THE COQUILLE VAI-LET MNTtMCL. COQUILLE. OREGON, THURSDAY. MAY 20. 1943. -------------- Arago News Myers and Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Me- Mrs. Emil Peterw.n < ---- Allister drove tu Myrtle Point SUH- Mrs. Elizubeth Lett, quite Mr. und Mrs. Harvey Myers and day evening and visited at the home week with the measles, Lieut. Oke Eckholm, a brother ot family drove to Azalea lust Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wannamaugher to take Mrs. Myers’ father, Wm. Mc­ und also visited Mrs. Frank Lune at, Mrs. Ellis Southmayd, is home on a The OPA has released sugar for _ _ ' having _ returned May 12, furlough, Michael, home after he had spent the Mast hospital. canning and preserving for this year, Mrs. Martha Pauli, of Gardiner, coming from Tunisia, He received about a week visiting with them In Sugar for these purposes is limited Arago. They returned home Sunday spent several days last week visiting a chest wound in a battle at Kaasarine to a maximum of 25 pounds per per­ Pass and expects to return to duty evening Myers’ uruuier, brother. i friends and relatives --------- o and Mrs. mjcia — in Arago. " son for the period from March 1, Vernon McMichael, came back with I G,en Ze,ler i ame in from Camas soon. 1943, to March 1. 1944., Therefore, if where he has been employed and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Royer and any applicant has obtaihed any sugar them for a short time. Ladles Aid met last Wednesday at spent several days at his honte in daughter, Twyla, of Myrtle Point, and for either of these purposes since Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tanner And March 1, 1943, the amount of such the church with the following ladies Arago. Clarence Lindow was a Monday son Kennie, of Norway, went to Lake­ present: Mesdaipes O. 1$ Aasen, Al­ sugar shall be deducted from the 25 side over the week-end on a fishing pound permissible maximum allow­ bert Lillie, J. L. Hurt is, Tyrrell Wood­ night guest at the J. D. Carl home. ward, Ward Evaps and Miss Mary'| Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carl visited at trip. ance. r Mis. Harold Simmons’ brother. Harris, They will meet again this the home of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Sny­ Application blanks may be obtain­ week for an all day meeting and the ’ der, in Coquille, Monday evening. Fritz "Hull. a former meat cutter in ed, in the near future, at any local , Myrtle Point,' was here visiting hi« regular monthly W. C. T. U. will be Mrs. Snyder was very ill. igrocery store. All applications must The following is the program which sister last week. Fritz is from Camp •. held in the afternoon. be in writing but may Be made either Mrs. Emil Peterson has been quite was given Wednesday evening for the Allen at Williamsburg, Virginia,, and in person or by mail. In either case, 1943 graduating class: Processional, ill with the measles and confined tqj has gone to Camp Pleasant, Califor­ the War Ration Book One issued to her bed. Miss Pamela Evans went; . Mrs. Verna Oakes; invocation, Rev. nia, where he expects to ship soon each person on which behalf the ap- over to help out with the house work Marlon Slern of Myrtle Point; vocal fort overseas duty. plicatidn is made, must accompany ’ for a few days until Mrs. Peterson is llumt*rs- “The Breath of Spring” and The Norway Home Extension Unit the application. A consumer may better. . "Th®-Bird Songs at Eventide,” high met Friday at the home of Mrs. make application individually if not Mrs.' Gus Schroeder war taken sch• ” ^¡tmtions. The small at­ half the application is made intend Mrs. Naomi Robison, ■ of Myrtle Point, Visited at the home of Mr. and Inland P. IJnn, of Myrtle Point; j>re- tendance was1 not due to lack of in­ to produce from fresh fruit. resentation of. diplomas, Harvey terest. but many felt the need of get­ Mrs. Albert GulBtrom Sunday. (2) The amount of sugar these pet- Mrs. Grace Rackleff left last Thurs­ Myers, chairman of the school board. ting their gardens planted. After sons intend to use in the making of tlie serving of a delicious pot luck jams, jellies, preserves, or fruit but­ day evening for southern California, Benediction, Rev. Marion Stern. A. B. Crawford has gone to Port dinner the project leaders. Mrs. Geo. ters. where she went to see her son, Ellis Rackleff, who is in the Marines: Mrs. Orford where he is to be employed Hoffman and Mrs. Ellis Southmayd, \Npt Price A Ration Hou rd 88.1.1. , displayed quite an assortment of dress J. D. Carl and Herbert drove her to in a camp. Coquille, Oregon. Mrs. W. E. Cross, of Coquille, visit­ good samples marked with the differ­ Roseburg tn catch the bus there. Mrs. Charles Gale, of Klamath Falls, was ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mel­ ent percentage and kinds of material contained in each piece of goods so to meet her mother at Medford and den Carl Tuesday. that the purchaser of any clothing or accompany her to California.' They material might know definitely what ZhTXu10 r*turn home lhe they* were getting. We- have not Mrs. Ida Myers spent several nights Mrs Tom Garon of Went Norway known so definitely in the past, and Earn Souvenirs During Summer Coos county boys and girls may the past week at the home of Mr. and was g Sulltlay caMer al the J. H. M- feel this should be quite a help in future buying. work toward Battleship Oregon sou­ Mrs. S. C. McAllister. 