f ACF. gtr’Vf THE COQUILLE FALLET SENTINEL. COQUnXE. Ol i J • . 7 You ere invited to attend the re­ mitted by the department, were ap­ vival at the Church of Christ May 2- proved. Willie White, evangelist. ; RL. Stewart asked authority to May 23. > bUl the city lor 120 street lights in­ 15t4s Straits of Juan de Fuca, at the en­ (Continued from page one) stead of the 115 previously billed. A Mrs. Isabelle Yarbrough, mother of (C< ntfnued from Page One) trance to Puget Sound' and the Sis- for control of that sea. Clifford Yarbrough, who has made have been made before the building I Mt. States Power Co. employee and kiyous in southern Oregon. He said ,D. C. Cruckshank for the city had Dean Jewell's address was largely her home with him since her husband was stalled. | that the Germans, the Italians and recently made a check of the system interspersed with humor, one com­ passed away in December, 1035. died Recorder Leslie reported that a the Japanese all believed this, and ment which made a hit with his au­ at the Timmons Rest Home at 3:30 check for $498 36 had been turned and Mr. Cruckshank had pointed out that it was the reason for the Jap r, dience being his reference to the She had been over to the city by the building com­ one light the power company maps Every day we do a valve sneak attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. . did not show, the total being 120. snake's trail by which he had arrived crippled with rheumatism for some mittee. correction job for some- one 7, 1941, which was to be a stepping Thia will increase the city's lighting time and had been in poor health for in Coquille by auto, and he declared Clean-up week l> Coquille was who doesn’t know he has stone to the conquest of the Pacific he had seen three sea-sick snakes on the. past year and has been cared for scheduled to start t. day, May 20, bill from $183.93 to $190 only. The done the right thing until littoral of the U. 8. But they reck­ rate the city pays is $1.66 ’ per light at the rest home since last Septem­ and to end next, Thursday. The city his way over from (Joos Bay. he feels that extra surge of oned without the ingenuity, resources ber. per month with a ten per cent re­ He told of a trip west to Oregon, trucks will collect trash, boxes, bar­ power, and find the gas and tremendous power of this nation. to which he came because he wanted Funeral services are being held at rels, etc., set out on the curb the fore duction on everything over $100. Befoty closing Dean Jewtll told of coupons are lasting longer. '1:30 today at their old home in Ash­ part of next week, and everyqpe is ‘ At the request of Geo. L. Maynard, to, and the train was full of automo­ a Bishop Wright from Dayton, Ohio, He’s like Johnny when the tive engineers, and he a lone peda­ land, where they resided for many urged to get his property cleaned of • the street committee, were requested Teacher asked him to name Who made the remark, years ago in to investigate what can be done to- gogue among them. On that trip was years and interment will be in the all debris before the .. Roseburg, that the world was in its two pronouns. Coming to ire season war(j maxing Cunningham Drive Mr. Leland, the designer of two out­ family plot there. starts. last days, that science and knowledge attention a little startled he . . available for his use when going standing automobiles, who asked a Mrs. Yarbrough was born Isabelle Irrigation dates were had discovered or invented every­ asked “Who? ... Me?” e j home from town and epable him to question and then answered it. The Shelton, as Scio, Oregon, July 17, council as being from thing that was humanly possible. His ay ° | save about 20 gallons of gas a year query was—what single item .has had 1863, and was ten months past 70 October 15. A valve correction would host contradicted, with the statement, in not having to go clear down to the greatest effect on the-human race years of age. . • ' —; mean so much to the life of Offers, accompanied by checks lor “I expect to see men flying like and is more responsible for the ’ way She was united in marriage to one-fourth down, wei-e made by Geo. Tenth street and then back south you your engine that birds. ” The bishop ’ s reply was, “ For we live*' than anything else in the Frank D. Yarbrough at Scio, Sept. 5, E. Oerding for two pieces, of city- to reaeh his hime. wouldn’t believe it if we that heinous heresy you will rot in There is a garage, built long before . world’s history. The answer was 1880. Clifford, was their only child owned property. One was for Lot 6. told you. hell through all eternity.