T The Coquille y ’ VOL. XXXIX. . ' ■ ■- ; ’ ■ • • f** *’ .1 » - * m tun Senti»1 si INDíPINDINT NKWSPAPIR NO. M. School Election June Grand Jury Finds Four True Bills 21—Candidate For Director Being Sought It’s about time some suggestions were being made for a candidate for director of Coquille school district. No. 8, for Mrs. Leona Bryant, chair­ man of the board of past year, an­ nounced at the high school com­ mencement exercises a couple of weeks ago, that she would not be a candidate to succeed herself. . « The election for a director for a five-year term will be held in the high school bulldirig at 2:00 p. m. on Monday, June 31. The hold-over directors are W. E. Boaserman, Dr. J. R. Bunch, R. T. Slater and J. L. Smith. t A second meeting, at 7:30 that evening, in the sama place, will be held to vote on the proposed budget and on the question of increasing the amount to be raised by taxation over the six per cent limitation increase above last year’s tax. The amount in excess of the six per cent allow­ able, and which the taxpayers will be asked to approve, is 413,265.80, due principally to the increase in salaries 'decided upon by the budget commttees and by the directors the past year. The estimated receipts for the com­ ing year are set at 846,050. Estimated expenditures are ret at 876,875, plus bond payments and interest the com­ ing year of 813,810, making total ex­ penses of >80,785. This leaves a total of >44,735 to be raised by taxation The budget in detail appears on another page of this issue. 'M Memorial Day Observed Monday Ladies from the Douglas MacArthur Relief Corps went out to the ceme­ teries Saturday afternoon and put flags and W. R. C. pennants on the graves of past soldiers and Relief Corps members. Monday they held Ona service for the sailors and ma­ rines was held on the bridge and flowers and wreaths thrown on the water in memory of them. A ser­ vice at the monuments in the ceme­ teries was very impressive.—Press Correspondent. Judge Felsheim Talks To Lions Judge K D. Felsheim was guest sneaker at the Lions dub meeting last Thursday noon. He told the club that he accepted appointment to the position of county judge with­ out making any promises of any kind to anyone and with no strings at­ tached. His thirty years’ residence in the county makes him quite con­ versant with the county’s affairs and he told the Lions he would give the county the best administration pos­ sible. All county matters will be decided upon by all three members of the court. Commissioner Lars Peterson investigates all county-owned land matters and Commissioner Pete Cul­ ver all matters pertaining to timber which must come before the court. The judge made a 20-minute talk which was listened to with interest by the Lions. • County Budget Committee Meet Postponed To July • In county court yesterday the meet­ ing of the county budget committee was postponed until Tuesday, July 8. The citizen members of the com­ mittee, who will act with Judge Fel- sheim and Commissioners Peterson and Culver in preparing the budget, will be the same three as acted in that capacity last year: R. A. Jeub, of this city; Fritz Hatfen and Wm. Ekblad, of Coos Bay. Meeting as the Coos County Bound­ ary Board, the court engaged Wm. H. Wann again as auditor for the county school districts the coming year. Ta Appear In Motion Pictures Mrs. Cora Mackey of the Roy school district was quite thrilled when she saw last Saturday's Oregonian showing a picture of her niece. Miss Dorma Mae Jaden, of Tacoma. Wash. The young lady had just received a contract from a motion picture pro­ ducer in Hollywood. She received the contract following exhibits she had been giving and amateur per­ formances at army canteens. Drue Cunningham Sells No-D- Lai . « Plans For A, Boys Club Are Going Forward Rapidly Drue Cunningham last Friday completed the deal for the sale of the No-D-Lay Cleaners plant on Front street to Clifford Bisrett, who had been assisting him for more than Mrs. Jack Dolan and Rev. Robt. L. the - city recorder's recorder’s office. office C. G. a year. The latter took immediate Coquille's preparations for a three- __ _ 111 at ------- day July 4th celebration—July 8, 4, Caughell, secretary of the Chamber possession and Drue is now, tempor­ Greene were present at the 4th of 5—got off to a good start last