P VCE TV» 3 THE COQUILLE VALLET SENTINEL. CÓQtJtLLk, ÒktGON, THURSDAY, MAT 20, 1*43. iij .'». ■. > . . president’s words of welcome briefly.1 Ida Oerding, Florence Hallock, Eva At this time she offered the reading Stevens, Cheri Mae Hartwell, Flor- ' ; of “Viking Blood” from her own book' ence Barton. The ladies of the church ! of poems, an ingenious composition, should have special mention for the Seventy-five Coquille women took • exPre“'in* the ‘hixture of farmer and delicious course dinner and their ex- , Piano and voice pupils were pre- “ their places around long rows of explorer in the life and minds of cellent service. their places g u----------- _--------------------- u sen ted in recital at the rameer Pioneer metn- Meth- her sons. She also released an tables arranged in V-formation on she Beyers, accompanied on the piano by ! ‘ “ * .. ’ “ f.. ev **M ^* ’ Monday evening in the Pioneer Meth­ i published verse with which Inez Rover. Members and guests at- * odist banquet hall when the Business j closed., It was as follows: lending were; Ida Oerding, Aurora R. h* ¡’.rogram M‘8S Y. “ and Professional Women honored Willard, Jennie Rose, Annie J. Rob- ?“lk °" niuxi^’ 8taUn8- ‘There SONS their mothers and the mothers of the ' must be no blackout of music during annual Mothers and Those mothers from whom their sons inson, Miranda Way. Harriett Whit- i nation. ' This ----- -------------------------------- the ordeals we arc n.iw facing in a have been taken Gertrude E. Ulett, Grace Wlth- Daughters banquet is the most im­ war-tori, globe, for music is a living ____________ • nell, Mary Morris, Allie Beset, Alice i portant occasion and highlight of the Have reason to mourn and pine, ! idea, it is a human expression, an Symbolic of war time, , But I am neither forlorn nor for- Lafferty, Ethel Roop, Emma M. club year. I . ennobling hope.” , _ j __ —kan Pierce, Bess Maury. Helen Beyers, with the emphasis placed on Victory, I Of the thirty young people taking Ruth Beyers, M. Peddicord, Edna D. every decoration detail was patriotic. For I gave mine. part, ten were from Bandon. Illness Kern, Arlene Robertson, Mrs. E. A. Each unit repeated at continuous in- ‘ prevented/two vocal students from ter vais around the length of the tables i An impressive skit was presented Robertson, Mrs. Sarah A. Ribble, appearing. There was a good at­ consisted of a colorful global map of ' with Cheri Mae Hartwell as script Frances Holmstrom, Florence Bar­ tendance , in fact more attended than war activities; a red white and blue i reader, Florence Hallock, background ton, Muriel Da^. Cherie Mae Hart­ had bee t expected. One coujd not candle grouping; clever combination ' vocalist. “Great Mothers of the Na­ well, Irene G. Hartwell, Jane Creager, but be impressed with the assurance menu and place cards and individual tion,” artisltically portrayed in cos- i Inez Chase, Callie Leach, Lois De- ; Of such young beginners. Almost Myrtle DeLong, Maymie candy baskets, all carried out in the tume were: Puritan mother, by Hazel Long, ' the first half of the program were Hanna; Revolutionary mother, Eva Geaney, Lois Fenn, Florence Berg, ------- i numbers by Williams for beginners national colors. Ida Qerding, retiring president, was Stevens, Betsy Ross, Hazel Hanna; ®ailna Caughell, Mary Burns, Peggy and there was hardly a breakdown in charge and opened the meeting Civil War mother, Mary Todd Lin-:Newton- Eva M, Cummins, Hattie Lee >Ail of the work one noted was clean, with.a salute to the flag and the na- coin, Ethel Roop; Spanish American Hollmon, Rills* Nosier, Belle Knife, firm add clear, with good pedaling, Davis, Mildred Tyrrell, Edith ti mal anthem by the gathering, fol­ War mother, Clara Barton, Mary Vir- j which showed thoroughness of train­ glna Morris; World War I, Joyce Walton, Matha E. Mulkey, Myra E. ing. lowed by the introduction of guests. Owen; World War Today, Clara Bos- Clara Boaaerman, Mrs. H. N.; Emphasis should be made on the Mrs. Frances Holmstrom, poetess serman, and Greatest Mother of uh Martha Jfoung,^ Mrs. Carrie i I • • • ' ■ Stanley. Joyce Owen. Nellie Sikes. McCurdy. She was and guest mother, responded to the All, Viola Newton. Ella Law, Eva Stevens. Zoe Fugelson, I ‘h* °nly *‘r‘ Wh° *"d dld 80 | Ida Oerding announced two Jennie C. Price,. Emily Hersey, Ida With ““’t P0"* ™d the mann*r of awards made to the local club at the Owen. Jane Williams. Georgia Rich- Sn ,rom ,he <,ar‘' som<‘ of her ' state convention last week-end at I Eugene. The Evangeline Philbin cup donated by a former state presl- I dent and made each year a* an award •to the club showing a report of the Langlois, Hattie Shelley, Ella Nel­ Death of a Hero,” by Tschaikowsky. WE PHOTOGRAPH 'greatest community accomplishment, son, Gladys