4 or Me n t i on Six Coquille members of Hillah Shrine Temple at Ashland went over to Klamath Falla Saturday for a cer­ emonial there that evening. Those who went and returned Bunday were M. F. Pettit, W. P. Laws, Dr. O. E. Stark, K. P. Lawrence, F. C. Hudson and Dr. C. A. Rietman. last Thursday for a short visit at home and with his father, Leo J. The latter left Sunday for Cary, Portland to be another day with John, who left Monday for a camp about 100 miles from Camp Ogelthorpe, Ga., where his sister, Mary Ella, is statfbned with a WAAC attachment. L. R. Hickenbottom, who has been with Smith Wood-Products here for seven years, has had to sever his con- , nections with the company because of his health. He and Mrs. Hicken­ bottom left Monday for Eugene, near ! where his brother has a farm on 1 which he is going to rest. If and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Blum and sons , when his condition improves, he will ■ be back here with the company for left Sunday for a week's camping trip he has been assured that there will on the Rogue, be an opening for him. 1 Calling cards. a0 to.- ji.Od. An 8V4 pound baby boy, named Howard Virgil, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Halter of this city last Friday. ' Mrs. Warren Davis, Mrs. John King and Mrs. Goldie Hannevold, all of Coquille, underwent major operations on Sunday. One of the twin Jt>aby girls, born to Mr. and Mrs. Faye Ocheltree, on Sat­ urday, passed away Monday. Rodney, three-year old son of Ray- rhond McLeod, on Monday; the ten- year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Chard of Coaledo, Phyllis, ¡on Tuesday, Donald Hawkins, a C. " L----- U ■ Mrs. Edw. Sanders underwent a major operation yesterday and O. M. Potter, Coquill*, entered to Hfcve his teeth extracted. Dismissals have been Mrs. Cedric Cross and baby and Mrs. Ivan Rob­ ison and baby, last Saturday; Doug- ls Ostrander on Sunday, and Dick Hickenbottom, who received a head injury when he jumped off the mov­ ing Cow Bell Dairy truck last week, was dismissed this pnorning.. Norton’s have just received a new shipment of Roseville Pottery. Pond Lily design in lovely shades of Brown, Rose and Blue. Reasonably Priced, ideal for shower or wedding H. S. graduate last week, and Betty, gifts. the ten-year old daughter of Geo. Wasson, both yesterday, all under­ ! Keys made for all locks. Stevens Cash Hardware, Coquille. Ore. went appendectomies. Two Coquille young men, Charles Mclntee and John Barrette, who have just finished their training course at Corpus Christi, Texas, have been madf petty officers, both being avia­ Mrs. May Barton left last Sunday tion machinist mates. morning for Fort Lewis, accompanied by Ben Barton, Joe Estes and Bob , Mr. and Mrs. E, A. Kester of the Kline. Joe left for induction at Port­ Igloo Market expect to leave Sat­ land. Ben will return this week-end urday for Junction City to visit their with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. children and look after property, Barton, who will visit at Perrydale there. The Igloo Market will be with their daughter and attend to * , . closed during their absence and will business in Salem. reopen Tuesday morning. Harold LeRoy Robison, arrested Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Haariman have last Saturday by the city police, for­ as their house guest Mrs. E. A. Beebe, feited the $10 bail he posted for of St. Paul, Minn. She is a cousin of his. appearance before City Recorder Leslie on Monday. Mrs. Harriman. i Mrs. E. D. Webb returned Wed­ nesday morning, after spending near­ ly a week with Mr. Webb in their splendid home, recently purchased, in Gardiner where Mr. Webb is cash­ ier of the bank. Mrs. Webb is hoping to sell their home on Hall street here soon so that she may move to Gar­ diner. Coquille guests at the Webbs’ Gardiner home last Sunday were For grave markers for your loved Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lamb, Mrs. Jennie 1 Now is a good time to catch up on Williams, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Young. your reading. Norton’s have a num­ ones, see John S. Sanders for style ber of new books on the rental shelf ■of marker and price. He also has cement building blocks. 541 West including “The Gaunt Woman," by 6th, Coquille. Phine 123L. a Edmund Gilligan; “Colonel Effing- I ham’s Raid," by Berry Flemming; I ‘The Year of Decision,” by Bernard | DeVoto; “Mrs. Parkington,” by Louis Bromfield; “The Forest and The I Fort,” by Hervey AUen and many j Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Foote came up others that you will enjoy. s from McClellan Field, near Sacra­ mento, last Thursday, on a six-day furlough. Mr. Foote is one of several hundred civilian police guards who are under army regulations at the We carry a complete line of V- field. Belts for all makes of Refrigerators, Washing Machines and other equip­ ment. Washer Service Co., 365 W. 'Front, Coquille. Phone. 16tfs WANTED TO BUY—Used pickup, or car suitable to rebuild as pickup. See J. C. Williams, Red A White Store or LeRoy Rice, Coquille Auto Park. ' lt»s See our large display of choice pot plants at Bergen’s, across highway 1 from telephone office. Not the cheapest but the best. Phone 64. s UNDER COVER MAN THE PICTURE THEY TALK ABOUT! Seldom a drarncv that ha so absorbed the COLOK CARTOON —ADMISSION— Sunday Mat, lie • 35c Eves. nation love and intrigue behind stormy career* A great film! I tn t— MUSIC AND MAULERS! SONGS AND SLUGGERS! HEALTH SERVICE '••I IIXALL . « MAUMit MAIN * weis TOOMEY/ 4 Fuhrman's Pharmacy T 0 M 8 R 0 W N Plus STOOGE COMEDY “Spook Louder” ' /i LATEST NEWS EVENTS Open every night until 8 Due to the increased cost in operating it ha» become necessary for a »light raise in admission prices on some of the changes. « A ________ f___________ iMMiftta ’