TH« COQtmX» VAÎXIT SP»nnNKL. CÛQUILfiE. ORBGON, THURSDAY, MAY «. 1943. 1 Driven* Licensee Do Not The W. C. T. U. New Employment Expire Till June 30, 1045 Oregon citizens who have current Met Last Friday Stabilization Plan driver’s licenses will not be required A temporary amployment stabliza- to, renew them this summer, under a | Being missionary day all mission­ Howdy Folks: new law enacted by the last session ary societies of Coquille were invited i tion plan, effective as of May 13, ; of the state legislature and which be­ I to attend the W. C. T. U. meeting in 1943, has been announced by L. C. Did you ever have the comes effective June 9, Secretary of , the Pioneer church last Friday, at Stoll, Area War Manpower Director wind let out of your sails which time Mother’s Day was ob­ for Oregon. All essential industries State Bob Farrell said today. right sudden? I Many Oregon citizens, thinking served, and an appropriate program and activities are covered by this plan which is immediately in effect in Ore­ they would be required to renew . was given. A guy did that to us the Liston Parrish, minister of the gon, but it doea not in.any way change their licenses after June 30 of this other day. He said a feller year, which is the expiration date | Church of Christ, gave ths devotional the stabilization of workers in lum- whoz alius blowin hiz own printed on the card, are sending ap­ I topic from II Tim. 4:1-13 and Acts ber, logging and non-ferrous metal horn ain’t usually in tune plications for renewals to the driver’s 27:31, bringing ths thought from Acts mining. with the rest of the world. Locally needed industries such as license division, Farrell said. These ¡27:31. “Paul said to the Centurian I and to the soldier, except these abide restaurants, laundries, and hotels are people are being informed that the But we’re going to blow legislature extended the period the I in the ship ye cannot be saved, qur included along with agriculture and it once more and let you present licenses are valid to June 30, ship being Christ Jesus.” He also industrial war production activities in know that when we tune gave some startling statistics, quoting, the new stabilization plan. 1945. your motor it stays tuned. Under the new plan, a worker who As a result of this change in the “God Bless America—America Bless law, drivers who .now have a valid | God" by Rev. C. A. Cooper, director is or was most recently engaged in an MNIB AMZY essential activity may be hired only: Oregon license, may operate on that ! .f World Wide Monthly Tract Club. "Edgar Hoover laments a crime 1. For work in another essential till June 30, 1945, without paying ad­ ditional fees or taking further ex­ I army of 790,000 boy's and girls in the activity and only upon presentation of land. Added to this it is estimated Certificate of Availability issued by aminations. ' that there are 800,000 prostitutes in the employer or the United States the land. Sixty-fiye thousand girls Employment Service of the War Keys made for all locks. Stevens are lost to this degrading vice each Manpower Commission, or Cash Hardware. Coquille. Ore. tf year, and 100,000 illegal children are 2. Upon referral by the United born annually besides the 1,000,000 States Employment Service. A work­ abortions; 18,000,000 persona are in­ er who was most recently engaged in fected with social disease. Last year agriculture may be hired for work in Electric Ranges Wanted over id,000 girls under 14 years of a non-agricultural activity only upon •- Guaranteed in good condi­ age became mothers. The sacredness referral by the United States Em­ tion----- -130.00 and $34.50 RANGES of marriage jg being antiquated with ployment Service, but, he may be one marriage in every six ending in hired for other agriculture work PIANO Furniture Sets legalized adultery—we call It divorce. without regard to the restrictions set $75.00 ------- "General Washington issued an or­ forth in this plan. BED SPRINGS der reflecting ‘We can have Little A Certificate of Availability means WHEELCHAIR Hope of the Blessing of Heaven upon a written statement which shall con­ Very' Good Condition MATTRESSES our arms if we insult it by our im­ tain only the worker’s name, his piety and folly.” Kitchen Cabinets Social Security Account Number, if WASHERS "The God of individuals is the God any, the name and address of the is­ SANITARY COTS of Nations; America must give ac­ suing employer or War Manpower CHAIRS $2.50 to $5.00 count. Break off thy sins by right­ Commission