r PAGI THREX TRI COQUILLE VALUTO SENTINEL. COQUtLL*. OMtOON. THURSDAY, MAY 87. 1H3. = I--------------------------------------------- «=« Social Notes I a. 4 Lecturer Who Visited Plywood Mfgrs. Europe To Speak Meet In Tacoma A telegram to the Sentinel from the On Bible Prophecy Large She Party Far A miscellaneous gift shower and bridge party was given Friday eve­ ning, honoring Mias Marianne Axtell, by Mrs. Jan. Brady at her home. The rooms were decorated with mixed bouquets of spring flowers. The large table where the bride-to-be sat during refreshments, was centered with an attractive arrangement of orchid and yellow iris and candles in matching color. At bridge Mrs. Amy Aasen held high score and Mrs. E. A. Walker was second high. Many beau­ tiful and useful gifts were received by the honor guest. Invited guests were the following: Mesdames Ed McKeown, Orvin Gant, Lynn Perrott, Dick Sherrill, H. W. Pierce, Fred McNelly, E. E. Leslie, Stewart Norton, A. B. Collier, Theo. Clinton, Roy Neal, Gretohen Pen- land, R. E. Boober, Georgianna Vaughan, C. M. Gray, R. L. Stewart, O, C. Sanford, J. L. Smith, W. E. Bosserman, Geo. Johnson, John Aasen, Earl Nosier, E. A. Walker, Gertrude Ulett, J*. E. Axtell and D. W. Sturdiavan; Misses Norene McKeown, Madeline McKeown, Aloha Allen, Margaret Belloni, Margaret Stewart, Elaine Gray, Donna D. Bossermn, Maxine Johnson and Rheo Walker. Douglas Fir Plywood Assn., in con­ Rev. Nicholas Pirolo, D. D., of Chi­ vention at Tacoma, yesterday stated: cago, Illinois, who visited Europe just Northwest plywood manufacturers, prior to the present crisis and who is whose 29 factories are operating top the author of several books on cur­ production to supply nation's, needs, rent developments,-will apeak at the concerned themselves primarily with Assembly of God church, in a series future peacetime markets as they of meetings which began Sunday, May hold their annual industry conven- 25, at 7:30 p. m. and to continue . tion. through Sunday, May 30. “First, plywood must be produced He promises to speak frankly and i to help win the war but also you candidly in his discourses < on the ' should now prepare to get back in the character and general ambitions of consumer market again," W. E. Dif- dictatorships in their relationship > ford, managing director of Douglas Fir Plywood association, urged in his annual report. His review came after the plywood men again named M. O. Cruver, Ta­ coma, president of their association. ' Other officers re-elected include ' Frost Snyder, J. P. Simpson and H. E. Kenzler, all of Tacoma, trustees. •The all-industry board members axe IT. B. Malarkey and Clay Brown, of i Portland; J. R. Robinson, of Everett, and E. W. Daniels, Hoquiam. Army and Maritime Commissions rely on panels for soldier portable ' barracks, railorad cars, costal patrol boats, torpedo boats, lifeboats, air­ plane boxes, parts for bombers and fighting planes and a host of other uses. Farewell Party far Mr. snd Mrs. Htakenbottosn An enjoyable party was held last Sunday night at the Eagle’s hall as a farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Loal Hicken- bottom. There was dancing, followed by a delicious lunch. 'Besides a hand­ kerchief shower for Mrs. Hickenbot- tom, the honor guests were also pre­ sented with two beautiful wool blank­ ets. Those attending were Messrs, and Mesdames Geo. Adams, Earl Adams, Kenneth Baker, Ollie Newton, Glen Story, Austin Kyle, Frank De­ Costa, Ernest Johnson, Ëarl Living­ ston, Van Spares, Evan Albern, Fred Bull, Ivan Haddix, Vernon Heinsel- man, Lenorm Powndea, Mr. Jim Jacob­ ean, Lowell Simpqpn, Leonard Fitz­ patrick, Mesdames Gladys Gregg, Molly Hugh, Bertha Wilson, Marjorie Beall, Marian Anderson. Townsend Club No. 1 Biegger Furniture with the Roman church system, of Thirty members of Townsend Club Hitler and the Jews and of underly­ No. 1 attended the meeting Tuesday ing conditions which prevail in Eur­ evening. After the opening cere­ Carter-Rice Salesman Buys ope at the present time. He will speak mony, business matters were attended Stationery Store at Bay of the world'a