'cioakey’s During „ c u j a.*..» 1 Jim Mullins, of Norway, left last venirs during the summer. Rev. T. J. Pryor, of Myrtle Point, Mrs. J. F. Schroeder spent Sa ur- , <„ «i.u conducted the regular Sunday morn- day of last week visiting her daugh- Saturday for Portland to visit friends the three months of vacation there and relatives and bring his mother, will be greater opportunity for mak­ ing church services. Sunday school ^“wary and Joyce, in Coquille, followed with an attendance of 33.; Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Martha Jane Mullins home. She ing money. In the fall children may There will be services again next Mnt E p Brodie were Mr and Mr,_ has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. be given credit at school for stamps Sunday, preaching at 10 a. m. and Bob Soper and Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Otto Zlebarth, the past three weeks. bought during the summer. The gov­ ernment's need must not be, over­ Sunday school at 11 a. m. Brodie and son Bennie, all of M rtie looked during vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Long and Mr. Point Graduation and Mrs. Melden Carl drove to Brew- ; Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Bennett weie This week 5nd next, mark the ster Sunday and enjoyed the <*»> i So^/ caner7 ,t the W. J. DM»mr A gixxi crowd attended club No. 1 graduation of several hundred high fishing. In the evening they stopped home at Oruvel F(ird Tuesday evening. At 8 o’clock the schools and grade young people in at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marlin *grs DeBoer and daughter Hzlen, regular business meeting was opened Coos county. All of these are gradu­ EVans, Ih Myrtle Point, and enjoyed went Eujren<( Friday evening to with prayer and flag salute, with the a pot luck supper there. , v|g|t Mrg DeBoer’s daughter, Mrs. president in the chair. Keep in mind ated with more or h-ss ceremony which causes the claai members to Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carl and their', WHson. and s^^.y M*. _ __ ,the caravan of clubs to meet here in realize the importance of the occa­ grandson, Douglas jQarl, visited at1«. — __ , ______ ___ *_ — .u DeBoer drove on up to Monmouth to w 0 w haT) at n o’cj(H.k Sunday, sion. It has occurred to' us thaJ if a the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin visit her parents; Mr. and Mr*, ^ay 23. program were In operktion whereby Schroeder and also Mr. and Mrs. A. Hefley. They returned home Sunday Sick members are reported to be gome ceremony would attend .the H. Bender in Myrtle Point last Sun- evening. improving. voting eligibility of these young day. - Mrs. Martin Sehin id t h.i> received A short program was enjoyed. Mrs. people that a great- deal of gcxxl Mrs. Cheater WiUson and Chloe, word from her son Cnarles, no.» at Collier and Mrs. Hathaway each won might be derived therefrom. We, of Myrtle Point, were Sunday guests Fort Meyers, Fl«., that he is taking a prize as they took part in a contest. as American citizens, take too much at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ward two courses in the training s.-nool Readings were given by W. W. Tilgh- for granted and fail to vulue either Evans. there, air plane mechanics and air man and Mrs. Emma Westbrook, and our privilege or respoMlMJity a« vot­ The school and community picnic plane gunner. the door prize was won by Mr. Sb-ang ers. which was held at the Arago gym Mr. and Mrs, E- F, Brodie received < Mr. and Mrs. Deyoe are the'refresh- The annual school meeting which last Friday at the noon hour was well a telegram Monday from their son, ment committee for next week. They j will be held in each district tn Coos attended and everyone enjoyed them­ Major Darrell E, Brodie, »t Camp will serve assorted salads and crack­ selves. Hood Texas, that they ka»e another ers. Bring yotfr “White Elephants" county op June 21. will reveal an in- I Mrs. N. A. Dunford and daughter, terest or lack of interest, varying in son. He gave the baby’s weight as fl Mi for the exchange table. Press Cor. Kay, of Eagle Point, spent several pounds, but didn’t nay what they had 1 days last week visiting at the home named him. • of her sister and husband, Mr. and Harry Druliner is doing some in­ Mrs. R. W. Bishop. Mrs. Dunford terior painting at the Gravelford came in to attend the graduation ex­ Cheese Factory. ercises for her two nephews, Bruce The Norway school will close this find David Bishop, last Wednesday coming Wednesday, May 26. The evening. children are very busy getting ready Mrs. Ida Myers was a Sunday din­ for a program they «re going to have ner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley on Tuesday evening- They are hoping Halter. for a good attendance. On Wednes­ Sunday callera at the home of Mr. day they will have n neighborhood and Mrs. Stanley Halter ware Mr. picnic. The weather will determine and Mrs. S. C. McAllister, Mr. and where it will be held. If stormy, in Mrs. John Widmark and small grand­ the school building. Everyone is in­ daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Adrian vited to bring a well filled basket and Halter. enjoy a friendly time. Mrs. Stanley Halter, Mrs. Ida The measles and mumps have sub­ sided for a time at least and alt the pupils are again attending s.