officer or office, the date eousness if it may be the lengthening of issuance, and a statement to the We stock Range Fire Box Castings or can order for any of thy tranquillity—Dan 4:27. This effect that the worker may be hired Range of Western Make alone was a divinely authorized plan elsewhere in an essential activity. Used Furniture for national security in other days. It Referral means a statement issued ia God’s plan for our day. America by the United States Employment Phone 119L Bless God.” Service referring a worker to a Those present were 5|esdames Farr, specific job with a specific employer. Richmond, Cooper, IteNoma, Ellis, Workers are expected to remain on Couden, Laws, Peart, Sittings, Harri­ their jobs pending a determination man, Purvance, Kyi», Persing, Hol- on their request for a Certificate of v.ratott, Gormely, McCus, Fugelson, Availability or referral. Chowning, Erickson, Coy, Geneveve An Essential Activity means any « Í of Coquille Peart, Davidson, Evangelist Willie activity in the War Manpower Com- White and Liston Parrish. List of Essential Activities. Employ­ ers, locally, are avised by F. G. Scherer, manager of the Mrshfield Helen Hanna. Graduates WEEDING MACHINING Office, to conduct that office regard­ With Honors ing any particular activity as regards Mrs. Hazel Hanna returned ___ Mon- PRESSING METALLIZING day from a week-end trip, to Mc­ its essentialities. Certificates of Availability are not Minnville, where she went to be BLACKSMITHING present for the graduation on Sunday provided by the state to the em­ ♦ bf her daughter, Helen, at Linfield ployers, but a sample form may be loud em­ College. Miss Hanna received her had upon request from the Ideal Repairing Aids Victory Bachelor of Arts degree and was one ployment office. of five in her class to receive the Karl Alpine A Technical \ “WALLY" special honor cum laude. She ma­ Phone 46 jored in chemistry, preparatory for Sergeant In West Indies work as laboratory technician. Her Technical Sergeant Kard M. plans are as yet uncertain for the piAe, 34, of Riverton, Oregon, son of summer, which she may spend here Mr. and Mr». W. T. Alpine, has iue- in Coquille or she may take up fur­ cessfully completed an Air Corps air­ ther study. craft mechanic course at a British West Indies island, it us announced at Dinner Party For San Juan headquarters of the Antilles Miss Axtell > -— Air Task Force. Miss Marianne Axtell was honor Sgt Alpine entered the Army on guest 1st Friday evening when Mrs. November 13, 1940, at Marshfield, Georgianna Vaughan entertained at Oregon, and joined his present unit new law to become effective Jane 10, 1943, a pleasant hotel dinner party. The on August 4, 1941. He was promoted The safety responsibility act requires that any driver involved in guests gathered first at Mrs. to the Private First Class pn January an accident that results in injury, death or proparty damage must Vaughan’s home for cocktails. Din- 16, 1941; to Corporal on May 20, within 10 days present proof of 311,000 worth of financial respon­ sibility or have his driver's license and car registration cancelled. was at seven. The table was dainty 1941; to Sergeant on September 14, At any time afterwards'his license and registration would be re­ with centerpiece of pink candles and 1942, and to Technical Sergeant on voked immediately if his insurance policy expired or his bond was Cecil Brunner roses. Attending were January 16, 1943. He now is an air­ cancelled. ... The act applies whether or not the driver was at fault, exception Mesdames Jas. Brady, Sturdivan, plane mechanic at one of the tropical being allowed only In the cast of a car legally perked at the time of D. E. Rackleff, R. L. Stewart, “Andy” air bases guarding the vital ap­ the accident. After two years, if the driver paid too damages and Anderson, Don Mclnery, L. B. Gould proaches to the Caribbean area. no suit was brought against him, he would be permitted to drive and J. E. Axtell. and own a car again. _ _ . . Men of the Antilles Air Task Force, Naw the average citisen would rather play safe and place Jnsur- of which Sgt. Alpine is a member, BAM on his or her car than to take % chance with FATE. With * Women’s Relief Corps News are stationed on small tropical islands law like the above in force there is not much choice. BUT IT IS NOT COMPULSORY. The cost for »15,90« insurance is not high. Douglas MacArthur Relief Corps, which link the gateways to the three From 914.0« to 916.25 per year—depending on the kind of Gaa Ration