PAGE M» , T -------------------------- i i Pioneer Mathodist Church ^Fimnlor priaed to ,ind that manJ mid-west in Chicago, first visit in 17 years. No- JVnIII their lap by a face-saving House, the establishment, even some of those was in Cheyenne, Wyoming. And it full basement with furnace; large Rev. Menno D. Rempel, Pastor Senate finance committee has brought close to the President become in­ (Continued on page seven) lot; Venitian blinds, new carpets May 31, 1943 FOR SALE—“Spark” Flamo Range, forth a better bill which makes the volved and take their turn squirm­ and inlaid linoleum are included, 10:00, Sunday School. (Vacation $60.00. Used six months. Former transition to current payments much ing on the witness stand. This place is priced right for a First Church of Christ, Scientist Bible school starts June 14.) crice $160.00. Inquire Battle Rock easier and should greatly reduce de­ While it is difficult to prove any Coquille, Oregon quick sale, Shown only by ap- 11:00, Morning warship service. Garage, Port Orford, Ore. 18t3s linquencies. ulterior motive behind the lavish Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. pointment. J. S. Barton, Realtor, Memorial Day observance. To say that the Rumi plan actually entertainments, the fact remains that Sunday Service at 11 a. m. Phone 21 J. 355 South Taylor DO YOUR FLOORS NEED REFIN­ 6:30, Young People’s meetings. “forgives’ ’taxes is not true. The contracts were secured and certain Subject for next Sunday, “Soul and Street, Coquille, Oregon. ISHING? Rent our Sander and do 7:30, Evangelistic service. Illus- only forgiveness of taxes open to any advantages granted as a result of con­ Body.” t rated message. it yourself; it’s easy, it’s economi­ of us in this generation is when death tacts between the invited guests. And FOR SALE—Hotpoint Electric Range, Wednesday evening meeting at 8:00 cal. FARR A ELWOOD. a Choirs meet Tuesday at 7:30 «nd comes. The astronomical national even though nothing is proved and white enamel, in good condition, o’clock. 8:15. at 601 N. Taylor or phone 75L, Co­ WANTED—Dependable woman or debt means that every citizen of the everyone goes scot-free, the publicity Free public Reading Room at 255 Prayer meeting Thursday. quille.—Mr». W. H. T. Ziedrjch. a girl to take care of children. Call nation, rich or poor, will have to give will discourage future operators of W. Second, Roxy Bldg., open every Uncle Sam a very large portion of these joints by making it hard to in­ day except Sunday and holidays from at 592 Carter Ave., Coquille. It’s Church of God IRISH TERRIERS, male and female, his earnings as long as he lives. No duce high officials to run the risk of 12:30 to 5:00 p. m. Corner of Henry A Seventh Sts. from champion shock. Will sell FOR PLUMBING Repair» and Ser longer can the tax burden be carried attending. An offensive odor as of vice—call 2-L. J. A. Lamb Com­ mainly by any single group. Every­ decayed fish pervades the scene. Pastor, A. L. Perry pair cheap to country home. Write The Holy Name Catnoiic Church pany tfs one must pay his share and no Sunday School, 10 a. m. P. O. Box 365, Myrtle Point. lt«s It looks as if Congress has at last Mass at 9:30 a. m. eveiy Sunday. Preaching service 11 a. m. amount of scheming or demagogic decided to run the show itself. Some FOR Expert Emergency, Repair Ser­ FOR RENT — 3-room Apartment, Young People’s meeting, 4:45 p. m. political legerdemain can alter the emptying of old garbage and sweep ­ close in. Adults. No animals. 351 Calling cards, 5v tor $1.00. vice on Milking Machines, Farm Preaching service 7:30 p. m. fact nor evade the responsibility. ing under rugs is called for. Congress So. Henry St., Flora E. Dunne, s 1 All are invited to attend. If your Water Systems, Tractors and Farm Therefore the sooner we all get our is evidently not going to trust this to r I J/achines, call J. A. Lamb Com­ PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING, shoulder to the wheel by putting into the hired hands but is grabbing the 1 child does npt go to Sunday School pany. Note—For Quick Service, Kalsomining and wood finishing— effect the pay-as-you-go plan the broom and mop itself. elsewhere, we urge you to send them, A mighty Oregonian Subscribers: Please small machines should be sent to or better still bring them. 1943 Wall Papers, Imperial, Pitts­ better off we will be. healthy omen for the future and an help your carrier by having your our shop.. ■ I burgh and Birge. No raise in While I was aware that wide­ ominous warning for political fat­ paper money ready at his first call. prices. Herbert E. Wood, phone ¡ Calling cards. 50 fur $1.00. spread tax delinquency existed cats. FURNISHED down-stairs Apartment Remember he must pay his paper 286. Coquille. 275 North Henry among factory workers, I was sur- at 568 South Henry; electric range obligation before the 10th of the St iltfs Wood has been looked upon as a and refrigerator. Adults only, no month. Thank you. FREE RENT in house on 10-acre temporary building material. It is animals. Phone 40J. Mrs. E. A. PAINTING? Use Republic Paint and tract, % mile from Coquille on commonly used for cheap construc­ Wimer. 