parents were neighbors 30 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Long left Fri­ Halter Saturday. T Rev. day of Eugene, where they will visit , . Wilfred . Oakes, of Myrtle band comes. .He is expected in on a years ago in Jackson county." Mrs. T. H. Bhnham was called to at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Poinl' Conducted the regular Sunday furlough about the 10th of June. Jjlr. Sweeney for a few days. They ex- morning church service. This was and Mrs. A. O. Hughes, of Marshfield Marshfield this week by the death pect to return home Wednesday. ,Mr Oakaa’ laat Sunday at Arago as and Mr. and Mirs. ,W. A. Warner of of Wm. McKinley. Mrs. Benham and YOU SHOULD HAVE », Mr. and Mrs. .Walter Farrier came ,h* hM Uken the church at Brid«e Coquille, had Sunday dinner with Mr. I Mrs. McKinley are cousins. and Mrs. J. Finley Schroeder. ’ Mrs. Clara Hoag, Mrs. Ralph over from Reedsport and spent the and are moving up there. Sun­ Clara and Billie Mast, of Myrtle Nourse, Mrs. Ralph Moes, Mrs. Mabel I ' week-end at their home in Arago. »chool attendance was 38. There Point, spent Sundsy and Monday McKinley and children visited at the Mrs. Grace Rackleff went to Myrtle IwlU »ervices again next Sunday, ON YOUR CAR BY JUNE 10th visiting with their grandparents, Mr. L T. H. Benham home Friday. Mrs. j preaching at 10:00 a. m. and Sunday Point Saturday evening to be with Rates for A Card Holders $5.18 each 6 Months* and Mrs. R. W. Haughton. Nourse and Mrs. Moss returned to Mrs. Corda Lewellen over the week­ school at 11:00 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gant spent [ Dorothy Warren, who has been their home in Sacramento Sunday i end, while Mrs. Naomi Robison went to Grenada, Calif., to visit her father working for Mrs. Albert Gulstrom, the day Sunday at Bandon. They re­ and Mrs. McKinley and daughter and , ' *5.00 Membership Payable First Six Months spent the week-end aj the home of ported the weather as being very dis­ Mrs. Hoag went to the McKinley i and other relatives there. agreeable. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard home in North Bend Tuesday. Kay 1 Ur. and Mrs. Adrian Halter, Alan The Pleasant Point Club which McKinley is to stay during the sum­ and Ronald, were Sunday dinner Sell. Mr. and Mrs. Orvus Miller, Phyllis holds its meeting the last Wednesday mer months at the home of his guests at the home of Mrs. Alma Hal­ Office Res. Mrs. Benham. i and Alice were Saturday evening in every month met at the home of cousin, ter in Coquille. Richfield Station 755 W. J. Wheeler left for Eugene Miss Laura Bernice Lillie returned callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ellis Southmayd. Mrs. Harold Coquille Auto Park Fairview St. Nile Miller. . Simmons was to have had the club at Sunday after church, He plans to home from O. S. C. Saturday and Phone 185J Phone 278M Mrs. Shelby McAllister, Scott and her house but her daughter Kay, had attend connference at the Light House will spend the summer at the home 'Temple. Mrs. Wheeler is already the mumps. Those present were Mrs. Marc, of Coquille, visited at the home 4 of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. McAllister the Harold Simmons, Mrs. Frank South­ there. LUUe. mayd, Mrs. J. Finley Schroeder, Mr». The Homemakers’ Demonstration Mrs. Mary Greenleaf has been quite past week. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gale, of A. R. Bennett, Mrs. Mike Daniels, 'Unit met May 25 at the Grange Hall. ill the past week with bronchitis. Mrs. Melden Carl and Douglas ac­ Klamath Falls, came in Sunday for Mrs. Harry Druliner, Mrs. R. W. ■ After a planned dinner a business companied Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kribs a few days’ visit at the home of Mrs. Haughton and Mrs. Ray Epperson. meeting was held. Mrs. Iris Holver- of Coquille of Coquille to Eureka, Calif., last Gale's mother, Mrs. Grace Rackleff. A bountiful pot luck dinner was I stoott and Mrs. Lillian Quivey dem­ 7 Tuesday, where they visited relatives They returned to Klamath Falls Wed­ served to all and the afternoon w«a onstrated "Wartime Buying of Cloth­ ★ spent in sewings and fancy work. The ling.' ing.” Those present were Mesdames at Arcata, Glendale and Eureka. Mr. nesday. I Miss Bernice Gillespie, who has next meeting of the club will be at Myrtle Holverstott, Iris Holverstott, been employed at Bend, Oregon, the home of Mrs. A. R. Bennett, when ' Lora Holverstott, Thompson, Kath­ came in for about a week’s visit with her mother, Mrs. Julia keep, will be leen Lindsay, Jake Jensen, Gene- relatives and friends in Coos county. in to celebrate her 83rd birthday. 