FAG* five hooked and landed, few are adverse deep river trolling for salmon or Coquille Valley Young Men to bragging about it for many sea- striped bass And m8n* »1»««"»*« |a Marine Corps In»«* nona to come. I stick strictly ♦rt to ■ analina angling Fzxv for large to Promotion of Private First n»«. Large rivers, with swift riffles that t fish and haunt only the larger rivers, I LAN* LfcNEVE melt into the dark recess of deep i bays and streams in their pursuit Lawrence O. Gulaeth, 34, U. S. M. C., ♦ pools and long stretches of deep water of them. But to the writer the smal­ of Coquille, to that rank, from his ON SUNDAY AT There's no question aa to the fact usually yield the big fellows. It is ler streams hold the most fascination. previous rank of private in the Ma­ that the steel-head is the gamest fish nice to wade and meander along the Although we must confess that we rine Corps, has been announced at in Oregon waters. What a thrill it is banks of such Urge streams. lt.is enjoy taking salmon, bass and the his duty station with an Aviation I1.M PER PLATE to fish the Rogue or North Umpqua thrilling to chug along with a larger trout and steel-head, neverthe­ Training Squadron, Marine Corps Air when these fish are striking a fly! “kicker,” on the smooth surface of a less we would not trade a day of big Base, San Diego, Calif. Private First ¡fish angling for a day spent along Class Gulaeth, now wearing the NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELBCHON UPON QUESTION OF one of the smaller streams. Perhaps single chevron of his rank, enlisted OVWWT LOOTED BY SECTION II. ARTICLE XI. it may be something inherited from in the Marine Corps October 21, 1942. Notice is our boyhood days, when with a bent He is the husband of Mrs. Mary Lou h*w 111 Scho°1 Di,tric‘ No. 4 of Coos County, State of Oreg x>unt limited bv to ***• 1**al voters of said district the question of increasing pin for a hook, a can of angleivorms Gulaeth, of thia city. and a cut willow limb serving us a Private First Class George Wasley rod, we trod the banks of the small r me maintenance, operation and support of the Public School System, Laird, 28, of Bullards Route, Co­ streams. of the 4 per cant limitation, proposed to be levied for said year is 313445.80. Dated thia 20th day of May. 1443 Attest: 7 7’ There is something about the soft quille, has been transferred from Ma­ song of a small stream that no voice rine Camp Lejeune, New River, N. Ixxiise I selle, Leon« Q. Bryant of a mighty river may equal. The C., to Quantico, Va., to complete of­ brook's song is so peaceful, so frindly ficer training. Upon graduation from the Quantico —sort of soothes a fellow's soul, puts ! him in a friendly mood with all na­ Officers’ Candidate School, Laird will ture. It stirs pleasant memories of be commissioned as a Second Lieu­ y days gone by. And fighting one’s tenant Datedntiti^20ti! diy‘lfiSa^ei£fiP0* ** 8 director for a five-year term and the transaction of business usual at such meeting. At Camp Lejeune, the Leatherneck wsy through thick brush to reach a ATTEST: >.• v ; quiet, dark hole in a small stream underwent advanced artillery train­ * Louise Leslie, , ?. Leona G Bryant, holds a certain allure—a different ing for a month. His “boot camp" sort than that encountered While fish­ training was received at Parris Is­ || . 1 • ■' • • . • • . ■ fc- M ' land, S. C. ing the large rivers. NOTIO* OF^SCBOOL MEETING • I f i) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the legal voters of School The marine’s father and mother, The food administration is urging said district will be held at the Hteh “ " - .that a SCHOOL MEETING of the tor^ that people eat the lowly carp, stat­ Mr. and Mrs. George P. Laird, and s the purpose of discussing the budget 0 trict f--- “---- “------ ’ --- • ---- --------- - ' • ■ ~ tax" * *cho°1 ye*r> beginning July 1, 1443, and ending June 30, 1944, hereinafter set forth, and to vote on the proposition of levying a dis- ing' that they are fine food. They his wife, Mrs. Lurene Laird, reside may be to a lot of people who have on Bullards Route. . . BUDGET ■ » When the Coquille man enlisted he nsnnoxis I HstisMUsd Receipts and Available Cask Balanos» never eaten-a brook trout, but they was a defense worker, welding for Total All Funds never appealed to the writer. General Fund Bond Interest and Sinking Fund Over In Utah, my wife and I caught the Willamette Iron and Steel Cor­ 1. Estimated available Cash Balance or Deficit at beginning of fiscal year 53 pounds of carp on one fishing trip. poration. He attended Oregon State v .. ior Y»lch bud»* is made (Add Cash Balance-beduct Deficit).. 