Thurs­ of Commerce, will be issuing officer. arily, a gentleman of leisure, after July committee meeting in the city day evening with a lot of enthusiasm Thus the campaign officially opens conducting the business for the past hall Tuesday evening to present to the representatives of the dozen civic shown for making this year's cele­ on June 11th. nine years. A lease of the building and fraternal organizations present bration even more entertaining than, was also included in the deal. her plan for organizing a Boys’ Club last year’s successful one. On Sunday it is expected the speak­ Just what he is going to do, Mr. For this Second Annual Victory er for the occasion will give his ad­ Cunningham has not decided. If he in Coquille, with headquarters in the Community Build­ Celebration, the crowning of a Vic-i dress st .an open-air meeting on the' can accumulate enough gas cou­ basement ot the ?e tory Girl queen Saturday evening., court house lawn. The selection of ! pons during the next month, he and ing. Her suggestions were that three preceded by a parade and fdtlowed the «peaker is being left to tlw local' Mrs. Cunningham will then make a by a dance in the Community Build­ ministerial association and he will trip over to his recently acquired rooms be partitioned off in the base­ ment, that they be fitted up with ing will be one of the features. At speak immediately after the church ranch, four miles out of Vale in east­ various kinds of athletic equipment, least eight candidates are to be nom­ services, at about 12 o’clock. The ern Oregon. billiard and pool tables, etc:, and that inated by the lodges and organisa­ aommittee meeting Tuesday evening He says the higher elevation over men from the organizations take tumi tions of the city and the contestant» this week voted to pay up to 850 for there agree with him and he likes it, will receive prizes for first and sec­ transportation and hotel accommoda­ but after visiting the ranch, if Mrs. in supervision. She had no estimate on the cost but ond places as well as a percentage of tions for the speaker. Cunningham prefers to remain in Co­ said it might run to 83,000 to 83,000, f the amount ot tickets * they sell for Just what the river sports program quille Drue says they will W1I, voln come back the Victory Queen dance Saturday /o,'a‘a‘ <*> afternoon of a„d continue to make their home which the organizations with the aid of popular subscriptions could night. the Fourth, has not been decided upon here, finance. She hoped it could be by the Sports committee, but an ef-; ■ Following Alvin Shaver who left Coquille Victory Girl ready for use by the time school starts fort is being made to secure some in the fall. about five years ago was a victim been mailed sort of a Coast Guard from Bandon of the battle with the Jape In the Caughell: There would be no dues for the demonstration, in addition to a ma­ Aleutisns. He was an aviation ma­ boys but admission would be by rine parade on the river. chinist mate in the Na^y. card, such cards being subject to can­ The street sports program has also Each organization to nominate a Word of his death was received candidate for Victory Girl and an­ not been arranged but there will be There is a freak of nature in the cellation if their bearers violated the here by Mrs. Ted Snyder whom Al­ nounce its choice not later than June an interesting exhibition on Monday Sentinel's front window, which it rules of the club or those of good cit­ vin’s sister, Mrs. Devona Grossman, 10. as well as the parade soon after noon. will be worth anyone’s time to look izenship. called from Portland after she had Clarence Osika stated that the Ro­ L. W. Clever, chairman of the , °Uy Torrey brou«ht « in X“* Victory Girl candidate to be single. received a wire from the admiral in Victory Girl candidates at the danoe committee, announced Tues- ! terdaX> having found it in a sack of tary had 'some months ago unani­ charge up there. The wire came time of nomination to be sixteen day evening that he was Jn corres- 11Ml year’* fxjtatoe* The old potato mously voted to sponsor such a boys’ the same day she had received a years of age not have reached her pondence With two or three dance 'had a Split ,n th* ,kln on one side club, but will co-operate in the move band, and that the best ^TtalMbte *nd from “ ey* Juat at the ot letter from Alvin, written May 10. twentieth birthday. Ages thus in­ now and give up the sponsorship Their mothe^ Mrs. Potter, now re­ cluded are 16, 17. 