THE COQUILLE VALLEY MNWftL. COQUILLE. OREGON. THURSDAY. MAY SO. 1943. I Junior High School Graduation Today ife^.SL„Xr,wSi«i. SX Smith, Everett Steward, Ixiren Stew- lard, Bobby Taylor, Bill Train, Bud Smith, Everett Steward, Loren Stew- aid, Bobby Taylor, Bill Train, Bud Troudt, Fred Vogt. 1 Mary t^nne Walker. Maurice William«, Versie 4 . Willie. I Announcement Tea E—r kAJcc Av tn II rwr ’’»•« ZSAieil dessert was served preceding cards. The bride-to-be received many lovely Rifts. Invited guests were Mcsdamcs J. E. Axtell, L. B. Gould, Dee Richardson, Andy Anderson, Wm. Barrow, Hal Pierce, Ed. Walker, Georgianna Vaughan, Kenneth Kistner, U. E. McClary, Misses Norene and Made­ line McKeown. , Coquille Home Sold Belle Knife Hospital Don't Delay The residenee'of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Selmer, nt <>76 E. 3rd St. was sold by (ieorge E. Oerding, a local realtor to Mr. ami Mrs. J, C. Ray. The S.-haer’s have purchased a home on the Bay, where Mr. Schaer is employed in defense work. Mr. Ray is employed by Irwin G. Lyons of North Bend as a truck driver and they will not move into their new purchased home until sometime in the future. — __ announce the approaching mar- This morning, Thursday, May 20, To 20. rjBge of ^er daughter, Marianne, Marianne. at 10.S0 in the High School gymna­ sium, 23 girls and 36 boys were Mrs. J. E. Axtell with the bride-to-be, graduated from the Coquille Junior received about seventy guests at tea High School. on last Sunday afternoon, at their During the graduation exercises home from three to five-o’clock. The Ray Jeub presented the American marriage is to be solemnized at high Legion Citizenship Cup to Maurice noon on Wednesday at the St. James’ Williams, who was selected by the Episcopal church, with Rev. Robt. I.*gioii us being the boy who had Mrs. Goldie llanncvold, Coquille, I Greene officiating. achieved the most outstanding record Oscar Nosier, brother of S. M. [ Dainty white ribbon-tied cards, entered for treatment last Thursday ' In Justice Bull’s Court during his three years in fhe Junior Nosier, Mrs. Birdie Skeels and Mrs. with attached forget-me-nots and and Douglas Ostramle underwent an I. R. Holniun paid fine and coats, j High School. appendectomy, • Mary Gage of this city, accompanied pink roses, carried the names of the The American Legion Auxiliary by Mrs. Nosier, returned last Friday bride and her husband-tb-be, Ian B. Nate Smith, of Puwerp, entered for on May 10 for having an overloaded I i Citizenship Cup was presented to from Sun Diego, Calif., after a 27- Jamieson, with the date of the im- treatment on Saturday and Mrs. Carl truck. Versie Willis as the most outstanding year residence down there and will portant event. Utterback, also of Powers, underwent | The same day James Gentry Rus­ girl by Mrs. Kennett Lawrence. again make, their home in Coquille Mrs. R. L. Stewart and Mrs. Dave a major operation on Sunday. The sell paid $5 for allowii.g a minor to ----- Maurice Williams and Mary Anne for a year, probably for the duration. Rackleff poured the first hour and same day Anna Starr of Bandon, sub-' operate his car, and D. P. Fel( , was n 10 dftys •" which to pay $9 for Walker, were presented by Mr. Smith Mr. Nosier retired from active work were followed by Mrs. O. C. San­ mitted to an appendictitis operation. Ruth Wilcox,-Coquille, underwent h“*‘nK iuui P*™“”* •*» the'driver’s as the boy and girl having the high­ several years ago and while they for- ford and .Mrs. Gertrude Ulett. The »eat. ... est scholastic records for their three merly enjoyed living in the southern tea table was lovely with glistening a tonsilectomy, on Monday. On the 12th M. N. Ferrell paid $7 years.' • Twin girls, weighing