» THE COQUILLE VALUT MENTINE!- COQUILLE, OKKOON, THURSDAY, MAY 27. IMS. ■se The Sentinel a sees eaau ta a aaaa raws TWENTY YEARS AGO ■ Weekly Letter From Washington, D ,c. BY CONGRESSMAN HARRIS ELLSWORTH | (Taken from The Sentinel of Friday, May 25, 1923) The Soldiers’ Memorial service will be held at the Liberty Theatre Sun­ day morning, May 27, at 11 o’clock. Rev. W. S. Smith will be chairman and Rev. H. E. Roaseel will preac|> the I sermon. Mr. Leslie will nave charge of the music. of the Glendale, Oregon, high school for a year or so after he graduated from the University. The'state De­ partment book entitled “Peace and War," the story of our foreign policy during the past decade, was prepared under his direction—he wrote most of it. I asked him to tell me why under the sun that book is called a "white paper.’’ He said he really did not know—that the term was not used by the State Department. I was re­ lieved to have that information be­ cause 1 hate to see our government adopting the diplomatic Jargon of Europe ' - The following is the fist of the . eighth grade graduates from Coquille, Washington, D. Cn May 22.—It' how he was sorely disappointed over school district: Clara Bean, Alice seemed to me that most of the mem- his committee assignments his first Collier, Alta Belie Elwood. Grace i bers of Congress were pretty well term but was later able to climb on Horner, Edward Johnson, Thelma 1 pleased with Prime Minister Wirutton up the seniority scale. We will not Nelson, Roy Shuck, Kathleen Vowell, , Churchill’s speech Wednesday They discuss pending legislation, nor did Ollie Gisholt, James Agostino, Royce . certainly gave him a fine applause we discuss affairs' of state. It was Richmond, Blanche Jorgensen. when he was ushered in and when he was a social visit—I was curious to finished speaking . < hurchiti is a have first-hand knowledge about the Entered at the Coquille Postotfiee as Mrs. Karl Leslie came in Monday short built, rolly-polly man with a man who (for the next 18 months^at Second Claas Mail Matter. Four thousand copies of the "Mi­ from Milton, Ore., where she and Earl I ready and mischievous smile. He evi­ least) handles our relations with for­ kado’s Messenger" have been issued spent the past school year dently likes to move around a lot eign governments. from the Sentinel press thia week, My visit with Mr. Hull came about while speaking. A space about six Week’s highlights: Rumi Plan advertising the "Mikado," which Is John Miller. Arthur Ellingson, F. C. feet in diameter was cleared on the this way: Carlton'W. Savage, a for­ failed again—this time by eight votes. to be produced at the Liberty Theatre Hudson and E. M. Gallier, of Bandon, speaking platform Just beneath the mer class-mate of ‘ mine at the Uni­ Still pending. Several appropriation here next Monday and Tuesday eve­ went out to Winchester, just north of Speaker’s roatrm. An enormous bat­ versity of Oregon, is one of Mr. Hull’s bills passed—but by the time the com­ Roseburg, last Friday evening . nings May 28 and 29. tery of microphones was arranged confidential assistants. Savage has «TUN mittees get through screening them and brought home about 400 pounds along the desk normally used by the been in the State Department for the there is nothing much to do with At the meeting of the city council of Chinook Sunday afternoon. clerk when he calls the roll. Churchill past 15 years. I have seen him sev­ them on the floor of the House but j Monday evening the dog question stood far back from the mikes. He eral times since I have been here. pass them. Things are quieting down . I held the boards for about air hour. Coquille people during the recent had a manuscript on the desk be­ The other day Carlton called me up and there is general talk of a recess Salvation Army drive, contributed neath them—pulpit height—and ap­ and suggested I come down and look during July and Auguit. • OM and Fancy J. S. McEwen, one of the oldest the .sum of $360. peared to read from it moat of the over the State Department, and that • • • • • ••••• residents of Coquille, passed away at time, although how he could read, he would arrange an appointment We carry a complete line of V- The following is the list of players typewriting at the distance he was With the Secretary for me—which he The dog-poisoner is at large again. his home on Spurgeon Hill at one Belta for all makes of Refrigerators, signed up for Coquille baseball team standing from the desk is beyond me. .o ’ clock Wednesday morning. . . He did. t • This criminal is treading a dangerous. Washing Machines and other equip­ this season: Carl King, Carl Gilbert, My impression is that he was almost j path because sometime a young child was born Mar. 14, 1836. Carlton Savage was born and ment. Washer Service Co., 385 W. Arthur Berg, Carl Turns, Rodney constantly in motion — always mak- I may be the victim and more than the Front,. Coquille. Phone. 