-hool. i Mrs, Guy Kelly was a visitor ut the i school one day last week. Mr, and Mrs. Martin Rchmldt were To make this simple, no risk hear­ ing test. If you are temporarily deaf­ business visitors In Marshfield Mon­ ened, bothered by ringing buzzing day of this week. head noises due to hardened or coagu­ Mrs. Harry Druliner attended W, C. lated wax (cerumen), try the Ourine Home Method test that so many say T, U. last Friday afternoon at Mrs, has enabled them to hear well again. W. W. Baynes, in Myrtle Point. There’s no limit to the num­ You must hear better after making Mr. and Mrs, J. F, Schroeder, Mr. this simple test or you get your money and Mrs. Martin Schmidt and Herman ber of lives your slacks will back at once. Ask about Ourine Ear lead . , , with endearinc Drops todav at Darrow Drug Ce. ___ Tedsen, of Norway, and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Schroeder and Albert Schroeder, blouses like ours u their ---- ——i • 11 of Johnson Mill, surprised Mrs. Roy basis for sueoessl Variety In Smith Sunday evening, taking re­ style, color and fabric. freshments with thqni and spending the evening with the Smiths in hmsor of Mrs. Smith’s birthday, Mrs. Rufus Rylander has taken Mrs. Guy Grant to see a dentist two or three times this week as she is having a bit of trouble with some in­ fected wisdop teeth- Mrs. Fllli: Southmayd’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. S|g Eckholm and her two brothers, George and Oke, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Southmayd. TasMfliRiSgJElM .WyEMHiiRi nf lüft "iiiiüirt ier-ln-|aw, Mrs. Howard Rackleff, were business callers in Coquille Thursday afternoon of last week. ¡Sugar Notice To Home Conners Coos County School Items of Norway News Items Townsend Club Shirts to Suit. > PAG« 8£VEN ---------------- .arh district. . I aurel Lake ++he--riUderiTs“ doing the janitor work ! free and allowing the allowance for same to go into the club fund. Mrs. Wanda Volck, the teacher, has been hired as principal of Langlois School for next year. The Laurel Lake pupils will be transported to Langlois next year. The luiurel Iaike school closed Fri­ day with a community potluck dinner, followed by a progruin given by the school, graduation of three students and a 4-H program following. The bazaar which was also a fea­ ,tuce of the day was unique in that the children had used recesses and noons of rainy days, home time and vacant moments ihroughou the whole I year to prepare articles for the sale. 1 Pi iceeds will go toward sending J the eight 4-H 'mcmliers to the 4-H • suiiii ler school at Corvallis* The amount realized was *88.25, about half of which had bts ri earned by 'ailing caras. 50 far il.00 Chadwick J odge No. M A F & \ M. Special Communication Tuesday, May 25. Work in E. A. Visitors Welcome [Do You Need I 1 ) our Car? We are trying to supply late model cars to several essential war industries and are unable to meet the demand. We Need Cars If nou have a car any make or model that is not being used for essential war work bring it to us and we will Pay You Cash for Your Car Southwestern Motor Co. Phone 83 S unny B rook BRAND KJKNTUCKY STRAIGHT BOl.QON VHÍAKKT Don't blame your store if the' run out of Old Sunny Brook. Reserve stocks* are being oar» fully apportioned. However keep asking for Old Sunny Brook. A new supply willarrivebefore long! National Distillers Products Corporation, N. Y. * 90.4 Proof IB i. i i I A ■■■ Wanted/ Men And Women Who Are Hard Of Hearing Burned Up! Range Fire Boxes do Bum Up, but there is no rationing on repair parts —we carry at least 500 pounds of castings at all times and can order most any necessary part. around! For work . . . for play . .<. for lounging ’round the house it’« slacks for smart comfort! Our main buolne— ia re­ pairing stoves- • WASHERS • RANGES • Furniture Sets Brooks PHONE lltL Mrs. Russell A. Hank who has been With her mother, Mrs. A. Kellenber- ger, of Norway, for the past three and a half months, left Saturday morning on the bus to meet her husband in Loa Angeles. He is returning home for a “two weeks furlough from a camp in Mississippi. Mrs. Hank plans to re­ turn to Norway In a couple of weeks. t ----- Besides saving your suits and wish for neat trimness. I $2.98 to $7.95 LCEENÍ CEPT. JTCPE Since 1887