COGUILLR VALLEY SENTINEL, COQUILLE. X>EEOON. THURSDAY, JUNE 3. 1943. Social Notes "'"¡The Salem Sampler ‘Zodiac Club , i". Mrs. Glaydus Jacobson entertained membars of the Zodiac Club at her home in honor of Ruby Johnson on her birthday last week Wednesday. Luncheon was at one o’clock with a delicious birthday cake and gifts. Mrs. Jane Burch won the lucky gift and also the hostess gift. Mrs. Ruby Johnson is to be the next h<>at— sometime in June with Edna Kern, the guest of honor. Members who attended were Mesdames Jane Burch, Edith Tennant, Vera Burch, Helen Dottefaen and Edna Kern. w. P. w. Notice The Business and Professional Women’s Club will meet next Mon­ day, June 7. There will be initia­ tion of officers with Mrs. Inez Chase as installing officer. Inez Rover will be chairman of the big surprise com­ mittee. It is hoped to have a large attendance. Friendly Dose» Mrs. Fred Wheaton entertained members of her sewing club on Wed­ nesday afternoon. Gifts for Mrs. Maud Wilson on her birthday were brought to' be forwarded to her at Camas' Valley. Members who at­ tended were Mesdames Clyde Min­ ard, S. S. Harden brook, A. G. Tren- dell L. P. Fugelson, Cora Mackey, Don Wheaton and the hostess, Bachelor Girls The regular weekly meeting of the Bachelor Girls was last Friday when they enjoyed a delicious luncheon at the Coquille Hotel. Pink sweet peas made a dainty center piece which brought much admiration. As there happened to be little business to transact there was time for more than the usual amount of singing. Mem­ bers attending were Margaret Bel- loni, Eunice Howe, Gladys May, Donna Dean Boaserman, Maxine Johnson, Yvonne Kern, Alys June Fox, Margurite Robinson, Lydia Hol­ stein, Aloha Alien, Phyllis Belloni, and Rheo Walker. Royal Neighbors To Hold Convention Here June 14 Plans for the County Convention of the R. N. A. Lodge were completed at the regular meeting last night at the W. O. W. hall. It will be ansli day session and is to be heid in the Odd Fellows hall on June 16. With ail officers in their chain and after a lengthy business meeting, lunch was served by Oracle Jane Burch, re­ corder pro tern Ida Sherrard and Ber­ nice Clark, receiver. M t ». Martin­ dale la planning a window display at the Tip Top for the quilt which is soon to be given away. Visitors last evening were Mes­ dames Anne Montgomery, of Marsh- pain is now held up in Washington in spite of earnest efforts on the part both State and local WMC offices to open up a way to get us needed labor. It is yet possibly that action can be taken soon enough to help build up needed inventories of logs at the mills for the coming winter. But the time is drawing short and unless a way is opened by the middle of June it seems unlikely that we can rely om having this help this season. I ment would seem to indicate that the conference committee has arrived at an agreement and that the system would, be put in effect by that date. • ' JJI "II—II. _ and John Floyd Peters, for being drunk on the highway, each paid Members attending were Mesdames $9.00 fine and costs. By Ralph T. Moore Molly Kaufman, Maybelle Kyle, Hat­ j Recruiting of labor In the mid­ Walter Edward Tripp and Robert tie Gaffey, Nellie Martindale, Jane west for the lumber industry in Marlon Ward, for having overloaded Torrey, Lydia WUley, Bella Bolloni, southwest Oregon has been tempor­ trucks, paid $9.00 fine and costs Myrtle Jones, Agnes Schroeder, Ruby arily halted pending clearance from L. G. Zwicker, whose car had ob­ Johnson snd Virginia Heintaelman. scured vision, was not fined after Washington. Plans to secure badly he had the vision cleared up. needed help were made recently un­ Woman’s Club State Convention Chas. Vincent is to pay $7.00 on der supervision of local and state Elmer Allen Miller was fined $100 Mrs. 0. C. Sanford, Mrs. Wm. Man­ WMC offices. But after the repre­ each count on June 10. Inadequate on Tuesday for driving while intoxi­ sell and Mrs. R. E. Boober are at­ sentative for the employers was brakes on his car and having no cated. He is to pay at the rate of tending the state convention of Ore­ chosen and had proceeded to Kansas operator’s license was the cause of gon Federated Clubs at Salem, thia City as directed, it appeared that Information is leaking out from $20 a month. ’his being picked up by the state po- week Mrs. Sanford, retiring state headquarters in Washington had ex­ the Treasury Department to the ef­ N W. Smith, Donald W Gilkison | ¡jce. rs*r president, will preside until she gives perienced a change of heart and that fect that tax delinquencies this year ■g-lSMF over the gavel to Mrs. Geo. Moorhead the way was not yet open to the offi- will approximate ten million. This, I of Salem, incoming president. Mrs. i dl recruitment of labor for our lum­ if true, is a very serious matter and Mansell and Mr». Boober are dele­ ber industry. calls for immediate and drastic action gates from the local club } Mr. Stoll, WMC director for the to get the country on a pay-as-you lumber industry in the State of Ore­ go basis. Leatherman-DeBoer Nuptials Knowing of many delinquencies in gon immediately left for Washington At Myrtle Point Last Thursday upon learning that there had been a our own community and learning ot ' the considerable delinquency among 1 Miss Helen de Boer, daughter of hitch in the plans. With the assis­ farmers in the mid-west area, I nev- tance of Senator McNary, he has been Under new taw ta become effective Ju— IS, 194$. