CAGE SIX « TR* ooounxi VALLEY 8ENTINKL, COUVDXK. ORlööNa THURSDAY, MAY, 20, IMS. . • ■ NTY COURT OF THE Tom Evans. Salary, Shop ing barge and timber ...... OKEGON IN AND „ ........ -------- 35 HUfdware, brushe s---- Foreman COUNTY OF COOS Oreg. - Nevada - Calif., Fast Southern Pacific Co., storage In the Matter of the Estate of Alva 3M Freight. For Freight ------ ’. of road oil ... . ................ I.. BroWn, Deceased. w Dependent Children F. S. Slover Co., material 158.42 Chas. SU Utt, Uo. Trias., Cash Sheriff’B Off. Notice To Creditor» ' 4.67 State Industrial Accident Boys A Girls Aid Society of Adv. tor Freight ...... Juliene Freeman, Salary Depu­ Notice is hereby given, mat the General Roods i Com., Industrial Insurance 457.87 Ore., care Coos Co. children 12.00 , ty Sheriff, Tax D^pt....... . 121.10 undersigned has been duly appointed IGunder Gund&son, labor....... .. 154.10 Standard Oil Co. of Calif., County Jail i ' A. M. Willey, milk ................. The Washington school participated Catherine Trendell, Salary H 937.37 by the above entitled Court, as Ex­ 4.03 Wayne Goodman, labor 215.95 Gasoline A Oil month Clerk, Tax Dept. 53.86 igloo Locker Plant, storage of ecutor of the Estate of said Deceased, \ Mike Bo« ne, labor ................... 67.76 last week in a state-wide tin can Marie Clinton, Salary, Clerk and has duly qualified as such. 7.20 ( Ernest F -anson, labor ......... 172.02 STATE OF OREGON meat .......... ......... .................... collection contest which was spon­ Tax Dept................................ 102.35 Coquille Now, therefore, all persons having Laundry Co., services County of Coos: ss. 4.55 i James Cl ild, labor ........... :... 183.60 Clerks Off. sored by the state salvage committee Court House i Victor D< merest, labor ... 148.85 I, L. W. Oddy, County Clerk of claims against said estate are hereby J. W. Leneve, Salary, Deputy 16.50 Ralph Hurlbutt, labor 182.53 Coos -County, Oregon. Ex-officio notified and required to present the of Coquille, water ......... in conjunction with the Portland base Clerk ....... ...... 191.80 City Mountain States Power Co., O. P. Smith, labor .......... 134.85 Clerk of the County Court of said same, together with proper vouchers ball club, and their efforts accumu- Georg'ianna Leorgiaiiii« Vaughan, Vaugbian, Salary, Salary, lights . ..................... ...... 146.68 Henry Funson. labor 184.35 County and State do hereby certify therefor, to the undersigned at the ....... lated 26,686 cans or 86.6 per pupil. I _ Deputy Clerk .... .................. James M. Gaffney, labor on A. G. Tn ndell, labor ......... 87.41 that the foregoing is a t^ue and cor­ office of J. Arthur Berg at Coquille, The cans all have both ends cut Salary• D®P' steam furnace . .............—..... 48.00 Harold Zeigler, labor .......... 112.98 rect statement of the amount of bills Oregon, within six months from the out, the wrapper removed and were y’ ** —..... Hulls Transfer, moving steam C. J. Martell, labor ................. 215.10 allowed, on the various funds of the date hereof. Dated this 21st day of April, 1943. 36.42 John B. O’Sullivan, labor ........ 188.70 County as audited by the County furnace .... flattened. Idyle A. Godard, Salary Sten- Frank R. Brown, Pub. A Advt. Carl Mathews, labor ........ 215.63 Court of said County at the regular 111.75 The contest will be decided on the ographer ..................... — Executor if said Estate. Coquille Valley Sentinel, Pub. L. C. Burner, labor . .............. 178.00 May, 1943, term thereof, as the sami Surv. Off. average per pupil collection and Court proc., etc......... ............... 34.95 C. F. Hawk, labor ........... 100.50 appears on the exhibits of claims and J. N. Gearhart, Salary, Co. Coos Bay Times, Pub. Court Orin Demarest, labor ...;,....... 167.92 warrants in my office and custody. should the Coquille school win the Surveyor ......... .............. ...... 