1 vieve Ellis, Bonnie Buoy, Amy Rich- Mrs. Shelby McAllister and sons, Mrs. Bennett has received word that 1 ardson, Roxy Frye, Butler, Emma Scott and Marc, drove to Marshfield her mother is getting along nicely, Hall, Vivinia La Branche, Hazel Tuesday on business. Mrs. Gent tile doctor having removed the band­ ' Benham, Lillian Quivey, Martindale Russell, of Johnson Mill, accompanied age from the left arm which she and several children. The Fairview broke on March 31. thssn. - Demonstration Unit was chosen to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hubbard, be hostesses for the special meeting Mr. and Mrs. Everett Doyle visited at the home of Mrs. Daisy Doyle a (Joyce Schroeder) and baby are now to be held June 29. All units in the “WALLY” few days the past week. Everett has living in -one of Mrs. Hara's cottages county are expected to be represen­ Phone 4« Res. 22*J at been In training in Washington. ' the top of the hill on the right as ted. The meeting will be on Food Mr. and Mrs. Bob Doyle and Jane, i you enter Myrtle Point, coming from Preservation and Mrs. Dorothy Bish­ They moved there this past op will be in charge. of Fairview, were week-end guests Coqulle. ' The com- week. ' __ ___ of Mrs. Daisy Doyle. mttee in charge of this meeting are —to this grower owned wool Mrs. Lily Dement and granddaugh­ Emma Hall, Bonnie Buoy and Lora 9 marketing cooperstive with 33 ter Katherine Henry, left last Thurs­ Holverstott. years’ experience. day for Ontario, Oregon, to spend the Mrs. Winnie Piket of Marshfield, II. S. Approved Wool Homllor rest of the summer with her dsugh- and Mrs. Marie Mast of McKinley, You will receive full UA. ceil­ ter, Mrs. Ellis Warner. were callers at the Benham home ing prices . less only actual Mr. and Mrs. Pat Easley and her Monday. marketing dosts. To make this simple, no risk hear­ 40 cents a pound cash ad­ ing test. If you are temporarily deaf­ father, W. T. Brady, all of Powers, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Buoy spent the vance upon receipt of wool. ened, bothered by ringing buzzing were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and weekend at Powers. They went for We furnish sacks and twiner head noises due to hardened or coagu­ Mrs. J. H. McCloskey. memorial services and stayed at the lated wax (cerumen), try the Ourine < xmrfcetieg agreesNut Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Schroeder, of home of Geo. Frye. Home Method test that so many say SHIP NOW has enabled them to hear well again. Ophir, in Curry county, left May 25 Dorene Frye is spending her va­ You must hear better after making on a business and vacation trip, driv­ cation at the home of her uncle and this simple test or you get your money 714 N. W. 14th back at once. Ask about Ourine Ear ing their car as far as Walla Walla. family, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Noah, at Drops today at Barrow Druz Co. There they took the trim to Montana, Lakeside. She went there Thursday returning by way of Spokane they of last week. stopped off there a few days. At Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lindsay and Walla Walla they got their car and family spent memorial day in Marsh­ While it is not required by law that auto drivers have drove down to visit Mr. Schroeder’s field. sister and famil/, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Noah were in the Bunch, of Ontario, last weekend and valley from their home at Lakeside Mrs. Walter Schroeder received a last week gardening. They stayed telephone call from them inquiring with Mrs. Noah’s mother, Mrs. Under the provisions of the new state law, which becomes about the two older children they left Amanda Johnson. effective on June 10, it is highly desirable, from the auto- with her while on their trip. They ist’s point of view that his ear be fully covered by Liability left (he baby with Mrs. Adrian Insurance to make sure that, in case of an accident or col­ Schroeder’s mother, Mrs Casper Gas- ' Home Extension Unit Met lision, for which he may not be responsible, that the license With Mrs. Oddy May 27 ner. of his car is not suspended, pending court action to deter­ Herman Tedsen, accompanied by The home extension unit