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. de Boer, \>f Myr­ er-the-less was greatly surprised and The safety responsibility act requires that any driver involved in tle Point, became the bride of Mr. trying tp convince the WMC that our shocked to read of this very large an accident that results in injury, death oz property damage must Howard Leatherman, son of Mr. and lumber industry is in critical need within 10 days present proof of $11,000 worth of financial respon­ national total delinquent taxpayers. Mrs. S. L. Leatherman of Coquille, of this labor. To date of this writing sibility or have his driver’s license and car registration cancelled. Part of the blame is due to the sys ­ At any time afterwards his licwise and registration would be re­ Wednesday night. May 2«. Reverend no results have been accomplished. voked immediately it fiisjnsura'hce policy expired or his bond was T. J.-Pryor performed the ceremony It is hoped that Washington will act tem of paying taxes a year after the cancelled» ' at the'Methodist pareonago in M^rtte i6efore becomes too late to help us income is earned, which is complete­ The act applies whether or not the driver was at fault, exception ly out of gear with long established Point. ' ¡during the .1943 logging season. being allowed only in the cast of a car legally parked at the time of The bride wore a navy blue silk I War "venU change *> «-«PM»* tha‘ systems of. paying labor, and part is the accident. After two years, if the driver paid no damages and no suit was brought against him, he would be permitted to drive dress with white accessories and a 1 what ’eem’ exPedient one da* ma> | due to the complicated and confusing and own a car again. corsage of red rosebuds »nd gar- 'have to ** revi,ed the next n la I tax return forms which baffle all Now the average citisen would rather play safe and place insur­ denis». The bride’s attendant Miss Ithereiore Probable that some change but the better informed taxpayers. ance on his or her car than to take s chance with FATE. With a The fact that we are about to have law like the above in force there Is not much oboice. BUT IT IS Katherine Zumwalt, wore a beire suit in WMC P0“05’ toward the lumber NOT COMPULSORY. The oost for $15.909 insurance is not high. with rust accessories and a corsage business has had to be made because some type of pay-as-you-go tax col­ From $11.00 to $16.25 per year—•depending on the kind of Gas Ration of yellow rosebuds and gardenias mllitary expediency. And for lections shows that this tax delin­ Book you have. After a short honeymoon the reaaona of «ecrocy neither the local quency matter has jolted the admin­ SER ME FOR FUIJ. DETAILS couple returned to their home in Lee 1 WMC a«enclea nor ourselves could istration off their firm stand against the Rumi theory of tax collection. Valley. I safely be informed until after danger It is imperative that prompt action of aiding the enemy has been passed. be taken if the new system is to be The Office Where Accommodation la A Pleasure At any rate the recruitment cam- established of July 1. Radio com- In Justice Bull's Court Past Week Auto Liability Insurance Not Compulsory Fred R. Bull Belle Knife Hospital A 9% pound baby girl, Shirley I Ann, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Thoa Minor who live on Bear Creek hill east 6f Bandon, last Thursday. Mrs. Russell Wilson, of the Me- I Kinley route, and Mrs. Ed Sanders, Coquille, underwent major operations 1 last Thursday. Mrs. Leo Cotter, of Bandon, entered the hospital on Fri­ day. On Saturday, Adeline Adams, of the McKinley route, was brought in with a fractured arm, and Nicell Kolstead, of Coquille, underwent an appendectomy. A baby girl, weighing 814 pounds and named Betty Gail, was bom to Mr. pnd Mrs. Rex Roth on Sunday. Elsie Anderson, of Bandon, under­ went a major operation on Tuesday Mrs. Carl Utterback, of Powers, was able to leave the hosiptal on Tuesday. —----- ---------- - -'1 SA FE MÓ4V WwnemakeM' ijuûU y I Li*» Key« made for all locks. Stevens Cash Hardware, Coquille. Ore. tf P/i-lb.loaf &COD 3 "fke /JewJIauf— » At Automobil« Liabifay nmutmsc « to lk« boat way to moot the raquiramante ol th« Naw Orafo* Law, AIRWAY _ Lb. bag 20c Sfftid thou frtcwti wíícfy—$ey t fruier "tttrt p sead” m // m Ç you should dtoeurn this mattar with us as w« koow ¡Maur- MC« «a woN as the law. tf already Insured, we’ll cheek to see tf ye« hove dte two kinds of insoraoce that you really need. Call or i BLUE STAMP VALUES (3) TOMATO SOUP, Rancho can 6c (5) Tomato Jce., Heart’s Delight No. 2 10c (3) Grape Juice, Welch’s quart hot. 45c (5) Veg. Cocktail, Here’s Health No. 2 2/29c (11) Apricots, Red Tag Chee No. 211 cn 12c (10) Catsup, Sea Rock, 14 oz. bottle 14c (7) Hot Sauce, Gardenside, 8 oz. can 5c J. S. BARTON “INSURANCE THAT INSURES Coquille, Oregon The Title Company, Phone 21J Bldg. 355 S. Taylor St. (24) Tomatoes, Standard No. 2*4 can (16) PEAS, Sugar Belle, No. 2 can (14) Corn, Cntry Home Crm No. 2 can Points (5) (5) (5) (5) RED STAMP VALUES Shortening, Fluffo 1 lb. pkg. Margarine, Nucoa, 1 lb. pkg. Margarine, Dalewood, 1 lb. pkg. 24c Margarine, Sunny Bank, 1 lb. pkg. 17c I i ____________ _______ Molasses, Brer Rab. Grn 12 oz Per Lb. 42c 39c 24c 32c PORK CHOPS SO SORRY, PLEASE! That we have been unable to repair your automobile promptly We can now handle all body work, painting, and mechanical work on your car ' PromptbjL At we have »ecured additional room and more mechanic» Southwestern Motor Co Phone 83 = s = ss ¡ s ^3 í ...................................... --------- • tats . —=a