17,500.00 5,000.00 9 9 3 12,500.00 3. Estimated Receipts from Delinquent Taxes during fiscal year for which Our neighbors sure went tor them in College for two years, majoring in this budget is made ......... .....„.................................... 10,000.00 10,000.00 a big way. We gave them a try, the mechanical engineering. 4. EsUmated Receipts from County School Fund ...... ........... 8,300.04 9,200.00 Another former Coquille young carp, and one trial was enough. There 5. Estimated Receipts from Elementary School Fund___ 3,400.00 3,400.00 man, Frendy D. Medlock, Jr., has 8. Estimated Receipts from State Irreducible School Fund_________ was no limit on them in that state 1,100.00 1,100.00 7. Estimated Receipts from High School Tuition ....—............................ and we used to bring in sacksful of been reported as missing in action by 4,700.00 4,700.00 4. Estimated Receipts from High School Transportation ____ _________ 850.00 050.00 them, spread them out on our lawn the War Department. According to 15. Estimated Receipts from Other Sources Sources ..................... ___ __________ 300.00 120.00 and called the neighbors and it didn’t word recently received from his mother in Tacoma, Wash., he has not 18. Estimated Total Receipts and Available Cash Balance or Deficit take the carp long to disappear. 050.00 The taking of carp, fresh water been heard of since the Jap conquest ones (naturally), was sponsored by of the Philippines a year ago last > Expenditures for Three Fiscal Years game officials of the Rockies, owing month. of Next Proceeding the Current to the fact that they depleted the School Year trout supply in the lakes and streams. Army In Urgent Need Item V Prizes were offered for the largest Of Graduate Nurses School !or the 1 Expenditures r Ensuing Budget for the Last ones taken, for the largest catch of There is such a desperate need for School Year Allowance Year of the Second First - a season, etc. A 12 or 14 pound carp graduate nurses in the Army that Expenditures in Detail Three-year Year ___ Year taken on a fly rod puts up a nice bat­ In Detail Period Give Yearly Give Yearly Governor Snell is appealing to all I. GENERAL CONTROL tle for a short while. Tote 11 Totals Totals qualified women to apply at once for 1. Personal service: commmissions and urges young wom­ (1) Superintendent _____________ .... ___ 4 1,700.00 3 1,700.00 9 3,400.00 3 1,354.77 3 1,580.00 3 3,250.00 Commission To Act On Hunting en who can take nurse training to (2) Clerk .—..................... ............ 225.00 235.00 450.00 225.00 250.00 450.00 (4) Compulsory education and census..... 30.00 30.00 50.00 50.00 25.00 i Regulations, Saturday, June 12 make themselves available for that 50.00 (5) Other services________ ______ ____ 31.58 The annual hearing of the Oregon duty. The governor says that as 3. Supplies ______________ _______ ______ 39.40 46.00 125.00 5.75 82.50 90.93 3. Elections and publicity __________ ____ 90.00 50.00 100.00 State Game Commission in regard to yet the nurses and the people in 3.45 50.00 91.30 4. Legal service (clerk's bond, audit, etc.) 43.50 43.50 . 125.00 185.00 82.50 95.00 hunting regulations will be held at general apparently do not realize 5. Other expense of general control: ten o'clock, Saturday, June 12, at its that the shortage of graduate nurses 150.00 150.00 (1) ............... -...................................... ............. 300.00 150.00 34.45 44.13 offices in the Oregon Building, Port­ is critical, but ar this personnel final­ ly becomes aware of vital need of the 4. Total Expían af General Contn 4 2,247.50 3 3402.50 9 4,550.00 5 2,040.42 8 2,135.00 3 4,102.93 3 3,863.66 land. IL INSTRUCTION »egarvtosB Seasons, bag limits and other regu­ Army, he is convinced that there 1. Personal service: lations governing the taking of game will be a quick response. (I) Principals ....______________ 5 4,440.00 3 2,134.00 3 3,730.00 4 6,040.00 • 2,540.00 animals, game birds and fur-bearing 5. Tota» Expiaos of Swervtelon .... We carry a complete line of V- 5 1.134.00 4 3,730.90 3 6,040.00 • 5,140.00 $ 4,899.93 animals will be considered at that 3 4,444.00 3 3,540.00 HL INSTRUCTION—Tsaching Belts for all makes of Refrigerators, time by the Commission. 