meeting mine where the fault lay. his niece, Irene Detlefsen, drove to was held at the home of Mrs. L. W. Corvallis Sunday to get liis daughter Oddy last Thursday. Bond chairman, FOR THE BEST IN LIABILITY INSURANCE SEE (One of the Essentials of e Democracy') Anita and her cousin Miss Blanche Mrs. Alma Halter, reported having Detlefsen. Anita left Wednesday sold 82,125 in bonds and 831.75 in morning by bus for San Francisco, to stamps the past three months. ' . The right to enjoy the leisure hours we’ve spend a couple of weeks visiting with A committee, appointed to help Office Phone 5 Res. Phone 95L her mother. earned as we choose—the right to spend what Mrs. Dorothy Bishop with the dem­ A baby girl, weighing nine pounds, onstration on food preservation, ( we’ve earned by our own sweat any way we was born to Mr. And Mrs. Roy Spires which is to be held July 9, will con- | like—these, among many others, are Ameri­ June 1. This is their second daugh­ sist of Mrs. McCue, publicity; Mrs. can privileges worth fighting for! ter. Oscar Larson, place; Mrs. L. W. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Bennett at- Oddy and Mrs. Walter Laird, as Yes, we dearly love the liberties, the simple ■ tended the Myrtle Point high school helper. ’ Food preservation will be pleasures, the concrete rewards that come to 'commencement exercises held last on drying, canning, freezing and the I those who labor. And we intend to keep these Wednesday evening. Dr. James R use of a pressure cooker; also a home­ things! No one —by either persuasion dr Jewell’s address on “Controlled Pow­ made drier will be shown. All worn- | force of arms — ean rob us of them. er,” was enjoyed by a packed audi­ en interested are invited to attend- torium. Thirty-nine students re­ The meeting was turned over to In America, men live better. Their families ceived their diplomas. Mrs. Bishop, who led an interesting I got out the official report the are healthier. The humblest American cot- Bill Burry was reflecting back , Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Haughton, of discussion on a “square deal meal,” on the last war and what the Office of War Information made Isgr •• the sacred realm of those alone who , Sweet Home, were in over the week­ which was the subject of the month. boys used to do when they got and read him this: “The fact that live there — accountable to no one for their end and had Sunday dinner with his This is the last extension unit meet­ there is vastly less drinking u furlough. way of life or pursuit of happiness. Free to parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Haugh- i ing until fall. among soldiers in this war may "We weren’t a hard-drinking ton. __ resd, to worship, and to work as they choose. stem in part from the sale of bunch particularly, but that was Don Trigg has been grant« Fairview News m i Mu» i^i J" »~orider’s FOR YOUR PROTECTION <» Auto Liability Insurance Farmers Auto Insurance Co. Ernie R. Smith The Industrial Repair Co MACHINING WELDING METALLIZING PRESSING BLACKSMITHING Repairing Aids Victory MlisAnunw Fighting lor? Wanted/ Men And Women Who Are Hard Of Hearing PACIFIC WOOL GROWERS Auto Liability Insurance To Enjoy the Fruits of Our Labors! . E. E. (Spike) Leslie From where I sit... jy Joe Marsh ••‘ à forbidden fruit always worth goln’ after. Ws’d hunt up a bootlegger, which was easy, and buy a bottle, “So, instead of a beer or two, well-I guess we generally drank 4oo much!... wonder what the boys are doing thia time?” Nfcóítfa&rú» doesn’t look as if we had to worry about our boys. We learned our lesson in the last war, and I’m glad to see we’re on the right track now. plants at Bergen S, across highway Friday to Corvallis, so came” bnck from telephone office. Not the home again this week. cheapest but the best. Phone «4. s Mrs. Rufus Rylander's brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Hough and daughter Lois, came in Sunday our rfcÉsapnüNSHVKi evening on their way back from Port- B YOUR PROTtCnON land and left Tuesday, returning to their home in Rohnerville, Calif. Mrs. Harry Druliner attended the 1TOM •““'•‘r County W. C. T. U. institute Tuesday, held at the Brethern church in Myr- FUHRMAN’S PHARMACY and industrial structure in the world. IN WAR ANY WASTE IS A CRIME. DO NOT WASTE ELECTRICITY JUST BECAUSE NO RATION TICKETS ARE REQUIRED. * * s Mountain Statos Power Co. A Self-Supporting, Tax-Paying, Private Enterprise 4 *