50.00 WITNESS my hand and the seal proc., etc................................. 38.25 Chas. Hofer, labor 154.85 contest, Dorena Mast, for the girls, Health Dept. Ration Bd. 146.72 of the County Court affixed this Bill C. Daggett, labor ;....... Dr. G. E. Stork, Salary, Health and Delmar Allen, for the boys, will ... 190.31 12th day of May, 1943. Eheo Walker, salary, clerk .. 83.10 William Dinsmore, labor Dr..................... ............... ....... 50.00 L. W. Oddy, County fieri ... 194.51 Various Off. receive a trip to Portland, with all Leia Elrod, Salary, Health Cecil Hartley, labor By J. W. Leneve. Deputv H. S. Norton, supplies............... 10.25 Coll McLean, labor . ............... .... 186.35 (Seal) expenses paid by the sponsors, and Nurse .'................... .......... . 134.35 L. H. Oddy, Co. Clerk, post­ 133.34 Carl Shore, labor .... attend a basebal game in the Rose Ethel C. Littler, Salary, Health 8.90 age A mine...... —.....-...... Ben A. Wigle, labor...... 118.11 NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL Nurse .................. ............. 14.25 City. Crt. House A Jail ACCOUNT John Smart, labor ... ....... .. ... 12282 Carolyn Huff, SalaiY, Secre. Stevens Cash Hardware, Jan ­ NOTICE is hereby given that the Walter L. Taff, labor ............ 177.92 Additional prizes have been award­ tory ........ . ............ ....... ....... . 47.30 10.86 itor ’ s supplies ..... ------ 1 ......... 59.82 undersigned, Walter A. Moore, ad­ Ben Kuhnert, labor ed by the Roxy and Liberty Theatres Preb. Off. Various Off. .... 155.53 ministrator of the estate of Mathilda Van A. Spores, labor James H. Leonard, Salary, management, the boy and girl in each, Coos Bay Stationery Co., sup­ Berlyn Billings, labor . ........ 200.51 Diedrich, deceased, has flle-1 his final Probation Offr. ............ 166.60 i room of the Washington building 184.65 account in the County Court of the plies .J....,—...—......... — 64.94 Howard Carver, labor Court House ■ I County Farm 201.76 County of Coos, in and for the State Oran Young, labor ........... bringing in the largest collection of Earl L. Schroeder, Salary, Sanford, Salary, Cook 98.10 C.’F. Christian, labor 104.55 of Oregon, and that said Final Ac­ tin cans being guests at the theatre Janitor ......... t............ ....... . 92.10 Jeffie Nathan Sariford, Salary, Farm ' Teen Miller, labor ....... ... 173.60 count will be heard on the 25th day Chas. Roberts, Salary, Janitor for one show. . Hand .... u............. <................ 69.10 Don Crouch, labor .............. 49.50 of May, 1943, at the hour of )0;00 and Jailur7-».... ......... -...... . 116.35 Elizabeth Lambert, Salary, Tllte winners in each room weVe; 169.10 o’clock in the forenoon of said day Sye Davis, labor . ........... v. .. Jail 59.80 Chas. Whiff, labor .......... .". ... 98.99 at the County Court room in the Waiter .... „...«..... ......... ......... Mrs. Tyrrell’s first grade—Allen Belle Whitsett, Salary, Matron County Court house in the City of George Workman, Salary, Or­ Alda L. Nosier, Salary, Asst A Cook , Dungey and Margaret Ann Brockway. 74.10 FVI STILL 69.10 derly . ....... - Clerk................. .................... . 112.10 Coquille in said county and state, - k County Farm Mrs. Chase’s first grade—Clarence Wm. Stewart, Salary, Night- 5.76 and all whom it may concern are R. Wilmcuth, labor F. C. McNelly, Salary, Supt. SOT RHYTHM wattch ..............v...................... 45.00 W. M. Williams, labor 11.07 cited and/ required to appear at the Jacobsen and Marilyn Wilson. Edith McNelly, Salary, Matron 105.10 L. L. Spencer, labor .............. Reto Horton, Salary, Nurse 27.79 time and ulace designated, and show Miss Page’s second grade—Michael Co. Prop. Agt. cause, if ahy there be, why said ac­ E. McDonald, oper. Bub And why sholudn't I? H. R. Clerk, Salary, Prop. Agt. 145.10 Coos County Farm, food used 70.00' Chas- Osterhout and Helen Taylor. lards Fy .............. 