five and. six California city, it is not the same silver and stunning arrangements of Betty Lou Foote, Carmen RePass, place now, with all the war activity baby calla lilies and pink tulips, and one-ha If pounds were born yes­ for having no operator’s license. Aft arrests were made by the' state Maurice Williams and Loren Stew­ there is there and they decided to Spring flowers were used profusely terday to Mr. and Mrs. N. Pirolo of the city, who recently came here from police. ard were congratulated for having leave for a time. . ‘ ' -------- — . rooms.’, about the ., , < . i maintained perfect « attendance Mr. Nosier says the building of / Assisting throughout the afternoon California. Good singing, good preaching at througout this past year. Jas.’ Brady, Mrs. Doni Dick Hickenbottom who suffered a new homes there have beed mam- i were j Mrs. I of The graduation program follows: moth projects. Some of them ure Sturdevant, 1 Misses Laura Emily 1,iand injury when ho fell from a evangelistic meeting. Church Processional - - Jr. H. S. Band for 500 homes for war industry Ruble, Phyllis Brady and Marianne 'truck yesterday was brought to the Christ, May 2 to May 23. No meeting on Monday. Willie' White, evan­ hospital for treatment. . ,' Invocation - Rev. L. C. Persing workers and one project called for ■ Rackleff. Mt4s Tone Poem - - Jr. H. S. Band the construction of 3,000 new homes. Chas. T. Selbig. lucul manager for gelist. Mr Jamieson is the «on of Mr. and Am. Legion Auxiliary Citizenship Swift & Co. underwent u major op ­ They cover the hills and mesas where Mrs. George Jamieson, of Condon, eration this morning. Cup presented by Mrs. K. Lawrence formerly only sage brush and desert where the young couple is to live. Am. legion Citizenship Cup Dismissals the past week have been Specializing in Merchantable vegetation grew. Harold Waltzing of Myrtle Point, Presented by Mr. Ray Jeub Bridal Shower And Saw and Piling Timber Smilin' Through ... Mrs. Geo. Wilson and baby of Ban­ Guild Meeting Bridge For Bride-to-Be b V y OR SELL You’re A Grand Old Flag i Mrs. F. M. Shaw was host«»« yes­ Complimenting Miss Marianne Ax­ don last Thursday; Mrs. Perry Tracts of 1 to 50 Million Junior High School Choral Club terday at the regular weekly meeting tell on Wednesday evening, Mrs. Don Weaver and baby of Four Mile, Betty Presentation of Class of 1943 of the Guild. Plan« were made for Mclnery entertained at bridge and Jean Willett and Rose Marie Peart - - - Mr. Wayne A. Smith the «pedal afternoon next week which with a miscellaneous shower, Ex- on Saturday, and June Rike of Ban­ Broker Presentation of Diplomas hus become a custom to hold on the quisite effect in decorations was the don on Monday. - - Mr. Burton W. Dunn last Wednesday in each month. Mem­ use of white candles and Cecil Brun­ Eugene, Oregon Benediction - Rev. L. C. Persing bers attending were Mesdames John ner roses. High score was won at Office 1393 West 7th Ave. Donna Deun Bosserman and Doro­ Recessional - - Jr. H. S. Band Martin, Ida Owen, Wm. Mansell, Geo. cards by Mrs. Wm. Barrow and sec­ thea Yarbrough spent last week-end Residence 634 West 5th Ave. List of graduates: Edith Alford, Briner, Ed Lorenz, Henry Lorenz, J. ond high by Mrs. Hal Pierce. Dinner In Eugene. Ethan Allen, Dorothy Avery, Joyce A. Moor», Chaz. Selbig, Robt. Greene, “ Benham, Phillip Barrette, Mary Weekly and Bonnie Walker. Boone, Joan Borel, Leo Call, Bartley Carrillo, Alan Chaney, Robert Clow- Tuesday Contract Club er, Shirley Cornelius, Edson Culver, Mrs. Ed. McKeown entertained her Keith Davis, Robert bridge club on Tuesday. High score Elaine Davis, 1 Dykes, Betty Foote. Patty Gesney, was won by Mr«. U. E. McClary, sec­ Dewey