The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, May 20, 1943, Page 10, Image 10

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    Mi. and Mrs. Geo. A. Ulett left
Sunday for Portland and Tuesday
morning left on a combined busi­
ness and pleasure eastern trip. They
are going first to their old home in
Waltham, Mass., and op their return
trip will stop in Kansas City, .Mo., for
a conference with Ralph L. Smith.
They expect to be back in Coquille
by the tenth of June.
Margaret Stewart, daughter of' Mr.
L. Stewart, was rushed to
tospital in Myrtle Point
■ j, Tuesday afternoon and underwent an
I Larry Lundquist, superintendent, operation for appendicitis. Dr. J. D.
at the Plywood plant, intends leav- Rankin
R-<>ikm performing the operation,
ing Friday afternoon for Portland she complained of feeling badly that
where he will spend a day in confer­ morning and a blood count was taken.
ence at the Smith Wood-Products In the afternoon the count was worse
office and then go on to Seattle where and the doctor decided the appen­
Mrs. Lundquist lias been visiting at dectomy must be performed at once.
j their old home. They Will be back Her absence leaves the bank still
more short-handed than it has been.
when the plant reopens June 1.
Mrs. Glen Claver and Mra. Loraine
Rice went to Roseburg last Friday to
i.ieet "Happy” Rice, who arrived
tliere on the eight a. m. buk from
Hobbar New. Mexico. “Happy” took
a plane from Hobbs to Los Vegas,
where it was grounded and he came
the rest of the way by bus. He
stopped to see his mother, Mrs. H.
A. Greenamyre at Denver. On Mon­
day Mr. and Mrs. Rice returned to
Hobbs. N. M.
. .
» '
Margaret Belloni was a week-end
visitor «t Eugène, returning Monday.
Rev. Menno D. Rempel attended the
annual meeting of the Oregon Baptist
state connvention in Salem May 11-13
last week. He reports that the Ump­
qua association meeting of Baptist
churtrftesTwill be held at the Coquille
Baptist church in October, 1943.
Walter 5ft Doolittle, employed at
the Smith Wood-Product? plant, left
by bus Monday to visit his oldest
brother at Bakef, Oregon^-Another
brother, whom he had not seen for
17 yefirs, camp down from. Belling­
ham. Wnsh It will be the first time
in wer 42 years that the three broth­
er: have all been together. * . Mr
Doolittle will accompany his brother
back to Bellingham for a visit and
on ids return will stop off at Seattle
and Tacoma to visit friends and rel­
atives. He will be gone two weeks
Mr. and Mrs. Marlin.Brandon spent
g week in Portland, returning last
Mrs. Elmer Peterson
Thursday for Portland to receive
*medical treatment. She returned
and Met;'* Friday, "The Cowboy's R. H. Ahr. Repairman,
Message;" Saturday. “Detours on the Coming To Coquille Soon
Dt*vil*K Highway;
Hiffhu.'av* ’ 1 Sunday
Snnrtwv morning.
mornintf ; 1
R. H. Ahr will soon make his 16th
“Going Which Way;’1 Sunday night,
annual pilgrimage to Coquille and the
“One Word That Kept A Man Out of
Coquille valley and asks ..that house—
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Aiklison and the Church.”
keepers' look over their umbrellas
small son are visiting at the Clifford
The interest and the crowds so far
Kern home from Dunsmuir Calif 1 at the meetings have been excellent land cooking utensils which may need
Mrs. Addison is the former Jerry , and the meeting is coming to a fine repairing and their scissors which f
need sharpening. Umbrella covering
Holcomb of Coquille.
¡climax. Everyone is invited to hear
, is his specialty and Bobbie Ahr, as
the closing messages of the meeting.
he is called, has an extensive clien-
Dan Stiles has been visiting his
He does good
mother, Mrs. M. Brae I in, for the past | For grave markers fot* your loved , telle in these parts.
three w -eks. He ief. for Colorado I ones, see John S. Sanders for style work
Keith Leslie, who is on vacation Sunday morning. Don is a Marine I ' of marker and
. ,_J. .
He also has
from duty with the Internal Revenue sergeant.
cement building blocks
541 West | Krysl made for all
office in Portland, came home Tues­
6th, Coquille. Phone 123L.
s Cash Hardware. Coquille. Ore.
day to attend the C. H. 8. commence­ Mothers And Daughters’ Luncheon
ment exercises last evening.
The Bachelor Girls last Friday held
daughter, Kay, is one of the grad­ a red letter day luncheon at the Co­ t
uates and gave a paper during the quille Hotel when they had as their
own or borrowed mothers. The table
was gaily decorated with a color f
Mrs. Wayne Rayi of Sweet Home, scheme of yellow and white in’ which
is here visiting Mrs. Jack Barnes. were used iris, tulips, pansies and
sprays of baby breath. Each mother
Mm. Pearl Ellingsen, who has been was prej-ented with a gardenia cor­
in San Francisco on a vacation, re- : sage as the was introduced.
turned Monday of .this week. Leah
Jeanie Griggs accompanied by Avis
Rover had been in charge of the li- I Ricketts sang “Juram-.^and “I Want
brary during her absence.