287.60 count should not be approved and on farm ................................. - Shf. Off. Miss Robertson's second grade— allowed and said estate closed. Court House Mrs. Smith handles me I George Huther, oper. Riverton Helen Winegar, Salary, Clerk Dated this 22nd day of April, County Farm, keg sea 147.10 „ M | Ferry ................................. Bobby Allard and Joan King. Tax Dept................................ 117.10 Coos with kid gloves these 1943. foam from soap powder...... <•05 The Title Co., Renewal Road- Mrs. Walton's mixed room—John Emma M. Pierce, Salary, Clerk County Farm ............. ............ ......................... Walter A. Moore, 5.00 days. She knows I'm masters Bond Tax Dept............................ 117.10 Pioneer Grocery Co., groceries 210.43 Coquille Medical Service Bu- Landers and Wilma Humphrey. 14t5 Administrator of the Estate Assfaaor's Off. priceless. - ----- - ------------------------ ” ? »« reau Hdapital duCi Co Em . Mis. Owen's third grade—Lyndly ! Steve’s Grocery, groceries Yvonne Kern, Salary, Extra 98 1() Stcnec^pher Packing Co., 1 ployees ........'.............. 62.00 Jimpson and Janice Kent. Help ..................................... Mutual Benefit & Health Acc Oll MULE CHECK SYSTEM Mia. Shaw's third grade—Luther Alice Rhay, Salary, Machine MOUNTAIN STATES ¡Ulirtll NE3CIIPT10N ACCURACY * Co., butter ................ Assn, Insurance Co. Em­ Operator .......... ....... . .......... in? in Swift Harris and Mary Pingleton. Busy Comer Grocery, grocer ployees .................................. 80.9C 1 Jean Newton, Salary, Machine POWER COMPANY 21.22 U. S. Collector of Inti Revenue, Miss Hartwell’s fourth grade—Carl i , Operator ............................... 117.10 ,e* " .......... . .—-......... 28.20 Coquille Bakery, bread .......... Victory Tax withheld ...... 268.04 Marney and,Dorena Mast. , Jean Williams, Salary, Extra A Self-Supporting, Tai-Paying. Pacific Feed A Seed Co., feed C has. Stauff, Co. Treas., De- Mrs. Dunn’s fourth grade — Dale I help ............................ . ......... 82.10 24 69 di'Ctioris for War Bonds 394-70 Private Enterprise Brown and Lillie Mae Halloway. | Elda, Ostrander, Salary, Extra I 45.53 Koke - Chapman Co., office Fuhrman’l Pharmacy, drugs FUHRMAN’S PHARMACY 96.10 Olaf Aasen, one Jersey bull.... 125.00 8.95 supplies, Roadinaste{ ......... ”-i. BaH-n's fifth Krade-Delmar salary, Extra —J-------------- ‘U. -- .—.■» __ -__ I.______ 9.75 Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, office Overland Coal Co., coal........... Allen and Nancy Godard. help ....................................... 20.00 Biegger Furniture Co., furni­ 4.10 supplies ................................. IF YOU'RE AN "A” BOOK HOLDER rUrS. Hannas’ fifth grade — Frank i Chas. Stauff, Co. Treas., cash ture ...................-................. 63.79 J. E. Bright, cost of Notary adv. Assr. Office ..... . 10.00 Gregg Hardware, hardware ... 25.05 Oerding and Ixileto Robison. 1.50 Public fees ...... ' Sheriff’s Off. I J. A. Lamb Co., hardware....... 33.00 Isaac R. Tower, used gas pump 150.00 Wm. P. Howell, Sheriff, Mile­ 2.00 City of C quille, water ....... age A cash, adv............... .. 57.00 Smith Wood Products, Inc., OPA Report Of Fanners And 1.38 j Mountain states Power Co., lumber ..... ;....... :..................... Georgia Davidson, Salary, I Sberf. A Clerks Office Small Primary Distributors lights and power ....’............. 29.07 Tax Dept................................. 101.00 I Coos Bay Harbor, supplies ... 71.50 Mountain States Power Co., Farmers, small primary distribu- Muriel Herman, Salary Tax I Capitol City Bindery, record lights—Charleston dock . 