met in regular session May 19 with Americas. Here they perform their you have. the president. Mabel Von Pegert, in duties on palm fringed air bases, near SEC ME FOR FULL DETAILS the chair. Business was taken care Caribbean coastlines of white beaches of in the usual manner and a few and blue waters and in the lush tropi­ notes were given by Mrs. Mary cal jungles of South America. The Office Where Accommodation Is A Pleasure Hatcher, reporting some of the high­ lights from the department conven­ Five Divorces Granted By tion which she and Mrs. Von Pegert Judge King On Tuesday attended in Portland May 11, 12 and Judge King ordered decrees of di­ II. Mrs. Von Pegert came home right after the convention and Mrs. vorce in thé five cases heard by him Hatcher spent the rest of the week in Circuit court this week, to the with her two sons and families there, plaintiffs in the following cases: • « Faye N. Wiswell va. Robert L. arriving home Sunday. Wiswell. Mary M. Brewster vs. Chas. A. CARD OF THANK8 Brewster, The kindness and sympathy of our Geo. W. Beebe vs. Marguerite neighbors and friends in our recent Beebe. sorrow remains with us a precious We are trying to supply late model cars to Linton A. Houghawout vs. Esther ; memory. We especially wish to V. Haughawout. several essential war industries and are thank Rev. L. C. Persing and As­ Mary K. Brown vs. James F. unable to meet the demand. i sembly of God church for their help Brown. j and comfort, also employers and em­ ployees of Smith Woods for their WANTED TO BUY—Used pickup, or I I beautiful floral pieces. car suitable to rebuild as pickup. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thomas, Mr. See J. C. Williams, Red & White and Mrs. Howard Taylor,, Mr. and Store or LeRoy Rice, Coquille Auto Mrs. Jay Taylor, Leonard Taylor. Park. lt*s If uou have a car any make or model that is Calling carda, bc fur 11.00. i M &W Auto Service Marriage Licenses May 19—Howard C. Edwards and Elmarie E^ Smith, both of Marshfield. They were married last Saturday by Rev. Roscoe W. Hohn at his home in Marshfield. May 20—Theodore S. Ikx>ley, of Marshfield, and Gracha Anderson, of Sixes. They were married here last Thursday by Rev. Chas. G. Brown at the Poineer church parsonage. May 24—Frank W. Rosenberger, Jr., of Brookville, Ind., and Minta Lois Mason, of Liberty, Ind. They were marired at the Holy Name Cath­ olic church here on Monday by Rev. John J. Babyok. May 25—Luther E. Newman, of Portland, and Lena Oakland, of Waldport, Ore. May 26—Edmond Edgeman and Aletha Gibson, both of Bandon. Circuit Court Cases May 20—Edna Holbrook vs. Frank­ lin F. Holbrook. Suit for divorce. May 21—Eva J. Larson vs. S. P. Holt et al. ■ ’ May 25—Stella Wagner vs. Wayne , C. Wagner. Suit for divorce. ' May 25—Lillian A. Grinnell vs. Alva Lee Grinnell. Suit for divorce.’ May 25—Bernice Edith Brown vs. Waldo E. Brown. Suit for divorce thi girls I L$FT RiHIND Jas-;- ' They'll a» be-glad to have me back, I know, but right now we've got a war to win and Uncle Sammy needs my help. mountain status POWER COMPANY BROOKS The Industrial Repair Co * Auto Liability Insurance Not Compulsory WE cun him! • When you have us recap one of your worn tires or buy from us a tire already re­ capped—you get a fire you can trust to deliver tkoueandt more mile». Our recap­ ping work is done by tire experts, with Goodyear materials and by factory methods. Fred R. Bull Do You Need 1 our Car? We Need Cars Pay You Cash for Your Car Southwestern Motor Co. Phone 83 I most heartily thank all the kind Women Who Are friends of the Norway community, the Hard Of Hearing Gaylord community and Coquille, the To make this simple, no risk hear­ Elks of Hutchinson, Kansas and ing test. If you are temporarily deaf- Marshfield lodges for their beauti- , ened, bothered by ringing buzzing ful floral offering* and kind deeds head noi*«* due to hardened or coagu- uoon the the death death of my brother, Dave n___ ’ Home luted wax (cerumen), Ourine upon Method test that try so the many say Anderson,—Laura C. Brandon. i has enabled them to hear well again. ----- ¡You must hear better after making Trespass nouce*. printed on cloth , thia airppl« test or you get your money for sale at this office. ' back at Once- abo^‘ Ourine Ear Drops todav at Barrow Drug Co. •Mar S ee us today . We're here to help keeps your car rolling NOW! r<- frenT“-- °M tir. ^rvWh,'h»' Plac •nt tir. f’“ P^Por? "••-"•n*.,. OFFICIAL O. P. A. INSPECTOR Station No. 11-15 and No. 11-3 Southwestern Motors Car & I