I «à 4 • • NEWSPAPER rî ~---------------j........................ VOL. XXXIX. NO. ia. Coquille Will Celebrate The 4th For Three Days « COQUILLE. COOS COUNTY. OREGON. C Soon E For T Training THURSDAY. MAY 20. IMS. Supervised Play- Ground In Park Five Days A Week The following men from Coos Ai the city council session Monday county were accepted into the army evening, with Mayor Wood and all at Portland. Oregon, on May 15: rtx euuncilmen present, a letter was Glen Harold Kolkhorst. Coquille. read by City Attorney Berg from the Coquille ia to celebrate the nation’s Quentin John Aydelotle, Myrtle Pt. Internal Revenue office in Portland, At a meeting of the Coquille Park Clad in caps and gowns, and in the Jane Oerding and Avis Ricketts, birthday again this year and will Donald Gordon McGilvery, Coq. demanding a Social Security payment Commission last Friday evening it presence of hundreds of loved ones, 1 The class speakers were Kay Leslie hold a three-day Fourth of July- Ray Wilber Blohm, Marshfield. of $435.38 and »50 penalty, claimed was decided to have a supervised Saturday, v Sunday and Monday — Frank Harvey Shaw, Myrtle Point. friends and acquaintances, the senior and La Verne Barrette, both of whom as the social security amount due on playground in Myrtle Park again this along the same lines as last year's Merrill Hufford Tozier, Coquille. class of 1943 of Coquille High School delivered original and well though- the wages paid workman during the spmnM* and plans wei*e made for made a most impressive appearance out papers. The former's subject very successful event. James Henry Beagle, Coquille. construction of the Community starting it June 7. There was none at the commencement exercises held was: “ Give us this day an inspira- This was decided at the meeting of Arthur Edward Brotton, Myrtle Pt. Building. The letter stated that while last year but in preVioqs years from in the high school gymnasium last Mon,’’ and her conclusion was that the Chamber of Commerce, held in l Janies Andrew Hanna, Coquille. the building does, or will, belong to 50 to 75 youngsters have enjoyed the evening, and from Supt; B W. Dunn's anyone who does his or her Job well the hotel Tuesday noon, when the John Franklin Thorp, Powers. the city—and it does—that the mu­ playground program. * ’ remarks, it is a class which possesses is an inspiration to all. 1. ", various members all expressed them­ Raymond James Kapple, Coquille. nicipality had nothing to do with1 Miss Mwyuu Dorothy «" Page, second grade grade , - — — -------- | -**-o “lie, second ability, personality and some of : Miss Barrette's. subject; “Youth’s . selves as favoring the idea, and many Merle Jones Caudle, Coquille. the buH4,ng operations and financing, , teacher at the Washington school, has whose members are destined to make . attitude toward the future,"' if it Is others were quoted as desiring a con­ Chester Wm. Monroe Bennett. Coq. which were done by Individuals and been engaged to supervise the play- an indication of how all youth ye-’ tinuation of a Fourth celebration. • The following men from souhtern , their mark in the world; organizations,' and that the payroll ground which will be open from 10 Much has been writetn of the splen­ garde life as they stand on its thresh­ Starting to prepare for it at an Cooa county were, accepted into the was subject to the social security tax. a. m. until 5 p. m., Monday through did i>erformanee of the high school old of active participation, insures earlier date than occurred last year Navy at Portland last Saturday: A lien has been filed on the building, Friday each week and she will also bund and before presenting the di­ that tile coining generation will carry it was felt that a more varied pro­ Hugh Glen McNeil, Bandon. „ or on R, L. Stewart, treasurer, or be there during the noon hour. plomas, Mrs. I*eona Bryant, chair map on us successfully. If not more so, gram could be worked up for 1943, Scotty Winfield Shorb, Powers. the building fund. I In addition to the games provided of the board, remarked that speakers than some which huve corrie and gone although the 1942 celebration left Drmaid Allen Knight, Bridge. Mr, Berg told the council that he in the past—soft ball, basketball, preceding her had done a little brag ­ in the past. nothing to be desired. Marlin Jack Brandon and Neil would be in Portland soon and would badminton, table tennis, croquet and As was the case last year, all con- , Peart, both, of Coquille, who will re­ ging, and she fell in line with the Accompanied by Harold Willmell consult with tiie internal revenue of­ horse shoes—there will be some­ cessions and games, operated by lo- ■ port to the Sea Bees training camp in statement that the “Coquille school at the piano. Wallace Moore rendered fice over making un application for thing of more practical value for the board is tops," adding that the lady cal organizations, will be for the Norfolk, *• •••--«-*- •- splendidly a rather difficult clarinet remission of the tux, which