2.00 tors, and persons making rationed ; ** ’ ¿¿<7 as 28.55 West Coast Telephone Co., book and binder ........ -.... Treas. Office foods for sale or transfer are re- Western Union, Services *77.. 24.33 Services .... ........... ................. 12.68 Fuhrman's Pharmacy, blotters 1.10 Peoples Water A Gas Co., quired to make a monthly report Sheriff Office Assr. Off. water -------------------- i______ to their local War Price A Ra-, Oeor«‘' F Bjirr, Motor Co., | Alice Rhay, salary ................... 107.10 Coquille Wood Co., wood .. 7.84 Sy pt. Office tioning Board. Farmers and butch- 'u ° "’U,jPcierk> Office ..... Golders Auto Parts Co., auto I Martha E. Mulkey, mileage A supplies .................................... 18.78 REOARDLESS OF HOW MANY COURONS YOU'VE HAD TO USE ere who slaughter livestock (cattle, Chas. .Stauff, Co. Treas., Cash exp............. ...................... ........ 31.93 L. H. Pierce, auto supplies 3.12 calves, shee£, lambs, and swine) and ' for enveltrpes ................. . 169.30 Margaret Snider, salary, extra Southwestern Motors, auto Treas. Office sell or transfer all or part of^ those help ......................................... 40.63 supplies ....................... 287.66 Clara A. Stauff, Salary, Ser- meats must .repo$> Farmers and 1 , vices ............... ...... .. .......... 103.10 Isler Sheet Metal Works, Work Orchard Auto Parts Cp., auto SupL Office supplies .... ........ ................... 63.75 other persons who. churn creim into i rChak. Stauff, Co. Treas., Cash The J. K Gill Co., suppll Bay Motors, auto supplies ....... .67 ■■■■ Tor postage ............... ....... 3.00 butter or Produce rationed cheeses i Earl Littrell Supply Co., auto Office i W. H. Kay, labor, coal A tim­ from milk or cream for sale or trans­ Chas. Stauff, Supi. 7.97 Co. Treas, cash ber* survey ...... . .................. applies ............ :. 54 21 fer'of any of the butter or cheese, for postage ......................... 50.00 Health Off. Co., auto sup- must also report. Mrs. C. M. Billings, Indigent .-a- The News Press, supplies __ Soldiers Allowance ............ 15.00 , |a indemnl Your report should be filed with­ Southwestern Motors, auto Helen R. Graham, Indigent Harry F. Hull .................. in 15 days after the end of your re­ supplies ............... .j........ ;. 24.27 Soldiers Allowance ............. 25.00 8 AN EASY MISTAKE to make Circuit CL Coquille Service Station, auto porting period. However, if you Mrs. • Erma Wise, Indigent -to think that in driving less, L. C. Sherwood, Services, supplies ............................... 12.76 Soldiers Allowance ............. 16.00 you needn’t pay so much atten­ have a report due in May, 1943, you Bailiff .................................... Dick Bourns, auto supplies 15.05 Minard, Indigent tion to your oil. Fact it, you ought . may file it on or before May 31, 1943. Iftirvev Court House Feenaughty Machinery Co., Soldiers Allowance...... ........ to 6e even more cart full It may be filed by mail or in person. Mrs. Rosemary Kight, Indigent 15.00 Isler Sheet Metal oWrks, Work Filter ................................. In your engine, motor oil is still furnace ................. ......... Hull’s Transfer, freight ....... Keep a copy as a record of your Soldiers Allowance ............. 25.00 J. pn exposed to air-borne dust and A. Lamb Cd.,-fittings for Clyde Equipment Co., materi Mrs. Ada (E. B.) Moore, In ­ operations. other impurities. And though that furnace .......................... —.... al ............................................ 13.66 digent Soldiers Allowance 30.00 The “Report of Farmers” OPA oil lies idle in the crankcase, par­ J. E. Haseltine A Co., material 69.58 Health Nurse Dept. tially burned fuel particles con­ H. & L. Company, 4 points Form 1609 is available now at War Ethel C. Littler, Mileage ..... 52.65 Nasburg Insurance Agency, Insurance on cars .......... 