C. Gano, Hazel Hanna, Thia, of course, was outstanding. He I in this case it happened to be the war Florabel Boober, Emma Sranton,' ha« a sturdy way of playing and a 1 effort, the list of which was published Mabel Wemich. BABY’S PICTURE manner of entering into it which was •in last week’s edition of the Sentinel., liked. ¡The other award was for the Scrap- O. E. S. Entertains Job’s FAMILY GROUPS | Two sisters from Bandon were in- . book which showed the best publicity ' Daughters At “Mother” Program teresting. Both are the outstanding in the state for the past year. This i Old Photographs playing Last Thursday evening. Job's artistic type, showing in their - - - was judged also for neatness, contin­ 1 Daughters and parents were enter- o£*nte,J>r?ta**ort- They were Restored uity of reports and amount in inches. 'Kathryn Owenby, who played “Deep Clara Stauff's outstanding work in , tained and honored under good of the Purple,” by Peter DeRuse, and Ruth order at the regular meeting of Beu ­ music and arts was mentioned during j Owenby, whose number was “Prelude the session of the executive council. lah Chapter, O. E. S. A clever and i in C Sharp minor.” by Rachmaninoff. entertaining degree, featuring “ Moth ­ The committee in charge of the The first number was played beauti­ banquet was the executive board: er,” was presented by various mem-| fully and the second number, a favor- bers, under the direction of Mm. Clara Bosse rman. There were 13 lte with so many, was most pleasing­ « Job's Daughters present, several ly done. A stat inent from another teacher , parents and the Guardian and Aaeoci- ate Guardians, Donna Dean Bower- 00 W.itaon * technique the student — to 'man and Dave Rackleff. |’ was that she inspires ----- ----- ------------------- i Following the meeting, a social ca‘ch the *p'rlt °r lhe c™P<*(‘r a"d hour was enjoyed with refreshments work his own through re­ served in the banquet hall. The table CI eat*na rather than Imitating. The was decorated with red hawthorns sisters brought this out and snowballs, centered with a bowl throu»h thelr 104x1 con,ro1 and ln,er- pretation. of roses flanked by red tapers. Ths recital was all beautiful and everyone helped with his or her fine Bapthit Church Mission work to give an evening of good East 4th St. & Coulter Society Meet« entertainment. Baskets of pastel- The Woinen's Mlaalonr~lociety of colored snapdragons, arrangements of Emanuel Baptist Church mpt Wed­ snow balls and spring flowers and nesday evening of last week at the ferns dressed the stage into a ’bower SERMON TOPICS of loveliness. church rooms. President Alice Holveratott opened the meeting with prayer and Mrs. New Office Hours Of John Stone gave the devotional, us­ Ration Board In Coquille ing the fourth chapter of St. Mark. Beginning Monday, May 24, the A short business meeting was con­ War Price & Ration Board in Co­ ducted, after which Mrs. Wm. Knight quille will change the hours which presented a program on Baptist Home they are opened to the public as Missionary Work: "Among the In­ follows: dians," "The Chinese Mission imPort- Monday through Friday, 10:00 a. m. land," and on the work being. to 4:00 p. m. done for the service men and among Saturday. 0:30 a. m. to 12:30 p. m. defense workers. The speaial inter­ For convenience of the public, the est letter was read about Margaret While it is not required by law that auto drivers have office will be open every Monday Cuddeback, an Eugene, Oregon, girl, evening from 7:00 p. m. to 10:00 p. m. who is interned in Shanghai, China. Refreshments were served by Mrs. R. W. Kuenzli to: Mesdames Ned Motion Day In Circuit Griffin, C. Parrish, Ben Walton, John Court Next. Tuesday Under the provisions of the new state law, which becomes Stone, H. Ross, Ford Liday, Alice effective on June 10, it is highly desirable, from the auto- There has been no motion day in Holveratott, Wm. Knight, E. Riley Circuit court here the past few weeks, ist’s point of view that his car be fully covered by Liability and Mrs. Riley, Sr. Insurance to make sure that, in case of an accident or col- Judge King being in Gold Beach and Victory Keynote Of B. P. V/, Banquet Beautiful Recital Friday Evening Calling cards sc for 3100. Dudley Walton Advanced Ensign Dudley Walton writes his mother that he has been commission­ ed Lieutenant Jr. Grudc. He wrute thut he had hoped he might get home for Mother's day. • He is somewhere in the Pacific. r TRY OUR COMPLETE Southern Fried Chicken Dinners ON SUNDAY AT Dont' miss nearing Willie White Every at the Church of Christ, night except Mondays. May 2 - May 15t4s TOWN CAFE $1.00 PER PLATE need more Used Gars We’ll pay Spot Cash and a High Price for yours » ■ • f GIT OUR LIRIRAL OFFIR FfRSL Do you want quick action on the sale