should Virginia, ----- next - ----- week. youngsters, a Victory garden, where | member or members of a board is solo, “Wiiltze Caprice." benefit of the Community Building (Continued on page nine) ; they can plant and cultivate and supposed to have more to do with fund, and the net profit from each Mr. Dunn said he was proud tu watch things grow, It is hoped to I employing the male instructors and concession or game will be divided introduce Dean J. R. Jewell of the secure a tract for this purpose near Ithat she considered a job par ex» between the fund and the operating state system of higher ' education, ;the park. I cellence was done when Harold With» t that Coquille will celebrate again this He referred tp his own high schixil purchased a home near their store. tire Don Estes house und lot un First full through for lack of a small suin rette, who has achieved a mark of year. Their trip north was leisurely, they 1.1 for her high school course; closely graduation oration, which at a guess street to Ijtrry Lundquist. Mrs. of money. At the chamber meeting Phil Al- Los Angeles Monday i followed by Kay Leslie, Mary Maude Was a half a century ago, and which EA«s expects soon to Join Don in • Others on the commission ure born reported that he had ji^Bfar having left that night B<)rel Marilyn.’•age and Dork Ann took place In low», and the sub­ Florida where he Is a photographic Councilman C. M. Gray, who with collected »45 fqg the boat hoi£wund, morning. They stopped IX-« Uni« D Du ject of which wuh . "Tha 'Pacific with Capt. and MrS. Hale B. Eu ­ Wood. Mr. Stevens has the toilet construc­ instructor In the Navy air school. and C. G. Caughell, who had .been Ocean, Our New Mediterranean," banks and Thursday night at the In the honorable mention group Still another purchase was that by tion matter in charge; Don McCune, serving as secretary since Tallant Branstetter ranch near Ferndale in were: Robert Fraser Kline, Thomas That prediction Is now being forcibly Dr. C, L, Wltcoaky, county veterirr- secretary and with D. E. Rackleff baa Greenough left, was officially named Impress! d as we fight wtih the Japs northern California. Donald Martin, Orland Russell, Rob­ urlan, who bqught the houae built the Victory garden project in charge; for the position. ert McCarthy , Harriett Ann Toajet, , ^Continued on page nine) ; by John DornuUi ou Fourth street B. W. Dunn, in charge of playground A letter was read from the War same years ago. It Is down the hill arrangements, and J. L. Smith. Production Board repeating what has from the Elmer Benham home. been known for some time, that the government and its many bureaus, L«at Watch Is Found departments, and the armed services Eleven members of the Coquille ars still urgently in need of type- Through Sentinel Ads. B. A P. W. club returned home Sun­ writers. A new experience for the Sentinel The Smith Wood-Products plant Mrs. C. M. Hartwell, of Riverton, day afternoon from Eugene, where County Treasurer Stauff this week they went last Friday to attend the her daughter, Cherie Mae, and son. plywood, mills and all departments- was that this week of having a Riv­ mailed checks to the various munci- wiil be shut down tomorrow evening erton lady write a letter expressing Grant, returned last week-end from state B. P. W. convention. Those palities, ports and school districts. To making the trip were: Bess Maury, a trip to southern California to see until June 1 when it will resume thanks fur having helped Iter recover tier lust watch which she advertised the three ports was sent »5,118 68; to Hattie L. Holimon, Leona Bryant, Miles Hartwell, who is stationed at operations. the cities »10.784.45. and to the This is not only to give the em­ for last week. Viola Newton, Bertha J. Smith, Flor­ Santa Catalina Island. Mrs. Hart­ Of the latter With the Sentinel's largely In­ schools »97,340.77. Rodney Creager, son of Police ence Barton, Annie Robinson, Jennie well stated the occasion of their visit ployees their annual vacation but also Chief R. H. Creager, came over from Price, Leia Blrod; Ida Oerding and to him was a result of information to permit necessary repairs to be creased subscription list and its com­ amount »37,707.70 was from special he sent saying he was taking final ex­ made, and there will be quite a crew plete coverage of the valley with the school taxes levied, »36,318.81 from Marshfield this week as the new man­ Dorothy Bishop. the county school fund and »23,314.46 ager of Thornton Tire Service shop There were 175 in attendance at the aminations preparatory to his being Uywork on the repair and cleaning up Buyers' Guide, it Is by far the best here, succeeding Harold Matson who annual banquet held in the Osborne shipped to parts unknown, Upon the operations during the ten days shut- medium there is for those wishing from the elemeneary school fund. to buy, sell, exchange or recover This, due to the act of the last legis­ family's arrival they learned he had ' down. resigned the position but who is not Hotel