508.36 McNair Hardware Co., materi­ stantly promote oil deterioration. Price A Ration Board in Coquille. Coos County Health Dept., Jail • al .............................................. Also, with today's short trips postage .................................. 10.00 It will be necessary for any of the Coos County Farm, food fur- Central Transfer Co., freight your engine doesn’t get hot Dr. Ennis Keizer, giving tox ­ above listed, to use this form in fil* 33.29 _ nished Jail .............. ....... ...... Rogers Rock Products, crushed enough to vaporize water formed oid at school ............... :... ...... 42.21 3 ou i Coos County Farm, laundry rock ......................................... ing their reports. by combustion and condensation. Dr. Melvin B. Johnson, giving . ' Defense Council Harry Smith, culvert pipe 10.00 This water further contaminates toxoid at school..................... War Price A Ration Board 88.1.1. 500 West Coast Telephone Co., Barrow Drug Co., 6 Kits ....... 2.34 your oil. County Employes Coquille, Oregon. . 1 B J services ................ -... j .-------------- Pioneer Hardware Co., ma­ Coquille Medical Service Bur­ So follow the safe new rule. a » i Coquille Gas A Power Co., gas terial ....................................... 11.65 eau, Hospital dues ........ 49.00 Have your Shellman or Shellady A. J. Eberhart, material ....... 36.75 Dealers Have One Month In Mutual Benefit Health A change your oil every time you go „ American Red Cross, moftey ill Oregon Pacific Co. Inc., cas- Acc. Co., Insurance............... to a new coupon number. That’s 2 00 adv. T. B. Patient................... 13.40 Which To Use Stamps teel rope, etc. ....................... 136.65 , _ _ Treasurers Office every two months. Then you’re on axnn County Car Hazer Hardware Co., material B. Collier, services ....... A. Members of the trade (Retailers, the safe side, and probably won’t so.uo L.oy B|anCi auto supplies 11.80 J. A. Lamb Co., material Health Dept. have to add a d rop between drains. Wholesalers, etc.) now have one cal­ _ ___ H imter A Trapper McGeorge Gravel Co., culvert Dr. E. E. Berber, giving tox­ Clarence E. Mullins, travel exp. 40.00 endar month in which to use Red pipe ....................................„. 15.00 oid in school ................... ...... CARE FOR YOUR CAR 5.00 County Employees Smith Wood-Products, Inc., and Blue food ration stamps to re­ Dr. Ellsworth Lucas, giving FOR YOUR COUNTRY" I State Ind. Acc. Comm., In ­ lumber ...... . ........................ toxoid in school ................... plenish inventory after such stamps 5.00 48.88 Prince Electric Co., ford gen dustrial Ins................... ....... Testing Cattle Have your car given a complete have ceased to be valid for the con- Leonard C. Witcosky ........... Court House erator .......................... ........ ; 107.70 Shellubrication job at the same West Coast Tel. Co., Services 125.87 Numer. Anna McDonald, towing Bub CMttle Indemnity time! Besides lubrication, it in­ Ration Board lards Ferry .... . .................. 24.00 Such members of the trade also Amelia P. Lafferty ........... cludes checking battery, radiator, ; Rheo Walker, Salary, Clerk 83.10 Cecil Hartley, filing saws ..... 8 60 Amelia P. Lafferty SHELL OIL COMPANY, fan belt, spark plugs; cleaning now have one calendar month plus Court House Laird. Benham A Laird, lum­ Thomas Detlefsen ......... windows and polishing chrome. ten days to deposit Red and Blue food Alton R. McCue ....... ............ H. M. Ross, Repair work 10.15 Incorporated ber .......... .............................. 320.54 Dependent Children ReedsgortjToi^loaGCa^tw-^ ration stamps in ration bank ac­ Coronej* Catholics Charities, Inc., Care Louis J. Langenberg. report ­ counts after such stamps have ceased i of Dependet Children....... 32.00 ing inquest ..._ ........... 