f » ' * TRI COQUILLK VALLEY SENTINEL. COQUILLE ORIGON, THURSDAY. MAY 20. IMS. « PAGI NINI ;t —■ t CLASSIFIED WANTED To Buy—2-wheel automo­ bile Trailer. See Edell Bryant at Coos Ejeetric Co-op during days One Cent a Werd Each luertlw Mrs. Alma Halter visited Saturday Muy 13—Waller C. Robinson, of lt*s!9 Ne Adv. tees thaa 25 eente evening and Sunday at the home of ' Charleston, and Ruye Nadine Setser, 1 OR SALE—Several articles of used FOR SALE—Willys Knight Coupe, a her sister-in-law, Mrs. Amanda John- of Marshfield. Pioneer Methodist Church St James’ Episcopal Church good buy for $50.00. Also 1936 son. Mrs. Halter’s home is in Co- j May 14—Denzil Victor Cox and Charles Goodwin Brown, pastor furniture at 175 S. Beach St. Mra. Corner of 3rd and Elliott Sts. Ford Sedan, good tires, a bargain at quille- I Loretta May .Truitt, both of North H. A. Young. 9:45—Sunday School hour. Classes i The Rev. Robert L. Greene, Vicar Mr. and Mrs. Bill Noah and daugh- ' Bend. They were married here at 1 and rooms for all ages. $200.4X1. Also 4-wheel Trailer in Sunday, May 23rd WANTED — Water walls to tiriU. good condition, ’ with sheep rack. I ter, Bonnie, visited Sunday at the (the M. E. parsonage- last Friday by 11:00—Sunday morning worship I 7:30 a. m. Hilly Communion. ' Have new and up-to-date equip­ 601 N. Taylor Street, or Phone L. L. Buoy home. The Noahs live ! Rev. Chas. G. Brown, 1 hour. "Dismal Failures and Glorious | 11:00 a. m. Morning Prayer with ment and heavy pipe where needed 75L. h at Lakeside. ■ May 14—John W Burnett and ■ Succ sses,” will be the morning ser­ sermon. , Fred C. Lae, Route 1, Marshfield, ( Mr. and Mrs. Rex Brown, of Me- Lennie Noble, both of Marshfield. mon subject. | (Please note the change in the GOOD PASTURE and Water for Kinley, were callers at the T. H. , May 15—Edward J. Wise, of Ban- 30t4*tf 7:4:0—-Youth Fellowship Groupi ' ' hour of the early service.) family cow in town. Call 56R. Benham home Tuesday of last week, don, and Kathiren L. Sutton, of Buena Miss Geraldine Oerding, leader. THOR Ironer and a Majestic Cabinet J. L. Smith. Wednesday, May 26th The Homemakers Extension club j Park, Calif. They were married by 8:i«4l —- Sunday evening worship Radio for sale Call 226L after 6 10:00 a. m. Holy Communion. meets at 10:34) on Tuesday, May 25, Rev. Elmer E. Roaenkilde at the Pres­ hour.. Music and sdng with a brief HOMES FOR SALE p. m, - -.. . 2:00 p. m. St. James*'Guild. at the Grange Hall. This wiU be an byterian churcii in Bandrin last Sat- 111 E. 1st St. $2300 evangelistic mesaage. 1900 all-day meeting with a planned din- urday. NEW HOME Sewing Machine for 590 E. 9th St. 7:30- Wednesday evenings is Choir ner, The program far the following ¡ May .15 -Chas. W. Endicott and Emanuel Baptist Church 900 sale, at 317 North Henry. In good 760 il|h St. rehearsal hour. Mrs. M O. Hawkins, Rev. Menno D. Rempel. Pastor year will be discussed. All home- j Charlotte M. Saladee, both of Marsh ­ 1400 director. condition. It* 460 N. Taylor 10:00 a. m. Bible School. We glory makers in the valley are invited to' field. • . . 196 S. Division St. 1600 7:30—Thursday evenings mid-week in our growing Sunday School. Two FARM MACHINERY REPAIRS — 442 W. 3rd be present. r -I May 15 — Edison C; Holdren, of 1500 Bible study and prayer hour. out of three American Protestant Your County Defense Board—Your 415 E. 1st 3800 ! Mrs. Althea Harrah is getting réady Portland, and Evelyn B. Alborn, of Our church stands ready to serve, boys and girls are not in Sunday County Agent — Your Country — 592 S. Henry i to move as she is teaching in Co- , Coquille, 3700 but the church serves just as its School. You are welcome. May 18—Clarence Brown, Jr., and Urges you to order parts for your 134 E. 7tk>...... ......... 2000 quille next year. ", Miss Fish is to members and constituency, permits . 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship. Ser­ farm machines NOW! < Let us dis­ 141 S. Coulter They Patricia Giles, both of Marshfield., 3000 teach next year at Arago. to to» mon topic, “There Is No Joshua in cuss your requirements with you. 608 9th St. May 18—John H. Graham, of North ............ :.. 2000 will be greatly missed in the valley. Our Midst.” Parts are how available without 725 N. Coulter Mrs. Harrah says Arden has gradu- Bend, and Mary J. Barnes, of Marsh- 1000 The Assembly oi God . 6:30 p. m. Young People’s meet-., costly delays. Check your machines 447 N. Coulter 2650 ated and expects to be moved again. field. a 2nd ati41 Reath Streets ings. e ■He has been going to officers’ train­ Now! Use Only “ GENUINE IHC 461 E. 1st 2950 » I.. C. Persine, Pastor 7:30 p,' m. Evening Evangelistic ing school at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. PARTS.” J, A. Lamb Company, s 590 Knowlton Ave. ¡U. of O. To Graduate ' 8,04)0 Friday , service. Good singing, special music. 