1. Personal service: Washing Machines and other equip­ (1) Teachers ------- ___ ............. ------------ ..... ------ 4 24,720.00 3 19.830.00 544,340.00 512,334.15 318,500.00 331,995.00 Keys made for all lodti. Stevens ment. Washer Service Co., 345 W. 350.00 (3) Teachers—Crippled Children i ...................... 250.00 45.90 100.00 90.00 25.00 75.00 Cash Hardware. Coquille. Ore. 3. Library supplies, repairs ...... . ..... Front, Coquille. Phone. lOtfs 100.00 3.84 50.00 64.80 440.00 1410.00 3. Supplies (chalk, paper, etc.) -------------- 1,550.00 395.82 750.00 2,614.81 4. Textbooks .... ..........—..... ....... ----------- ------ 810.00 810.00 275.00 139.14 509.84 100.00 4. Other expense of teaching 50.00 100.04 15.90 TRY OUR COMPLETS Out-of-Doors Stuff Southern Fried Chicken Dinners TOWN CAFE i "•1 1 flJ£T“h£l « t a*uycu^..,l . •L^nta?J§fh71 ££tU**1« J?* ’’J* 7 Total Expeaeo af Tlilhtiw __ _ _ ____ IV. OPERATION OF PLANT 1, Personal Service: (1) Janitors and other employees — __________ __ — 2. Janitors’ supplies 3. Fuel ---- ------------------------------------------------- 4. Light and power________ ___ _______ 5. Water ------------------------ ------- ----------------- 4. Telephone__ —------ —...... 3 21,005.00 % 5474OO.OO 312431.75 319,735.00 338.299.55 833,10140 3,400.00 440.00 500.00 400.00 100.00 100.00 4 L930.00 800.00 1,000.00 800.00 125.00 100.00 3 5,520.00 1,000.00 1,504.00 1.200.00 225.00 200.00 3 2,212.90 825 19 511.20 205.97 75.01 81.40 3 2,250.00 500 00 750.00 500.00 . 112.50 200.00 3 4,390.00 791.08 1416.05 1,343.46 A i Phene 14965 »• Expense ef __________ Operation ----- ----------- 8. Total ________ ,______ V. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIES 1. Repair and replacements of furniture and equipment .......... ----- ..—4 . 2. Repair and maintenance of buildings and grounds --------------- ---------- —------- ----- 5,300.00 3 4445.00 3 4,44544 8 3,77147 3 441240 3 749044 500.00 3 1400.00 3 2,000.08 3 480.27 $ 1,250.00 3 1,593.34 1,000.00 1,000.00 233.49 1460.00 580.13 4 1,500.00 1 2,500.00 3 4,000.00 3 782.78 3 2,500.00 3 2,153.46 4 544.47 3 1,133.33 3 1,700.00 3 71743 3 750.00 3 1,176.47 4 588.67 3 1,700.00 5 717.23 4. Total Expense of Maintenance and Repairs VI. AUXILIARY AGENCIES 2. Transportation of pupils: (3) Supplies and other expenses ------ 4. Total Expense of Auxiliary Agendis VII. FIXED CHARGES 1. Insurance ----------------------------------------- 4. Total Fined Charges .... -4 VID. CAPITAL OUTLAY» 4. New furniture, equipment and replacements .3 8. Other capital outlays: (1) Library books ------------ 7. Total Capital Outlays X. .— 1,000.00 3 1,133.33 3 750.00 3 1,178.47 300.00 3 300.00 3 400.00 5 300.00 3 1,004.70 300.00 3 300.00 3 400.00 3 300.00 3 1,006.70 140.00 3 400.00 3 500.00 3 250.00 3 335.00 12540 235 00 3 EMÏIGENCY .... 725.00 332,733.54 — 3 450.00 200.00 348.04 450.00 3 288.09 3 450 00 3 2,000.00 3 1,000.00 312.500.00 L310.00 3 3,750.00 3 3 3462.18 0,537.00 3 2,909.04 3 1,140.57 3 344.79 3 959.40 25040 52447 3 775.17 3 2,010.54 835,45241 Total BO ND^INTE BESTAND SINKING FUND—D 1. Principal on bonds (include negotiable issued under section 111-1018, O. C. L. A. 2. Interest on bonds 905.00 3. Total Seh iTte Levies Total all Funda Total estimated expenditures DEDUCT- Total estimated receipts and available cash balances (Schedule I) 4 90,745.00 General Fund Total Schedule II 8 70,975.00 3 13,810.00 44,050.00 33470.00 12,400.00 Amount necessary to balance the budget 44,735.00 43,605.00 1,130.00 Estimated amount of texes that will not for which this budget Is made — 10400.00 10,000.00 .4 54,735.00 3 53,805.00 8 1,130.00 4 40,339 20 .4 14405.80 3 40,339.30 3 13465 90 8 1,130.00 >1 ... Í' Total estimated tex levies for sass Amount outside 8% limitation 1. Amount of bonded indebtedness (include all ne- s&S’iWfT——.-j? ,,r80° 2 AKd MdWeXUdn<^not "pTd £ Xaantanof funds Dated this Mar 20, 1943. Signed: Louise Leslie District Clerk Leona G Bryant Chairman Board of Directors May 30, 1443. H. A. Slack Secretary, Budget Committee Chairman, Budget Committee j Inspired designs! Exotic colon! Flattering lines! Blooming pereniala for your lighter, brighter mo- ■sente wften you want to look your beat! Sleek jerseys to give you a Mslim-a*-a-reed” figure yet emphasise the soft natural lines! They’ll stay fresher and free from wrinkle«, too, to endless pressing time! Sixes 12 to 20.