Saturday evening. lature. is the last elementary school urticles or property. ready to announce his future plans. Two prizes were brought home by In his testa received the highest rat­ And the cost to the advertiser is fund remittance the districts will re­ Rodney is a former Coquille boy, the Coquille ladies, one the Evan­ ing of any out of the several hundred the same as it has been for several ceive. who left here 16 years ago and who geline Philbin cup for being the club finishing and instead of being shipped Of the schol funds dispersed Co­ years. was in Seattle for three years but in the state showing the most com­ out, was ordered to remain as "Sec­ quille district. No. 8, received slightly has been on the Bay the greater part munity activity during the past year, tion Leader," in comamnd'of 80 men. more than $20.000 and the city of Co­ Second Son For Major of the time. He is married and has and the other based on its report of Miles is in the Engineers Corps and Ralph Taylor and Luckey Bonney quille »1100. two children but until he can sell in the club’s war activities as shown rates Fireman First Class. I have so far escaped being pinched And Mrs. Brodie Miles owns a ranch at Riverton, Marshfield and find a place here in in the interesting scrapbook made Mrs, laiVIna Finley received word which his mother, along with her on a “salmon snagging" charge. They Monday evening from Temple, Texas, Assisting School Clerks In which to live, his family will remain up by Eva Stevens were in adjoining boats down on the I Silver Fox ranch, is operating for him in Marshfield. advising her of the arrival of a sec­ Preparing For Budget Time Rogue last week-end and Ralph, for 1 while he is away.* ond grandson. The baby is named County School Superintendent w Before I going away Miles had con- some strange reason, hooked a fish Mrs. Ellingsen Visits Son James Eldon Brodie, was born May Mulkey and County Auditor Wann in the stomach, When It came up to ' siejeruble training in the proper use 17 and weighed 6'j pounds. His. huve held fiye half-day conferences And Daughter in California of firearms and because of this early the boat Luckey gaffed it and both purenta, Major and Mrs. Darrell Mrs. Pear) Ellingsen, city librarian, with school clerks of the county this men tried to grab the fish with tbelr L. A. Lundquist was chosen to head boyhood training he has ranked as hands but it dropped between the Brodie, named him after his two month, assisting them in getting a returned Monday night by Greyhound one of the top gunners* in machine uncles, James Agostino and Eldon knowledge of the new laws in re­ from a ten day visit with her daugh­ the Rotary Club for the coming year gup, submarine guqrtknd the Spring­ boats and beat a fast tempo tattoo Brodie. ter, Mrs. Herb Van Zant, of Sausalito, by the directors elected at a recent gard to budgets. The meetings were on the boats as it switched Its tall field target range practice. Chlif. Mrs. Tallant Greenough drove meeting. Other officers are; J, H held in Coquille, Myrtle Point, Ban­ between them; And--It got away. That Miles Hartwell represents u her mother south and after spending Barton, vice president; H<>de Caughell, There Were 37 Oregon High don, North Bend and Marshfield. type <>( boy we like to think can grow a few days at Sausalito, went on to secretary and treasurer, and I.udwig Mr. Wann says that nearly all up in this section, these facts seem which she received on Mother’s Day. Schools In State Meet Camp Beale. Calif., where her hus­ •charter, sergeant-at-arms. The type made the Sentinel say school districts will have a much his pride of her is well matched. pertinent: He is now just 21 years G. B. Haugen, M D.. State Board of band is stationed. She was fortunate lower levy than heretofore and men­ old: when he was 14 he won, not With all.the responsibility of running last week that Coquille placed sixth to secure a position as librarian in Health psychiatrist and also pro­ tions Bridge S. D. No. 77, where the only the Coos eounty championship, her own business, that of raising and . at the state track meet in Eugene one of the six libraries at the post. fessor of the Oregon Medical School, only tax the property owners will The number of marketing silver foxes, the running ■ the week before, but later that of Southern Oregon Two of the week-ends Theodore El­ gave a brief but very interesting talk have to pay is the approximately 15 In tije speaking contest of the Futuge of her son's ranch, she some way high schools participating was 37. lingsen spent with his mother and on the nervous system reactions on | not seven, and Coquilh^a position was mills of county tax. i Farmers of America. The following has strength left on every Saturady sister. Theodore is in a quart* r- ¡the soldiers and sailors in the pres­ year he and his brother won the night to take over us an observer at won by two boys—Wally Moore and masters school of the Coast Guard ent conflict under the modern condi­ statewide