17.60 to be valid for the consumer. Assessors' Off. Fublishinr and Adv. Remington Rand., Inc., Sup­ 'Coos Bay Times, Publishing plies ....................................... 88.22 reports .................................... 42.30 Large Stamp Sale At Hulls Transfer Co., freight on Defense Council Junior High The Past Year •« - Coos Bay Stationery Co........... typewriter ........................ 4.30 W. H. Wann, Analysis of As­ The Junior High School students West Coast Telephone Co., sessor's Off. in relation to services ............................. 20.88 have purchased 83,751.10 in War Budget ................................. 32.50 Mfld. Chamber of Commerce, County Court Stamp«; and Bonds during this school office facilities and help 100 00 E. L. Peterson, Judge, Ex­ Defense Council year. The largest sale in a single penses Business Trip ........... 64.40 week was made the final week of West Coast Telephone Co., ser- Ervin L. Peterson, Partial pay­ I vices ..................................... the stamp sale, with a total of 9476.40 News Press, Ambulance tick­ ment delegate to Congress 200.00 Dependent Children purchased at the school. ets .................................... 4.50 Mrs. Lillian Short, dare of News Press, Violation tickets 20.00 Delp children 50.00 Bounty Hear Willie White, Evangelist at County Court ! Claude DeOs, bounty on 2 Church of Christ, East 4th and Coul­ Lars P. Peterson, Salary A cats Mileage Co. Commr. 140.00 ter. Every nite, May 2 to May 23. Lewis Eisele, Bounty on 2 cats . ............................... 20.00 P. W. Culver, Salary A Mile, Rest night Monday. 15t4s age Co. Commr. r ............. 96.10 Sleno. County Court Lam P. Peterson, Co. Commr., Marie Béllah, Salary 148 10 expenses to Salem 11.25 Sheriff Off. I Asseosor's Off. Edwin Peterson, Salary Depu­ In beer, as in rodeo champions, the best comes from this office. ty Sheriff .............................. 157.85 H. C. Getz, Salary, Draftsman 191.60 Ellis Selander, Salary, Deputy . Alice Perrott, Salary, Deputy PIMPLES DISAPPEARED the West! For real thirst-quenching refreshment... drink Assessor .............................. Sheriff ....... 117.35 May Ensele, Salary, Deputy 149.85 .. OVER NIGHT Eleanor Peterson, Salary, Dep­ ACME! For economy—Buy Victory-Size Quarts! Assessor ...... .......... ; ... 134.10 L Yes, it is true, there is a safe harm­ uty, Tax Dept. ........... 157.85 Audit - ---------- - less medicated liquid called Kleerex Muriel Davis, Salary, Deputy I*1 Sch(>o| ¡fupt BOTTLE Many report that they had a red sore Dr. Donald M. Long, Services William H. Wann, Assisance to 65.00 Audit pimply face one night and surpr^ed in Mfld. clinic .................. 20 00 SHORTAAf William H. Wann. Justice of their friends the next day with a^ Dist Atty. Off. the Peace Audit 90.00 RETURN Ben C. Fiaxel, Dist. Atty, a/c clear ccmplexion. ’ There is no risk. a,. Cte. Employees Stenog sal. Si Mileage ■EMPTIES' Chas. Stauff Co. Treas, Pur ­ The first application must convince. C-eunty Court chase of War Bonds ........ 317.25 PROMPTLY you or you get your money back. Join Chas. Stauff, Co. Treas., cash • adv. for postage ................... 1.00 U. S. Collector of Inti. Rev. « the happy Kleerex users who are no Victory tax withheld ..... 186 64 Prob. Off. - longer embarrassed with unsightly James H. Leonard, mileage ROAM WAS SAVWMS ~ F. A. Robb, Salary, Roadmaster 22635 pimples. For sale by Barrow Drug. esuMs naavt A exp............................... ..... ~“ T. Ralph Harry, Salary, Chief Co. 10t8s | Mm James H. Leonard, at- Clerk ______ __ _____ ____ 167.85 Washington School Collects 86.6 Tin Cans Per Pupil tn haasa_______ AJM1 PROCEEDINGSXJF“ T lauding girl Circuit CL Dr. J. C. Evans, Services in COUNTY COURT Ferrwi hearing .... ............. . 85.00 FRIDAY, MAY ?i N°5 GASOLINE COUPONS EXPlRf It’s the date to change your Motor Oil r I The BEST,comes from the WEST?