political and religious to by the club, with president Tilgh- Jim Milne, popular Carter-Ride situation from the prophetic view­ point showing its spiritual background and application and will also point out what part apootate Christianity plays in world governmental affairs. While in Italy Mr. Pirolo addressed large audiences in Rome in a series of j meetings conducted there, and also . visited Mussolini’s “Mostra” (Fascist ' Exposition) at Rome. Knowing the nature of the people of Europe and having long studied the ambitions of dictatorships, he is prepared to pre­ sent facts concerning dictator re- gimes which will be of intense in- terest to students of prophecy and all Don’t let your stamps expire—bring your books to Safeway thinking people. The speaker de­ NOW while stocks are adequate and get the most out of your points at the lowest prices. Don't wait till the last clares that he will unveil secret minute. Spend them NOW I causes of the situation which exists * L G-H J in Europe, having been there about * FOR FASTER SERVICE, FINER SELECTION d the time that plans were being laid •LM*' ShofL fathom. tiut WttkJ for the present war campaigns. He also had opportunity to converse with men of rank in Italy. Point BLUE STAMP VALUES ’***??• For years Dr. Pirolo has taught and Value lectured in many states of the Union Soup, Campbell Chic-i Noodle can 14c with groat crowds in attendance everywhere. Calling particular atten­ Beans, Small Whites 3 lb. pkg. 47c tion to the developments of Anti­ Beans, Idaho Reds 5 lb. pkg. 45c Christianity as seen today in Europe Grfruit Jce„ Tex-Zest 46 oz can 31c and the world at large, some of the Point RED 8TAMP VALUES Grfruit Jee., Tex-Zest No. 2 can 14c topics which will be included in his Value Tomato Jee, Sunny Dawn 46 oz. can 22c talks are: “The World’s Clamour for 1 Potted Meat Morrells 2 Vi cans He a Super-Man,” “Who Is to Blame for Tomato Jce, Libby 47 oz. can 23c 9 Cudahy’s Tang 12 oz. can 33c the present Chaos,” “Mystery Baby­ V-8, Veg. Cocktail 18 oz. cans 2 for 29c 19 Spry Shortening 3 lb. glass 71c lon—the Universal Church,” “Dicta­ 19 Snowdrift 3 lb. jar 71e Peas Gardenaide No. 2 can 2 for 25c torship vs. Romaniam,” “Anti-Chris- 15 Royal Satin Shortening 3 lb jar 54c Peas Pict Sweet No. 303 can 16c tianity Today,” “The Triumph of UNRATIONED ITEMS 14 Corn Cntry Home Kernel No. 2 can 15c Christ over ths Anti-Christ,” “The Carrot Joe., Cocktail Mix, 3 pkg Church and the State—World Rela­ 10 Carrots, Lord Mott No. 303 12c Raisins. Sun Maid seeded 19 oz. tionship,” “America's Place in 10 Catsup Red Hill 14 oz. bottle 14c Dried Prunes 2 lb He 4 lb pkg. War.” Ripe Olives Lindsay Jumbo pint 21 Peaches Castle Crest No. 2 <4 can 23c Rev. L. C. Persing, pastor of A local Assembly of God church, tends a cordial invitation to all. CLOSED MONDAY, MAY 31, MEMORIAL DAY SAFEWAY jlcnK&naJceu' Guide Mr. and Mrs. Fred MdNelly re-f ceived an unexpected visit from How­ ard Moy, who came on Saturday stay­ ing with them until Tuesday. Howard was president of the student body at high school and hto many young friends will be intersated to know he is now a gunners mate, 3rd class, in the armed guard. In a roeent edition of a national magazine the work of the Armed Guard was explained. Every ship of the Merchant Marine has a err»- of from ten to twenty navy men who are sent out for the ships protection on every trip. Howard just returned from the Hawaian In­ lands. Preston Moy, his brother, was last weak moved from Santa Ana to Sequoia Field, at Viaalia, where hè will receive hie primary training in the Army Air Corps. J I paper Co., representative in south- PIMPLES DISAPPEARED ! western Oregon, will no longer be OVER NIGHT calling on the trade, printing and re­ Yes, it is true, there is a safe harm­ tail. This week he purchased the less medicated liquid called Kleerex Anderson stationery store in Marsh­ that Aries up pimples over night. field and took immediate possession. Those who followed simple directions and applied Kleerex upon retiring Bridge Club With Mrs. Stromquist were amazingly surprised when they Members of the