**' Bishop “dynamite,” which in more ways and she was the last member of her block 6 in Barrows & Strang’s ad­ Cunningham Drive was dedicated, Wright was the father of the Wright Reminds me of a conversa­ on a portion of the drive and. a large than could be told in a whole eve­ fathers* family to pass away. dition, the former Elizabeth Lane brothers who m*ade and flew the fi^st maple tree in the street, which tion I overheard at fire ning has resulted in the development property at the corner of Henry and airplane! ' , ’ , , drill. One fireman asked, of '•power.'* Electricity was one of ’Tenth, for $1105.54. 'Hie other was would' force cars trying id use the , Principal Clarence Osika. who pre- : drive to encroach a few feet on the , “Have you seen one of those the results of that power discovery, for Lot 2, Block 9, North Addition, t I 9 ' I lot to the north but the owner there things that can tell when a and Dean JeWell, told of his boyhood sented the class to the school board ; on Hem y street, between Eleventh chaifman, mentioned his high school «■ j will not grant permission tor use of man is lying?” days in Arkansas when he had to iand Twelfth, for which $107.09 was gradution of just 20 years’»go when that strip, three feet wide at one make their only means of lighting by Other fireman said: “Seen his* class was told that there would Mrs. Margaret Taylor passed away j , offered. end and eight at the other. Cunning­ dipping a wick in tallow, time after Anotht r lot on Henry street, be ­ one? Brother. I married never be another w$r like the one at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ar ­ ham Drive runs within a few inches time, until a candle was made. His tween Eighth- and Ninth, now owned na» one: ’1* mother thought she had reached the then recently ended, and he would thur Thomas, North Henry street :by the county, was offered to the of the F. L. Greenough home on the acme of human desires when his not make such a prediction to this here, at 4:30 Wednesday morning af­ ¡city for the $50 which someone has north and the property north is own­ MNB AMZY ed by W. H. Ziedrich. father presented her with a candle class, which is standing on the ter an extended illness. offered to buy it from Coos county threshold of a new world 6n which She was bofn in Balia McAll, Ice ­ The council put its stamp of ap ­ ,.iold. | for. The city has $139.37 invested in Refrigeration is another world- ' they and their peers can and wilb land, Feb. 23, 1867, being 76 years, the lot for delinquent street improve­ proval on the . project being urged have a tremendous influence. two months and 26 days at passing. by Mrs. Jack Dolan to form a boys’ ehanging development, resulting from In 1884 she came to the U. S. with ment assessments.. club in Coquille and make use of a the invention of dynamite and power. 1 Referring to Dean Jewell’s state- ......____ ...!' Still a fourth proposal for proper­ portion of the Community Building Again referring to his boyhood days s ment that in his boyhood days in her family, establishing their home in i in 1904 the family came ty. all of which were referred to the ■ekt the - the middle we^t residents kept Minnesota. 1 ---------------------- as headquarters for the club. when the entire South had never seen -• the windows shut si to Oregon, making their home in «nance committee with power to act, at night to keep oi ice, unless uiucw they u«y went wcii* north, iiuiui, r a u piece of North Bend, where she lived until , was the offer made by Iris A. Elrod he told of making a 280-mile trip with the was raised in a mining camp where jtwo years ago when she came to Co- , f°r the 100 foot square old Palmer l is father just to see a piece of froz- ■ the inhabitants were sewed into quille to live with her daughter Mrs. , property on Eleventh street, in north- en water, manufactured in the now ( 'east Coquille. He offered $350 for their underwear for the duration of Arthur Thomas. common ice plant. the lot which the city has $576 in­ the winter. “ That really kept the Surviving her are her three sons. YOU SHOULD HAVE There have