OOQÜÄLt VALLET MMTINEL. COQUILLE. OEfcGON.TIIUR8DAY.MAY ». IMS. * \ PAGE SEVEN 5— Arqgo News the graduates. P Her __ son-in-law, _ 1_____ Z Don __ ~ Phillip, 1» ' having _ , on the site of the old one-room coun­ Norton’s have just received a new Ivan Robison, Bill Sinko and Roland quite a time foliowing a mastoid oper- try school where I played Prisoner’s ahipment of Roseville Pottery. Pond ' Base and One-ql’-Qat. But nothing Lily design in lovely shades of Mr. Corthell, of Marshfield, spent Syfert, went to prewater Monday and ation a couple of weeks ago. (Continued from page six) Grange met ras usual Saturday ! can destroy the memory of those Brown, Rose and Blue. Reasonably a couple of days last week putting a enjoyed the day fishing. Rev. M. D. Kemple, of Coquille, con­ night. Mrs. Harry Lindsay was host­ new roof on Mrs. Edith Woodward's Priced, ideal for shower or wedding ducted the regular Sunday morning ess, serving maple bars, cookies and house. that fellowship with such fine people gifts. s Hotels are very crowded and good ' has had upon me. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Powell, of Myrtle church service. Sunday school fol­ coffee. rooms hard to get. Got bitten by a IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Point, were Thursday evening guests lowed with an attendance of 35. There mosquito in the lobby of the large STATE OF OREGON IN AND will be services again next Sunday, of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Long. Mid-west farmers are handicapped FOR THE COUNTY OF COO8 Hotel Sherman. Worfder if all the by a backward season. Continued In the Matter of the Estate of Alva Ralph Long and 8. C. McAllister preaching at 10 a. m. and Sunday big hotel; are infested because of the L. Brown, Deceased. cold rains have prevented planting have been busy the past week re­ school at 11 a. m. Mrs. Mildred King, of Coquille, has proximity of the Chicago riyer. Notice Ta Creditors Mr. and Mrs. John Carl attended and will make harvesting a month pairing the front porch of the teacher­ A taste of life in the big city makes Notice is hereby given, that the late. age and also remodeling some of the the funeral services of the late Mr*. been home visiting her folks, Mr:, undersigned has been duly appointed Levi Snyder held in Coquille lart Sat­ and Mrs. Lee Mast, this past week­ me sure that there's no ptace like Many former dairymen are selling by the above entitled Court, as Ex­ school property. good old Coos county. end. their milk cows and buying young ecutor of the Estate of said Deceased, Ladies Aid met last Wednesday at urday afternoon. The Jolly Gardeners club meeting Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Shaw, Patty steers from western'ranges to fatten and has duly qualified as such. the church for an all day's meeting Milled with a crowd to watch Now, therefore, all persons having t * . . _ 1OI for Utrl beef Udlllc.) cattle. JVldnpOi Manpower shortage claims against said estate are hereby with a pot luck dinner at noon. In and Arlan, of Coquille, went up to was held Friday evening at the home „ an Associated Prom teletype click haa forced change . One wor­ of Mrs. Lee Mast. A 4-H scholarship their ranch on Hall's Creek Monday __ the afternoon the regular monthly W. notified" and required to present the off the news of the day. As luck ders about the effect on the nation’s same, together with proper vouchers C.' T. U, meeting was held with Mrs. and have been spending the week was sponsored that evening by vote would have it 1 just happened to be of the club. Mrs. Lee Hatfield was milk and butter supply this practice therefor, to the undersigned at the Tyrrell Woodward in charge. There camping there. office of J. Arthur Berg at Coquille, Standing there when the news of the will have. Mrs. Grace Rackleff was a Sunday voted in as a re-instated member. will be no more Aid meetings until Oregon, within six months from the capture of Tunis and Bizerte came In. Sugar beet farmers are worried date hereof. dinner guest at the home of Mr. and Some final plans were laid for the further notice. An elderly gentleman turned to us new year book, which is supposed to Dated this 21st day of April, 1943. over the impending shortage of har­ Mrs. John McNair, of Fat Elk, Mrs. J. D. Qari. and said, “Gentlemen, we have just Frank R. Brown, Mrs. Ida Myer* and Frank Lane be ready by the July meeting. Mrs. vest hands. Imported Mexican la­ 15tS visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Executor nf said Estate. witnessed the announcement of a Myrtle Glenn gave a very interesting bor has been used heretofore. It is were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and' A. T. Holycross last week. talk about the district conference great event in American History." difficult to get this year. There is Mrs. John Myers and Mrs. Kink, Mrs. Stanley Halter. In the after- j NOTICE OF FINAL SETT1.EMENT which she, Mrs. John O’Sullivan and Noting tears of emotion in his eyes, talk of< a recently invented^digging Notice is hereby given that the of Powers, were Thursday callers at noon Mrs. Myers, Mr. Lane and Mr. I asked if he had a son in the ser­ machine that may supplant the labor undersigned, on the 24th day of April, and Mrs. S. C. McAllister drove to ¡Mrs. Frank Haney had attended last the home of Mrs. Ida Myers. , Tuesday in Marshfield. Mrs. Reuben vice. He replied that his only son.1 it can be manufactured in sufficent 1943, filed in the County Court for Mrs. Althea Harrah spent Wednes­ Myrtle Point and visited Mrs. Lane Coos County, Oregon, his final ac- W. Brown drew the lucky number an aviator, had recently been reported quantity. Everywhere it is the same count in the matter of the adminii^ day night at the home of her father. at the Must hispital. Mrs. Lane is in action over Tunisia. I missing 1 story, a struggle to -overcome labor I tration of the Estate of Gus Gallas, in a very critical condition and ex-, for the attendance prize and Mrs. Frank Lane. Frank Haney won the game