Don't Delay Country Club ’ Golf Notes Social Notes Farywell Party Miss Marion Flannery entertained At a meeting held at the club a group of friends last Friday eve­ house, Friday, May 28, Mrs. George ning as a farewell before leaving for .Chaney was elected president of the her marriage at Shreveport to Mr. j Ladies Activities of the Coquille Val­ Samuel Adams. Bridge Was the di- ley Country <4ub; Mrs. Ralph Kring i version of the evening. High score of Myrtle Point was elected vice- I was won by Phyllis Belloni. Deli­ president and Mrs. Peter Norton, cious refreshments were served. In­ secretary - treasurer. cited guests were Margaret Stewart, Golfing was enjoyed both in the Allie Besst, Catherine Littlefield, morning -and after the lunch and Peggy Hennessey, Phyllis Belloni and meeting. Catherine Kaiserf It was decided to have a pot luck dinner at the club house on Friday, Kathleen Collier Here •June 4. The men are urged to work Miss Kathleen Collier and her on the course, as the golfers from guest, Miss Myra Black, of Berkeley, Marshfield are to play here next Sun­ have been visiting with Miss Collier's day. family, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Collier, The lady golfers expect to have a since their arrival May 23 from the beginners' day soon. south. They left on Tuesday morn­ Miss Marion Flannery To Be Married Friday PkoM S hcrwih W illiams pWJ P ai nts X'J 4 ROOM HOUSE Bath, Gas, Basement CHESTS New ones $4-25 to $10.00 Electric Ranges Guaranteed in Good Con­ dition A Daily Vacation Bible School wHl begin Monday at the Emanuel Bap­ tist Church, And will continue for ten days, at June 18. Miss Mary C. Ayres, state mission­ ary, and currently jn charge of the Baptist work at Bandon, will con­ duct the school. The school opens at 9:00 a. m. and closes at 12 daily. Mrs. Ned Griffin is in charge of the Beginner Department, ages four and five. Mrs. Nolan Flnl y conducts the Primary department, ages six to eight. The Junior department, ages nine to eleven, has Mrs. Alice Holverstott, as leader. Rev. Menno Rempel, of the local church, is in charge of the High School department. There will be stories, songs, hand­ work, Bible Study, and various spe- cial projects to make it worth while to all. All boys and girls Interested should report early Monday morning. ing. On Monday evening Mrs. Fred McNelly, assisted by Mrs. Jas. Brady, gave a charming party in honor of Coquille And Myrtle Point the visitors. . . Miss Marion Flannery and her sis­ ter, Mrs’. O. E. Kaiser, left last Sun­ day for Mrs. Kaiser's home in Mis­ soula, Montana. Miss Flannery hoped The MeKinley Grange held its reg­ to pick up reservations at Missoula for her journey to Shreveport, where ular meeting Saturday night, with upon her arrival she to to be married most officers present. Leland Harry to Corporal Samuel C. Adams. Miss was voted in as candidate for new Flannery's first plans were to go member and, Archie Shepherd 'was south by way of Los Angeles but she 'voted in as re-instated member. was told that because of flood condi­ Grange voted to pay up the debts on tions she could not be sure of reserva­ the Juvenile Grange hall. tions and might have to wait over Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Churchill was elected as alternate delegates to two or three days. Miss Flannery was in the ofice of the State Grange meeting to be held the Moore Mill from Oct., 1941, to at Eugene. Sept., 1942, when she became con­ Visitors Saturday night at the nected with the First National Bank 'meeting were: Mr. and Mrs. Robert in Coquille, which position she re- ' Trigg, Mr. and Mrs. Clinard Mast, cently resigned because of her ap- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smitt, all of Myr- proaching marriage. i tie Point Grange. Mr. Adams was employed at Smith ! in order to raise enough more Wood Products Co. up until last Oc- , money to pay off the Juvenile hall tober when he entered the service. debt, the McKinley Grange is going i to sponsor an old-time dance and box social on the' 19th of this month. All ladies are invited to bring well- filled boxes. Little girls' boxes will Any kind of Used Furniture be sold first and not mixed with grown-ups' boxes. Everyone is in­ cited. Old-time music. A great im- I provement, by way of new hanging ¡lights were installed in the hall just I before this meeting. Mary Lu Patton and John O’Sul­ livan left Tuesday morning for the 4-H summer school at Corvallis. McKinley News Gregg Hardware Vacation Bible School « Boys Graduate At O. S. C. Among the 608 students receiving degrees in. the O. S. Q. War class at the seventy-fourth annual commence­ ment May 20, seven were from C qos county and one was from Coquille, Charles F. Leatherman, who ob­ tained the bachelor of science degree in agriculture. Sam Dement, of Myr­ tle Point, received the same degree. Have you an „ )U> SMOOTHIE like this? Come Aere HOW for reliable RECAPS Ward McReynolds will be at the Coquille city hall again next Tues­ day, June 8, between nine and four o’clock to receive applications of those desiring drivers' licenses and to con­ duct examinations. See our targe display of choice pot plants at Bergen’s, across highway from telephone office. Not the cheapest but the best. Phone 64. s Wanted Sewing Machines WASHERS RANGES PUMPS [ Used Furniture ' Phone 119L Marriage Licenses May 26—Howard Leatherman, of Coquille, and Helen DeBoer, of Myr­ tle Point. , May 27—Stanley Vernon Hodges, of San Francisco, and Pauline Darrel Snidow, of North Bend. May 28—Willis C. Higley and Helen Kenyon, both of Marshfield. May 27—Louis Neil McLain, of Farragut, Idaho, and Luella Jane Vogt, o^ Marshfield. May 29—Roy E. Hawkins and Agnes Kenyon, both of Myrtle Point. May 29—James Francis Stevens and Sylvia Garnette Brown, both of Powers. May 29—Everett J. Nordstrom, of Marshfield, and Elsie Eunice Jack- son, of North Bend. May 29—Harvey J. Headings and Alice Hill, both of Eula, Ore. June 1—John Marvin Schaefer, of Portland, and LaDema Gault, of Marshfield. June 1—Floyd S. Cox and Olive Lucille Cox, both of North Bend. John Nodine Sentenced To Penitentiary For Life Judge King last Wednesday, at Gold Beach, sentenced John Nodine to be confined in the state peniten­ tiary for the rest of his life for the killing of his sister, Catherine, last December. The jury was out for 22 hours a couple of weeks ago' before bringing in the verdict of second de­ gree'murder. Nodine was taker! to Salem last Thursday, after indicating that an appeal to the supreme court would probably be made. Keys made for all Jocks. Stevens Cash Hardware, Coquille. Ore. tf We wonder if some of you have received the help­ ful information one of our customers g o t alarmed about.* A young lady at a lub. rack told him she was almost sure, absolutely posi­ tive he had trouble or there was something wrong with his car that their mechanics Seems like some one was more interested in repairs than eliminating trouble. Thornton Tire Service Southern Oregon’s largest and most Complete Tire Service 340 W. Front, Coquille, Tel. 270 Broadway at Curtis, Marshfield, Tel. 652 GOOD/YEAR TIRES BABY’S PICTURE FAMILY GROUPS A«/p hoop year cur rolling Old Photographs Restored * OFFICIAL O. P. A. INSPECTOR Station No. 11-15 and No. 11-3 Southwestern Motors Cor & Home Supply Store ( HOME MADE) Due to the shortage of sugar will be forced to cease all baking operations on June 12 Will resume operations as soon as July allotment of Sugar is received or the Ration Board allows us roxim Lloyd Hickam, Prop. COQUILLE BAKERY