18. 18. would be here, on all throe days. A .“ '*w P°ul0 has sprouted, idea. He said there was urgent need sides in Pasco, Wash. The Victory Girl is to be deter­ square dance, with at least eight or- growing in the heart of the old one. for such a club in Coquille. Iris Elrod asked why a Girls’ Club mined by the number of Victory tags ganizations entering, will be one of The "young un” is »bout an inch and a half long and an inch wide. could not also be formed, the young Billy Briggs Dies As sold. the dance features of the celebration, i ¡ladies to have certain nights of the A ViPanfav 1. Each tag sold will good for ten A Victory Center where T7 U. C S. ....... war Prisoner Of Japanese week and the boys the other nights. dances on the nights of July 3, 4, or 5. bonds and stamps will be on sale is to Mrs. Arthur L. Purser, of Eugene, The idea met with instant approval 2. Each tag will be sold for one to be arranged and Chairman O. L. has bein notified of the death of her and that is probably how it will be dollar. Wood stated it was hoped to have a son, Elton B. Briggs, (known in Co­ handled when the plans are matured Each girl is to receive ten per cent band from either the Army or Navy, quille as Billy Briggs), in the Philip­ Mrs. Dolan announced that after of the gross ssles of Victory tags sold as well as the local high school band Mrs. Sig Eckholm, who was in Co ­ pine Islands on May 12, 1843, where the representatives present had pre­ by her. In addition the following and the Eagles band from Roseburg quille yesterday from their ranch he was a prisoner of the Japanese. sented the matter to their clubs, prizes will be offered. in attendenes, near Coaiedo, reported that her son, It was the first word received of him lodges, etc., that another meeting of 1. A fifty dollar war bond to the Chairmen appointed by the general LieGt. Oke Eckholm, who had been since he was reported missing in ac­ heads ot the various bodies would be Victory Girl. chairman last Thursday evening home on sick leave for three weeks, tion after the taH of Bataan. held in city bell on Monday eve- 2. A twenty-five dollar war hand received his orders Tuesday after­ He enlisted in June, 1841, and wee ^**»*‘ •» to be given to the secund place wln- Rnede—J. L. Smith, who voiced noon to report TW asty Os 'an In­ sent to Clark Field,' P. I., with the ner. structor at Fort Knox, Ky., and in an objection, stating that he thought 83rd bombardment squadron. He H 3. Ten dollars in war stamps will younger men should have charge of ten minutes he was on his way. was a grandson of Mrs? S. S. Har- be given to the third place winner. that feature. But Jay has for many Her younger son. Sergeant Carl denbrook and nephew of Wm. Bar­ Each girl Is to check in her sales years brought forth a good exhibition Eckhoin, is with the Air Corps in row, of Coquille. each Wednesday between the hours and the appointment stands. Indis. of four and five o’clock* p. m. These Capt. Edward “Bo” Johnson, whose Dance—L. W. Claver. Sad News For Second Time sales sre to be checked with C. G. vessel docked recently at San Fran­ Publicity—B. W. Dunn. * In Three Months Caughell at the city recorder's office cisco, arrived in Coquille Sunday to Decorations—R. L. Stewart. i see- his sister, Mrs. Georgianna _______ ____________ Mrs. T. ____ De La * Rhue received _ a in the city hall. Entertainment—Lafe Compton. The Victory Giri and Attendants Vaughan. On Monday, with her two long distance call at midnight Mon­ Victory Giri Contest— Clarence children, they left for Puget Sound, day advising her of the sudden pass­ will ride on a float during the various Osika, who stated he would NOT Two former residents of Coquille, where their mother, Mrs. Alfred ing of her sister, Mrs. Harold Mayn, parades of the celebration. decorate the Victory Girls’ float.. Mrs. Owen Knowlton and Mrs. W. Johnson, resides on Vashon Island. The final check of tickets will be at White Sulphur Springs, Montana. Luncheon—Geo. H. Jenkins. , B. Glick, both from Palo Alto, Calif., “Bo” expects to come back through Three months ago when Mrs. De La made on Wednesday, June 30th, at Parking—Ilo Heaton. were