Oilkey, Donna Gormley, ond high by Mrs. F. L. Greenough, Edwin Griggs, Bud and guest prize by Mrs. Roy Boober. Marion Gregory, < Rajqnond Kay, Glenn Mrs. Geo. L. Maynard was also a Hickam, Lola Lucas, guest. Members attending were Mes- Knight, John Leslie, Bruce Martin, Dick Martindale, Rb- dames 1-afe Compton, Ralph Milne. berta Medley, Wallace Menning, George Chaney, F. L. Greenough, U. Bonita Miller, Clifton Morgan, Ken­ E. McClary and the hostess. neth Neely, Remmal Nivens, Glynora Parsons, Hugh Parsons, Norman Per­ See our targe display of choice pot sing. Virginit Pullen, John Rankin, plants at Bergen’s, across highway Carmen RePass,. Carmelita Reynolds, from telephone office. Not the YOU'U 01 HILMNC TH! WAI fFFORT IF YOU OOt Virgil Richardson, Laura Emily cheapest but the best. Phone 84. The Oscar Noslers Return For Duration PAGE THREE ’ ana n'a sanas SA v E jtoday Protect Year Screens! Your «creen« are mighty valu­ able today I Don’t take chancea with them . . . don't let them ruat or warp. Our Sherwin- William» Screen Enamel will brighten-up and thoroughly protect both wire and frames. It's a high-gloea enamel that won't clog the mesh. S/MUtl.’IN-WfUMNS SCREEN ENAMEL 1 08 E. M. Banta 4 Glos« Black Qt. Gregg Hardware Phone «g S hlrwin W illiams P aimts Shop Early in the Week and Early in the Day Your grocor. whoever he U. will spprocieto your poUonco, undentandinz end cooperation. You can do your port to help him help you by ihoppin« earlier. Remember, oil Safeway prices apwiow «Vary day! A Body and Auto Painting ---------- . There’s rieMiy of Variety in Waa-R«»sU»»*«l lioMt CHEKSt 2 pkg,. Philadelp. Crm or Pirn BISKIT MIX Fishers PEANUT CRUNCH OT. We have necured additional Body Mechanics, so we are in Aunl Jemima lge. pkg PEANUT BUTTER Oftr Real Roast a position to take immediate care of all Auto Painting PANCAKE FLOUR 15c OATS, H-O Lge. pkg, 25c HOT CEREAL Instant Ralston pkg. 21c 1(10% BRAN Nabisco Lb. pkg. 19c 1 lb. jar Duchess Pint Jar * Oft OLIVES Lindsay Jumbo 8‘i oz.. CHINESE NOODLES 1 Ac 14 oz. m rtlra pkg. Southwestern Motor Co Low Fitcei on Rationed Food! The Industrial Repair Co of Coquille * WELDING MACHINING PRESSING METALLIZING BLACKSMITHING ••WALLY’’ Phone 44J Res, 229J i Cruft r Enrich Enriched 49 lb. sack FLOUR you tun« «nd trouble and uoura your f Peaches No. 2 4 can Red Tag (21 points) BABY FOODS 3 cans Clapp’sStrnd. (1 point) Cheese Velveeta */£lb pk (4 points—red) Kraft * Repairing Aids Victory 40 oz. pkg. Suzanna SALAD DRESSING AA- and Body Work 33c PANCAKE FLOUR Oft 16 oz. jar Skippy 2<*> lb. pkg. SPRING LAMB SALE Leg o’ Lamb lb. 6 points per pound Rib Lamb Chops lb. 7 points per ound Shoulder Steaks n. 25c (5 pls - red) .i Red pts. per pound lb. 25c lb. 35c lb. 35c h HAMS • AOt»PEas •; CITV TOILET PAPER 4 rolls Zee PUREX BLEACH % gal - - - BLEACH White Magic Qt. IC.rrw* 23c (5 pls - red) GUARAHTUD PRODUCE No point Oysters pt. 53c No point Slic. Halibut lb 45 No point Sauerkraut qt 15c APPLES fey Wincsaps lb. 15c TOMATOES fancy ORANGES Valende« lb. 17c SPINACH local lb. 5c PEAS Calif quality lb 12c OAr 10c COFFEE Edward» Colfoo ¡2.1b 2? Nob Hill Cofleo'tSI^* 6c Airway CoffarSZi lb. 9c few M LR mòns 10c •ÚA1M THAT MM9MU-H0WUU OH. ( *»< « Ml «Uw lQr ÄMML ¿ «•<■• of Ow Soo bo«b f—a yeoV bo «» Ml yoor wM b« from yow «ana VMaay —much tf 0 you mm boy oUvoofeooooUy Sara u« Sofewoyf ASi aMaya aaaly. bacava« »•«»«• only frrm batb, baf If*« 10M by *a yavag U m aaafy aa a vaafe wo y M aaaha On | * ~ vafea «vary Haaa. GRAPEFRUIT *A,Jr “““* ; ^Edition of *** 2^ lb. I points per pound 5 Pork Liver 7 Pork Steak 7 Pork Roast Supqrb SOAP J4 oz pk«. "■* ■ V T~ NUCOA * Dalewood OLEO Margarine A am ................ copy « cop‘?^f Pl®*" OJR WK* POIHTS