19t2s do a better job. FARR A EL­ Fairview road; garden space, chick­ tion of the “expendable” type. When P. O. Box No. 245 Phone 201 WOOD. s en house. Only obligation to watch the public thinks in terms of per­ FOR RENT — 4-room House, with Coquille, Oregon place. Wm. Evland, owner; call manency and long life, it conceives lights and water. On Dean-Minard GLASSWARE—Rock Sharpe Crys­ 252J. lt*s of structures built of masonry and tal Glassware. Priced 35 cents to road. See Archie Gray at end of $2.00. You must see it to appre­ DOG LOST—Large black Australian steel. No one regards a wooden home that road. lt*s ciate its Beauty. J. A. Lamb Com­ Shepherd pup, near th? county as long-lived. FOR RENT — 3-room unfurnished hr. De La Rhue Yet when I visited my old home pany. a farm on Sunday. Reward paid to house and garage. Guy C. Torrey, finder. Notify Dr. Clarke, phone town, I actually saw fourteen homes Eyesight Marshfield Hiway, next to Coquille GARDENERS — We have SEED 90-L, Myrtle Point. It’s that were built of Michigan pine and Specialist SPUDS and seeds, plants, and Auto Court. lt*s well all over 100 yean old. And equipment. FARR A ELWOOD, s FOR SALE—“Fanners’ Bargains’- they are in excellent repair and be­ Eyas Examined • Gia FOR SALE—New Hampshire Red Bulls — Roosters — Saddle Mare ing lived in. Their owners have hens. 35c per lb. 6 to 12 at 32 toe WANTED—Young lady, age 18 to Reception room jointly with — Heifers — Family Cow — Trail­ from time to time added such things NOTHING OVERLOOKED 25 years, for general office work. lb. 12 or over at 30c lb. Guy C. Dr. J. R Bunch er — Terrier Doga — See FARR A as plumbing and electrical fixtures Permanent Opportunity for ad­ Torrey, Marshfield Hiway, next to ELWOOD’S “Swap Board.” Laird Balldlag Phone 82-J to keep pace with modem improve­ no matter bow large and elaborate vancement. Swift A Company, Coquille Auto Court lt*s Coquille, Oregon. Its* FOR SALE—New Short Canary Hay. ments. But little or no major re­ the scale upon which the funeral FARM MACHINERY REPAIRS - Cheap if taken at once. A. F. Mass, pain to the original structure have arrangements are to be made. That Your County Defense Board—Your COMMERCIAL FERTILIZER HAS Coquille. It* beeq necessary. One thing in com- is our policy—that is our proud ARRIVED — Farr & Elwood. ■ County Agent — Your Country — mon to all of them was the huge Urges you to order parts for your WE PAY TOP PRICES FOR WET OR kitchen calling for miles of travel by claim after many yean of experi­ Personal Interest PAINT UP, CLEAN UP—We carry farm machines NOWl Let us dis­ DRY CASCARA BARK. Farr A the housewife in her daily tasks. Our ence. A conference with us will high quality Paint for every pur* Friendly Counsel cuss your requirements with you. Elwood. s forefathen were not overly solici­ be to your advantage. pose, including the new Miracle Parts are now available without Honest Advice ' tous for the comfort of their wives. Wall Tone. J. A. Lamb Company. FOR SALE—My home on Marshfield costly delays. Check your machines Those kitchens were built for utility Proper Guidance Highway, by High School. Four Now! Use Only “GENUINE IHC FOR SALE—5-room stucco, modern and not for convenience. Human rooms and bath, with basement. LADY IN ATTENDANCE PARTS.” J. A. Lamb Company, s labor was cheap and plentiful, then. home on Marshfield Highway. It Also piano. Geo. Brooks at the may be seen from May 31 to June The point is that those tyomes, now Swap Shop. z Its more than a century old, are still good 3. Mrs. A. R. Terrell. Its Coquille Handon Specializing in Merchantable Wood, Ambulance Service FEED YOUR DOG Gaines dog food. for many yean to come. BRING Your Tire TrouWes to Thorn 109K 1083 Coquille Economical and good for him. properly used, is just as long-lived Saw and Piling Timber ton’s, the most completely eouipped FARR A ELWOOD. a as any other building material and is BUY OR SELL . shop in Southern Oregon. Only ex­ far more flexible in use. Altera­ perienced workmen. Best quality MOWER REPAIRS — Check your Tracts of 1 to 5© Million tions can be made very cheaply and materials and equipment used. All Machines now for Broken Parts simply in wooden houses. Insulation work fully guaranteed. Thornton and avoid costly delay by buying from heat and cold is easier and more Tire Service. 23tfs repairs Now. J. A. Lamb Com­ practicable. Wood is not subject to pany. « stresses set up by extremes of heat Eugene, Oregon FOR RENT—House at 17« West 6th. Office 1383 West 7th Ave. Newly papered and painted. See There is »till a fine selection of and cold and can be worked by al­ A. L. Perry at 392 North Henry. Father’s Day Greeting Cards at Nor­ most anyone. Taking these tyings «34 West 5th Ave. ton's. s into consideration, a wooden house is a pretty good investment for any­ 'X one to make. r But it needs to be WILL CARE For Small Children, < day orth and evenings. Inquire at 227 North Hall St., Coquille. Marjorie One Cent a Word Lach Insertion Kapple. It* No 44«. lew Uwa 85 cento CLASSIFIED TL a * NOTICE 1 The Oregonian Agency Attention to Details Gano Funeral Home SCHROEDER BROS. MORTUARIES, I««. E. M. Banta WRECKER Phone 83 Night Phone 272X Southwestern Motors Chevrolet — Buick t