a Girl Just Like the Girl Who Mar­
ried Dear O|d Dad." Club members I
Theodore Gilbert, .of Centralia, and their mothers attending were:
Old South Sets
Shave Sets
chief crukier fpr Weyerhaeuser Tim- Margaret Belloni, Margaret Stewart,
ber interests, was in Coquille Wed- Dorothy ‘•Coffey, Marianne Axtell,
Old Spice Sets
Old Spice Shave
Rheo Walker, Lois Robison, Vvdnne
Kern, Phyllis Belloni, Eunice Howe,
Mrs. Hazel Sutton has sold their Aloha Allen, Maxine Johnson, Gladys I
home on Maple street to F. L. Leath­ May, Norene McKeown, Donna Dean
Bill Folds
Lucien LeLong
erman of the Lee district, who ex­ Bosserman, Lunelle Chkpin, Alys
Cologne and
Fountain Pens
pects to occupy it in a few weeks. June .Fox; Mejdaniea. H. P. Belloni,
Mrs. Sutton will leave about
aboi the first Robt. Stewart, A. B. Collier, Joe Ax­
of June to join Gerald,
<_____ , wno
is em- tell, E. A. Walker, Mary Robison,
ployed at a shipyard in Portland.
Clifford Kern, Delia Belloni, George
Travel Kits
fountain Pens
Howe. Fred MoNelly, George John­
D rothy Coffee went to Salem on son, Leila McClure, Mary McKeown,
Bill Folds
Tuesday to be with her brother who W E. Bosserman and Morris Ray.
is home on furlough.
For Him For Her
Mr and Mrs! it. R. Flannery have
had as a guest for two weeks their
daughter, Mrs. Jerry Kaiser, of Mis-
soula, Montana. She expects to leave
Mrs. Glen Claver left last Saturday to return to her home nexlQMonday.
night on the train for Portland and
Harold Shull, Machinist mate, U.
She expected to see -a
S. N., was iq Coquille on Saturday
lutither while in Tacoma.
visiting his sister until today, when he
Paul M. Pinkston, son of Mr. and left for Sutherlin to be with his
Mrs. James M Pinkston, who has i mother. He will return to Treasure
been Xi private first class at the Island .on the 26th of May. Harold
Camp Polk. La., Army training camp, stated that while in New Caledonia,
is one of those selected to take the he saw Tommy Percy.
gun mechanics’ course at Fort Knok.
We 'carry a complete line of V-
Ky., according to information re­
Robert M. Hendrix, formerly at the
ceived from Camp Polk.
Coos Ray Logging Co. camp on the Belts for all makes of Refrigerators,
| North Fork, who has been stationed Washing Machines and other equip-
?7 riot s have just received a new | at Camp Peary, Williamsburg, V*—Slfint— Washer Service Co., 365 W.
shipment of Roseville Pottery. Pond for the past eleven mpnths, part of Front, Coquille. Phone.
I 16tfa
Lily design in lovely shades of the time in training and later as in- 1
Brown, Rose and Blue. Reasonably structor,. came In Tuesday evening PAINTING? Use our high quality
Priced, ideal for'shower or wedding on a furlough. He does not know paint and get a better job.
» where his next assignment will be. • & ELWOOD.
Evangelist White To
Conclude Meeting
W. W. White, state for
the 90 and 9 men, will conclude his
meeting at Church of Christ, East 4th
and Coulter, Sunday evening. 1 The
closing services promise to be above
the avers-e in interest as Evangelist
White 1.1. announced the fJlowqqF
topics: Thursday. "Excuse* Staled
Free Names
On Bill Folds and Fountain Pens
Fuhrman’s Pharmacy
Open every evening until 8:00
|Thur-Fri-Sat Moy 20-21-221 A Sun - Mon - Tue May 23-24-25Ì
I FRI-SAT-SUN May21-2223)
Another Triumph
' from M-G-M,
the producers of.
Mrs. Miniver”!
Old Throckmorton in a Sock Show..os
Radio’s Funny Man Turns His Famous
Laugh Into a ROAR on the Scroonl
Here’t Uttle Leroy,
Marcia, Judge
Hooker, "Birdie"
»nd ill your other
One of the most unusual and poignant love stories ever told
of a girl who found love, lost it and found it again ... and a
shell-shocked hero who drifted into a romantic adventure
of infinite beauty and tenderness! A New Triumph From
cc .inland to the w
of Germany!. .. L
comps, health farms for
eager young girls...Love,
marriage, homo, forgot­
ten words In the “Haw
Ordsrl**... Soo th© “Mas­
ter Race” in the making In
Mervys UROY • /‘rtd.ctj h Sidoey FRANKLIN
Hoary TR A VERS » Rogiaald OWEN • Braiawoll FLETCHER
Mat. 11r-25c
Eve. llc-4(ic
Product V» HfSMAh SCHI OM
OtrecIMl b» OOwuvK OOuc. As
Scrnn F*1»r bn wk Townley and
lai»» I mas A mo
Kiddies 10c
A Sensation of Suspense!
Diana Barrymore
(The Gay New Star of "Between Us Girls”)
The Star of
a Dozen Hits
FOLKS—"Nightmare" is a class
picture and well worth
a 3-day 40c run. But we are showing it at our
Regular Bargain Night Price of Only 25c.
Matinee lie • 25c
Eves. He - 35c