16tf$ At one o’clock this morning one of Smith, Gordon Slade, Howard Hob* ing a step or two forward and then | raised in Oregon.' He was principal finger of suspicion will be pointed our oldest citizens passed away when son, William Fortier, Harry Oerding, back. Quite evidently wise to the i at him or her. We speak of this Joseph H. Bledsoe died at his home I Kid Cafson, Harry Dement, Cliff Per- t ways of radio broadcasting, he did i T ♦ low-grade moron indefinitely as if not move form side to side but' kept I here after a short illness. . 1 kins. • the owners of the poisoned pets always squarely in front of the mike were -unsure of the sex of the sneak battery. who feeds strychnine to their dogs. tivity or possibly we should go to the explained that Kiska could be re- Several Senators have expressed othsr extreme and say we would feel ' taken from the enemy whenever it Instead, people of a small town know one another pretty well and there | like the old darky, dressed up in her [was necessary by paying the price. dissatisfaction with Prime Minister Churchill’s assurances regarding help is usualy only one person In a neigh­ best bib and tucker who, when asked The assumption is that this may be in the Pacific. I doubt if it would where she was going, answered: ‘ Tse considered the opportune time to borhood deemed capable of such a clean out the Japs and remove that have been practical for him to have already been where I’s gwine." nefarious act. obstacle on the road to Tokyo. All in said much more than he did, but I The killer of pete is lacking in I We have secured additional Body Mechanics, so we are in all, the general picturi of the Pacific am glad to have constant emphasis mentality If he—or she—thinks the a position to take immediate care of all Auto Painting looks as though Unde Sam will be placed upon the necessity for aggres­ cloak of anonymity coven his—or increasing his forces in that theatre sive action against the Japs. We her— deeds. Wo are all what we are and Body Work and put forth a strong effort before Pacific Coast people know the im­ and no one need think our associates portance of knocking those monkeys the year’s end although, at the same cannot size us up correctly, whether time, throwing most of his strength out before they got too well con­ we be murderers at heart, saints or into Europe to engage the Germans. solidated. Washington and the East the average run-of-the-mill citizens. generally is getting Pacific-minded in a'big way, which is moat encourag­ David Nites, one of the six assist ­ The Germans have been guilty of ants of the president with “a passion ing. so many black crimes, it is strange Edward, Duke of Windsor, and his for anonymity," is charged with be­ that one more shocks us but the tak­ ing the man to handle the under­ charming wife, Wally, along with a ing of General Giraud’s daughter and cover campaign for a fourth term for group of notables, sat in the gallery his four grandchildren from Tunis Mr. Roosevelt and that Postmaster Just above and back of me. I tried to the Eropean continent makes us General Frank Walker is only the to keep from turning and staring at want to call down the wrath of God ------- -THE--------- “front." Mr. Niles is the man who, them but, hang it, I had never Seen upon the monsters in human flesh when in the department of commerce an ex-king of England before, to I who do this. Washington, D. C„ May 28—Two There were top-ranking officers, consequences of the war production with Harry Hopkins, ignored the guess I did quite a bit of gazing. Ed­ there were ' valuable technicians,1 announcement that there Is now Democratic party organization in ward, bland and washed-out looking, •here were strong soldiers, whom the , ! enough industrial alcohol on hand to Oregon and turned over the patron­ is not an impressive person. But. age foF taking the 1940 census to the Wally! She certainly is attractive. Nazis could have evacuated instead meet all requirements -™- through 1944 of a helpless woman and tittle chil- """f^^nter^’to O^gon.’rirat, Commonwealth Federation and in­ Dressed limply in a dark blue outfit WITH AN AUTO PUBLIC LIABILITY AND formed western Democrats that no and with very little "make-up,” the dren. is the statament that because of this PROPERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE POLICY Duchess was not in the least spectacu ­ one who was not a 100 percent new From the start Hitler has used ample supply the previously an­ Written Through the office of the love of one relative for another nounced plans for five new grain al­ dealer had a right to a place on the lar