visitors here and at Broadbent Coquille on his return to San Fran­ Rhue went home to her mother’s the city recorder's office in the city Concessions—I. I A. Elrod. from Saturday until Tuesday this cisco. Directors—Phil Alborn and Andy funeral she spent two weeks with hall. All tickets must be chedked in week. The two, the former Myrtle by five o ’ clock. He called on Frank Pook Sunday her sister. The mother’s passing was Anderson. and Margaret Lund, came in response to tell him about meeting Bill Pook Each girl is to report to the photog­ also sudden and Mrs. Mayn was very Finances — W. H. Fortier.. Last to word from their brother, P. O. somewhere in the South Pacific, and deeply affected, the shock seemed to rapher for a preliminary picture. If year's contributions totalled >698.50 Lund, that their mother is quite ill whom he did not at first recognize have had some effect on her which the girl has a picture suitable for and It is hoped and expected to raise at her home at Broadbent. They as Bill came walking along the dock publicity purposes it will suffice. contributed to the breakdown caus­ several hundred dollars more than desired to remain longer, but Mrs. toward him. Victory Tags may be obtained June that for this year’s celebration. ing her death. Mrs. Mayn was Mrs. Knowlton is employed by a draft De La Rhue's youngest sister. Owing board at Palo Alto and with the to the difficulty in traveling condi­ heavy work it has just now she had tions, Mrs. De La Rhue is not going to get back. to Montana. Her husband, son of a pioneer Coquille druggist, R. S. Knowlton, Chamber of Commerce Directors J. H. Oerding and his children here Due to the impossibility of securing According to a letter received by has a drug store in a smaller com­ were very pleasantly surprised last Met In Hotel Tuesday more sugar until their July allotment Prin. C. S. Osika from Mrs. Ger­ munity not far from Palo Alto. Saturday by the arrival of Mrs. Stella There were ten directors present is available, Lloyd Hickam, proprietor trude Blum, chairman State Educa­ Warner and Albert Oerding from of The Coquille Bakery, manufactur ­ tion committee for the Oregon War at the Chamber of Commerce lunch­ Sonoma. Calif., Mrs. Lucille Elli­ eon meeting held in the hotel dining ers of "Home-Made” bread, pies, Savings Staff, the Coquille High son and son Gary, from Santa Rosa, room Tuesday noon, with the presi­ cakes, etc., is advertising elsewhere School has been judged winner . in Calif. To add to the home gathering dent, George E. Oerding, presiding. that the bakery will be forced to the State War Scrap Book Contest. Will Oerding came over from Suther­ shut down on June 12 urttil approxi ­ Mrs. Blum states that the books were Most of the period was spent in F. G. Scherer, of the U. S.. Em ­ lin on Sunday and went back Monday. divided into five classes snd one book receiving reports and discussion of mately the first of July. ployment office at Marshfield, gave a The others left for their homes Tues­ The 18 days he expects to be was selected from each group as rep ­ the developing program for Coquille’s , brief talk on the manpower situation day morning. closed will be utilized in renovating, resentative of the State of Oregon< July 4th celebration. n Southwestern Oregon at the noon Schools st Wsr Program and will be Phil Alborn reported the collection cleaning, painting, etc. meeting of the Rotary Club at the To Attend A Synod At rent to the U. S. Treasury Department so far this year of 488 from those hav­ hotel on Wednesday. Santa Rosa, California in Washington, D. C. ing locker rooms for boats in the Mrs. George Oerding Is He stated that while quite a num­ The book entered by the Coquille float house at the dock and said it Convalescing At Union Rev. Robt. L. Greene Intends leav­ ber of people had been drawn out of High School contained pictures of ac- was the committee’s intention to put ing next Monday for Santa Rosa, this section by war industries that the word tivities engaged in. by the Student in new float logs for the building as i George E. Oerding received I situation here was more normal than Calif., to attend the Provincial Synod soon as they could be secured this from his wife, who has been confined Body, including war savings stamp in most localities due to the fact that of the Episcopal