been stupendous vested and on which the council set a fresh air out" Howard, of Coquille, Jay, of Grants cXi.g-j ill Oregon since its early In her remarks to the audience Pass, and Leonard, in the armed price last year of $400. days and it is claimed one-fourth of A letter from Crane & Co. offered Mrs. Bryant said that if the people forces; one daughter. Mrs. Arthur all electric ranges sold in the U. S. ON YOUR CAR BY JUNE 10th 2-in. pipe tp $26.27 per 100 feet. are found in the Pacific Northwest. of Coquille had any complaint to Thomas, Coquille; eight grandchil­ This was at the request of the San­ Rates for A Card Holders 55.18 each 6 Months* make that they should go directly dren and three great, great grand But Dean Jewell did not claim to ford He ts property owners for the know all there is to know about the to the board members who would be children also survive. extension of the city's water line at giad to listen; that she paid no at ­ Services will be conducted at the conduct of the war. Whether we Gano Funeral Home, Rev. L. C. Per- I*Roy’s Service Station to that sec­ ♦5.00 Membership Payable First Six Months should lick Hitler first or make the tention to gossip. sing officiating, at 2:00 p..m. tomor- tion and the pipe will be purchased After the 56 graduates had re ­ Japs our first objective, before they when funds are deposited with the become so strong we cannot wipe ceived their diplomas, the recessional row (Friday). - city for the purchase. For the pres­ by the band was played and the young Interment will be in the Sunset them out, was one of the things on Office ent the property owners out there Res. which he could not express an opin­ ladies and young men proceeded to Cemetery on Coos Bay. have decided to be satisfied with a Richfield Station 755 the main floor where they received ion. 2-inch instead of a 4-inch main. Coquille Auto Park Fairview St. the congratulations and best wishes COME IN Now and get your adjust­ He held in his hand a paper, print­ Phone 185 J Phone 278M The constitution and by-laws of the of the audience, which had enjoyed able screen» at Gregg Hardware ed in German; and written less than , .. .... I Coquille Fire Department,' as sub- one hundred years ago. in which it the two-hour program i Mrs. Yarbrough To $475 Lien Fried ÜX’X Be Buried At Ashland On Building Fund Fifty-six H. S. Seniors Receive Diplomas Howdy Folks I Buried Friday M&WAuto Service FOR YOUR PROTECTION Auto Liability Insurance Farmers Auto Insurance Co. Under New Management WE HAVE THE TIRES for ! THORNTON TIRE SERVICE Rod Creager, formerly of Coquille, has been appointed as manager of the Coquille Branch of the Thornton Tire Service and is now in charge. He has had seven years' experience in the Tire business and will be glad to assist all car and truck owners in regard to theirtire problems or troubles. /------------------------- " » - - - J - « BOOK HOLDERS WHO DRIVE OVER 240 MILES PfR MONTH OtCAME EUdlRLE FOE GftAOE I TIRES. OUR SUPPLY IS AMPLE — EVEN IN THE POPULAR 6.00-14 SIZE. B and C Book Holdoral Have you had trouble getting tires oven though you have a certificate? Your worries are over. Wo have plenty of Grade I tires. Even in the popular 6.00-16 size. And they're the best pre-war quality tires ever built . . . famous B. F. Goodrich Silvertowns. If you haven't a certificate, lot us inspect your tires. We'll tell you whether your present tires can be re­ capped. or whether you need new tires. .JT\ Select from our ample supply of B. F. Goodrich Silvertowns Joe Winn, our tire expert, has had 10 years’ experience in recapping and vulcanizing tires and is well qualified to give you advice. He operated a shop of his own in Washington for several years. Our molck equipment will take care of recapping all sizes of car and truck tires in Southwestern Oregon. u._, Book Holders! Ilia assistant, Jack Wornstaff, has been with the firm for the past two years and is a very cupable tire repair man. We have a pick-up service and will call for and deliver your tires. By makmg- orr o*ppofrrtw nr reader, you can have your tires capped and ready to use the same day. HARRY E. THORNTON 340 West Front. Coquille Phone 270 Tire Rationing Certificates THORNTON TIRE SERVICE Southern Oregon’s largest and most Complete Tire Service M6 W, FRONT, COQUILLE, TEL. J7fi Broadway at Curtia, Marshfield, Tel. 652