Neighborhood found their pimples has disappeared. Bridge Club were guests of Mrs. | These users enthusiastically praise Harold StromquiBt at her home in Kleerex and claim they are no longer Sanford Heights. High scores were embarrassed and are now happy with held by Mrs. Fred Hudson and Mrs. j their clear complexions. Don’t take George Johnson. Others attending ! our word for it, use Kleerex tonight. If were Mesdames Irving Larson, Ken-! one application _______ _____________ does not satisfy, you Autoists Must Turn In neth Lawrence, Frank Martin, Don ' get your money back. T. ___ " to ~ ~ There no Unused Gas Ration Coupons Gillespie, Dan Melton and N. Worth risk so do not hesitate. For sale by Motorists are warned by T. F. Smith. Barrow Drug Co. Thorn, district mileage rationing rep­ resentative ,pf the Klamath District Office of Price Administration, that local boards have the authority to revoke gasoline rations if regulations Ä number of are violated. With the expiration of stamp No. 5 in all ‘‘A’’ ration books at midnight May 21st, motorists are cautioned to turn, in all expired coupons to their J local boards within five days. These By BILTWELL gasoline rations, which remain the property of OPA, should not be de­ MANY OCCASIONAL CHAIRS stroyed or left with service station ' ’ 1 t operators. Thorn said. He also stated that a few motorists A full line of Linoleum in 6-9J2 ft. throughout the district are still in violation of regulations regarding width and 9x12 rugs windshield stickers. "Only the high­ est value sticker should appear on large assortment of full and twin the windshield.” Thorn said that any other gasoline size mattresses and box springs ration stickers in the possession of the motorist should be destroyed. man, in the chair. Eighty-five member« and guests Were in attendance at the all-county meeting Sunday and it is hoped that at the netx^ meeting State Representa­ tive Adams can be present, on June 87. The meeting closed with all sing- ing*“God Bless America.”.’ Door prise was won by Mrs. Strang, Next meeting, assorted puddings will be served. —Press Cor. tirite rms Evaporated milk comes to the rescueI I In Justice Court Lawrence Chester Doane paid *5 . fine and $4 costs last Friday in Jus­ tice Bull’s court here for having an overlength load on his truck and Ezra Everett Cooke, for truck speeding, paid a >19 fine and costs. Oscar Walter Dulaney and R. L. Wilson, on Bunday, and Robert Har­ vey Thomas, on Monday, were all summoned to appear before the J. P. for having an overloaded truck. Theo. Eunice Brown, for fishing without a license, paid a >2.00 fine 1 and $23 of the fine was suspended when a license had been purchased and was shown to the justice. I All arrests were made by the state police. J '."¿--l JJJL J1. INVIST TRIM IN WAR SAVINGS RONDS SUGAR, White Satin 51b. 32c 10 lb. 02c Brown Sugar (Use stamp 12) lb. pkg. 9c FLOUR Kitchen Craft 49 lb. sack >1.97 FLOUR Harvest Blossom 24 lb sk 79c PANCAKE FLOUR 8perry 28 oz. pg 18c APPLES Fey Winesaps lb. | £c Tomatoes fey, firm, ripe 1b 15c « PEANUT BUTTER Real Roast lb Jar 28c SALAD Dressing Duchess pint jar 22c OATS Morning Glory Ige pkg 24c QUAKER OATS reg. or quick, ige. 24c TENDERONI Van Camps 6 oz. pkg 9c REGULAR PICNICS, lb. SPARE RIBS, Lb. PORK LIVER, Lb. LEMONS lb, Sunkist ORANGES Calif. Valencies lb Ç j/jlf OM> '«S unhy B roo TURNIPS Calif, clip-top lb. GROUND BEEF, Lb. Pork Shoulder Roast Center cut, lb. PORK STEAK, Lb. FRESH LING COD, lb. Radishes, Gn Onions, Cucumbers OYSTERS, Pt. 3£c 27c 25c 29c 35c 37c 35c 53c CANNED MILK 10c BREAD iy, lb. loaf Julia Lee Wright Enriched T3c JAR RUBBERS 4c Regular Dozen in Pkg. SU-PURB SOAP 20c Granulated 24 oz. pkg. X OXYDOL SOAP 23c 24 oz. box IVORY FLAKES 23c 121/> oz. pkg. Popular Brands tall can Edwards «*., Nob Hi» — OK. ANN’ IT’S stocks* are being earefolly appor­ tioned. However keop nking for Old Sonny Brook. A new supply will arrive before long! •Ow dtotOlerRM •re gwRBrM in the ayA—lISM ei alcehel 1er wav parpezez. Ttela whbhey fra« rezatVR •tec Its. NstlenslDtot^rod.Corp,N.Y. • H.4Preet siopomuiy anomaux I * 24c 20c