of your used car? Do you want to avoid the trouble and worry ot finding a buyer without an older car to trade in on .yours or a buyer who does not need fin'ance terms arranged? Then—drive your car to us! Bring your title! We'll make you a liberal, SPOT CASH offer . . . and in a matter of minutes you can have your money in your hand. We need hundreds of used cars— all makes and all models. So, if your car isn't being used, if you are entering the armed forces, if you no longer need that second car—see us FIRST for a TOP DOLLAR and SPOT CASH offer. The Closing Days of the Revival C H U RCHA ÖT CHRIST Church Pontiac W. W. WHITE, Evangelist Thursday:—’’Excuses Stated and Met” Friday:—“The Cowboy’s Message" Saturday:—“Detours on the Devits Highway" Sunday Mor nitty:—“Going Which Way” Sunday Night:—“One Word That Kept A Man Out of Church" TIMELY TIPS on tire care Auto Liability Insurance Usion, for which he may not be responsible, that the license of his car is not suspended, pending court action to deter­ mine where the fault lay. Grace Withnell New Head of Junior Women * Let us remove small stones, find and fix cuts and breaks that may mean serious trouble. Have us cheek wheels and brakes, too. We offer reliable services at reatonablo cost Don’t wait until your tire is worn too thin for recapping and becomes a total loss. We'll tell you when to act No ration permit needed. presiding at the trial for murder of j , John Nodine, who is jtcct accused of kill- i ing his sister, Catherine, . ------- ----------------- His plea is seif defense. Should Jhe trial end in time there will be a motion ’day in — — court here next Tuesday, A heretofore unpublished report of importance to club life in Coquille is a potluck dinner held May 3 in the Guild hall, at 8:30 p. m„ at which time there was installation ot offi­ Res. Phone 95L Office Phone 5 cers in the Junior Women's Club. Missionalries To Peru "* Beautiful corsages presented at the Visiting In Coquille dinner were made by Vi McBride Rev. and Mrs. P. Henry Hall, re­ V and Gertrude Swinney. Incoming turned missionaries from Peru, S. A., officers are; president: Grace With­ will be the guests of Pastor and Mrs. nell; first vice president, Vi McBride; L. C. Persing. These missionaries i . — .. .. ------------- itine secretary Dorothy Harns; treasurer, ’haVt. hwne oh furlüugh and are ______ _____ THE---------- ------ Yvonne Kern; pariliamentarian, I.u- at present doing depulatlonal work 'dlle Walker; historian, Donna Dean | I preparatory to their return to Peru Bosse rman. | in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. _______________ , ■ | Hall will both be speaking at the Miss Saladee and Dr. C. W. | Assembly of God Church Friday eve­ Endicott Married Saturday ning, May 21, and the public is in­ WITH AN AUTO PUBLIC LIABILITY AND The wedding of Miss Charlotte vited to attend this service. i Saladee and Dr. C. W. Endicott, PROPERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE POLICY FOR THE BEST IN LIABILITY INSURANCE SEE E. E. (Spike) Leslie Effective as of June 9th, 1943 *«• driWa» Safety Financial Responsibility Law ProtectYourself Written Through the office of GEO. E. OERDING at the low rate of $14.00 Installment Payments Without Interest Iboht of Marshfield, was solem­ nized at the Frank Denning home on the bay where the bride has re­ sided for more than ten years, at 5:00 o'clock last Saturday evening. Rev. Geo. R. Turney offciating. The will make their home at the groom's residence on South Seventh street. - ■ J us tamer r Club Service also given on and all other insurance and I hearttv solicit youi patronage. ona Bryant, jointly, at the Hawkins home entertained members of the Justamere club at luncheon last Thursday. Members attending were Mesdames J. L. Smith, F. L. Green­ ci ugh, Jane Williams, H. W. Pierce, H. A. Young and R A. Wemich. LIFBOUARP* Circuit Court Cases May 13—State of Oregon, by and through the Commissioner of Public Utilities of Oregon, vs. Glen Daley. May 13—Edythe Evelyn Abbott vs. Everett Crooker Abbott. Sult for di­ vorce. May 13-—Edith Waattl vs. Paul Waatti. Suit for divorce. May 17—Dolores Mary Blaylock *.Pvn nrrirnin B” and “C” Cards a trifle higher Ua J0U tube divorce. May 17- Ella Reed Osmundaon N Y. Life Insurance Co. May IS—Jennie Marie Bradley vs Floyd Orville Bradley. Suit for di- vorce. . May 18—Credit Service Co. vs. M. 1 L. Daniel. Keys made for aU locus Stevens May 18— B. F. and Nettie Tucker Cash Hardware, Coquille. Ore. vs. Kathryn Donovan and husband. i Th« b*** ran buy! Don’t let YOUR battery "GO I ____ buy NOW. Get our careful FREE check-up NOW. Need a new battery? Get a factory­ fresh. full-power GOODYEAR! OFFICIAL O. P. A. INSPECTOR Station No. 11-15 and No. 11-3 Southwestern Motors Car &