Church, and at which summer. The annua) rent for a Boat in the St. Joseph hospital at La drives, air observation, metal and the clergy will be present from ail Grande with pneumonia the past two scrap drives. Mrs. Beyers, adviser, most of our industries were basically space is 410 a year. Pacific coast states, Idaho and Ne­ connected with the war effort. weeks, that she has left the hospital and the Camera Club sponsored the vada. Two of the days in which Mr. Mr. Scherer also stated that and will convalesce at the home of her oroject. Greene is particularly interested is Total of |1,028.45 Paid As development of coal mining in sister in Union, and where her section would be accomplished un- Religious Education Day on Tuesday Fees In Clerk’s Office In May mother is also visiting. less someone threw a monkey wrench and Rural Conference Day on Friday. her husband Mrs. Oerding wrote Fees paid in to County Clerk in the machinery and also that a He expects to return home Saturday Oddy’s office during May were I57T - that she had received much mail. branch of his office was to be es­ of next week. flowers and presents from many of 40 for recording 1371.00 for Circuit tablished in Coquille after many court, >32.50 for Probate and County her .friends in Coquille and for which she was rratefi V uilie Grange and over the double holiday week­ ford, was present- as a guest as were enjoyed a fine program, following end, helping get their household North Bend Youth Paroled goods packed. Benham’s Transfer also N. W Boles, of Bend; Chet Icker- their regular business meeting last Real Estate Changes Until He la 21 Yean Of Age left with a completely filled van for son, of North Bend, and B. W. Dunn, Friday evening. Mrs. Florence Hal­ of Coquille. Hands The Past Week lock was in charge. The "Mothers Alvin Irvin Neeley, North Bend Portland Monday night and the fam­ of Our Nation,” was repeated, hav­ Geo. E. Oerding has sold the Jerol youth, pleaded guilty in Circuit court ily left for their new home in Port­ J. Sutton home at 358 Maple street Monday to theft of an automobile land on Tuesday. Mrs. Leslie, who " John Purkejf- returned yesterday ing been first given at the B. P. W. to Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Leatherman, and was sentenced by Judge King has been clerk for School District, from Tacoma, where he went to visit banquet earlier in the month. Mrs. who will move into it soon from to two years in the pen. A stay of No. 8, since “Brick” left here sev­ his mother last Wednesday. Mrs. Pearl Ellingson played several enter­ Mr. execution for 80 days was ordered eral months ago, will be succeeded Purkey and their two children, who taining numbers on her accordion and their home in Lee valley. Leatherman has given up farming by the judge and after the two by a new clerk after the board of di­ wrrtt with him, will remain for ten did it so tunefully that the audience and is- now employed in the Smith months in the county jail he will be rectors organizes following the school days longer, visiting her parents st could not resist singing some of the numbers with her. Fir Crest, which is near Tacoma. Wood-Products plant. paroled until he is 21 years at age. Action on June 1. The grand jury for the June term of Circuit court which began their investigations Tuesday morning made a partial report yesterday afternoon, bringing in four indictments, one of them secret, and finding two not true bills. They are expected to make another report this afternoon, Those indicted were: Delbert Curtis, of Powers, con- tributing to the deliquency of a minor. John Jerome Wicks and Charles Franklin Smith, both of the Coos Bay area, for driving while under the influence of liquor. Arthur James Pratt, bound over from justice court on a non-support charge, and Troy McCullum, charged with assault with intent to commit rape, were both freed by the grand jury. Alvin Shaver Killed In Alaska New Spud Grows In Old One Oke Eckholm Leaves For Kentucky Bo" Johnson Was Here Sunday The Lund Sisters Here To See Mother Bakery To Close For Eighteen Days Oerding Family Reunion Sunday C. H. S. State Scrapbook Winner Mr. Scherer Guest Speaker At Rotary Keith Leslies Have Moved To Portland ' L y i A SPLENDID COQUILLE FOURTH OF JUL PROGRAM FOR THREE DAYS BEING WORKED UP BY EFFICIENT COMMITTEES ■ a * Y