1300 * There was a church board meeting Six Hundred On May 30 7:30 p. m., special Missionary meet­ Message, “Poverty or Riches.”, WOMAN Wanted at'Once at Coquille Sanford Height«, H a. * after church Sunday when plans • Laundry Co. • • Its J. A. Lamb Cottage, Bandon •* gyo Men’s Chorus and Church Choir The 66th annual commencement at ing with Rev. 'and Mrs. P. Henry were made to help toward the gar­ Beach ....... ... ..............................A meet Tuesday. • tin- University of Oregon has been H“ll of Peru. South America, age and woodshed fund. Plans ure PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING. Geo. Ulett Cottage, Bandon set for Sunday, May 30, at McArthur Sunday Royal Ambassador meetings Wed- ¡also going forward to obtain a bell Kalsomining and wood finishing- - Beach ............. 164)0 .court, according to Dr. James H. 9:45 “ Sunday school with neaday. for the church. 1943 Wall Papera, Imperial, Pitts­ RANCH SPECIAL __ Besssie Mar- Prayer meeting Thursday. A vital Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chapman from GHbert, dean of the college of liber- burgh and Birge. No raise in 39 Acres, at Johnson Mill $6300 meeting. a) arts and chairman of the com­ 1 ney, su|x*rintendent. Miami, Florida, arrived at the By-1 prices. Herbert E. Wood, phone OTHER LISTINGS ALSO 1 11:00 u. m., morning worship. mencement exercises. Baccalaureate 286. Coquille. 275 North Henry If you have property for sale, list erly home Friday. Mrs. Chapman is 6:30 p. m., Christ Ambassador's and commencement services will take Church of God St. lltfs it-with me and I will do my best to the daughter of Mrs. Clara Kibler. | They plan on making their home with place the sable day, with un estimated meeting for young people. Melvin Corner of Henry-A Seventh Sts. sell it for you. 600 seniors graduating. The com­ Steward, president. FOR SALE—“Spark” Flamo Range, Mra. Kibler and the Byerlys. Pastor, A. L. Perry GEORGE E. OERD1NG 7:30 p. m., evangelistic meeting. $60.00. Used six months. Former The pie social held last Saturday mencement address will be delivered Sunday School, 10 a. m Bank Bldg­ orice $160.00. Inquire Battle Rock , evening at the Grange Hgll for 4-H in the evening by Dr. Donald M. Erb, Lively song service. Special music by Preaching service 11 a. m Guest speaker, Garage, Port Orford, Ore. 18t3s FOR SALE—Hotpoint electric stove, members was ■ complete success. president of the university, whose the chorus choir. Young People's meeting, 6:45 p. m. Evangelist Nicholas Pirolo of Chicago, good condition. 601 N. Taylor Mrs. Faye Holveratott and Mrs. Har- topic will be "Wars Also Teacji." Preaching service 7:30 p. m. HATCH YOUR OWN EGGS NOW— Illinois. Street or phone 75L, Coquille. It ry Lindsay were in charge. Dr. and All are invited to attend. If your Lyons electric incubator, 540 egg Mrs. <1. R. Bunch were out and he Brief Inaugural Added To * r child does not go to Sunday School rapacity, $30.00, 601 N. Taylor FARM WATER SYSTEMS—We have Church of Christ showed three films. Jerry Wheeler Commencement At O. S. C. elsewhere, we urge you to send them, a stock of automatic pressure sys­ Street, or phone 76L, Coquille. It I played a trombone solo and Marvene I or better .«till bring them. East aui and Coulter Sts. A brief inauguration ceremony for tems for deep or shallow wells. Henagin played several accordion se­ FREE — If Excess acid causes you Liston Parrish, Pastor President A. L. Strand will be a See them. FARR & ELWOOD, s lections. About $40 was taken in, feature of the seventy-fourth annual pains of Stomach Ulcers, Indiges­ Thuisduv,' 745, “Excuses Stated and First Church of Christ, Scientist f tion, Heartbum, Belching, Blast­ LOST—Black under-arm lady's bag, Betty Hatcher won the scholarship, commencement at O. S. C. Saturday Met. Coquille, Oregon all expenses paid. Durene Frye won containing ration cards, tickets ing, Nausea, Gas "Pains, get free Friday, 7:45, “Cowboy’s Message.’*» morning, May 29. at 10 o'clock. The Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. second and Phyllis Ghezem and Lou bill fold, keytainer, but no mon»; sample, Udga, at Barrow Drug Saturday, 7:45, “Detours on the' 1 entire program will be broadcast over Sunday Service at 11 a. m. M No va)ue to anyone except the Lmdjiay tied for third. These girls the state station, KOAC, as will the Company. 6tl5* Highway. Subject for next Sunday, "Sori ..nd all plan on going, as also does Mar- . owner ' Finder plqa.se leave at Baccalaureate service the preceding a Bible School, 9:46, T. Ralph Harry, Body.” DRIVE IN and let us inspect your Through this col-1 evening at 8 o’clock. Sentinel office. lt*a vene Henagin. Su; t. You are invited to join us in Wednesday ei ening meeting at 8