speaking and demonstra­ the station of Interceptors’ Command I Jack McCracken. tions of total war. The doctor cited much, his mother and likes it very tion contest in competition with rep­ headquarters below Riverton. There stated. Mrs. Van Zant, the former instances in the torpedoing of ships resentatives from fifty-two high she watches Intu the night, and will­ Monday, May 31, To Be Pauline Ellingsen, has a secretarial ! and also in the terrific fighUng on schools in the state, Miles finished ingly, the last full montents of her Observed As Memorial Day position in one of the offices of the Guadalcanal during the first months I high school |n three years and, during busy week. Her boy's letter follows: Marine shipyards, while her husband of the occupation as told to him at a ! Coquille's three schools have pur­ Memorial Day will be observed his senior year, was president of the is at Camp Haan, near Loa Angles. recent convention in Detroit by doc- , as usual in Coquille week after next chased the past year »10,573.25 worth I Future Farmers of America Evening shadows begin tu mark having just recently been inducted, i tors who were actually on ,h *' the and all places of business have ugiwd I of war savings stamps, most of them group; president of his senior class the end of the greatest day of the scene. i to close on Monday. May 30th falls being now converted into bonds. Rotarian guests present were and president of the Riverton high year, I need not slate, nor need you on Sunday this year and Monday . Junior High led the three schools, Pioneer Church Filled For ' to guess that this is the day we eom- with total purchases of »3,748. The Bren Starcher, of Medford; Henry ................ will be observed as the holiday. Baccalaureate Services requested that his mother send memorate the memory of .our first Schroeder, of Myrtle Point, and i John | Miles ‘ high school students were next with. I T The Baccalaureate services of Co- Ferguson, of Marshfield. Other <------- Sreetings to all the boys in the Fir and dearest sweetheart, Mother Mr. and Mrs. A L. Hnoton last. .,3’57.,);2!L*2*1. Washington P^i|g " This year more than any other in quille High were very largely at- guests were Perry Walbridge, of Eu- ^lU, department at Smith W»*d- '■ ■ »f ■ I sr-x *^»3» " frv, twfe Itartncia iiln i ihiainiWiiinMirtMkM began purchasing in January this be remembered kindly to Noble and guided and guarded by God's Marshfield, to their home Jusf nort|| year, while the other two began last Greene delivered a discourse very Chowning and Bard Keener, Also he messengers. For there are many of town. Arthur will continue his September. • Southwestern Motors .sent greetings to Dr, and Mrs. Rich- hundreds ____ __________ appropriate to the occasion. . of _____ thousands of our . boys- work at the shipyards on the Bay. Did Not Have Them - Imond, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Knife, Mr 'yea, and girls, U»o,—that were forced driving back and forth each day. Li Home Demonstration Unit Twice last week an official of the | and Mrs. Frank I*esMe, Mr. and Mrs. by ‘ Mrs. Stella Cutlip and Mrs. E. D. powers far beyond our present To Meet Next Wednesday “African Victory” day, as pro"- Duncan, of Cooa Bay, were in Co­ Kaiser shipbuilding corporation at Levi Bunch, to Sergeant Larson, to control, to be away from the pres­ Portland called Iris A. Elrod, mana­ Jack and Clair Hultin, Mrs. Oerding ence of their mothers this gracious claimed by Gov. Earl Snell, was ob­ The Coquille home demonstration quille on Tuesday. ger of the Southwestern Motors Chev­ and her Epworth Leaguers, to Rev. day. served in Coquille yesterday by the unit will meet at the home of Mrs. __ , _ of f the the Ration's Ration's flag L. W Oddy, S15 W. Sth St., Wednes­ May all of Heaven’s blessings be universal display Sane, sensible, scriptural evan­ rolet and Buick agency in Couqille, and Mrs. Chas. G. Brown. No day, May 26, at one o’clock. The dem­ Mrs. Hartwell is justly proud of with you, and guide you. Dearest all over the businessrs#cti.>n. gelist campaign. Church of Christ, to find if it were possible to buy May 2 to May 23. Willie White, cars and trucks here. The inquiry this fine son but it shpuld be pre­ Mother, until with God's help we program of any kind had been ar- onstration will be on the square deal sumed that from the following letter meet again. With love, always. Miles ranged. meal, with Dorothy Bishop in charge. 15t 4s stated that five cars were needed. 6 men's evangelist, leading. F .1 Coquillians Home From So. California L $475 Lien Filed On Building Fund 56 Coquille High School Seniors Heard Dean J. R. Jewell Last Evening And Received Their Coveted Diplomas Eleven B.P.W. Ladies Visits Son In Bring Two Prizes Southern California Coquille Property Is Being Sold Plant To Be Closed Ten Days Co. Treasurer flails Out $113,243.90 ~ NeW Manager At Thornton's Tire Shop Not Pinched For Snagging Yet Lundquist To Head Rotary Club Schools Here Buy \ $10,573 In Stamps .• r > » a